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Field strength:  Mean: 24 MP  Geomean: 11 MP
(based on 28 players, 13 non ACBL players ignored, missing masterpoint data for 1 ACBL player)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Dorothy Hyden - Joseph Melton 62.33 1st A 0.66
Carolyn Jenkins - Jane Vagge 60.13 1st B 0.48
Carol Whittaker - Jill Emanuel 56.00 1st A 0.66
Jim Shelton - Victoria Villalobos 55.78 2nd A 0.46
Peggy Slaven - Peggy Wimberly 55.44 2nd B 0.34
Joye Cumbie - Pat Atkinson 54.56 3rd A 0.33
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Jean King - Sue Marvin 53.89 3rd B 0.24
Dario Ramazzotti - Lani Ramazzotti 51.56 4th A 0.23
Frances Folsom - Judy Struthers 51.07 1st C 0.16
Barbara Schneiter - Jim Schneiter 50.00 2nd C 0.11
Jan Trimble - Sally Van Wyk 46.13 2nd C 0.11
EVENT>Dinner And Bridge        |SESSION>Monday Eve   |SECTION> A N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>July 16, 2012      |CLUB NO.>262311    | 07/19/2012 11:10
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Mike Nussbaum   |RATING>Club Masterpoint (60%, 60%, 40% Open)|MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   45.0 |TOP>   5 |MP LIMITS>100/50/10      |CLUB>Dinner And Bridge
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=9/C=4                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 E Roger Williams       Murlene Williams         A    .     .     .     46.05  51.17          
 2 Marilyn Gartner        Agnes Fatora             B    .     .     .     46.35  51.50          
 3 Dario Ramazzotti       Lani Ramazzotti          B    4     4     .     46.40  51.56  0.23(A) 
 4 Elizabeth Moas         Elsie Sills              B    .     .     .     33.70  37.44          
 5 Carol Black            Peter Youngwith          C    .     .     .     43.50  48.33          
 6 Robert Swann           Carol Dunn               C    .     .     .     43.80  48.67          
 7 Barbara Schneiter      Jim Schneiter            C    .     .     2     45.00  50.00  0.11(C) 
 8 Jill Emanuel           Carol Whittaker          B    1     1     .     50.40  56.00  0.66(A) 
 9 Victoria Villalobos    Jim Shelton              C    2     2     1     50.20  55.78  0.46(A) 
10 Pat Atkinson           Joye Cumbie              B    3     3     .     49.10  54.56  0.33(A) 
                                          Totals                         454.50       

EVENT>Dinner And Bridge        |SESSION>Monday Eve   |SECTION> A E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>   45.0 |TOP>   5 |MP LIMITS>100/50/10      |CLUB>Dinner And Bridge
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=8/C=4                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Dorothy Hyden          Joseph Melton            A    1     .     .     56.10  62.33  0.66(A) 
 2 Lora Marshall          Sara Lynn Thomas         A    .     .     .     46.55  51.72          
 3 Sue Marvin             Jean King                B    4     3     .     48.50  53.89  0.24(B) 
 4 Peggy Wimberly         Peggy Slaven             B    3     2     .     49.90  55.44  0.34(B) 
 5 Dale Soderstrom        Karen Soderstrom         C    .     .     .     33.20  36.89          
 6 Frances Folsom         Judy Struthers           C    .     .     1     45.96  51.07  0.16(C) 
 7 Alan Lofthus           Patricia Lofthus         B    .     .     .     45.36  50.40          
 8 Sally Van Wyk          Jan Trimble              C    .     .     2     41.52  46.13  0.11(C) 
 9 Judith Bowers          Polly Parent             C    .     .     .     34.68  38.53          
10 Jane Vagge             Carolyn Jenkins          B    2     1     .     54.12  60.13  0.48(B) 
11 David Carlton          Audrey Suter             A    .     .     .     42.66  47.40          
                                          Totals                         498.55       

1 Dlr: North
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  110          4.75   0.25 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
         80    3.25   1.75 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
        170    1.75   3.25 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
        200    0.25   4.75 1-Williams-Williams vs 1-Hyden-Melton
2 Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  180          4.75   0.25 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
  170          3.25   1.75 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
        450    1.75   3.25 1-Williams-Williams vs 1-Hyden-Melton
        480    0.25   4.75 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
3 Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        100    3.50   2.50 1-Williams-Williams vs 1-Hyden-Melton
        210    3.00   3.00 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
        710    2.50   3.50 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
4 Dlr: West
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  110          3.25   2.75 1-Williams-Williams vs 11-Carlton-Suter
  100          2.75   3.25 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 3-Marvin-King
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
5 Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  170          3.25   2.75 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  110          2.75   3.25 1-Williams-Williams vs 11-Carlton-Suter
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 3-Marvin-King
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
6 Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        710    3.25   2.75 1-Williams-Williams vs 11-Carlton-Suter
        720    2.75   3.25 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 3-Marvin-King
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
7 Dlr: South
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  300          4.90   0.10 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 3-Marvin-King
  140          3.10   1.90 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 1-Hyden-Melton
  140          3.10   1.90 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
  100          1.30   3.70 1-Williams-Williams vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        110    0.10   4.90 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
8 Dlr: West
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50          4.90   0.10 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
         90    3.10   1.90 1-Williams-Williams vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
         90    3.10   1.90 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
