ACBL District 19 Regionals and Events

Tournament Links: Daily Bulletin files are large PDFs, posted at about breakfast time during regionals. Wrapup Issues contain Sunday event results and complete masterpoint lists for all players, posted late Sunday evening. Game results here at Bridge Results are posted at the end of each session (and sometimes do NOT include the latest corrections). Photo pages are filled by the end of the week but are usually a few days behind. The District 19 website is in slow motion as we look for a replacement for Randy Corn, who passed away in 2014. But it is McBruce's fault if things don't get posted on time, so send corrections and suggestions to me please.

If the contracts and tricks do not match the raw score, the raw score is what counts and there is probably some BridgeMate problem creating the discrepency, or a late score correction without a change in the corresponding BridgeMate file.

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Field strength:  Mean: 3006 MP  Geomean: 1893 MP
(based on 200 players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Brad Sands - Tony Petronella 67.11 8.66 Gold
Craig Zastera - John Stafford 61.13 8.66 Gold
Maureen McAllister - Neil McAllister 60.68 6.06 Gold
Becky Clough - Roger Clough 60.12 4.33 Gold
Lamya Abougoush - Rita Dodge 60.02 2.19 Gold, 0.84 Red
Bryan Maksymetz - Paul Fournier 59.87 6.06 Gold
David Gerstenberger - Gard Hays 59.79 2.30 Red
Kathy Bye - Vicki Moffatt 59.46 4.33 Gold
Dave Adelman - Marlene Lenstra 58.91 3.03 Gold
Jack Bradshaw - Pete Marinus 58.83 1.99 Red
Dudley Brown - Jerry McVay 58.48 1.76 Red
David Schmidt - Diane Bishoff 57.89 2.12 Gold, 0.18 Red
Karen Turner - Peter Herold 57.74 1.99 Red
Jadwiga Polujan - June Pocock 57.44 1.58 Red
Abdul Fakih - Steve Lawrence 56.93 1.44 Red
Anita Morse - Diane Ayukawa 56.28 1.33 Red
Aban Gerrie - Judy Harris 56.10 1.23 Red
Kevin Bolan - Laurie Rowe 55.97 1.76 Red
Derek Ward - Don Sache 55.92 1.58 Red
Chris Galbraith - Janet Galbraith 55.77 1.44 Red
Mike Moffatt - Nancy Cook 55.57 1.15 Red
Donna Dunn - Rick Smillie 55.21 1.33 Red
Gerardo Malazdrewicz - Trisha Malazdrewicz 55.19 1.23 Red
Betty Jackson - Ray Boehne 55.11 1.09 Red
John Weinberg - Sarah Weinberg 54.81 1.52 Gold
Greg Trautman - Howard Epley 54.71 1.09 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Monica Angus - Rhoda Tafler 54.38 1.02 Red
Craig Millar - Ron Smith 54.33 0.97 Red
Dennis Nelson - Jerry Mamer 54.00 1.02 Red
David Binney - Patricia Lewis 53.47 0.97 Red
Duncan Smith - Elaine Sorensen 53.29 0.93 Red
Jim Berglund - Rod Hilderman 53.11 0.93 Red
John Pulles - Tim Ayers 52.96 0.88 Red
Debbie Wastle - Katie Christie 52.68 0.85 Red
Kevin Young - Peter Worby 52.38 0.87 Red
Barry Pritchard - Robert Short 52.38 0.87 Red
Reid Fleming - Stephanie Williams 51.87 1.57 Gold
Ben Takemori - Kathy Adachi 51.87 0.81 Red
Don Bell - Judy Clerke 51.82 1.10 Red
Ann Ecclestone - John Coone 51.57 0.78 Red
Shelley Burns - Tom Anderson 51.47 0.63 Red
Peter Barthels - Ron Carswell 51.27 1.06 Red
John Swanson - Reidun Decker 51.19 0.52 Red
Harry Sadd - Roy Sadd 50.96 0.61 Red
David Todd - John Keech 50.91 0.45 Red
Carrie Stockman - Theo Deeder 50.46 0.51 Red
Jim McLean - Ona Bouchard 48.94 0.39 Red
Insa Fricker - Louise Hutchinson 48.63 0.35 Red
Craig Hamilton - Dixie Duncan 48.53 0.43 Red
Alden Edwards - Diana Knowles 48.13 0.38 Red
Tony Thickett - Vivian Thickett 47.98 0.34 Red

This is a multi-session event. These masterpoint awards are not final. You will receive at least the award shown. For example, if the award for your overall performance in a two session event is greater than your current award, you will receive that final award instead of (not in addition to) the award shown here.

EVENT>Thursday AB Open Pairs   |SESSION>Thu Aft--1st |SECTION> N N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>June 18, 2015      |SANCTION>R1506007  | 06/18/2015 19:32|EVENT CODE>1804
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Penticton, B.C. |RATING>Regional                     |RANK WITH>O P
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |TOURN>Penticton Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=50/B=22                         ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Keith Moores           Avril Karr               B    .     .    433.00  43.83              O - 1 - E-W
 2 Robert O'Brien         Bonnie Turley            B    .     .    463.50  46.91              O - 2 - E-W
 3 Ben Takemori           Kathy Adachi             A   19     .    512.50  51.87  0.81Red     O - 3 - E-W
 4 John Weinberg          Sarah Weinberg           B   12     3    541.50  54.81  1.52Gold    O - 4 - E-W
 5 Trisha Malazdrewicz    Gerardo Malazdrewicz     A   11     .    545.25  55.19  1.23Red     O - 5 - E-W
 6 Diane Griffiths        Edee Rumley              B    .     .    470.25  47.60              N - 6 - N-S
 7 Phyllis Rakevich       Jessie Brunswig          A    .     .    507.25  51.34              O - 7 - E-W
 8 Allan Karro            Yen Karro                B    .     .    441.50  44.69              O - 8 - E-W
 9 John Coone             Ann Ecclestone           A   20     .    509.50  51.57  0.78Red     N - 9 - N-S
10 David Renwick          Bonnie Renwick           B    .     .    452.00  45.75              O -10 - E-W
11 Ron La Cour            Anne La Cour             A    .     .    499.00  50.51              O -11 - E-W
12 Isabel Chernoff        Sheila Sache             A    .     .    480.75  48.66              O -12 - E-W
13 Rhoda Tafler           Monica Angus             A   14     .    537.25  54.38  1.02Red     N -13 - N-S
14 Craig Millar           Ron Smith                A   15     .    536.75  54.33  0.97Red     O -14 - E-W
15 Richmond Williams      Larry Chow               A    .     .    419.25  42.43              O -15 - E-W
16 Rod Hilderman          Jim Berglund             A   16     .    524.75  53.11  0.93Red     O -16 - E-W
17 Garry Lowe             Lee Brackhahn            B    .     .    453.50  45.90              N -16 - N-S
                                          Totals                  8327.50       

EVENT>Thursday AB Open Pairs   |SESSION>Thu Aft--1st |SECTION> N E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |TOURN>Penticton Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=50/B=23                         ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Roberta Cronquist      Andrea Johnson           B    .     .    440.50  44.59              N - 1 - N-S
 2 Joyce Lust             Ron Osborne              B    .     .    406.50  41.14              N - 2 - N-S
 3 Elaine Sorensen        Duncan Smith             A   16     .    526.50  53.29  0.93Red     N - 3 - N-S
 4 Lyman Warner           Lynn Warner              B    .     .    410.00  41.50              N - 4 - N-S
 5 Katie Christie         Debbie Wastle            A   18     .    520.50  52.68  0.85Red     N - 5 - N-S
 6 Margaret Hubbard       Craig Hubbard            B    .     .    474.50  48.03              O - 6 - E-W
 7 David Gerstenberger    Gard Hays                A    5     .    590.75  59.79  2.30Red     N - 7 - N-S
 8 Deborah Cool           Blake Fleming            B    .     .    375.00  37.96              N - 8 - N-S
 9 David Binney           Patricia Lewis           A   15     .    528.25  53.47  0.97Red     O - 9 - E-W
10 John Swanson           Reidun Decker            B    .     6    505.75  51.19  0.52Red     N -10 - N-S
11 Jerry McVay            Dudley Brown             A    7     .    577.75  58.48  1.76Red     N -11 - N-S
12 Ron Beall              James Wu                 A    .     .    480.25  48.61              N -12 - N-S
13 Pete Marinus           Jack Bradshaw            A    6     .    581.25  58.83  1.99Red     O -13 - E-W
14 Pete Pluhta            Jodi Kimbrell            A    .     .    510.75  51.70              N -14 - N-S
15 Tim Ayers              John Pulles              A   17     .    523.25  52.96  0.88Red     N -15 - N-S
16 Ray Boehne             Betty Jackson            A   13     .    544.50  55.11  1.09Red     P -17 - E-W
17 Jim Darcy              Nelson Davis             B    .     .    472.50  47.82              N -17 - N-S
                                          Totals                  8468.50       

EVENT>Thursday AB Open Pairs   |SESSION>Thu Aft--1st |SECTION> O N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |TOURN>Penticton Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=50/B=22                         ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 John Brodrick          Norma Brodrick           B    .     .    446.00  45.14              P - 1 - E-W
 2 Peter Barthels         Ron Carswell             B    .     4    506.50  51.27  1.06Red     P - 2 - E-W
 3 Don Sache              Derek Ward               A    8     .    552.50  55.92  1.58Red     P - 3 - E-W
 4 Ashok Sil              Bob Whitehead            B    .     .    411.50  41.65              P - 4 - E-W
 5 Tony Petronella        Brad Sands               A    1     .    663.00  67.11  8.66Gold    P - 5 - E-W
 6 Dave Adelman           Marlene Lenstra          B    4     1    582.00  58.91  3.03Gold    P - 6 - E-W
 7 Everette Lewis         Art D'Entremont          A    .     .    445.00  45.04              P - 7 - E-W
 8 Vivian Thickett        Tony Thickett            B    .     9    474.00  47.98  0.34Red     P - 8 - E-W
 9 Donna Dunn             Rick Smillie             A   10     .    545.50  55.21  1.33Red     O - 9 - N-S
10 Theo Deeder            Carrie Stockman          B    .     6    498.50  50.46  0.51Red     O -10 - N-S
11 Robert Short           Barry Pritchard          A  17/18   .    517.50  52.38  0.87Red     P -11 - E-W
12 John Duquette          Nancy Adrian             A    .     .    435.00  44.03              P -12 - E-W
13 Marina Page            Marge Neate              A    .     .    403.00  40.79              O -13 - N-S
14 Janet Galbraith        Chris Galbraith          A    9     .    551.00  55.77  1.44Red     P -14 - E-W
15 Howard Epley           Greg Trautman            A   13     .    540.50  54.71  1.09Red     O -15 - N-S
16 Roy Sadd               Harry Sadd               B    .     5    503.50  50.96  0.61Red     P -16 - E-W
                                          Totals                  8075.00       

EVENT>Thursday AB Open Pairs   |SESSION>Thu Aft--1st |SECTION> O E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |TOURN>Penticton Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=50/B=23                         ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Donna Freeze           Al Freeze                B    .     .    447.00  45.24              O - 1 - N-S
 2 John Crouch            Lorraine Hayne           B    .     .    392.00  39.68              O - 2 - N-S
 3 Ken Penton             Glen Thornborough        A    .     .    407.00  41.19              O - 3 - N-S
 4 Marta Cecchi           Margaret Moroz           B    .     .    430.50  43.57              O - 4 - N-S
 5 Lotte Elias            Harvey Sawyer            B    .     .    377.00  38.16              O - 5 - N-S
 6 John Koster            Ken Beck                 B    .     .    463.00  46.86              O - 6 - N-S
 7 Dee Steil              Lynn Hays                A    .     .    390.00  39.47              O - 7 - N-S
 8 Stephanie Williams     Reid Fleming             B   19     3    512.50  51.87  1.57Gold    O - 8 - N-S
 9 Anita Morse            Diane Ayukawa            A   10     .    556.00  56.28  1.33Red     P - 9 - E-W
10 Don Bell               Judy Clerke              B   20     4    512.00  51.82  1.10Red     P -10 - E-W
11 Steve Lawrence         Abdul Fakih              A    9     .    562.50  56.93  1.44Red     O -11 - N-S
12 Mike Moffatt           Nancy Cook               A   12     .    549.00  55.57  1.15Red     O -12 - N-S
13 Jerry Mamer            Dennis Nelson            A   14     .    533.50  54.00  1.02Red     P -13 - E-W
14 Garry Skoropada        Leszek Baldys            A    .     .    493.00  49.90              O -14 - N-S
15 Maureen McAllister     Neil McAllister          B    2     1    599.50  60.68  6.06Gold    P -15 - E-W
16 Shelley Burns          Tom Anderson             B    .     5    508.50  51.47  0.63Red     O -16 - N-S
                                          Totals                  7733.00       

EVENT>Thursday AB Open Pairs   |SESSION>Thu Aft--1st |SECTION> P N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |TOURN>Penticton Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=50/B=22                         ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Alden Edwards          Diana Knowles            B    .     8    475.50  48.13  0.38Red     P - 1 - N-S
 2 Craig Hamilton         Dixie Duncan             B    .     7    479.50  48.53  0.43Red     N - 2 - E-W
 3 Karen Turner           Peter Herold             A    6     .    570.50  57.74  1.99Red     N - 3 - E-W
 4 Mary Regottaz          Katherine Pugsley        B    .     .    445.00  45.04              N - 4 - E-W
 5 Maureen Barnes         Sandra Borg              A    .     .    473.50  47.93              N - 5 - E-W
 6 Linda Shallit          Betty Williams           B    .     .    411.50  41.65              N - 6 - E-W
 7 Suzi Subeck            Stan Subeck              A    .     .    489.50  49.54              P - 7 - N-S
 8 Henry Lust             Donald Lust              B    .     .    388.50  39.32              N - 8 - E-W
 9 Dora Lee               Paula Nowlan             A    .     .    429.00  43.42                Resigned
10 David Schmidt          Diane Bishoff            B    5     2    572.00  57.89  2.12Gold    P -10 - N-S
11 Vicki Moffatt          Kathy Bye                A    3     .    587.50  59.46  4.33Gold    N -11 - E-W
12 Kevin Young            Peter Worby              A  17/18   .    517.50  52.38  0.87Red     N -12 - E-W
13 Margaret Pearce        Tom McNie                A    .     .    495.75  50.18              P -13 - N-S
14 Kevin Bolan            Laurie Rowe              A    7     .    553.00  55.97  1.76Red     N -14 - E-W
15 Bryan Maksymetz        Paul Fournier            A    2     .    591.50  59.87  6.06Gold    N -15 - E-W
16 Faye Gilraine          Gary Gilraine            B    .     .    420.50  42.56              N -16 - E-W
17 Paula Hopwood          Kim Cohos                B    .     .    397.25  40.21              One Session
                                          Totals                  8297.50       

EVENT>Thursday AB Open Pairs   |SESSION>Thu Aft--1st |SECTION> P E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |TOURN>Penticton Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=50/B=23                         ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 John Keech             David Todd               B    .     7    503.00  50.91  0.45Red     N - 1 - E-W
 2 Louise Hutchinson      Insa Fricker             B    .     9    480.50  48.63  0.35Red     P - 2 - N-S
 3 Roger Clough           Becky Clough             A    3     .    594.00  60.12  4.33Gold    P - 3 - N-S
 4 Jim McLean             Ona Bouchard             B    .     8    483.50  48.94  0.39Red     P - 4 - N-S
 5 Jean Groome            Robert Walters           A    .     .    437.50  44.28              P - 5 - N-S
 6 Brenda Klassen         Thelma Munroe            B    .     .    478.50  48.43              P - 6 - N-S
 7 Don Vancil             Dennis Goldston          A    .     .    485.50  49.14              N - 7 - E-W
 8 Richard Bickley        Ross Maclean             B    .     .    455.50  46.10              P - 8 - N-S
 9 Aban Gerrie            Judy Harris              A   11     .    554.25  56.10  1.23Red     P - 9 - N-S
10 Phil Blackburn         Ruth Sidebottom          B    .     .    437.50  44.28              N -10 - E-W
