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Field strength:  Mean: 1445 MP  Geomean: 792 MP
(based on 92 players, 2 non ACBL players ignored)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Edward Texel - John Grossmann 65.71 1st OA 2.40
Gordon Jensen - Nadine Quigley 64.92 2nd OA 1.80
Judy Hummel - Robert Wingeard 64.55 3rd OA 1.35
Dennis Goldston - Laurie Beattie 60.78 4th OA 1.01
Ann Parker - Ayako Harada 59.78 1st OB 1.28
Marian Brockett - Sarah Calkins 59.39 1st SA 1.20
Anna Moore - William Moore 58.56 2nd SA 0.84
David Ruttner - James Black 58.32 2nd SA 0.84
Stephanie Jensen - Valerie Kaberna 57.26 1st SB 0.64
E Dola Clark - Jerry Curtright 55.27 4th SA 0.42
Joseph Monroe - Sallie Monroe 54.41 1st OC 0.48
Jean Seale - Margaret Westrope 54.27 2nd SB 0.45
Cindi Brown - Nancy Hannah 53.51 3rd SB 0.32
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Brian Hegarty - Judy Bredall 51.55 2nd SA 0.84
Helen Thomas - Judy Hood 51.48 3rd OC 0.27
Chris Champion - Susan Krassy 51.12 5th SA 0.24
Brith Bachenheimer - Sam Taylor 49.99 3rd SB 0.32
Jack Rinehart - Robert Siegel 49.97 3rd SA 0.60
Arleen Rowley - Edson Rowley Jr 49.47 4th SA 0.42
Brigitte Bunevich - Clement Jacobson 49.19 5th SA 0.24
Joyce Truitt - Myrna Heimer 48.94 3rd SA 0.60
James Cole - Toshiko Yingst 48.78 4th SA 0.42
Janet Musser - Leon Musser 46.91 1st SC 0.16
Leaann Protko - Susan Callahan 46.73 2nd SB 0.45
Ann Couch - Diane Black 46.34 3rd SB 0.32
EVENT>Wednesday Afternoon Pairs|SESSION>Wednesday Aft|SECTION> A N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>June 6, 2012       |CLUB NO.>233700    | 06/06/2012 15:56
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Shirley Scott   |RATING>Club Masterpoint (100%, 80%, 80% Open)|MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=4                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Jean Collins           Joseph Santa             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    207.77  45.27          
 2 John Johns             Susan Wong               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    203.74  44.39          
 3 Jerry Curtright        E Dola Clark             A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    253.70  55.27  0.42(SA)
 4 Jean Seale             Margaret Westrope        C   .     6     2   |   5     2     1    249.11  54.27  0.45(SB)
 5 Marieanne Davison      Mary Wills               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    226.33  49.31          
 6 Rob Lorck              Thomas Goings            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    239.56  52.19          
 7 Judy Hood              Helen Thomas             C   .     .     3   |   .     .     2    236.30  51.48  0.27(OC)
 8 Valerie Kaberna        Stephanie Jensen         B   .     4     .   |   3     1     .    262.82  57.26  0.64(SB)
 9 Gordon Jensen          Nadine Quigley           A   2     .     .   |   1     .     .    297.96  64.92  1.80(OA)
10 Nancy Hannah           Cindi Brown              B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .    245.63  53.51  0.32(SB)
11 David Ruttner          James Black              A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    267.71  58.32  0.84(SA)
12 Sandra Gentry          Carol Raabe              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    204.06  44.46          
                                          Totals                                           2894.69       

EVENT>Wednesday Afternoon Pairs|SESSION>Wednesday Aft|SECTION> A E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Jerry Baur             Rebecca Gilbert          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    203.73  44.39          
 2 Ann Couch              Diane Black              B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .    212.68  46.34  0.32(SB)
 3 Toshiko Yingst         James Cole               A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    223.92  48.78  0.42(SA)
 4 Darlene Braak          Mary Calvin              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    211.17  46.01          
 5 Victor Wells           Bob Somppi               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    175.75  38.29          
 6 Myrna Heimer           Joyce Truitt             A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    224.64  48.94  0.60(SA)
 7 Jan Dwyer              Kay Malowney             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    204.19  44.49          
 8 John Thorpe            Wendy Turk               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    212.56  46.31          
 9 Judy Bredall           Brian Hegarty            A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    236.60  51.55  0.84(SA)
10 Sarah Calkins          Marian Brockett          B   6     2     .   |   1     1     .    272.61  59.39  1.20(SA)
11 Susan Callahan         Leaann Protko            C   .     .     .   |   5     2     1    214.48  46.73  0.45(SB)
                                          Totals                                           2392.33       

EVENT>Wednesday Afternoon Pairs|SESSION>Wednesday Aft|SECTION> B N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=7/C=2                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Leon Musser            Janet Musser             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1    215.33  46.91  0.16(SC)
 2 Arleen Rowley          Edson Rowley Jr          B   .     .     .   |   4     3     .    227.05  49.47  0.42(SA)
 3 Nick Olberding         Sally Shepard            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    224.72  48.96          
 4 William Moore          Anna Moore               B   .     3     .   |   2     1     .    268.80  58.56  0.84(SA)
 5 Robert Siegel          Jack Rinehart            B   .     .     .   |   3     2     .    229.35  49.97  0.60(SA)
 6 Betty Kennedy          Jane Rothwell            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    212.41  46.28          
 7 Mary Alice Ayling      Karol McLean             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    119.05  25.94          
 8 Brigitte Bunevich      Clement Jacobson         B   .     .     .   |   5     .     .    225.80  49.19  0.24(SA)
 9 Inna Malyshev          William Nabors           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    166.48  36.27          
10 Margie Schrader        Miriam Feinberg          A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    211.85  46.15          
11 Edward Texel           John Grossmann           A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    301.63  65.71  2.40(OA)
12 Gibson Hazard          Joan Hazard              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    218.81  47.67          
                                          Totals                                           2621.28       

EVENT>Wednesday Afternoon Pairs|SESSION>Wednesday Aft|SECTION> B E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Ann Parker             Ayako Harada             B   5     1     .   |   3     1     .    274.38  59.78  1.28(OB)
 2 Paul La Crosse         Wayne Heinke             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    206.87  45.07          
 3 Dennis Goldston        Laurie Beattie           A   4     .     .   |   2     .     .    278.96  60.78  1.01(OA)
 4 Joseph Monroe          Sallie Monroe            C   .     5     1   |   4     2     1    249.75  54.41  0.48(OC)
 5 Gerry Brenner          Frances Hill             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    226.74  49.40          
 6 Chris Champion         Susan Krassy             A   .     .     .   |   5     .     .    234.65  51.12  0.24(SA)
 7 Sam Taylor             Brith Bachenheimer       C   .     .     4   |   .     3     .    229.46  49.99  0.32(SB)