        120    1.30   3.70 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 3-Marvin-King
        130    0.10   4.90 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 1-Hyden-Melton
9 Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200          4.90   0.10 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
  100          3.70   1.30 1-Williams-Williams vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        120    2.50   2.50 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 1-Hyden-Melton
        200    1.30   3.70 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
        660    0.10   4.90 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 3-Marvin-King
10 Dlr: East
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200          4.90   0.10 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 11-Carlton-Suter
  170          3.70   1.30 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  110          1.90   3.10 1-Williams-Williams vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  110          1.90   3.10 4-Moas-Sills vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
        110    0.10   4.90 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
11 Dlr: South
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50          4.90   0.10 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 11-Carlton-Suter
        140    2.50   2.50 1-Williams-Williams vs 9-Bowers-Parent
        140    2.50   2.50 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
        140    2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
        480    0.10   4.90 4-Moas-Sills vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
12 Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  110          4.30   0.70 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 11-Carlton-Suter
  110          4.30   0.70 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
   50          2.50   2.50 1-Williams-Williams vs 9-Bowers-Parent
        100    0.70   4.30 4-Moas-Sills vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
        100    0.70   4.30 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
13 Dlr: North
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  170          4.30   0.70 4-Moas-Sills vs 3-Marvin-King
  170          4.30   0.70 5-Black-Youngwith vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  140          2.50   2.50 1-Williams-Williams vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
        100    1.30   3.70 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        200    0.10   4.90 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 1-Hyden-Melton
14 Dlr: East
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50          4.90   0.10 1-Williams-Williams vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
        400    3.70   1.30 4-Moas-Sills vs 3-Marvin-King
        420    1.90   3.10 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        420    1.90   3.10 5-Black-Youngwith vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
        450    0.10   4.90 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 1-Hyden-Melton
15 Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  800          4.90   0.10 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 1-Hyden-Melton
  660          3.70   1.30 4-Moas-Sills vs 3-Marvin-King
  650          2.50   2.50 1-Williams-Williams vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
  230          1.30   3.70 5-Black-Youngwith vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
        200    0.10   4.90 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
16 Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  500          5.00   0.00 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 11-Carlton-Suter
  200          4.00   1.00 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  100          3.00   2.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
   90          1.50   3.50 1-Williams-Williams vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
   90          1.50   3.50 4-Moas-Sills vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
        150    0.00   5.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
17 Dlr: North
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50          5.00   0.00 4-Moas-Sills vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
        110    4.00   1.00 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 11-Carlton-Suter
        130    2.50   2.50 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 9-Bowers-Parent
        130    2.50   2.50 5-Black-Youngwith vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
        430    1.00   4.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
        460    0.00   5.00 1-Williams-Williams vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
18 Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  600          4.90   0.10 1-Williams-Williams vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
  180          3.70   1.30 6-Swann-Dunn vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
  170          2.50   2.50 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  AVE   AVE    2.50   2.50 5-Black-Youngwith vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
  150          1.30   3.70 4-Moas-Sills vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  110          0.10   4.90 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 11-Carlton-Suter
19 Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  100          5.00   0.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
   90          4.00   1.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 3-Marvin-King
         50    3.00   2.00 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        110    1.00   4.00 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
        110    1.00   4.00 4-Moas-Sills vs 1-Hyden-Melton
        110    1.00   4.00 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
20 Dlr: West
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  680          3.50   1.50 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
  680          3.50   1.50 4-Moas-Sills vs 1-Hyden-Melton
  680          3.50   1.50 6-Swann-Dunn vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  680          3.50   1.50 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
  650          1.00   4.00 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
  230          0.00   5.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 3-Marvin-King
21 Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        140    5.00   0.00 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