11 Al French              Joerg Schneider          A    .     .    467.00  47.27              P -11 - N-S
12 Ken Lochang            Maarten Tjebbes          A    .     .    377.00  38.16              P -12 - N-S
13 John Demeulemeester    Chris Penner             A    .     .    502.50  50.86              N -13 - E-W
14 John Stafford          Craig Zastera            A    1     .    604.00  61.13  8.66Gold    P -14 - N-S
15 Jadwiga Polujan        June Pocock              A    8     .    567.50  57.44  1.58Red     P -15 - N-S
16 Rita Dodge             Lamya Abougoush          B    4     2    593.00  60.02  2.19Gold    P -16 - N-S
17 David Taylor           John Aslin               A    .     .    477.75  48.36              P -17 - N-S
                                          Totals                  8498.50       

1 ♠J87
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦5 ♥4 ♠4 NT4
EW: 1♣ 2 2/1 3/2♠ 3NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -400 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         36.50   1.50  3♠ E -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O10-Bell-Clerke
   50         36.50   1.50  2♠ E -1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
   50         36.50   1.50  2 W -1   P12-Young-Worby vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
   50         36.50   1.50  3 E -1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
         50   34.00   4.00  1N N -1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        110   31.00   7.00  2 W      N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        110   31.00   7.00  2 W      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        110   31.00   7.00  2 W      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        110   31.00   7.00  2 W      P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        110   31.00   7.00  2 E +1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        120   27.50  10.50  2N E      N13-Tafler-Angus vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        120   27.50  10.50  2N E      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        140   24.00  14.00  3♠ E      O11-Short-Pritchard vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        140   24.00  14.00  2♠ E +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        140   24.00  14.00  2♠ E +1   N15-Williams-Chow vs N12-Beall-Wu
        140   24.00  14.00  2♠ E +1   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O7-Steil-Hays
        140   24.00  14.00  2♠ E +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P1-Keech-Todd
        150   16.50  21.50  2N W +1   N1-Moores-Karr vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        150   16.50  21.50  2N W +1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N11-McVay-Brown
        150   16.50  21.50  2N W +1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        150   16.50  21.50  1N W +2   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        150   16.50  21.50  1N W +2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        170   10.50  27.50  2♠ E +2   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        170   10.50  27.50  2 W +2   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        180    9.00  29.00  1N W +3   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        400    6.00  32.00  3N W      O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        400    6.00  32.00  3N E      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N4-Warner-Warner
        400    6.00  32.00  3N E      O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        400    6.00  32.00  3N E      O13-Page-Neate vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        400    6.00  32.00  3N E      P6-Shallit-Williams vs P11-French-Schneider
        430    2.50  35.50  3N W +1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        430    2.50  35.50  3N E +1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        500    0.50  37.50  3♣* N -3  N8-Karro-Karro vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        500    0.50  37.50  2♣* N -3  N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
2 ♠K72
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 5 3 4♠ 5NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦2 ♥4 ♠3 NT2
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: +660 5NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1440         35.50   2.50  6N S      N14-Millar-Smith vs N10-Swanson-Decker
 1440         35.50   2.50  6N N      N13-Tafler-Angus vs N8-Cool-Fleming
 1440         35.50   2.50  6N N      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O8-Williams-Fleming
 1440         35.50   2.50  6N N      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
 1440         35.50   2.50  6N N      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
 1440         35.50   2.50  6N N      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
  690         30.00   8.00  5N N +1   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  690         30.00   8.00  4N N +2   N8-Karro-Karro vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  690         30.00   8.00  3N N +3   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  690         30.00   8.00  3N N +3   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O7-Steil-Hays
  690         30.00   8.00  3N N +3   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  660         26.00  12.00  4N S +1   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  660         26.00  12.00  3N N +2   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
  660         26.00  12.00  3N N +2   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  630         23.50  14.50  4N S      N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N11-McVay-Brown
  630         23.50  14.50  3N S +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  210         21.50  16.50  2N N +3   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  210         21.50  16.50  1N N +4   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        100   12.50  25.50  6N N -1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        100   12.50  25.50  6N N -1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        100   12.50  25.50  6N N -1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        100   12.50  25.50  6N N -1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        100   12.50  25.50  6N N -1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N4-Warner-Warner
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P1-Keech-Todd
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   P12-Young-Worby vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        100   12.50  25.50  6 S -1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        200    2.00  36.00  6N S -2   N15-Williams-Chow vs N12-Beall-Wu
        200    2.00  36.00  6N S -2   O13-Page-Neate vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        200    2.00  36.00  6N N -2   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P11-French-Schneider
        200    2.00  36.00  6 S -2   N1-Moores-Karr vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        200    2.00  36.00  6 S -2   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
3 ♠QJ4
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥2 ♠3 NT4
EW: 2♣ 1 5 4♠ 2NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -650 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         37.50   0.50  3N E -1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  100         37.50   0.50  4 W -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        140   36.00   2.00  3 E      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
        150   35.00   3.00  2 S -3   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P11-French-Schneider
        170   32.00   6.00  2 E +2   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        170   32.00   6.00  2 E +2   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        170   32.00   6.00  2 E +2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        170   32.00   6.00  2 E +2   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        170   32.00   6.00  2 E +2   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        200   28.00  10.00  3 W +2   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        200   28.00  10.00  3 E +2   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        200   28.00  10.00  2 W +3   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        620   22.00  16.00  4 W      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      N1-Moores-Karr vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      N14-Millar-Smith vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O6-Koster-Beck
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        620   22.00  16.00  4 E      P12-Young-Worby vs P5-Groome-Walters
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N12-Beall-Wu
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   N15-Williams-Chow vs N11-McVay-Brown
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   O13-Page-Neate vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P1-Keech-Todd
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        650    9.00  29.00  4 E +1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        680    0.00  38.00  4 E +2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P3-Clough-Clough
4 ♠A4
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 1NT  ♣4 ♦5 ♠4
EW: 2♣ 1 3♠  ♥3 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      N1-Moores-Karr vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      N8-Karro-Karro vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      N13-Tafler-Angus vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      O11-Short-Pritchard vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      P12-Young-Worby vs P5-Groome-Walters
  620         32.00   6.00  4 N      P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  620         32.00   6.00  4 E      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O6-Koster-Beck
  500         25.00  13.00  4* E -2  N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  170         22.00  16.00  3 N +1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  170         22.00  16.00  3 N +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  170         22.00  16.00  3 N +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  170         22.00  16.00  2 N +2   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  170         22.00  16.00  2 N +2   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  140         16.00  22.00  3 N      N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  140         16.00  22.00  3 N      N14-Millar-Smith vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  140         16.00  22.00  3 N      N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  140         16.00  22.00  3 N      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  140         16.00  22.00  3 N      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
  140         16.00  22.00  2 N +1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N12-Beall-Wu
  140         16.00  22.00  2 N +1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   N15-Williams-Chow vs N11-McVay-Brown
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   O13-Page-Neate vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P1-Keech-Todd
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P3-Clough-Clough
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        100    6.50  31.50  4 N -1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P11-French-Schneider
        140    0.00  38.00  3♠ W      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
5 ♠AK984
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 3 2 2♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣1 ♦4 ♥5 ♠4 NT3/2
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +1370 6♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         38.00   0.00  4* E -4  P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  630         37.00   1.00  3N S +1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
  600         35.50   2.50  3N S      P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  600         35.50   2.50  3N N      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P1-Keech-Todd
  500         33.00   5.00  3* E -3  P13-Pearce-McNie vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  500         33.00   5.00  2* E -3  O15-Epley-Trautman vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
  500         33.00   5.00  2* E -3  P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  300         24.50  13.50  3* E -2  P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  N13-Tafler-Angus vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  N14-Millar-Smith vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  N15-Williams-Chow vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  O3-Sache-Ward vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  O11-Short-Pritchard vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  O13-Page-Neate vs O7-Steil-Hays
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  P3-Turner-Herold vs P3-Clough-Clough
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  P12-Young-Worby vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  300         24.50  13.50  2* E -2  P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  170         16.00  22.00  4♣ N +2   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  170         16.00  22.00  4♣ N +2   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N12-Beall-Wu
  170         16.00  22.00  3♣ N +3   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  150         13.00  25.00  4♣ N +1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N4-Warner-Warner
  150         13.00  25.00  3♣ S +2   N1-Moores-Karr vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  150         13.00  25.00  3♣ S +2   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  140         10.50  27.50  3♠ N      O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  140         10.50  27.50  2♠ N +1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  130          8.50  29.50  3♣ S +1   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  130          8.50  29.50  3♣ N +1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  100          5.00  33.00  3* E -1  O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  100          5.00  33.00  2 E -2   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  100          5.00  33.00  2* E -1  O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  100          5.00  33.00  2 E -2   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  100          5.00  33.00  2 E -2   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
   50          2.00  36.00  2 E -1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        100    1.00  37.00  5♣ N -1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        110    0.00  38.00  2 E      N8-Karro-Karro vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
6 ♠JT86
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 2♠  ♦4 ♥5 NT6
EW: 2 2 1/-NT
       ♣3 ♠5 NT7/6
LoTT: 18 - 16 = +2
Par: +130 4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  840         38.00   0.00  3♣** N +1 P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  800         37.00   1.00  3♠* W -3  N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  510         35.50   2.50  4♣* N     N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N12-Beall-Wu
