ACBL District 19 Regionals and Events

Tournament Links: Daily Bulletin files are large PDFs, posted at about breakfast time during regionals. Wrapup Issues contain Sunday event results and complete masterpoint lists for all players, posted late Sunday evening. Game results here at Bridge Results are posted at the end of each session (and sometimes do NOT include the latest corrections). Photo pages are filled by the end of the week but are usually a few days behind. The District 19 website is in slow motion as we look for a replacement for Randy Corn, who passed away in 2014. But it is McBruce's fault if things don't get posted on time, so send corrections and suggestions to me please.

If the contracts and tricks do not match the raw score, the raw score is what counts and there is probably some BridgeMate problem creating the discrepency, or a late score correction without a change in the corresponding BridgeMate file.

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Field strength:  Mean: 3559 MP  Geomean: 1833 MP
(based on 120 players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Ken Scholes - Sandra Scholes 67.69 32.47 Gold
Patti Hartley - Steven Handley 65.08 6.49 Gold
Maurice Blustein - Richard Carter 64.00 9.28 Gold
Florence Beaird - Thomas Kuehne 63.92 5.83 Gold
Corrine Joinette - Jean Groome 61.54 4.08 Gold
Michael Boruta - Ralph Cole 59.62 5.90 Gold
Bud Craig - Kelly Meenagh 59.00 8.03 Gold
Cristal Nell - Haig Tchamitch 58.54 24.35 Gold
George Bickel - Joan Bickel 58.00 2.22 Gold
Bryan Maksymetz - Frances Corney 57.31 5.41 Gold
Dee Berry - Marci Knipschield 57.15 7.22 Gold
Mark Itabashi - Steven Love 56.92 8.12 Gold
Sid Segal - William Osten 56.54 4.08 Gold
Ann Morin - William Aeschbacher 56.31 18.26 Gold
James Dukelow Jr - Nancy Bass 56.23 5.04 Gold
David Baer - Rose Bolson 55.77 1.94 Red
Harry Steiner - Yoko Barnett 55.46 10.82 Gold
G Gard Hays - Laurie Rowe 54.62 13.70 Gold
Robert Bjorge - Thomas Devine 54.08 10.71 Gold
Marge Neate - Thomas Anderson 53.77 1.77 Red
James Wu - Ron Beall 53.31 6.02 Gold
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Andrew Lee - Robert Walters 52.77 3.57 Gold
John Aslin - Ronald Tracy 52.46 0.81 Red
Gregory Trautman - Jessie Brunswig 52.46 1.62 Red
Galen Hesson - John Massman III 51.38 0.49 Red
Dennis Duryea - Dianne Cox 51.38 0.64 Red
James Madison - Phyllis Rakevich 51.23 1.10 Red
David Binney - Dudley Brown 50.62 1.31 Red
Dave Walker - John Emmerson 50.38 1.92 Gold
A Kuo - Lea Rogers 50.08 3.17 Gold
Becky Stevens - Michael Christensen 48.54 0.46 Red
Richard Nelson - Steven Wallis 48.08 2.86 Gold
Dan Branscum - Louise Lott 47.15 1.11 Red
Judith Hess - Kirby Baker 46.62 0.79 Red
Dana Lawrence - Patricia Henry 45.69 2.73 Gold, 0.12 Red
Amy DeShaw - Jackie Buroker 45.00 3.98 Gold
Kathy Gilman - Michael Ring 44.46 0.64 Red
Balusu Rao - Janet Geoffroy 43.08 1.10 Red
Deborah Cool - Les Fouks 40.85 1.59 Red
Alan Hendrickson - Kent Harold 40.62 1.11 Red
Anita Morse - Paul Klarreich 36.38 0.46 Red

The percentage shown here is for this session only. The final masterpoint award shown is based on performance in all sessions and is the better of your multi-session overall award or the sum of your individual session award(s).