        420    3.50   1.50 2-Gartner-Fatora vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
        420    3.50   1.50 6-Swann-Dunn vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
        450    1.00   4.00 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        450    1.00   4.00 4-Moas-Sills vs 1-Hyden-Melton
        450    1.00   4.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 3-Marvin-King
22 Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  170          5.00   0.00 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
  140          4.00   1.00 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  130          3.00   2.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  120          2.00   3.00 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
  110          1.00   4.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
         50    0.00   5.00 4-Moas-Sills vs 11-Carlton-Suter
23 Dlr: South
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200          5.00   0.00 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
  100          3.00   2.00 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  100          3.00   2.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  100          3.00   2.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
         80    1.00   4.00 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
        110    0.00   5.00 4-Moas-Sills vs 11-Carlton-Suter
24 Dlr: West
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  140          4.50   0.50 3-Ramazzotti-Ramazzotti vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  140          4.50   0.50 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
    PASS       3.00   2.00 4-Moas-Sills vs 11-Carlton-Suter
        140    2.00   3.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
        170    1.00   4.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
        200    0.00   5.00 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
25 Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        680    3.50   1.50 5-Black-Youngwith vs 1-Hyden-Melton
        680    3.50   1.50 6-Swann-Dunn vs 3-Marvin-King
        680    3.50   1.50 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
        680    3.50   1.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
        710    0.50   4.50 4-Moas-Sills vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        710    0.50   4.50 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 9-Bowers-Parent
26 Dlr: East
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  620          4.50   0.50 5-Black-Youngwith vs 1-Hyden-Melton
  620          4.50   0.50 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  200          2.50   2.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
  200          2.50   2.50 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  130          1.00   4.00 4-Moas-Sills vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        100    0.00   5.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 3-Marvin-King
27 Dlr: South
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50          5.00   0.00 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
         50    4.00   1.00 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 9-Bowers-Parent
        110    3.00   2.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 3-Marvin-King
        130    1.50   3.50 4-Moas-Sills vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        130    1.50   3.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
        300    0.00   5.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 1-Hyden-Melton
28 Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  680          5.00   0.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  650          2.50   2.50 5-Black-Youngwith vs 11-Carlton-Suter
  650          2.50   2.50 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
  650          2.50   2.50 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
  650          2.50   2.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
        130    0.00   5.00 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
29 Dlr: North
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  110          5.00   0.00 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
  100          3.50   1.50 5-Black-Youngwith vs 11-Carlton-Suter
  100          3.50   1.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
        100    1.00   4.00 6-Swann-Dunn vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
        100    1.00   4.00 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
        100    1.00   4.00 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
30 Dlr: East
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  140          4.50   0.50 6-Swann-Dunn vs 2-Marshall-Thomas
  140          4.50   0.50 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 10-Vagge-Jenkins
  110          2.50   2.50 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 4-Wimberly-Slaven
  110          2.50   2.50 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 6-Folsom-Struthers
   90          1.00   4.00 5-Black-Youngwith vs 11-Carlton-Suter
        100    0.00   5.00 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 8-Van Wyk-Trimble
31 Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  630          4.90   0.10 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
  200          3.10   1.90 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  200          3.10   1.90 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  150          0.70   4.30 6-Swann-Dunn vs 1-Hyden-Melton
  150          0.70   4.30 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 3-Marvin-King
32 Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  450          3.70   1.30 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 3-Marvin-King
  450          3.70   1.30 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
  450          3.70   1.30 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 9-Bowers-Parent
  420          1.30   3.70 6-Swann-Dunn vs 1-Hyden-Melton
         50    0.10   4.90 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
33 Dlr: North
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  100          4.90   0.10 10-Atkinson-Cumbie vs 9-Bowers-Parent
   50          3.10   1.90 6-Swann-Dunn vs 1-Hyden-Melton
   50          3.10   1.90 8-Emanuel-Whittaker vs 5-Soderstrom-Soderstrom
         50    1.30   3.70 9-Villalobos-Shelton vs 7-Lofthus-Lofthus
        110    0.10   4.90 7-Schneiter-Schneiter vs 3-Marvin-King