  510         35.50   2.50  4♣* N     P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P1-Keech-Todd
  500         33.50   4.50  2* E -2  P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  500         33.50   4.50  4* E -2  N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  470         31.50   6.50  3* N     N14-Millar-Smith vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  470         31.50   6.50  3♣* N     P3-Turner-Herold vs P3-Clough-Clough
  300         29.00   9.00  3N W -3   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
  300         29.00   9.00  3N W -3   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  300         29.00   9.00  3 E -3   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N4-Warner-Warner
  200         26.00  12.00  1N W -2   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  200         26.00  12.00  1N W -2   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  200         26.00  12.00  2 E -2   O3-Sache-Ward vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  140         23.50  14.50  3♠ N      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  140         23.50  14.50  2♠ N +1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  130         19.50  18.50  4♣ N      P12-Young-Worby vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  130         19.50  18.50  4♣ N      P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  130         19.50  18.50  3♣ N +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  130         19.50  18.50  3♣ N +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  130         19.50  18.50  3♣ N +1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  130         19.50  18.50  2♣ N +2   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  110         14.50  23.50  2♠ N      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  110         14.50  23.50  3♣ N      O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  110         14.50  23.50  3♣ N      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  110         14.50  23.50  3♣ N      P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
   90         11.50  26.50  2♣ N      N1-Moores-Karr vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
   90         11.50  26.50  2♣ N      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
         50   10.00  28.00  3♠ N -1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
         90    9.00  29.00  1N W      O11-Short-Pritchard vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        100    6.00  32.00  3N S -2   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        100    6.00  32.00  3N S -2   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        100    6.00  32.00  4♣* S -1  N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        100    6.00  32.00  4♣* N -1  O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        100    6.00  32.00  4♣* N -1  O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        110    3.00  35.00  3 E      O13-Page-Neate vs O7-Steil-Hays
        150    2.00  36.00  4♠ N -3   N15-Williams-Chow vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        180    1.00  37.00  2* E     P13-Pearce-McNie vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        300    0.00  38.00  4♣* N -2  N8-Karro-Karro vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
7 ♠T43
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦5 ♥5 ♠6 NT6
EW: 2 2 1♠ 1NT  ♣5
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -110 2-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         38.00   0.00  3N W -3   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  200         35.50   2.50  3N W -2   N1-Moores-Karr vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  200         35.50   2.50  3N W -2   P3-Turner-Herold vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  200         35.50   2.50  2N W -2   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  200         35.50   2.50  3 E -2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
  100         30.50   7.50  2N W -1   O13-Page-Neate vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  100         30.50   7.50  1N W -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N4-Warner-Warner
  100         30.50   7.50  1N W -1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  100         30.50   7.50  1N W -1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  100         30.50   7.50  3 E -1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
  100         30.50   7.50  2 E -1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
   90         27.00  11.00  2♣ N      P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      N15-Williams-Chow vs N9-Binney-Lewis
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N11-McVay-Brown
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P1-Keech-Todd
         90   20.50  17.50  1N W      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P11-French-Schneider
         90   20.50  17.50  1N E      O3-Sache-Ward vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        110   11.50  26.50  2 E      N13-Tafler-Angus vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        110   11.50  26.50  2 E      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        110   11.50  26.50  2 E      O15-Epley-Trautman vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        110   11.50  26.50  2 E      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        110   11.50  26.50  2 E      P12-Young-Worby vs P3-Clough-Clough
        110   11.50  26.50  2 W +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P5-Groome-Walters
        120    4.50  33.50  2N W      N14-Millar-Smith vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        120    4.50  33.50  2N W      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        120    4.50  33.50  1N W +1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        120    4.50  33.50  1N W +1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        120    4.50  33.50  1N W +1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        120    4.50  33.50  1N W +1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        120    4.50  33.50  1N W +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        120    4.50  33.50  1N W +1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        200    0.00  38.00  3♣ N -2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N2-Lust-Osborne
8 ♠JT3
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 3 1NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣6 ♦4/5 ♥3 NT5/6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  420         37.00   1.00  4 N      O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  420         37.00   1.00  4 N      P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  420         37.00   1.00  4 N      P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   P3-Turner-Herold vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  170         30.00   8.00  3 N +1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  170         30.00   8.00  1 N +3   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N4-Warner-Warner
  170         30.00   8.00  1 N +3   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  140         23.00  15.00  3 N      O3-Sache-Ward vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  140         23.00  15.00  3 N      O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  140         23.00  15.00  3 N      O15-Epley-Trautman vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  120         21.00  17.00  1N N +1   N15-Williams-Chow vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  100         20.00  18.00  3♠* E -1  O13-Page-Neate vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      N13-Tafler-Angus vs N5-Christie-Wastle
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N11-McVay-Brown
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P1-Keech-Todd
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      P12-Young-Worby vs P3-Clough-Clough
   90         14.50  23.50  1N N      P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
   50          7.50  30.50  3♠ W -1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
   50          7.50  30.50  2♠ W -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N17-Darcy-Davis
   50          7.50  30.50  2♠ W -1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
   50          7.50  30.50  2♠ E -1   N1-Moores-Karr vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
         50    4.50  33.50  1N N -1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P11-French-Schneider
         50    4.50  33.50  3 S -1   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        100    3.00  35.00  4 N -2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        110    1.00  37.00  2♠ W      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        110    1.00  37.00  2♠ E      N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        110    1.00  37.00  2♠ E      P13-Pearce-McNie vs P5-Groome-Walters
9 ♠AKQ3
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 4 1 4♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥6 ♠3 NT4
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: +420 4♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  460         37.50   0.50  3N S +2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N12-Beall-Wu
  460         37.50   0.50  3N S +2   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  430         35.00   3.00  3N S +1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  430         35.00   3.00  3N S +1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
  430         35.00   3.00  3N S +1   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P5-Groome-Walters
  420         32.50   5.50  4♠ N      N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  420         32.50   5.50  4♠ N      P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  210         31.00   7.00  1N S +4   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  180         29.50   8.50  1N S +3   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  180         29.50   8.50  1N S +3   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O6-Koster-Beck
  150         25.00  13.00  3 S +2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  150         25.00  13.00  3 S +2   O3-Sache-Ward vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  150         25.00  13.00  3 S +2   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  150         25.00  13.00  2 S +3   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  150         25.00  13.00  2 S +3   N15-Williams-Chow vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  150         25.00  13.00  2 S +3   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  150         25.00  13.00  3♣ S +2   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  140         21.00  17.00  3♠ N      N1-Moores-Karr vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  130         13.50  24.50  4 S      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  130         13.50  24.50  3 S +1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  130         13.50  24.50  3 S +1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  130         13.50  24.50  3 S +1   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  130         13.50  24.50  3 S +1   P3-Turner-Herold vs P1-Keech-Todd
  130         13.50  24.50  3 S +1   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P3-Clough-Clough
  130         13.50  24.50  3 S +1   P12-Young-Worby vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  130         13.50  24.50  3 N +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  130         13.50  24.50  2 S +2   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N4-Warner-Warner
  130         13.50  24.50  2 S +2   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  130         13.50  24.50  2 S +2   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  130         13.50  24.50  2 S +2   O13-Page-Neate vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  130         13.50  24.50  2 S +2   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  130         13.50  24.50  2 S +2   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  120          6.00  32.00  1N S +1   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  110          5.00  33.00  2 S +1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  100          4.00  34.00  1N E -1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
         50    2.00  36.00  5 S -1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
         50    2.00  36.00  5 S -1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
         50    2.00  36.00  4 S -1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        150    0.00  38.00  4 S -3   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
10 ♠AJT53
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2♠  ♦3 ♥3 NT3
EW: 3 4  ♣5 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 19 = -2
Par: -500 4♠*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         38.00   0.00  5* W -1  P3-Turner-Herold vs P1-Keech-Todd
  140         37.00   1.00  3♠ N      O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
        100   36.00   2.00  4♠ N -1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        170   35.00   3.00  3 W +1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        200   32.50   5.50  4♠* N -1  N15-Williams-Chow vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        200   32.50   5.50  4♠* N -1  P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        200   32.50   5.50  3 W +2   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        200   32.50   5.50  3 W +2   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      N14-Millar-Smith vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      O3-Sache-Ward vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      O11-Short-Pritchard vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P3-Clough-Clough
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      P12-Young-Worby vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      P13-Pearce-McNie vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        620   21.50  16.50  4 W      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   N1-Moores-Karr vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N4-Warner-Warner
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N12-Beall-Wu
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   O13-Page-Neate vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P5-Groome-Walters
        650    7.50  30.50  4 W +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        650    7.50  30.50  4 E +1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O6-Koster-Beck
        790    1.00  37.00  4* W     N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        790    1.00  37.00  4* W     O15-Epley-Trautman vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        790    1.00  37.00  4* W     P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
11 ♠K95
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 6 3 4♠ 6NT
EW:  ♣1 ♦1 ♥4 ♠3 NT1
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +990 6NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  990         36.00   2.00  6N N      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  990         36.00   2.00  6N N      O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  990         36.00   2.00  6N N      P3-Turner-Herold vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  990         36.00   2.00  6N N      P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P5-Groome-Walters