EVENT>Friday ABC Pairs         |SESSION>Second       |SECTION> G N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>August 21, 2015    |SANCTION>R1508021  | 08/22/2015 13:35|EVENT CODE>501
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Lynnwood, Wash. |RATING>Regional                     |RANK WITH>H
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=30/B=15/C=8                     ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Thomas Kuehne          Florence Beaird          B   .     .     .    677.50  262.00    1     1     .    415.50  63.92  5.83Gold
 2 Louise Lott            Dan Branscum             C   .     .     .    552.50  246.00    .     .     2    306.50  47.15  1.11Red 
 3 Steven Love            Mark Itabashi            A   7     .     .    732.00  362.00    6     .     .    370.00  56.92  8.12Gold
 4 William Etnyre         Edith Johnson            C   .     .     .    577.00  301.50    .     .     .    275.50  42.38          
 5 Jean Groome            Corrine Joinette         A  15     .     .    707.75  307.75    2     .     .    400.00  61.54  4.08Gold
 6 Robert Walters         Andrew Lee               B   .     7     .    700.50  357.50   12     5     .    343.00  52.77  3.57Gold
 7 Harry Steiner          Yoko Barnett             A   5     .     .    744.50  384.00    9     .     .    360.50  55.46 10.82Gold
 8 Kent Harold            Alan Hendrickson         C   .     .     .    601.00  337.00    .     .     .    264.00  40.62  1.11Red 
 9 David Baer             Rose Bolson              A   .     .     .    704.50  342.00    8     .     .    362.50  55.77  1.94Red 
10 Marge Neate            Thomas Anderson          B   .     .     .    673.00  323.50   10     3     .    349.50  53.77  1.77Red 
11 Suzanne Boruta         Lynda Cole               A   .     .     .    633.00  319.00    .     .     .    314.00  48.31          
12 Frances Corney         Bryan Maksymetz          A  11     .     .    717.50  345.00    5     .     .    372.50  57.31  5.41Gold
13 Phyllis Rakevich       James Madison            A   .     .     .    691.50  358.50    .     .     .    333.00  51.23  1.10Red 
14 Ron Beall              James Wu                 B  14     4     .    708.00  361.50   11     4     .    346.50  53.31  6.02Gold
15 Gloria West            Carol Proctor            A   .     .     .    325.00    0.00    .     .     .    325.00  50.00          
                                          Totals                        9745.25 4607.25                   5138.00       

EVENT>Friday ABC Pairs         |SESSION>Second       |SECTION> G E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=30/B=19/C=11                    ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Les Fouks              Deborah Cool             B   .     .     .    629.00  363.50    .     .     .    265.50  40.85  1.59Red 
 2 Joe Collier            Diane Felure             C   .     .     .    490.00  259.00    .     .     .    231.00  35.54          
 3 Sandra Scholes         Ken Scholes              A   1     .     .    838.50  398.50    1     .     .    440.00  67.69 32.47Gold
 4 Yuri Wiitala           Gert Wiitala             C   .     .     .    539.50  300.50    .     .     .    239.00  36.77          
 5 Dee Steil              Lynn Hays                A   .     .     .    585.00  330.00    .     .     .    255.00  39.23          
 6 Bud Craig              Kelly Meenagh            C  13     3     1    708.50  325.00    4     1     1    383.50  59.00  8.03Gold
 7 Dudley Brown           David Binney             A   .     .     .    694.50  365.50    .     .     .    329.00  50.62  1.31Red 
 8 Don Guichon            Carroll Guichon          C   .     .     .    538.00  281.50    .     .     .    256.50  39.46          
 9 John Aslin             Ronald Tracy             A   .     .     .    656.50  315.50  11/12   .     .    341.00  52.46  0.81Red 
10 William Aeschbacher    Ann Morin                B   3     1     .    753.00  387.00    8     4     .    366.00  56.31 18.26Gold
11 Doris Murdoch          Marilyn Breeze           B   .     .     .    596.50  293.50    .     .     .    303.00  46.62          
12 Kathy Hauck            Patricia Lewis           B   .     .     .    605.00  292.50    .     .     .    312.50  48.08          
13 Robert Bjorge          Thomas Devine            B  12     2     .    712.00  360.50   10     5     .    351.50  54.08 10.71Gold
14 Allen Hamm             Waldo Hurst III          C   .     .     .    445.50  234.50    .     .     .    211.00  32.46          
15 John Emmerson          Dave Walker              C   .     .     6    631.00  303.50    .     8     .    327.50  50.38  1.92Gold
                                          Totals                        9422.50 4810.50                   4612.00       

EVENT>Friday ABC Pairs         |SESSION>Second       |SECTION> H N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=30/B=15/C=8                     ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 John Leishman          Charles Tompkins         C   .     .     .    552.00  257.50    .     .     .    294.50  45.31          
 2 Patricia Henry         Dana Lawrence            C   .     .     5    672.50  375.50    .     .     .    297.00  45.69  2.73Gold
 3 Cristal Nell           Haig Tchamitch           A   2     .     .    802.50  422.00    4     .     .    380.50  58.54 24.35Gold
 4 Anita Morse            Paul Klarreich           B   .     .     .    560.00  323.50    .     .     .    236.50  36.38  0.46Red 
 5 Mike Bovarnick         Victor Bremson           A   .     .     .    619.50  329.50    .     .     .    290.00  44.62          
 6 James Dukelow Jr       Nancy Bass               C   .     5     2    705.00  339.50    7     2     1    365.50  56.23  5.04Gold
 7 Amy DeShaw             Jackie Buroker           A   .     .     .    679.00  386.50    .     .     .    292.50  45.00  3.98Gold
 8 Michael Ring           Kathy Gilman             C   .     .     .    596.50  307.50    .     .     .    289.00  44.46  0.64Red 