 8 Leigh Shallenberger    Eva Johnson              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    227.84  49.64          
 9 Bonnie Bagley          B Davis                  A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    225.64  49.16          
10 Rosemarie Johnson      Wojtek Rychlik           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    212.11  46.21          
11 Robert Wingeard        Judy Hummel              A   3     .     .   |   1     .     .    296.29  64.55  1.35(OA)
12 Frank Shannon          Linda Shannon            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    222.59  48.49          
                                          Totals                                           2885.28       

1 Dlr: North
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  100         16.44   0.56 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  100         16.44   0.56 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
         50   14.32   2.68 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
         50   14.32   2.68 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        100   12.21   4.79 A5-Davison-Wills vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        100   12.21   4.79 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        200   10.62   6.38 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        230    9.56   7.44 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        420    6.38  10.62 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        420    6.38  10.62 B1-Musser-Musser vs B1-Parker-Harada
        420    6.38  10.62 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        420    6.38  10.62 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        420    6.38  10.62 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        450    3.21  13.79 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        480    1.62  15.38 A1-Collins-Santa vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        480    1.62  15.38 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        690    0.03  16.97 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
2 Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  620         16.97   0.03 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        170   15.38   1.62 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        170   15.38   1.62 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        420    6.91  10.09 A1-Collins-Santa vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        420    6.91  10.09 A5-Davison-Wills vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        420    6.91  10.09 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        420    6.91  10.09 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        420    6.91  10.09 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        420    6.91  10.09 B1-Musser-Musser vs B1-Parker-Harada
        420    6.91  10.09 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        420    6.91  10.09 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        420    6.91  10.09 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        420    6.91  10.09 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        420    6.91  10.09 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        420    6.91  10.09 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        420    6.91  10.09 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        420    6.91  10.09 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
3 Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200         16.44   0.56 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  200         16.44   0.56 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
  110         14.32   2.68 A1-Collins-Santa vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  110         14.32   2.68 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  100         10.09   6.91 A5-Davison-Wills vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  100         10.09   6.91 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  100         10.09   6.91 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  100         10.09   6.91 B1-Musser-Musser vs B1-Parker-Harada
  100         10.09   6.91 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  100         10.09   6.91 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B5-Brenner-Hill
         50    5.32  11.68 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
         50    5.32  11.68 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
         50    5.32  11.68 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        100    2.68  14.32 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        100    2.68  14.32 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        110    1.09  15.91 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        200    0.03  16.97 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
4 Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  400         15.38   1.62 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  400         15.38   1.62 B1-Musser-Musser vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  400         15.38   1.62 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  400         15.38   1.62 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B1-Parker-Harada
  300          9.56   7.44 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  300          9.56   7.44 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  300          9.56   7.44 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  300          9.56   7.44 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  300          9.56   7.44 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  300          9.56   7.44 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  300          9.56   7.44 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  200          4.26  12.74 A2-Johns-Wong vs A2-Couch-Black
  200          4.26  12.74 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  200          4.26  12.74 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  100          1.62  15.38 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  100          1.62  15.38 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        110    0.03  16.97 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
5 Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  620         15.38   1.62 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  620         15.38   1.62 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  620         15.38   1.62 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  620         15.38   1.62 B1-Musser-Musser vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  500         12.74   4.26 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  300         11.15   5.85 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  300         11.15   5.85 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  200          9.56   7.44 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  170          5.85  11.15 A2-Johns-Wong vs A2-Couch-Black
  170          5.85  11.15 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  170          5.85  11.15 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  170          5.85  11.15 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
  170          5.85  11.15 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  170          5.85  11.15 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  100          2.15  14.85 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