  990         36.00   2.00  6N N      P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  920         33.00   5.00  6♣ S      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  490         29.00   9.00  4N S +2   O3-Sache-Ward vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  490         29.00   9.00  4N N +2   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O7-Steil-Hays
  490         29.00   9.00  3N S +3   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  490         29.00   9.00  3N S +3   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  490         29.00   9.00  3N N +3   N1-Moores-Karr vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
  490         29.00   9.00  3N N +3   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  490         29.00   9.00  3N N +3   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  460         21.00  17.00  4N N +1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N4-Warner-Warner
  460         21.00  17.00  4N N +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  460         21.00  17.00  4N N +1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  460         21.00  17.00  4N N +1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  460         21.00  17.00  4N N +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P3-Clough-Clough
  460         21.00  17.00  3N S +2   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  460         21.00  17.00  3N S +2   P12-Young-Worby vs P1-Keech-Todd
  460         21.00  17.00  3N N +2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  460         21.00  17.00  3N N +2   N15-Williams-Chow vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
  430         15.00  23.00  4N N      O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O6-Koster-Beck
  430         15.00  23.00  3N N +1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  430         15.00  23.00  3N N +1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
         50    8.00  30.00  6N S -1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N11-McVay-Brown
         50    8.00  30.00  6N S -1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
         50    8.00  30.00  6N N -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N2-Lust-Osborne
         50    8.00  30.00  6N N -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
         50    8.00  30.00  6N N -1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
         50    8.00  30.00  6N N -1   O13-Page-Neate vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
         50    8.00  30.00  6N N -1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O10-Bell-Clerke
         50    8.00  30.00  6N N -1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
         50    8.00  30.00  6N N -1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
         50    8.00  30.00  3N N -1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P11-French-Schneider
         50    8.00  30.00  6♣ S -1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        100    2.00  36.00  6N N -2   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        150    0.50  37.50  6N N -3   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        150    0.50  37.50  6N N -3   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
12 ♠Q874
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣0 ♦6/5 ♥6 ♠1/0 NT0
EW: 5♣ 1 1 4♠ 3NT
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -420 4♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         37.00   1.00  6♠ E -3   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  150         37.00   1.00  5♠ E -3   P3-Turner-Herold vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  150         37.00   1.00  4 W -3   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P5-Groome-Walters
  100         33.50   4.50  4♠ E -2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  100         33.50   4.50  4♠ E -2   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  100         33.50   4.50  4♠ E -2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  100         33.50   4.50  4 W -2   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N9-Binney-Lewis
   50         30.00   8.00  4♠ W -1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O7-Steil-Hays
   50         30.00   8.00  4♠ E -1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
   50         30.00   8.00  2♠ E -1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        110   28.00  10.00  2♠ E      N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        140   27.00  11.00  2♠ E +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        150   24.00  14.00  4♣ E +1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        150   24.00  14.00  4♣ E +1   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        150   24.00  14.00  3♣ E +2   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N4-Warner-Warner
        150   24.00  14.00  3♣ E +2   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        150   24.00  14.00  3♣ E +2   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        170   19.50  18.50  2♠ E +2   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        170   19.50  18.50  3♣ E +3   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        170   19.50  18.50  3♣ E +3   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        170   19.50  18.50  3♣ E +3   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        190   16.50  21.50  3♣ E +4   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        190   16.50  21.50  3♣ E +4   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P11-French-Schneider
        400   12.50  25.50  3N W      N14-Millar-Smith vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        400   12.50  25.50  3N W      O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        400   12.50  25.50  3N W      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        400   12.50  25.50  3N E      O3-Sache-Ward vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        400   12.50  25.50  5♣ E      P5-Barnes-Borg vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        400   12.50  25.50  5♣ E      P12-Young-Worby vs P1-Keech-Todd
        420    8.50  29.50  4♠ E      O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        420    8.50  29.50  4♠ E      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
        440    6.50  31.50  5♣ E +2   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        440    6.50  31.50  5♣ E +2   N15-Williams-Chow vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        490    5.00  33.00  3N W +3   O13-Page-Neate vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
        500    4.00  34.00  2* S -2  N1-Moores-Karr vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        520    1.50  36.50  3N W +4   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        520    1.50  36.50  3N W +4   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N11-McVay-Brown
        520    1.50  36.50  3N W +4   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P3-Clough-Clough
        520    1.50  36.50  3N E +4   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O6-Koster-Beck
13 ♠A
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1/-♣ 2 1 1♠ 2NT  ♣7/6
EW:  ♣6 ♦4 ♥6 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 14 - 15 = -1
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         38.00   0.00  3N N      O13-Page-Neate vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  150         36.50   1.50  2N N +1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  150         36.50   1.50  2N N +1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  140         35.00   3.00  2♠ N +1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  130         31.00   7.00  2 N +2   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  130         31.00   7.00  2 N +2   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  130         31.00   7.00  2 N +2   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  130         31.00   7.00  2 N +2   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  130         31.00   7.00  2 N +2   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P5-Groome-Walters
  130         31.00   7.00  2 N +2   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  130         31.00   7.00  2 N +2   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  120         25.50  12.50  2N N      O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  120         25.50  12.50  1N N +1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O7-Steil-Hays
  120         25.50  12.50  1N N +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  120         25.50  12.50  1N N +1   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P1-Keech-Todd
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N4-Warner-Warner
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O6-Koster-Beck
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P3-Clough-Clough
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
   90         11.00  27.00  2 N      N1-Moores-Karr vs N12-Beall-Wu
   90         11.00  27.00  2 N      N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
   90         11.00  27.00  2 N      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N8-Cool-Fleming
   90         11.00  27.00  2 N      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O16-Burns-Anderson
   90         11.00  27.00  2 N      P3-Turner-Herold vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
    PASS       8.00  30.00  Pass Out  N15-Williams-Chow vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        100    4.50  33.50  3N N -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        100    4.50  33.50  1N N -1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        100    4.50  33.50  2♠ S -1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        100    4.50  33.50  2♠ S -1   P12-Young-Worby vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        100    4.50  33.50  2♠ S -1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        100    4.50  33.50  2 N -1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        200    0.50  37.50  2♠ S -2   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        200    0.50  37.50  2♠ N -2   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
14 ♠J2
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣  ♦5 ♥6 ♠4 NT6
EW: 1 2♠ 1NT  ♣4 ♥6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +100 3♠*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  130         38.00   0.00  3♣ S +1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O6-Koster-Beck
  110         37.00   1.00  3♣ S      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  100         35.00   3.00  4♠ E -2   N14-Millar-Smith vs N4-Warner-Warner
  100         35.00   3.00  4♠ E -2   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O7-Steil-Hays
  100         35.00   3.00  4♠ E -2   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
   50         29.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   N1-Moores-Karr vs N12-Beall-Wu
   50         29.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
   50         29.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N17-Darcy-Davis
   50         29.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
   50         29.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
   50         29.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O8-Williams-Fleming
   50         29.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
    PASS      22.50  15.50  Pass Out  N13-Tafler-Angus vs N2-Lust-Osborne
    PASS      22.50  15.50  Pass Out  N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N8-Cool-Fleming
    PASS      22.50  15.50  Pass Out  P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
    PASS      22.50  15.50  Pass Out  P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N5-Christie-Wastle
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N10-Swanson-Decker
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   O13-Page-Neate vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P3-Clough-Clough
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P5-Groome-Walters
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
         50   14.50  23.50  4♣ S -1   P12-Young-Worby vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        100    8.00  30.00  4♣ S -2   P3-Turner-Herold vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        110    7.00  31.00  2♠ E      N15-Williams-Chow vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        140    4.00  34.00  3♠ E      N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        140    4.00  34.00  3♠ E      O11-Short-Pritchard vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        140    4.00  34.00  3♠ E      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        140    4.00  34.00  2♠ E +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        140    4.00  34.00  2♠ E +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        150    1.00  37.00  3 N -3   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        500    0.00  38.00  5♣* N -3  P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P1-Keech-Todd
15 ♠Q93
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 2/3 1NT  ♦3/4 ♠6
EW: 2  ♣3 ♥3 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +140 3-S
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         38.00   0.00  4♠* E -4  P13-Pearce-McNie vs P1-Keech-Todd
  650         37.00   1.00  4 S +1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  620         35.50   2.50  4 S      O13-Page-Neate vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  620         35.50   2.50  4 N      O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  500         33.00   5.00  4♠* E -3  O15-Epley-Trautman vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  500         33.00   5.00  4♠* E -3  O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O7-Steil-Hays
  500         33.00   5.00  4♠* E -3  P3-Turner-Herold vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  300         31.00   7.00  3♠* E -2  P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  180         30.00   8.00  2N S +2   N14-Millar-Smith vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  170         28.50   9.50  3 S +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  170         28.50   9.50  3 S +1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  140         27.00  11.00  3 S      P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P11-French-Schneider
  110         26.00  12.00  2 S      N8-Karro-Karro vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  100         24.50  13.50  3♠ E -2   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  100         24.50  13.50  4* W -1  O3-Sache-Ward vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
   50         22.50  15.50  3♠ E -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
   50         22.50  15.50  3♠ E -1   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
         90   21.00  17.00  2 W      N15-Williams-Chow vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        100   16.50  21.50  4 S -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        100   16.50  21.50  4 N -1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        100   16.50  21.50  4 N -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        100   16.50  21.50  3 S -1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        100   16.50  21.50  3 S -1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        100   16.50  21.50  3 S -1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P5-Groome-Walters