 9 Balusu Rao             Janet Geoffroy           A   .     .     .    638.50  358.50    .     .     .    280.00  43.08  1.10Red 
10 Stephen Kalish         Diana Thompson           B   .     .     .    549.00  269.50    .     .     .    279.50  43.00          
11 Ralph Cole             Michael Boruta           A  10     .     .    719.50  332.00    3     .     .    387.50  59.62  5.90Gold
12 Judith Hess            Kirby Baker              C   .     .     .    568.50  265.50    .     .     3    303.00  46.62  0.79Red 
13 Becky Stevens          Michael Christensen      B   .     .     .    633.00  317.50    .     6     .    315.50  48.54  0.46Red 
14 Peter Morse            Donald Sache             A   .     .     .    614.00  329.50    .     .     .    284.50  43.77          
15 Gene Gousie            Katheryn McMullen        A   .     .     .    316.50    0.00    .     .     .    316.50  48.69          
                                          Totals                        9226.00 4614.00                   4612.00       

EVENT>Friday ABC Pairs         |SESSION>Second       |SECTION> H E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=30/B=19/C=11                    ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Sid Segal              William Osten            C   .     6     3    701.50  334.00    7     3     3    367.50  56.54  4.08Gold
 2 Dennis Duryea          Dianne Cox               C   .     .     .    334.00    0.00    .    6/7    4    334.00  51.38  0.64Red 
 3 Laurie Rowe            G Gard Hays              A   4     .     .    747.50  392.50    9     .     .    355.00  54.62 13.70Gold
 4 Lea Rogers             A Kuo                    B   .     8     .    695.00  369.50    .     .     .    325.50  50.08  3.17Gold
 5 Maurice Blustein       Richard Carter           A   6     .     .    739.50  323.50    3     .     .    416.00  64.00  9.28Gold
 6 Gay Jungemann          Judith Boardman          C   .     .     .    503.50  252.00    .     .     .    251.50  38.69          
 7 Sylvia Riewerts        Samuel Asai              A   .     .     .    617.50  324.50    .     .     .    293.00  45.08          
 8 Joan Bickel            George Bickel            C   .     .     .    628.00  251.00    5     2     2    377.00  58.00  2.22Gold
 9 Jessie Brunswig        Gregory Trautman         A   .     .     .    686.50  345.50  11/12   .     .    341.00  52.46  1.62Red 
10 Galen Hesson           John Massman III         B   .     .     .    652.50  318.50    .    6/7    .    334.00  51.38  0.49Red 
11 Marci Knipschield      Dee Berry                A   8     .     .    731.00  359.50    6     .     .    371.50  57.15  7.22Gold
12 Steven Wallis          Richard Nelson           C   .     9     4    687.50  375.00    .     .     .    312.50  48.08  2.86Gold
13 Patti Hartley          Steven Handley           A   9     .     .    727.50  304.50    2     .     .    423.00  65.08  6.49Gold
14 Stanley Roberts        Will Fox                 B   .     .     .    597.50  285.50    .     .     .    312.00  48.00          
15 Chen Wang              Rangie Sylvestre         A   .     .     .    324.50    0.00    .     .     .    324.50  49.92          
                                          Totals                        9373.50 4235.50                   5138.00       

1 ♠A5
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3♠ 4NT  ♦6 ♥6
EW: 1  ♣1 ♦6 ♠2 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: +430 4NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  460         25.00   0.00  3N N +2   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G2-Collier-Felure
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   G15-West-Proctor vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ S +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ N +1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  450         19.50   5.50  4♠ N +1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  430         12.50  12.50  3N N +1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  430         12.50  12.50  3N N +1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  430         12.50  12.50  3N N +1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
  430         12.50  12.50  3N N +1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  400          8.00  17.00  3N N      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G7-Brown-Binney
  400          8.00  17.00  3N N      G11-Boruta-Cole vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
  400          8.00  17.00  3N N      H8-Ring-Gilman vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  400          8.00  17.00  3N N      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  400          8.00  17.00  3N N      H12-Hess-Baker vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
  140          5.00  20.00  2♠ S +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
         50    2.00  23.00  4♠ S -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H13-Hartley-Handley
         50    2.00  23.00  4♠ S -1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
         50    2.00  23.00  4♠ S -1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H14-Roberts-Fox
         50    2.00  23.00  4♠ N -1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H1-Segal-Osten
         50    2.00  23.00  4♠ N -1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
2 ♠T6432
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦1 ♥4 ♠5 NT3
EW: 3♣ 6 3 1♠ 4NT
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -920 6-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        400   23.00   2.00  3N E      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G7-Brown-Binney