   50          1.09  15.91 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        400    0.03  16.97 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B1-Parker-Harada
6 Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  490         16.97   0.03 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  460         15.38   1.62 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  460         15.38   1.62 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B1-Parker-Harada
  430         12.21   4.79 B1-Musser-Musser vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  430         12.21   4.79 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  430         12.21   4.79 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  430         12.21   4.79 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  420          9.56   7.44 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  400          7.97   9.03 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  400          7.97   9.03 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
  210          6.38  10.62 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  170          5.32  11.68 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  130          4.26  12.74 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  110          3.21  13.79 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
         50    2.15  14.85 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        100    1.09  15.91 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        150    0.03  16.97 A2-Johns-Wong vs A2-Couch-Black
7 Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200         16.44   0.56 A1-Collins-Santa vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  200         16.44   0.56 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  140         14.32   2.68 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  140         14.32   2.68 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  110         11.68   5.32 A2-Johns-Wong vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  110         11.68   5.32 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A2-Couch-Black
  110         11.68   5.32 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  100          9.56   7.44 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
   90          8.50   8.50 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        100    6.38  10.62 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        100    6.38  10.62 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B1-Parker-Harada
        100    6.38  10.62 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        140    3.74  13.26 B1-Musser-Musser vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        140    3.74  13.26 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        200    1.62  15.38 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        200    1.62  15.38 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        300    0.03  16.97 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
8 Dlr: West
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  650         16.97   0.03 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
  480         14.85   2.15 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A2-Couch-Black
  480         14.85   2.15 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  480         14.85   2.15 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  450         11.68   5.32 A1-Collins-Santa vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  450         11.68   5.32 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  450         11.68   5.32 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  100          7.44   9.56 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  100          7.44   9.56 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  100          7.44   9.56 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  100          7.44   9.56 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B1-Parker-Harada
  100          7.44   9.56 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B5-Brenner-Hill
   50          3.74  13.26 A2-Johns-Wong vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
   50          3.74  13.26 B1-Musser-Musser vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
         50    2.15  14.85 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        100    1.09  15.91 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        420    0.03  16.97 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
9 Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  110         16.44   0.56 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  110         16.44   0.56 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A2-Couch-Black
         50   12.74   4.26 A2-Johns-Wong vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
         50   12.74   4.26 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
         50   12.74   4.26 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B5-Brenner-Hill
         50   12.74   4.26 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
         50   12.74   4.26 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        100    7.44   9.56 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        100    7.44   9.56 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        100    7.44   9.56 B1-Musser-Musser vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        100    7.44   9.56 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        100    7.44   9.56 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        150    4.26  12.74 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        300    2.68  14.32 A1-Collins-Santa vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        300    2.68  14.32 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B1-Parker-Harada
        670    1.09  15.91 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        800    0.03  16.97 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A3-Yingst-Cole
10 Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  630         15.38   1.62 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  630         15.38   1.62 B1-Musser-Musser vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  630         15.38   1.62 B4-Moore-Moore vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  630         15.38   1.62 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  130         12.74   4.26 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  110         11.68   5.32 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        100    9.03   7.97 A1-Collins-Santa vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        100    9.03   7.97 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        100    9.03   7.97 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        100    9.03   7.97 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B1-Parker-Harada
        200    3.74  13.26 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        200    3.74  13.26 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        200    3.74  13.26 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        200    3.74  13.26 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        200    3.74  13.26 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        200    3.74  13.26 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        300    0.03  16.97 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A2-Couch-Black
11 Dlr: South
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  400         16.97   0.03 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  170         14.85   2.15 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A2-Couch-Black