        100   16.50  21.50  3 N -1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        100   16.50  21.50  2 S -1   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        110   11.00  27.00  2♠ W      P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        110   11.00  27.00  2♠ E      N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        110   11.00  27.00  2♠ E      O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O6-Koster-Beck
        130    9.00  29.00  4 E      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        200    6.00  32.00  3N S -2   P8-Lust-Lust vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        200    6.00  32.00  4 S -2   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        200    6.00  32.00  4 N -2   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        200    6.00  32.00  3 S -2   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N4-Warner-Warner
        200    6.00  32.00  3 N -2   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        300    2.00  36.00  4N S -3   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        300    2.00  36.00  3N S -3   N1-Moores-Karr vs N11-McVay-Brown
        300    2.00  36.00  4 S -3   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P3-Clough-Clough
        510    0.00  38.00  4* E     P5-Barnes-Borg vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
16 ♠T96
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦1 ♥4 ♠6 NT3
EW: 6 3 1♠ 4NT  ♣6
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -1370 6-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         38.00   0.00  4 W -2   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  100         34.50   3.50  3N W -1   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  100         34.50   3.50  6 E -1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  100         34.50   3.50  5 E -1   O13-Page-Neate vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  100         34.50   3.50  5 E -1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P11-French-Schneider
  100         34.50   3.50  5 E -1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  100         34.50   3.50  5 E -1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P3-Clough-Clough
        600   30.00   8.00  3N W      N13-Tafler-Angus vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        600   30.00   8.00  5 W      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        600   30.00   8.00  5 E      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        620   25.50  12.50  4 W      O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        620   25.50  12.50  4 W      O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        620   25.50  12.50  4 W      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        620   25.50  12.50  5 W +1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        620   25.50  12.50  5 E +1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        620   25.50  12.50  5 E +1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P5-Groome-Walters
        630   14.00  24.00  4N W      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   N1-Moores-Karr vs N11-McVay-Brown
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N4-Warner-Warner
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O7-Steil-Hays
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   P3-Turner-Herold vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        630   14.00  24.00  3N W +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P1-Keech-Todd
        630   14.00  24.00  3N E +1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        630   14.00  24.00  3N E +1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        630   14.00  24.00  3N E +1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        630   14.00  24.00  3N E +1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        660    5.00  33.00  3N E +2   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        800    4.00  34.00  4♠* S -4  N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N9-Binney-Lewis
       1100    3.00  35.00  4♠* S -5  N15-Williams-Chow vs N5-Christie-Wastle
       1370    1.00  37.00  6 W      N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
       1370    1.00  37.00  6 W      O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O6-Koster-Beck
       1370    1.00  37.00  6 E      N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
17 ♠98
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥6 ♠6 NT6
EW: 2♣ 1 1 1♠ -/1NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -90 1NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         38.00   0.00  4♠* E -4  O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  150         36.00   2.00  3N W -3   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  150         36.00   2.00  3N W -3   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  150         36.00   2.00  3 W -3   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  100         29.00   9.00  3N W -2   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  100         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  100         29.00   9.00  2N W -2   O3-Sache-Ward vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  100         29.00   9.00  2 W -2   P3-Turner-Herold vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  100         29.00   9.00  3 W -2   N1-Moores-Karr vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  100         29.00   9.00  3 W -2   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  100         29.00   9.00  3 W -2   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  100         29.00   9.00  3 W -2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P1-Keech-Todd
  100         29.00   9.00  5♣ W -2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  100         29.00   9.00  4♣ E -2   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  100         29.00   9.00  3♣ W -2   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
   50         16.50  21.50  3N W -1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
   50         16.50  21.50  2♠ W -1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
   50         16.50  21.50  3 W -1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N9-Binney-Lewis
   50         16.50  21.50  3 W -1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O7-Steil-Hays
   50         16.50  21.50  3 W -1   O13-Page-Neate vs O16-Burns-Anderson
   50         16.50  21.50  3 W -1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
   50         16.50  21.50  3 E -1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P5-Groome-Walters
   50         16.50  21.50  2 W -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
   50         16.50  21.50  2 W -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N5-Christie-Wastle
   50         16.50  21.50  2 W -1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N2-Lust-Osborne
   50         16.50  21.50  2 W -1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
   50         16.50  21.50  2 W -1   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
   50         16.50  21.50  3♣ W -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N12-Beall-Wu
   50         16.50  21.50  3♣ W -1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
         90    8.50  29.50  2 W      N8-Karro-Karro vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
         90    8.50  29.50  2♣ W      N15-Williams-Chow vs N4-Warner-Warner
        100    7.00  31.00  3♠ S -2   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O6-Koster-Beck
        110    5.00  33.00  2♠ E      O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        110    5.00  33.00  2 W +1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P3-Clough-Clough
        110    5.00  33.00  3♣ W      P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        130    2.50  35.50  3♣ W +1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        130    2.50  35.50  3♣ W +1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        150    1.00  37.00  3♣ W +2   P8-Lust-Lust vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        300    0.00  38.00  2♠* S -2  O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
18 ♠AQT9
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 6 7 3/4♠ 6NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦1 ♥0 ♠3 NT1
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +2210 7-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1460         37.50   0.50  6 S +1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
 1460         37.50   0.50  6 S +1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
 1430         34.00   4.00  6 S      N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
 1430         34.00   4.00  6 S      N15-Williams-Chow vs N4-Warner-Warner
 1430         34.00   4.00  6 S      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
 1430         34.00   4.00  6 S      N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N8-Cool-Fleming
 1430         34.00   4.00  6 S      P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  720         31.00   7.00  3N N +4   N8-Karro-Karro vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   O3-Sache-Ward vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O7-Steil-Hays
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O6-Koster-Beck
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P1-Keech-Todd
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P5-Groome-Walters
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   P8-Lust-Lust vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  710         25.50  12.50  4 S +3   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  690         20.00  18.00  3N N +3   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   N1-Moores-Karr vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   N14-Millar-Smith vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  680         14.00  24.00  4 S +2   P3-Turner-Herold vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  650          5.50  32.50  4 S +1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N12-Beall-Wu
  650          5.50  32.50  4 S +1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  650          5.50  32.50  4 S +1   O13-Page-Neate vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  650          5.50  32.50  4 S +1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P3-Clough-Clough
  650          5.50  32.50  4 S +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
  650          5.50  32.50  4 S +1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  620          2.00  36.00  4 S      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        100    0.50  37.50  6 S -1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        100    0.50  37.50  6 S -1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
19 ♠KQ853
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 3 3 4♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣4 ♦4 ♥4 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 14 - 16 = -2
Par: +420 4♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  450         38.00   0.00  4♠ N +1   N15-Williams-Chow vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  430         37.00   1.00  3N S +1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N4-Warner-Warner
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ S      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N11-McVay-Brown
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      N8-Karro-Karro vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      O15-Epley-Trautman vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      P6-Shallit-Williams vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      P8-Lust-Lust vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P3-Clough-Clough
  420         28.00  10.00  4♠ N      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P5-Groome-Walters
  140         19.00  19.00  2♠ S +1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O6-Koster-Beck
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N2-Lust-Osborne
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N10-Swanson-Decker
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N5-Christie-Wastle
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P11-French-Schneider
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   P3-Turner-Herold vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
         50   11.00  27.00  4♠ N -1   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
         50   11.00  27.00  4 N -1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        100    1.50  36.50  4♠* N -1  N1-Moores-Karr vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        100    1.50  36.50  4♠ N -2   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O7-Steil-Hays
        100    1.50  36.50  4♠ N -2   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        100    1.50  36.50  4♠ N -2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
20 ♠Q
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 4 4 1NT  ♠5
EW: 1♠  ♣3 ♦2 ♥2 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +620 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         38.00   0.00  4 S +1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  630         37.00   1.00  3N S +1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  620         36.00   2.00  4 S      P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  600         35.00   3.00  5 S      P5-Barnes-Borg vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  150         34.00   4.00  3♣ N +2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
  130         29.50   8.50  3 S +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  130         29.50   8.50  3 N +1   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  130         29.50   8.50  4♣ N      N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  130         29.50   8.50  3♣ N +1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N11-McVay-Brown
  130         29.50   8.50  3♣ N +1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  130         29.50   8.50  3♣ N +1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O7-Steil-Hays
  130         29.50   8.50  3♣ N +1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  130         29.50   8.50  3♣ N +1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P5-Groome-Walters
        100   20.00  18.00  3N S -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N4-Warner-Warner
        100   20.00  18.00  3N S -1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        100   20.00  18.00  3N S -1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        100   20.00  18.00  3N S -1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O6-Koster-Beck
        100   20.00  18.00  3N S -1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
        100   20.00  18.00  4 S -1   N1-Moores-Karr vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        100   20.00  18.00  5 S -1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        100   20.00  18.00  5 S -1   N15-Williams-Chow vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        100   20.00  18.00  5 S -1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        100   20.00  18.00  5 S -1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        100   20.00  18.00  5♣ N -1   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        200    9.00  29.00  3N S -2   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        200    9.00  29.00  3N S -2   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P11-French-Schneider