        400   23.00   2.00  3N E      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        400   23.00   2.00  3N E      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        400   23.00   2.00  3N E      G15-West-Proctor vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        400   23.00   2.00  3N E      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        420   19.50   5.50  5 E +1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        420   19.50   5.50  5 E +1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        430    9.50  15.50  3N W +1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        430    9.50  15.50  3N W +1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        430    9.50  15.50  3N W +1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H1-Segal-Osten
        430    9.50  15.50  3N W +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        430    9.50  15.50  3N W +1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G2-Collier-Felure
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        460    0.00  25.00  3N E +2   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H13-Hartley-Handley
3 ♠QT75
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠ 1/-NT
       ♣5 ♦5 ♥4 NT7/6
EW: 2♣ 2 2  ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         25.00   0.00  3♠ N +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ S      G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G7-Brown-Binney
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      G9-Baer-Bolson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      G14-Beall-Wu vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H3-Rowe-Hays
  140         19.50   5.50  2♠ N +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  140         19.50   5.50  2♠ N +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  120         14.00  11.00  1N N +1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G2-Collier-Felure
  110         12.00  13.00  2♠ N      G11-Boruta-Cole vs G5-Steil-Hays
  110         12.00  13.00  2♠ N      H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  110         12.00  13.00  3 N      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
         50    5.00  20.00  4♠ N -1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H1-Segal-Osten
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ S -1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ S -1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ S -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   G15-West-Proctor vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H14-Roberts-Fox
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H5-Blustein-Carter
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
         50    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H13-Hartley-Handley
4 ♠9
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 2♠ 1NT  ♣6 ♥6
EW: 1/-♣  ♣7/6 ♦3 ♥5 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +110 2♠-NS/3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  2♠ S +3   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  140         23.00   2.00  2♠ S +1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  140         23.00   2.00  2♠ S +1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H5-Blustein-Carter
  140         23.00   2.00  2♠ S +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      G2-Lott-Branscum vs G2-Collier-Felure
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      G15-West-Proctor vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      H12-Hess-Baker vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  110         17.00   8.00  2♠ S      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  110         17.00   8.00  3 N      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
  100         12.00  13.00  1N E -1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        100    6.50  18.50  1N N -1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H1-Segal-Osten
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ S -1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ S -1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G7-Brown-Binney
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ S -1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ S -1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ S -1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ S -1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ S -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ S -1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ S -1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        120    0.50  24.50  2N E      G11-Boruta-Cole vs G5-Steil-Hays
        120    0.50  24.50  1N E +1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
5 ♠JT973
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 4♠ 1NT  ♥6
EW: 1  ♣4 ♦3 ♠3 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +620 4♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ S      G2-Lott-Branscum vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ S      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G2-Collier-Felure
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ N      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ N      H8-Ring-Gilman vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ N      H12-Hess-Baker vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  230         19.50   5.50  2♠ N +4   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  230         19.50   5.50  2♠ N +4   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H1-Segal-Osten
  200         18.00   7.00  2♠ N +3   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  170         13.00  12.00  3♠ N +1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
  170         13.00  12.00  3♠ N +1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  170         13.00  12.00  2♠ N +2   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  170         13.00  12.00  2♠ N +2   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  170         13.00  12.00  2♠ N +2   G15-West-Proctor vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  170         13.00  12.00  2♠ N +2   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  170         13.00  12.00  2♠ N +2   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  170         13.00  12.00  2♠ N +2   H14-Morse-Sache vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