  170         14.85   2.15 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  170         14.85   2.15 B1-Musser-Musser vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  150         12.74   4.26 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  140          9.03   7.97 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  140          9.03   7.97 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  140          9.03   7.97 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  140          9.03   7.97 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  140          9.03   7.97 B4-Moore-Moore vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  140          9.03   7.97 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
  110          4.79  12.21 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  110          4.79  12.21 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
         50    2.68  14.32 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B1-Parker-Harada
         50    2.68  14.32 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        100    1.09  15.91 A1-Collins-Santa vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        110    0.03  16.97 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
12 Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50         16.97   0.03 B4-Moore-Moore vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
         90   15.91   1.09 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        110   14.32   2.68 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        110   14.32   2.68 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        140    9.03   7.97 A1-Collins-Santa vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        140    9.03   7.97 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        140    9.03   7.97 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        140    9.03   7.97 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        140    9.03   7.97 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        140    9.03   7.97 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        140    9.03   7.97 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        140    9.03   7.97 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        170    3.74  13.26 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A2-Couch-Black
        170    3.74  13.26 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        200    1.62  15.38 B1-Musser-Musser vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        200    1.62  15.38 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B1-Parker-Harada
        800    0.03  16.97 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
13 Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200         16.97   0.03 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        110   15.91   1.09 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        140   12.74   4.26 A2-Johns-Wong vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        140   12.74   4.26 A5-Davison-Wills vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        140   12.74   4.26 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A2-Couch-Black
        140   12.74   4.26 B1-Musser-Musser vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        140   12.74   4.26 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        170    7.44   9.56 A1-Collins-Santa vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        170    7.44   9.56 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        170    7.44   9.56 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        170    7.44   9.56 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        170    7.44   9.56 B4-Moore-Moore vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        200    3.21  13.79 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        200    3.21  13.79 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        200    3.21  13.79 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        300    1.09  15.91 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B1-Parker-Harada
        630    0.03  16.97 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
14 Dlr: East
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  100         16.97   0.03 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
   50         15.91   1.09 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A2-Couch-Black
        110   14.85   2.15 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        130   13.79   3.21 A5-Davison-Wills vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        140   12.74   4.26 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        150   11.68   5.32 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        300   10.62   6.38 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        400    9.03   7.97 B4-Moore-Moore vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        400    9.03   7.97 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        430    5.32  11.68 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        430    5.32  11.68 B1-Musser-Musser vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        430    5.32  11.68 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        430    5.32  11.68 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        430    5.32  11.68 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        460    1.09  15.91 A1-Collins-Santa vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        460    1.09  15.91 A2-Johns-Wong vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        460    1.09  15.91 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B1-Parker-Harada
15 Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  790         16.97   0.03 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  680         15.91   1.09 A1-Collins-Santa vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  620         13.26   3.74 A2-Johns-Wong vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  620         13.26   3.74 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  620         13.26   3.74 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B1-Parker-Harada
  620         13.26   3.74 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  170          9.03   7.97 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A2-Couch-Black
  170          9.03   7.97 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  170          9.03   7.97 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  170          9.03   7.97 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  140          6.38  10.62 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
   50          5.32  11.68 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        100    2.68  14.32 A5-Davison-Wills vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        100    2.68  14.32 B1-Musser-Musser vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        100    2.68  14.32 B4-Moore-Moore vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        100    2.68  14.32 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        420    0.03  16.97 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
16 Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  400         16.97   0.03 A1-Collins-Santa vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  200         14.32   2.68 A5-Davison-Wills vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  200         14.32   2.68 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  200         14.32   2.68 B1-Musser-Musser vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  200         14.32   2.68 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  100          7.97   9.03 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A2-Couch-Black