        200    9.00  29.00  3N S -2   P3-Turner-Herold vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        200    9.00  29.00  3N S -2   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        200    9.00  29.00  3N S -2   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P3-Clough-Clough
        200    9.00  29.00  3N S -2   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        200    9.00  29.00  3N N -2   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        200    9.00  29.00  6 S -2   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        200    9.00  29.00  4 S -2   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        200    9.00  29.00  4 S -2   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        200    9.00  29.00  4 S -2   P8-Lust-Lust vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        300    2.00  36.00  3N S -3   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        300    2.00  36.00  3N S -3   N8-Karro-Karro vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        300    2.00  36.00  3N S -3   O3-Sache-Ward vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        400    0.00  38.00  3N S -4   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
21 ♠A
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3/4♣ 6 1 2♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦1 ♥6 ♠4 NT3
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +1370 6-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         38.00   0.00  3♠* E -4  P3-Turner-Herold vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  690         36.50   1.50  3N S +3   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O7-Steil-Hays
  690         36.50   1.50  3N S +3   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  660         30.00   8.00  3N S +2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N12-Beall-Wu
  660         30.00   8.00  3N S +2   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  660         30.00   8.00  3N S +2   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
  660         30.00   8.00  3N S +2   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  660         30.00   8.00  3N S +2   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  660         30.00   8.00  3N S +2   P8-Lust-Lust vs P5-Groome-Walters
  660         30.00   8.00  3N N +2   O3-Sache-Ward vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  660         30.00   8.00  3N N +2   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  660         30.00   8.00  3N N +2   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  660         30.00   8.00  3N N +2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  660         30.00   8.00  3N N +2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P11-French-Schneider
  630         21.00  17.00  3N S +1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P1-Keech-Todd
  630         21.00  17.00  3N S +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
  630         21.00  17.00  3N N +1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  630         21.00  17.00  3N N +1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  630         21.00  17.00  3N N +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  630         21.00  17.00  3N N +1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N4-Warner-Warner
  630         21.00  17.00  3N N +1   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  600         16.50  21.50  3N S      N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  600         16.50  21.50  5 N      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  300         15.00  23.00  2* E -2  O11-Short-Pritchard vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
  250         14.00  24.00  3♣ W -5   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  210         13.00  25.00  1N N +4   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
  180         12.00  26.00  2N N +2   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  170          8.00  30.00  3 S +3   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  170          8.00  30.00  3 S +3   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N11-McVay-Brown
  170          8.00  30.00  3 S +3   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  170          8.00  30.00  3 S +3   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  170          8.00  30.00  3 S +3   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  170          8.00  30.00  3 S +3   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  170          8.00  30.00  3 N +3   N1-Moores-Karr vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  130          3.50  34.50  4 N      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P3-Clough-Clough
  130          3.50  34.50  3 N +1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O6-Koster-Beck
  100          2.00  36.00  2 E -2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        100    1.00  37.00  5 N -1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        500    0.00  38.00  6* N -2  N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
22 ♠Q5
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1  ♣5 ♠4 NT6
EW: 2♣ 3♠  ♦4 ♥5 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  420         38.00   0.00  4 N      N1-Moores-Karr vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  170         36.50   1.50  3 N +1   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  170         36.50   1.50  3 N +1   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P11-French-Schneider
  140         34.50   3.50  2 N +1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N4-Warner-Warner
  140         34.50   3.50  2 N +1   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  110         32.50   5.50  2 N      N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  110         32.50   5.50  2 N      O11-Short-Pritchard vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
  100         30.50   7.50  3♠ W -1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N12-Beall-Wu
  100         30.50   7.50  3♠ W -1   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O7-Steil-Hays
         50   24.00  14.00  3 S -1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
         50   24.00  14.00  3 N -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
         50   24.00  14.00  3 N -1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
         50   24.00  14.00  3 N -1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O10-Bell-Clerke
         50   24.00  14.00  3 N -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
         50   24.00  14.00  3 N -1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
         50   24.00  14.00  2 N -1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
         50   24.00  14.00  2 N -1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
         50   24.00  14.00  4 N -1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
         50   24.00  14.00  4 N -1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P3-Clough-Clough
         50   24.00  14.00  3 S -1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N11-McVay-Brown
        100   17.00  21.00  4 S -2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        100   17.00  21.00  4 N -2   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        100   17.00  21.00  3 N -2   P3-Turner-Herold vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        140   12.00  26.00  3♠ W      N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        140   12.00  26.00  3♠ W      N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        140   12.00  26.00  3♠ W      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        140   12.00  26.00  3♠ W      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        140   12.00  26.00  3♠ W      P8-Lust-Lust vs P5-Groome-Walters
        140   12.00  26.00  3♠ E      P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        140   12.00  26.00  3♠ E      P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        150    6.50  31.50  4 S -3   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        150    6.50  31.50  4 N -3   N8-Karro-Karro vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        150    6.50  31.50  3 N -3   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        150    6.50  31.50  3 N -3   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        170    4.00  34.00  3♠ W +1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O6-Koster-Beck
        500    3.00  35.00  4* N -3  P6-Shallit-Williams vs P1-Keech-Todd
        620    1.50  36.50  4♠ W      P5-Barnes-Borg vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        620    1.50  36.50  4♠ E      N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        930    0.00  38.00  3♠* W +1  O15-Epley-Trautman vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
23 ♠KT9
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 2 1♠ 1NT  ♣6
EW:  ♣6 ♦5 ♥5 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 14 - 16 = -2
Par: +110 2-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         38.00   0.00  3♣* E -2  P12-Young-Worby vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  400         37.00   1.00  2♠ W -4   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  300         36.00   2.00  2♠ W -3   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  200         34.00   4.00  1N W -2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  200         34.00   4.00  3♠ W -2   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O6-Koster-Beck
  200         34.00   4.00  2♠ E -2   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  180         32.00   6.00  2* S     O5-Petronella-Sands vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  140         31.00   7.00  1 N +2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  120         30.00   8.00  1N S +1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N4-Warner-Warner
  110         28.50   9.50  2 S +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  110         28.50   9.50  2 S +1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
  100         26.50  11.50  2♠ W -1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  100         26.50  11.50  2♠ W -1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
   90         20.50  17.50  1N N      N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N9-Binney-Lewis
   90         20.50  17.50  1N N      O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O7-Steil-Hays
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      N1-Moores-Karr vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N11-McVay-Brown
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N10-Swanson-Decker
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      P3-Turner-Herold vs P11-French-Schneider
   90         20.50  17.50  2 S      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N17-Darcy-Davis
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N8-Cool-Fleming
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N12-Beall-Wu
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O8-Williams-Fleming
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
    PASS      10.00  28.00  Pass Out  P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P5-Groome-Walters
        100    3.00  35.00  1N N -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        100    3.00  35.00  3 S -1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        100    3.00  35.00  3 S -1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        200    0.50  37.50  4 S -2   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        200    0.50  37.50  3* S -1  O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
24 ♠A92
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦5 ♥5 ♠6 NT5
EW: 3♣ 1 1 1♠ 2NT
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         38.00   0.00  3N E -3   P8-Lust-Lust vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  100         36.00   2.00  2♠ E -2   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  100         36.00   2.00  2 W -2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  100         36.00   2.00  5♣ W -2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
   50         30.50   7.50  3N W -1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
   50         30.50   7.50  3N W -1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
   50         30.50   7.50  3N E -1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
   50         30.50   7.50  3♠ E -1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
   50         30.50   7.50  2♠ E -1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
   50         30.50   7.50  2♠ E -1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N17-Darcy-Davis
   50         30.50   7.50  3♣ W -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N2-Lust-Osborne
   50         30.50   7.50  3♣ W -1   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N10-Swanson-Decker
         90   26.00  12.00  2♣ W      N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        110   22.50  15.50  3♣ W      N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        110   22.50  15.50  3♣ W      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        110   22.50  15.50  3♣ W      O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
        110   22.50  15.50  3♣ E      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O6-Koster-Beck
        110   22.50  15.50  2♣ W +1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O7-Steil-Hays
        110   22.50  15.50  2♣ W +1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        130   17.50  20.50  3♣ W +1   P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        130   17.50  20.50  2♣ W +2   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        130   17.50  20.50  2♣ W +2   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        130   17.50  20.50  2♣ W +2   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        150    8.00  30.00  2N W +1   P12-Young-Worby vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N11-McVay-Brown
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   N8-Karro-Karro vs N4-Warner-Warner
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N12-Beall-Wu
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   P3-Turner-Herold vs P11-French-Schneider
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        150    8.00  30.00  1N W +2   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P5-Groome-Walters
        150    8.00  30.00  2♣ E +3   N1-Moores-Karr vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        400    0.00  38.00  3N W      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
25 ♠K7654
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦3 ♥5 ♠6 NT4
EW: 4 1 1♠ 3NT  ♣6
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: -600 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
         50   38.00   0.00  2♣ N -1   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
         90   37.00   1.00  1N E      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        110   35.50   2.50  2 E +1   N1-Moores-Karr vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        110   35.50   2.50  2♣ E +1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O6-Koster-Beck