  170         13.00  12.00  2♠ N +2   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  140          7.50  17.50  2♠ S +1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  140          7.50  17.50  2♠ N +1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
  130          6.00  19.00  2 N +2   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H3-Rowe-Hays
   90          4.50  20.50  1N S      G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
   90          4.50  20.50  1N S      G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        100    2.50  22.50  3N N -1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        100    2.50  22.50  4♠ N -1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        200    0.50  24.50  3N S -2   G6-Walters-Lee vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        200    0.50  24.50  3N N -2   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
6 ♠5
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 1  ♠5 NT5
EW: 2♠ -/1NT
       ♣6 ♦4 ♥6 NT6/7
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +110 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H3-Rowe-Hays
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ E -2   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  200         19.50   5.50  3♠ E -2   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  200         19.50   5.50  3♠ E -2   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  200         19.50   5.50  3♠ E -2   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  110         13.00  12.00  3 S      G15-West-Proctor vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  100          8.50  16.50  4♠ E -1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  100          8.50  16.50  4♠ E -1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  100          8.50  16.50  4♠ E -1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
  100          8.50  16.50  3♠ E -1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G2-Collier-Felure
  100          8.50  16.50  3♠ E -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  100          8.50  16.50  3♠ E -1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  100          8.50  16.50  3♠ E -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  100          8.50  16.50  3♠ E -1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
         50    4.00  21.00  4 S -1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        100    2.50  22.50  4 S -2   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        100    2.50  22.50  4 S -2   G14-Beall-Wu vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        200    1.00  24.00  3N S -4   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        620    0.00  25.00  4♠ E      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H1-Segal-Osten
7 ♠AQ8
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2♠  ♦5 ♥6 NT5
EW: 2 1 1NT  ♣6 ♠5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         25.00   0.00  2♠ N +1   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  120         24.00   1.00  2N N      G14-Beall-Wu vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G5-Steil-Hays
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G15-West-Proctor vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G7-Brown-Binney
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      H14-Morse-Sache vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  110         18.00   7.00  1♠ S +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
  100         12.00  13.00  1N E -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G2-Collier-Felure
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H1-Segal-Osten
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ N -1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ N -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        100    6.50  18.50  2♠ N -1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        200    0.50  24.50  2N N -2   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        200    0.50  24.50  4♠ N -2   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
8 ♠942
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥2 ♠2 NT4
EW: 2♣ 5/4 4♠ 3NT  ♦6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -450 5-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  6 E -2   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H2-Duryea-Cox
   50         24.00   1.00  4 W -1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        140   23.00   2.00  3 W      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G2-Collier-Felure
        150   21.50   3.50  2♠ N -3   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        150   21.50   3.50  2♠ N -3   H14-Morse-Sache vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        170   18.50   6.50  3 W +1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        170   18.50   6.50  3 W +1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        170   18.50   6.50  3 W +1   G15-West-Proctor vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        170   18.50   6.50  3 W +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        200   16.00   9.00  2 W +3   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        350   15.00  10.00  5♣ N -7   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        420   12.50  12.50  4 W      H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        420   12.50  12.50  4 W      H8-Ring-Gilman vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        420   12.50  12.50  4 W      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        420   12.50  12.50  4 E      G14-Beall-Wu vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        430    9.50  15.50  3N W +1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        430    9.50  15.50  3N E +1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H1-Segal-Osten