  100          7.97   9.03 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  100          7.97   9.03 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  100          7.97   9.03 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  100          7.97   9.03 B4-Moore-Moore vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  100          7.97   9.03 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  100          7.97   9.03 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
  100          7.97   9.03 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B5-Brenner-Hill
         50    3.21  13.79 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        620    1.09  15.91 A2-Johns-Wong vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        620    1.09  15.91 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        620    1.09  15.91 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B1-Parker-Harada
17 Dlr: North
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  110         16.97   0.03 B4-Moore-Moore vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
   50         11.68   5.32 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A2-Couch-Black
   50         11.68   5.32 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
   50         11.68   5.32 B1-Musser-Musser vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
   50         11.68   5.32 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
   50         11.68   5.32 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
   50         11.68   5.32 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
   50         11.68   5.32 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B6-Champion-Krassy
   50         11.68   5.32 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B1-Parker-Harada
   50         11.68   5.32 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B5-Brenner-Hill
         50    6.38  10.62 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A3-Yingst-Cole
         80    5.32  11.68 A5-Davison-Wills vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        100    4.26  12.74 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        110    1.62  15.38 A1-Collins-Santa vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        110    1.62  15.38 A2-Johns-Wong vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        110    1.62  15.38 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        110    1.62  15.38 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
18 Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  500         16.97   0.03 B4-Moore-Moore vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  150         12.74   4.26 A2-Johns-Wong vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  150         12.74   4.26 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A2-Couch-Black
  150         12.74   4.26 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  150         12.74   4.26 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  150         12.74   4.26 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  150         12.74   4.26 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
  150         12.74   4.26 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  100          6.91  10.09 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  100          6.91  10.09 B1-Musser-Musser vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  100          6.91  10.09 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  100          6.91  10.09 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B1-Parker-Harada
   50          2.15  14.85 A1-Collins-Santa vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
   50          2.15  14.85 A5-Davison-Wills vs A4-Braak-Calvin
   50          2.15  14.85 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A5-Wells-Somppi
   50          2.15  14.85 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
   50          2.15  14.85 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
19 Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  280         17.00   0.00 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  200         16.00   1.00 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  150         15.00   2.00 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  130         14.00   3.00 B1-Musser-Musser vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  100         12.00   5.00 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  100         12.00   5.00 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  100         12.00   5.00 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B5-Brenner-Hill
         50   10.00   7.00 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A2-Couch-Black
        100    9.00   8.00 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        110    8.00   9.00 B4-Moore-Moore vs B1-Parker-Harada
        140    4.50  12.50 A1-Collins-Santa vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        140    4.50  12.50 A5-Davison-Wills vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        140    4.50  12.50 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        140    4.50  12.50 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        140    4.50  12.50 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        140    4.50  12.50 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        300    1.00  16.00 A2-Johns-Wong vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        620    0.00  17.00 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
20 Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200         17.00   0.00 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        130   14.50   2.50 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        130   14.50   2.50 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        130   14.50   2.50 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A2-Couch-Black
        130   14.50   2.50 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        150   12.00   5.00 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        630    6.50  10.50 A1-Collins-Santa vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        630    6.50  10.50 A2-Johns-Wong vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        630    6.50  10.50 A5-Davison-Wills vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        630    6.50  10.50 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        630    6.50  10.50 B1-Musser-Musser vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        630    6.50  10.50 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        630    6.50  10.50 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        630    6.50  10.50 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        630    6.50  10.50 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        630    6.50  10.50 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        660    0.50  16.50 B4-Moore-Moore vs B1-Parker-Harada
        660    0.50  16.50 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
21 Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  690         17.00   0.00 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  660         15.50   1.50 A5-Davison-Wills vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  660         15.50   1.50 B4-Moore-Moore vs B1-Parker-Harada
  630         13.00   4.00 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  630         13.00   4.00 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
  630         13.00   4.00 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  600         10.50   6.50 A2-Johns-Wong vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  600         10.50   6.50 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A2-Couch-Black