        120   32.50   5.50  2N E      P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        120   32.50   5.50  1N E +1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N12-Beall-Wu
        120   32.50   5.50  1N E +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        120   32.50   5.50  1N E +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        130   29.50   8.50  2 E +2   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        130   29.50   8.50  2 E +2   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        150   16.50  21.50  2N E +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        150   16.50  21.50  1N W +2   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N8-Karro-Karro vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N11-McVay-Brown
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O7-Steil-Hays
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   O13-Page-Neate vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P5-Groome-Walters
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        150   16.50  21.50  1N E +2   P12-Young-Worby vs P11-French-Schneider
        150   16.50  21.50  2♠ N -3   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        180    2.50  35.50  1N E +3   P3-Turner-Herold vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        180    2.50  35.50  1N E +3   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        180    2.50  35.50  1N E +3   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        180    2.50  35.50  1N E +3   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P1-Keech-Todd
        500    0.00  38.00  3♠* N -3  P8-Lust-Lust vs P3-Clough-Clough
26 ♠AJ872
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦5 ♥3 ♠5 NT4
EW: 3♣ -/1 3 1♠ 3NT  ♦6/7
LoTT: 14 - 16 = -2
Par: -600 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         38.00   0.00  3N E -2   O5-Petronella-Sands vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  100         31.00   7.00  3N E -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  100         31.00   7.00  3N E -1   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  100         31.00   7.00  3N E -1   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P1-Keech-Todd
  100         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  100         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  100         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
  100         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   O1-Brodrick-Brodrick vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
  100         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  100         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  100         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   P12-Young-Worby vs P11-French-Schneider
  100         31.00   7.00  4 E -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N11-McVay-Brown
  100         31.00   7.00  3 W -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  100         31.00   7.00  4♣ E -1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O6-Koster-Beck
        110   23.50  14.50  2 W      N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        110   23.50  14.50  3♣ E      P1-Edwards-Knowles vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        140   20.50  17.50  3 E      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O7-Steil-Hays
        140   20.50  17.50  2 W +1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        140   20.50  17.50  2 W +1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        140   20.50  17.50  2 E +1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        170   16.00  22.00  3 W +1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        170   16.00  22.00  3 W +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        170   16.00  22.00  3 W +1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
        170   16.00  22.00  3 W +1   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        170   16.00  22.00  3 W +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        600   11.50  26.50  3N W      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        600   11.50  26.50  3N N      P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        600   11.50  26.50  3N E      N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        600   11.50  26.50  3N E      P3-Turner-Herold vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N12-Beall-Wu
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      O13-Page-Neate vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      P5-Barnes-Borg vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      P8-Lust-Lust vs P3-Clough-Clough
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        650    2.00  36.00  4 W +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P5-Groome-Walters
        730    1.00  37.00  3* W     N1-Moores-Karr vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        790    0.00  38.00  4* W     O11-Short-Pritchard vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
27 ♠AKJ3
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦0 ♥0 ♠6 NT0
EW: 3♣ 5 5 1♠ 2NT
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -450 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        150   37.50   0.50  4 W +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N12-Beall-Wu
        150   37.50   0.50  3 W +2   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
        200   34.50   3.50  3 E +2   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        200   34.50   3.50  3 E +2   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        200   34.50   3.50  2 E +3   N8-Karro-Karro vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        200   34.50   3.50  2 E +3   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        400   32.00   6.00  3N W      P6-Shallit-Williams vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        420   29.00   9.00  4 E      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        420   29.00   9.00  4 E      N14-Millar-Smith vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        420   29.00   9.00  4 E      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P11-French-Schneider
        420   29.00   9.00  4 E      P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
        420   29.00   9.00  4 E      P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        450   17.50  20.50  4♠ E +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        450   17.50  20.50  5 E      P12-Young-Worby vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        450   17.50  20.50  4 W +1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N4-Warner-Warner
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O7-Steil-Hays
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O6-Koster-Beck
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   O13-Page-Neate vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   P3-Turner-Herold vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
        450   17.50  20.50  4 E +1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        480    7.50  30.50  4 W +2   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        480    7.50  30.50  4 E +2   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        500    6.00  32.00  4♠* S -3  P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        510    3.50  34.50  4 E +3   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N11-McVay-Brown
        510    3.50  34.50  4 E +3   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        510    3.50  34.50  4 E +3   O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        510    3.50  34.50  4 E +3   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        800    0.50  37.50  4♠* N -4  N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        800    0.50  37.50  4♠* N -4  O5-Petronella-Sands vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
28 ♠AKT9743
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♠ 1NT  ♣3 ♦4 ♥3
EW: 3/4♣ 3 4  ♠4 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: -200 4♠*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  730         37.50   0.50  3♠* N     N13-Tafler-Angus vs N12-Beall-Wu
  730         37.50   0.50  3♠* N     P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P11-French-Schneider
  170         36.00   2.00  2♠ N +2   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N4-Warner-Warner
  140         32.00   6.00  3♠ S      P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  140         32.00   6.00  3♠ N      N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  140         32.00   6.00  3♠ N      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  140         32.00   6.00  3♠ N      O3-Sache-Ward vs O7-Steil-Hays
  140         32.00   6.00  3♠ N      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O2-Crouch-Hayne
  140         32.00   6.00  3♠ N      P13-Pearce-McNie vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  140         32.00   6.00  2♠ N +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  100         27.50  10.50  2N W -2   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O6-Koster-Beck
  100         27.50  10.50  5 E -2   O2-Barthels-Carswell vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
   50         21.00  17.00  4♠ E -1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
   50         21.00  17.00  5 E -1   P2-Hamilton-Duncan vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
   50         21.00  17.00  4 W -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N11-McVay-Brown
   50         21.00  17.00  4 W -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N17-Darcy-Davis
   50         21.00  17.00  4 W -1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N2-Lust-Osborne
   50         21.00  17.00  4 W -1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O8-Williams-Fleming
   50         21.00  17.00  4 E -1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
   50         21.00  17.00  4 E -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N10-Swanson-Decker
   50         21.00  17.00  4 E -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
   50         21.00  17.00  4 E -1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
   50         21.00  17.00  4♣ W -1   N2-O'Brien-Turley vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        140   14.00  24.00  3 W      O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        140   14.00  24.00  3 E      P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        140   14.00  24.00  3 E      P12-Young-Worby vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        170   11.50  26.50  3 W +1   P3-Turner-Herold vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        170   11.50  26.50  3 E +1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        200   10.00  28.00  4♠* N -1  P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      O13-Page-Neate vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      P5-Barnes-Borg vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      P6-Shallit-Williams vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      P8-Lust-Lust vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
        420    4.50  33.50  4 W      P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        420    4.50  33.50  4 E      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        420    4.50  33.50  4 E      O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
29 ♠AT954
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5 5♠ 1NT  ♣4 ♥3
EW: 3♣ 4  ♦2 ♠2 NT6
LoTT: 21 - 21 = 0
Par: +500 6*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1130         38.00   0.00  3♠* S +2  P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P5-Groome-Walters
 1100         37.00   1.00  5♣* E -4  N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N9-Binney-Lewis
  990         35.00   3.00  4♠* S +1  N14-Millar-Smith vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
  990         35.00   3.00  4♠* N +1  O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
  990         35.00   3.00  4♠* N +1  O15-Epley-Trautman vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
  850         31.00   7.00  5♠* N     N15-Williams-Chow vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  850         31.00   7.00  5♠* N     O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  850         31.00   7.00  5♠* N     P3-Turner-Herold vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  850         31.00   7.00  5♠* N     P5-Barnes-Borg vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  850         31.00   7.00  5♠* N     P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  790         25.50  12.50  4♠* N     O5-Petronella-Sands vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  790         25.50  12.50  4♠* N     O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  790         25.50  12.50  4♠* N     O11-Short-Pritchard vs O7-Steil-Hays
  790         25.50  12.50  4♠* N     O13-Page-Neate vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
  790         25.50  12.50  4♠* N     P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  790         25.50  12.50  4♠* N     P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  650         21.00  17.00  4♠ N +1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  650         21.00  17.00  4♠ N +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N11-McVay-Brown
  650         21.00  17.00  4♠ N +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P11-French-Schneider
  620         17.00  21.00  4♠ N      N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  620         17.00  21.00  4♠ N      N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N12-Beall-Wu
  620         17.00  21.00  4♠ N      N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  620         17.00  21.00  4♠ N      O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  620         17.00  21.00  4♠ N      P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
  200         12.00  26.00  3♠ N +2   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  200         12.00  26.00  3♠ N +2   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  200         12.00  26.00  5* E -1  O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  200         12.00  26.00  5* E -1  P8-Lust-Lust vs P1-Keech-Todd
  200         12.00  26.00  5* E -1  P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
  170          8.50  29.50  3♠ N +1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  170          8.50  29.50  3♠ N +1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  140          7.00  31.00  3♠ N      P6-Shallit-Williams vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  100          5.50  32.50  5 E -1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  100          5.50  32.50  5 E -1   P12-Young-Worby vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        200    3.50  34.50  6♠* N -1  O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        200    3.50  34.50  5♠* N -1  N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        620    1.00  37.00  4♠ W      P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P3-Clough-Clough
        620    1.00  37.00  4 E      N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        620    1.00  37.00  4 E      O3-Sache-Ward vs O6-Koster-Beck
30 ♠A6
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 3 1♠ 3NT  ♣6
EW:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥4 ♠6 NT4