        450    4.50  20.50  4 W +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        450    4.50  20.50  4 W +1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        450    4.50  20.50  4 W +1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G5-Steil-Hays
        450    4.50  20.50  4 W +1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G7-Brown-Binney
        450    4.50  20.50  4 W +1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        450    4.50  20.50  4 W +1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        450    4.50  20.50  4 W +1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        450    4.50  20.50  4 E +1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        480    0.00  25.00  4 W +2   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
9 ♠652
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2  ♥5 ♠5 NT6
EW: 2 2♠  ♣5 ♦5 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -100 3*-NS/3♣*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         24.50   0.50  1N E -3   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G2-Collier-Felure
  300         24.50   0.50  1N E -3   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
  200         22.50   2.50  1N E -2   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  200         22.50   2.50  3♠ W -2   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  120         21.00   4.00  2N N      G2-Lott-Branscum vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  110         20.00   5.00  3 S      H8-Ring-Gilman vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G5-Steil-Hays
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  100         17.00   8.00  2♠ W -1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
   90         14.00  11.00  2 S      H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
    PASS      12.50  12.50  Pass Out  G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
    PASS      12.50  12.50  Pass Out  H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
         50   10.50  14.50  3 S -1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
         50   10.50  14.50  3 S -1   G15-West-Proctor vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        100    8.00  17.00  3 S -2   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        100    8.00  17.00  3 S -2   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        100    8.00  17.00  3♣ N -2   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ W      H14-Morse-Sache vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E      H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H1-Segal-Osten
        140    3.50  21.50  3♠ W      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        140    3.50  21.50  2♠ W +1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        150    1.00  24.00  1N N -3   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        150    1.00  24.00  1N N -3   G14-Beall-Wu vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        150    1.00  24.00  1N E +2   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H13-Hartley-Handley
10 ♠J843
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦4 ♥5 ♠5 NT5
EW: 1♣ 3 2 2♠ 2NT
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         24.50   0.50  3N E -2   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  200         24.50   0.50  2* W -1  G5-Groome-Joinette vs G5-Steil-Hays
  100         21.50   3.50  3N E -1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  100         21.50   3.50  2 W -1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  100         21.50   3.50  2 W -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  100         21.50   3.50  2 E -1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
         90   18.50   6.50  2 E      H8-Ring-Gilman vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
         90   18.50   6.50  2 E      H11-Cole-Boruta vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        100   17.00   8.00  2♠ N -1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H1-Segal-Osten
        110   12.50  12.50  3 E      G14-Beall-Wu vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        110   12.50  12.50  2 W      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        110   12.50  12.50  3 E      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        110   12.50  12.50  2 E +1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        110   12.50  12.50  2 E +1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        110   12.50  12.50  2 E +1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        110   12.50  12.50  2 E +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        110   12.50  12.50  2 E +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        120    7.00  18.00  2N E      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E +1   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E +1   G15-West-Proctor vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        150    5.00  20.00  2N E +1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        200    2.00  23.00  2 S -2   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        200    2.00  23.00  3♣ N -2   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        200    2.00  23.00  3♣ N -2   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        200    2.00  23.00  3♣ N -2   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G2-Collier-Felure
        200    2.00  23.00  2♣* N -1  G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
11 ♠KQ43
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 7 7/6♠ 7NT  ♣6 ♦5
EW: 1  ♣6 ♥0 ♠0 NT0
LoTT: 20 - 20 = 0
Par: +1520 7NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1010         23.00   2.00  6 S +1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