  210          9.00   8.00 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  130          8.00   9.00 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  110          6.50  10.50 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  110          6.50  10.50 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        100    4.50  12.50 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        100    4.50  12.50 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        200    2.50  14.50 A1-Collins-Santa vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        200    2.50  14.50 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        300    0.50  16.50 B1-Musser-Musser vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        300    0.50  16.50 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
22 Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  490         16.44   0.56 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  490         16.44   0.56 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  460         13.26   3.74 A2-Johns-Wong vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  460         13.26   3.74 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  460         13.26   3.74 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  460         13.26   3.74 B4-Moore-Moore vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  430          6.91  10.09 A1-Collins-Santa vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  430          6.91  10.09 A5-Davison-Wills vs A2-Couch-Black
  430          6.91  10.09 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  430          6.91  10.09 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  430          6.91  10.09 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  430          6.91  10.09 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  430          6.91  10.09 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  430          6.91  10.09 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
  210          2.15  14.85 B1-Musser-Musser vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  150          1.09  15.91 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B6-Champion-Krassy
         50    0.03  16.97 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A4-Braak-Calvin
23 Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  800         16.97   0.03 B4-Moore-Moore vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  600         14.85   2.15 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  600         14.85   2.15 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  600         14.85   2.15 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  150         10.62   6.38 A2-Johns-Wong vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  150         10.62   6.38 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  150         10.62   6.38 A5-Davison-Wills vs A2-Couch-Black
  150         10.62   6.38 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  150         10.62   6.38 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  130          5.85  11.15 A1-Collins-Santa vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  130          5.85  11.15 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  130          5.85  11.15 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  130          5.85  11.15 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        100    1.62  15.38 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        100    1.62  15.38 B1-Musser-Musser vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        100    1.62  15.38 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        100    1.62  15.38 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
24 Dlr: West
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  420         16.44   0.56 A1-Collins-Santa vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  420         16.44   0.56 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  400         14.85   2.15 B4-Moore-Moore vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  300         13.79   3.21 B1-Musser-Musser vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  200         12.21   4.79 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  200         12.21   4.79 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  170         10.62   6.38 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  150          9.03   7.97 A5-Davison-Wills vs A2-Couch-Black
  150          9.03   7.97 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  140          7.44   9.56 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  100          6.38  10.62 A2-Johns-Wong vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
         50    3.21  13.79 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
         50    3.21  13.79 A12-Gentry-Raabe vs A3-Yingst-Cole
         50    3.21  13.79 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
         50    3.21  13.79 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
         50    3.21  13.79 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        100    0.03  16.97 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B6-Champion-Krassy
25 Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200         15.50   1.50 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  200         15.50   1.50 A5-Davison-Wills vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  200         15.50   1.50 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  200         15.50   1.50 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  100         13.00   4.00 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        170   10.50   6.50 A1-Collins-Santa vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        170   10.50   6.50 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        170   10.50   6.50 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        170   10.50   6.50 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        200    7.00  10.00 A2-Johns-Wong vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        200    7.00  10.00 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        200    7.00  10.00 B4-Moore-Moore vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        260    5.00  12.00 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        650    2.00  15.00 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        650    2.00  15.00 B1-Musser-Musser vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        650    2.00  15.00 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B1-Parker-Harada
        650    2.00  15.00 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        650    2.00  15.00 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
26 Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  650         17.00   0.00 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  630         16.00   1.00 B4-Moore-Moore vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
  620         15.00   2.00 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B1-Parker-Harada
  600         13.00   4.00 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  600         13.00   4.00 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  600         13.00   4.00 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