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +400 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1100         38.00   0.00  4♠* E -5  P3-Turner-Herold vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  460         37.00   1.00  3N N +2   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
  430         30.00   8.00  3N S +1   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O5-Elias-Sawyer
  430         30.00   8.00  3N S +1   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   N3-Takemori-Adachi vs N8-Cool-Fleming
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   O3-Sache-Ward vs O6-Koster-Beck
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O3-Penton-Thornborough
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O7-Steil-Hays
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   O13-Page-Neate vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P3-Clough-Clough
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P5-Groome-Walters
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   P12-Young-Worby vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
  430         30.00   8.00  3N N +1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P11-French-Schneider
  400         18.50  19.50  3N S      N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  400         18.50  19.50  3N S      O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O16-Burns-Anderson
  400         18.50  19.50  3N S      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
  400         18.50  19.50  3N N      N8-Karro-Karro vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
  400         18.50  19.50  3N N      N14-Millar-Smith vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
  400         18.50  19.50  3N N      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O10-Bell-Clerke
  400         18.50  19.50  3N N      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  400         18.50  19.50  3N N      P5-Barnes-Borg vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  400         18.50  19.50  3N N      P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
  400         18.50  19.50  3N N      P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
  150         13.00  25.00  1N S +2   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
  130         11.50  26.50  3 N +1   O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
  130         11.50  26.50  2 N +2   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  120         10.00  28.00  1N S +1   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
         50    5.50  32.50  3N S -1   N15-Williams-Chow vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
         50    5.50  32.50  3N S -1   O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O8-Williams-Fleming
         50    5.50  32.50  3N S -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
         50    5.50  32.50  3N S -1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P1-Keech-Todd
         50    5.50  32.50  3N N -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N9-Binney-Lewis
         50    5.50  32.50  3N N -1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N11-McVay-Brown
         50    5.50  32.50  3N N -1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
         50    5.50  32.50  3N N -1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        150    0.50  37.50  3N N -3   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        150    0.50  37.50  3♣ N -3   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N12-Beall-Wu
31 ♠8742
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2♠ 1NT  ♦6 ♥4
EW: 2  ♣5 ♦6 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +100 3*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         38.00   0.00  4* W -3  N14-Millar-Smith vs N12-Beall-Wu
  150         37.00   1.00  3N W -3   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O6-Koster-Beck
  140         35.00   3.00  2♠ N +1   N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N11-McVay-Brown
  140         35.00   3.00  2♠ N +1   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  140         35.00   3.00  2♠ N +1   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  120         33.00   5.00  1N S +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N4-Warner-Warner
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ S      N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ S      O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ S      P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ S      P8-Lust-Lust vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      N8-Karro-Karro vs N17-Darcy-Davis
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N2-Lust-Osborne
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      N13-Tafler-Angus vs N10-Swanson-Decker
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O7-Steil-Hays
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      O5-Petronella-Sands vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O8-Williams-Fleming
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      P12-Young-Worby vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
  110         25.00  13.00  2♠ N      P13-Pearce-McNie vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  110         25.00  13.00  3♣ S      N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
  100         17.00  21.00  4* W -1  O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        100   12.50  25.50  3♠ S -1   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        100   12.50  25.50  3♠ S -1   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        100   12.50  25.50  3♠ N -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        100   12.50  25.50  3♠ N -1   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        100   12.50  25.50  2♠ S -1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        100   12.50  25.50  2♠ N -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        100   12.50  25.50  2♠ N -1   O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
        100   12.50  25.50  3♣ S -1   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        140    8.00  30.00  3 W      N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        200    4.50  33.50  4♠ S -2   O13-Page-Neate vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        200    4.50  33.50  4♠ S -2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P11-French-Schneider
        200    4.50  33.50  4♠ S -2   P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        200    4.50  33.50  4♠ N -2   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        200    4.50  33.50  4♠ N -2   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        200    4.50  33.50  3♠ N -2   P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        300    0.50  37.50  4♠ S -3   O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        300    0.50  37.50  4♠ N -3   N15-Williams-Chow vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
32 ♠7
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣6 ♦1 ♥1 NT1
EW: 4 5 -/2NT
       ♣6 ♠6 NT5/8
LoTT: 18 - 16 = +2
Par: -650 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         38.00   0.00  5* E -2  N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N4-Warner-Warner
  200         36.50   1.50  4* W -1  P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P6-Klassen-Munroe
  200         36.50   1.50  4 W -2   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  100         34.00   4.00  4 W -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
  100         34.00   4.00  4 W -1   O11-Short-Pritchard vs O6-Koster-Beck
  100         34.00   4.00  4 W -1   P6-Shallit-Williams vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
        100   27.50  10.50  4♠ S -2   N4-Weinberg-Weinberg vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        100   27.50  10.50  4♠ S -2   O15-Epley-Trautman vs O14-Skoropada-Baldys
        100   27.50  10.50  4♠ S -2   P5-Barnes-Borg vs P11-French-Schneider
        100   27.50  10.50  4♠ S -2   P12-Young-Worby vs P8-Bickley-Maclean
        100   27.50  10.50  4♠ S -2   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
        100   27.50  10.50  3♠ S -2   N15-Williams-Chow vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
        100   27.50  10.50  3♠* S -1  O5-Petronella-Sands vs O9-Morse-Ayukawa
        100   27.50  10.50  3♠ S -2   O9-Dunn-Smillie vs O1-Freeze-Freeze
        100   27.50  10.50  3♠ S -2   O16-Sadd-Sadd vs O16-Burns-Anderson
        100   27.50  10.50  3♠ S -2   P8-Lust-Lust vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        110   22.00  16.00  3 E      N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        150   18.50  19.50  4♠ S -3   N8-Karro-Karro vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        150   18.50  19.50  4♠ S -3   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N6-Hubbard-Hubbard
        150   18.50  19.50  4♠ S -3   O6-Adelman-Lenstra vs O11-Lawrence-Fakih
        150   18.50  19.50  4♠ S -3   O10-Deeder-Stockman vs O4-Cecchi-Moroz
        150   18.50  19.50  4♠ S -3   O13-Page-Neate vs O10-Bell-Clerke
        150   18.50  19.50  4♠ S -3   P4-Regottaz-Pugsley vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        200   15.00  23.00  5♣ N -4   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P4-McLean-Bouchard
        300   13.00  25.00  4♠* S -2  N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        300   13.00  25.00  3♠* S -2  N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N8-Cool-Fleming
        300   13.00  25.00  3♠* S -2  P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        500   10.00  28.00  4♠* S -3  N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N11-McVay-Brown
        500   10.00  28.00  4♠* S -3  N13-Tafler-Angus vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        500   10.00  28.00  4♠* S -3  P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N2-Lust-Osborne
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      O7-Lewis-D'Entremont vs O13-Mamer-Nelson
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      O12-Duquette-Adrian vs O8-Williams-Fleming
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      O14-Galbraith-Galbraith vs O12-Moffatt-Cook
        620    6.00  32.00  4 W      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        650    3.00  35.00  4 W +1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N12-Beall-Wu
        800    2.00  36.00  5♣* N -4  O8-Thickett-Thickett vs O15-McAllister-McAllister
       1050    1.00  37.00  5* W +1  P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P2-Hutchinson-Fricker
       1100    0.00  38.00  5♣* N -5  O4-Sil-Whitehead vs O7-Steil-Hays
33 ♠KQ42
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥5 ♠4 NT4
EW: 2♣ 1 2 3♠ 3NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -400 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  180         37.75   0.25  2* S     P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
  100         34.00   4.00  3N E -2   N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N12-Beall-Wu
  100         34.00   4.00  3N E -2   N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N5-Christie-Wastle
  100         34.00   4.00  3N E -2   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P3-Clough-Clough
  100         34.00   4.00  3N E -2   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
   80         30.25   7.75  1 N      P5-Barnes-Borg vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
   50         26.50  11.50  3N W -1   N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
   50         26.50  11.50  3N E -1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
   50         26.50  11.50  3N E -1   N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
   50         26.50  11.50  3N E -1   P13-Pearce-McNie vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
        100   22.75  15.25  2 S -2   P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P11-French-Schneider
        150   20.50  17.50  1N W +2   P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        150   20.50  17.50  2 S -3   N15-Williams-Chow vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw
        200   18.25  19.75  2** S -1 P12-Young-Worby vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
        300   16.00  22.00  3* S -2  N8-Karro-Karro vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        300   16.00  22.00  2* S -2  N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        400   12.25  25.75  3N W      N14-Millar-Smith vs N11-McVay-Brown
        400   12.25  25.75  3N E      P6-Shallit-Williams vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
        400   12.25  25.75  3N E      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        430    5.50  32.50  3N E +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        430    5.50  32.50  3N E +1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        430    5.50  32.50  3N E +1   N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        430    5.50  32.50  3N E +1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        430    5.50  32.50  3N E +1   P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P1-Keech-Todd
        430    5.50  32.50  3N E +1   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P5-Groome-Walters
        500    0.25  37.75  3* S -3  N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
34 ♠T83
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♥4 ♠4 NT6
EW: 3♣ 2 2♠  ♦6/5 NT6/5
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: -110 2♠-EW/2-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  580         37.75   0.25  1N* S +2  P6-Shallit-Williams vs P12-Lochang-Tjebbes
  380         36.25   1.75  1N* S +1  P5-Barnes-Borg vs P10-Blackburn-Sidebottom
  300         34.75   3.25  2* E -2  N7-Rakevich-Brunswig vs N14-Pluhta-Kimbrell
  120         32.50   5.50  1N S +1   P10-Schmidt-Bishoff vs P3-Clough-Clough
  120         32.50   5.50  1N S +1   P15-Maksymetz-Fournier vs P13-Demeulemeester-Penner
  100         29.50   8.50  2 W -2   P11-Moffatt-Bye vs P5-Groome-Walters
  100         29.50   8.50  4♣* E -1  P9-Lee-Nowlan vs P1-Keech-Todd
   90         25.75  12.25  1N S      P12-Young-Worby vs P7-Vancil-Goldston
   90         25.75  12.25  1N S      P13-Pearce-McNie vs P9-Gerrie-Harris
   90         25.75  12.25  1N S      P14-Bolan-Rowe vs P11-French-Schneider
        100   20.50  17.50  1N S -1   N8-Karro-Karro vs N16-Boehne-Jackson
        100   20.50  17.50  1N S -1   N14-Millar-Smith vs N11-McVay-Brown
        100   20.50  17.50  1N N -1   N9-Coone-Ecclestone vs N1-Cronquist-Johnson
        100   20.50  17.50  3 S -1   P8-Lust-Lust vs P16-Dodge-Abougoush
        110   13.75  24.25  2 W      N5-Malazdrewicz-Malazdrewicz vs N10-Swanson-Decker
        110   13.75  24.25  3♣ E      N6-Griffiths-Rumley vs N12-Beall-Wu
        110   13.75  24.25  3♣ E      P7-Subeck-Subeck vs P14-Stafford-Zastera
        110   13.75  24.25  3♣ E      P17-Hopwood-Cohos vs P17-Taylor-Aslin
        110   13.75  24.25  2♣ E +1   N10-Renwick-Renwick vs N3-Sorensen-Smith
        140    7.75  30.25  3 W      P16-Gilraine-Gilraine vs P15-Polujan-Pocock
        140    7.75  30.25  2 W +1   N13-Tafler-Angus vs N9-Binney-Lewis
        140    7.75  30.25  2 W +1   N16-Hilderman-Berglund vs N15-Ayers-Pulles
        200    4.00  34.00  2* S -1  N11-La Cour-La Cour vs N5-Christie-Wastle
        200    4.00  34.00  2* N -1  N17-Lowe-Brackhahn vs N17-Darcy-Davis
        400    1.75  36.25  1N** S -1 N12-Chernoff-Sache vs N7-Gerstenberger-Hays
        530    0.25  37.75  3* E     N15-Williams-Chow vs N13-Marinus-Bradshaw