  200         10.00   7.00 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  200         10.00   7.00 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  200         10.00   7.00 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  170          7.50   9.50 A1-Collins-Santa vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  170          7.50   9.50 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        100    4.50  12.50 A5-Davison-Wills vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        100    4.50  12.50 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        100    4.50  12.50 B1-Musser-Musser vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        100    4.50  12.50 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        300    1.50  15.50 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        300    1.50  15.50 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        500    0.00  17.00 A2-Johns-Wong vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
27 Dlr: South
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  400         17.00   0.00 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  170         15.00   2.00 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  170         15.00   2.00 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  170         15.00   2.00 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  150         11.50   5.50 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  150         11.50   5.50 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  150         11.50   5.50 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  150         11.50   5.50 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  120          8.50   8.50 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  120          8.50   8.50 B4-Moore-Moore vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
  110          6.00  11.00 A1-Collins-Santa vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  110          6.00  11.00 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  110          6.00  11.00 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
  100          3.50  13.50 A5-Davison-Wills vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  100          3.50  13.50 B1-Musser-Musser vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
   50          2.00  15.00 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B9-Bagley-Davis
    PASS       1.00  16.00 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B1-Parker-Harada
        120    0.00  17.00 A2-Johns-Wong vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
28 Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  710         16.38   0.63 A2-Johns-Wong vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  710         16.38   0.63 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  690         14.69   2.31 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  680         10.75   6.25 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  680         10.75   6.25 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  680         10.75   6.25 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  680         10.75   6.25 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  680         10.75   6.25 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  680         10.75   6.25 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  AVE   AVE    8.50   8.50 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  660          6.25  10.75 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  660          6.25  10.75 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  650          3.44  13.56 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  650          3.44  13.56 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  650          3.44  13.56 B4-Moore-Moore vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  620          1.19  15.81 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        100    0.06  16.94 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A2-Couch-Black
29 Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
 1370         16.44   0.56 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B5-Brenner-Hill
 1370         16.44   0.56 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  950         14.85   2.15 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  630         13.79   3.21 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  620         11.68   5.32 A2-Johns-Wong vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  620         11.68   5.32 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  620         11.68   5.32 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  600          7.44   9.56 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  600          7.44   9.56 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A2-Couch-Black
  600          7.44   9.56 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  600          7.44   9.56 B4-Moore-Moore vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  600          7.44   9.56 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  500          4.26  12.74 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  170          1.62  15.38 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  170          1.62  15.38 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  170          1.62  15.38 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  170          1.62  15.38 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
30 Dlr: East
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  630         16.94   0.06 A2-Johns-Wong vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  200         15.25   1.75 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A2-Couch-Black
  200         15.25   1.75 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  150         11.88   5.13 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  150         11.88   5.13 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  150         11.88   5.13 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  150         11.88   5.13 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  100          6.81  10.19 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  100          6.81  10.19 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  100          6.81  10.19 B4-Moore-Moore vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  100          6.81  10.19 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
  100          6.81  10.19 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
   50          2.31  14.69 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
   50          2.31  14.69 B2-Rowley-Rowley Jr vs B5-Brenner-Hill
   50          2.31  14.69 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        400    0.06  16.94 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
31 Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  600         17.00   0.00 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  150         14.50   2.50 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  150         14.50   2.50 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B5-Brenner-Hill
  150         14.50   2.50 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  150         14.50   2.50 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  130          9.00   8.00 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
  130          9.00   8.00 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  130          9.00   8.00 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A5-Wells-Somppi
  130          9.00   8.00 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  130          9.00   8.00 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  130          9.00   8.00 B4-Moore-Moore vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  130          9.00   8.00 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B1-Parker-Harada
  110          5.00  12.00 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
    PASS       3.50  13.50 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
    PASS       3.50  13.50 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        100    1.00  16.00 A5-Davison-Wills vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        100    1.00  16.00 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        100    1.00  16.00 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
32 Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200         17.00   0.00 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  100         14.00   3.00 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  100         14.00   3.00 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A3-Yingst-Cole
  100         14.00   3.00 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  100         14.00   3.00 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B1-Parker-Harada
  100         14.00   3.00 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B9-Bagley-Davis
         50   10.50   6.50 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
         50   10.50   6.50 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A11-Callahan-Protko
         90    9.00   8.00 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        100    7.00  10.00 A5-Davison-Wills vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        100    7.00  10.00 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A5-Wells-Somppi
        100    7.00  10.00 B4-Moore-Moore vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        110    3.50  13.50 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        110    3.50  13.50 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        110    3.50  13.50 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        110    3.50  13.50 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        150    0.50  16.50 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        150    0.50  16.50 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
33 Dlr: North
Vul: None
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
         50   16.50   0.50 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A5-Wells-Somppi
         50   16.50   0.50 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        100   12.50   4.50 A3-Curtright-Clark vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        100   12.50   4.50 A5-Davison-Wills vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        100   12.50   4.50 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        100   12.50   4.50 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B5-Brenner-Hill
        100   12.50   4.50 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        100   12.50   4.50 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        110    9.00   8.00 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        120    8.00   9.00 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A1-Baur-Gilbert
        150    5.00  12.00 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A3-Yingst-Cole
        150    5.00  12.00 B3-Olberding-Shepard vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        150    5.00  12.00 B4-Moore-Moore vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        150    5.00  12.00 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        150    5.00  12.00 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        200    2.00  15.00 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B3-Goldston-Beattie
        530    0.50  16.50 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        530    0.50  16.50 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B1-Parker-Harada
34 Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  790         16.97   0.03 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
  650         14.32   2.68 A5-Davison-Wills vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
  650         14.32   2.68 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A4-Braak-Calvin
  650         14.32   2.68 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
  650         14.32   2.68 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
  620         11.68   5.32 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
  500         10.09   6.91 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
  500         10.09   6.91 B4-Moore-Moore vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
  200          6.91  10.09 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
  200          6.91  10.09 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
  200          6.91  10.09 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B6-Champion-Krassy
  200          6.91  10.09 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
  170          3.21  13.79 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A11-Callahan-Protko
  170          3.21  13.79 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A2-Couch-Black
  170          3.21  13.79 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B9-Bagley-Davis
  140          1.09  15.91 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        100    0.03  16.97 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
35 Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  100         16.97   0.03 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B12-Shannon-Shannon
        100   15.38   1.62 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        100   15.38   1.62 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        110   13.79   3.21 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        120   12.74   4.26 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        130    9.03   7.97 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A2-Couch-Black
        130    9.03   7.97 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        130    9.03   7.97 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        130    9.03   7.97 B4-Moore-Moore vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        130    9.03   7.97 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        130    9.03   7.97 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        150    4.79  12.21 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        150    4.79  12.21 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        180    3.21  13.79 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        200    1.62  15.38 A5-Davison-Wills vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        200    1.62  15.38 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        600    0.03  16.97 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
36 Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Missing hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        200   16.97   0.03 B5-Siegel-Rinehart vs B9-Bagley-Davis
        650    7.97   9.03 A4-Seale-Westrope vs A7-Dwyer-Malowney
        650    7.97   9.03 A5-Davison-Wills vs A9-Bredall-Hegarty
        650    7.97   9.03 A6-Lorck-Goings vs A11-Callahan-Protko
        650    7.97   9.03 A7-Hood-Thomas vs A2-Couch-Black
        650    7.97   9.03 A8-Kaberna-Jensen vs A4-Braak-Calvin
        650    7.97   9.03 A9-Jensen-Quigley vs A6-Heimer-Truitt
        650    7.97   9.03 A10-Hannah-Brown vs A8-Thorpe-Turk
        650    7.97   9.03 A11-Ruttner-Black vs A10-Calkins-Brockett
        650    7.97   9.03 B4-Moore-Moore vs B7-Taylor-Bachenheimer
        650    7.97   9.03 B6-Kennedy-Rothwell vs B11-Wingeard-Hummel
        650    7.97   9.03 B7-Ayling-McLean vs B2-La Crosse-Heinke
        650    7.97   9.03 B8-Bunevich-Jacobson vs B4-Monroe-Monroe
        650    7.97   9.03 B9-Malyshev-Nabors vs B6-Champion-Krassy
        650    7.97   9.03 B10-Schrader-Feinberg vs B8-Shallenberger-Johnson
        650    7.97   9.03 B11-Texel-Grossmann vs B10-Johnson-Rychlik
        650    7.97   9.03 B12-Hazard-Hazard vs B12-Shannon-Shannon