 1010         23.00   2.00  6 S +1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
 1010         23.00   2.00  6 S +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
 1010         23.00   2.00  6 N +1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
 1010         23.00   2.00  6 N +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H5-Blustein-Carter
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G2-Lott-Branscum vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G2-Collier-Felure
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G11-Boruta-Cole vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G5-Steil-Hays
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G14-Beall-Wu vs G7-Brown-Binney
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      G15-West-Proctor vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H11-Cole-Boruta vs H1-Segal-Osten
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H12-Hess-Baker vs H3-Rowe-Hays
  980         12.00  13.00  6 S      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  980         12.00  13.00  6 N      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  480          2.00  23.00  5 S +1   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  480          2.00  23.00  5 S +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  480          2.00  23.00  4 S +2   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
         50    0.00  25.00  7♠ N -1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
12 ♠98
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1  ♣6 ♠5 NT5
EW: 1♣ 2♠  ♦4 ♥6 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -110 2♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         25.00   0.00  3N S      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  150         24.00   1.00  2N S +1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  140         23.00   2.00  2 N +1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  120         22.00   3.00  2N S      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  110         17.00   8.00  3 S      G6-Walters-Lee vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
  110         17.00   8.00  3 S      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G5-Steil-Hays
  110         17.00   8.00  3 S      H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  110         17.00   8.00  3 S      H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  110         17.00   8.00  3 S      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  110         17.00   8.00  3 S      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  110         17.00   8.00  3 N      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  110         17.00   8.00  3 N      H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  110         17.00   8.00  2 S +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  100         12.00  13.00  2♠ E -2   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H1-Segal-Osten
   50         11.00  14.00  2♠ E -1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G2-Collier-Felure
        100    8.50  16.50  3N S -1   G15-West-Proctor vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        100    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        100    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        100    8.50  16.50  3 S -1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        110    4.50  20.50  2♠ E      G11-Boruta-Cole vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        110    4.50  20.50  2♠ E      G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        110    4.50  20.50  2♠ E      G14-Beall-Wu vs G7-Brown-Binney
        110    4.50  20.50  2♠ E      H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        140    1.50  23.50  3♠ E      G2-Lott-Branscum vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        140    1.50  23.50  2♠ E +1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        470    0.00  25.00  2♠* E     G9-Baer-Bolson vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
13 ♠AKJT52
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2/3♠ -/1NT
       ♦3 ♥3/5 NT6/7
EW: 4 2  ♣5 ♠4 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 16 = +3
Par: -130 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  5 W -3   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  200         22.50   2.50  3* E -1  G6-Walters-Lee vs G5-Steil-Hays
  200         22.50   2.50  3* E -1  G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G7-Brown-Binney
  200         22.50   2.50  5* W -1  G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  200         22.50   2.50  3* W -1  H14-Morse-Sache vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  140         19.50   5.50  3♠ N      G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G2-Collier-Felure
        100   17.00   8.00  2N S -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        100   17.00   8.00  4♠ N -1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        100   17.00   8.00  4♠ N -1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        130   15.00  10.00  3 W +1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        140   14.00  11.00  3 E      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        200   10.00  15.00  4♠ N -2   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        200   10.00  15.00  4♠ N -2   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        200   10.00  15.00  4♠ N -2   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        200   10.00  15.00  4♠ N -2   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        200   10.00  15.00  3♠ N -2   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        200   10.00  15.00  3♠ N -2   G14-Beall-Wu vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        200   10.00  15.00  3♠ N -2   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        300    4.50  20.50  3N S -3   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H1-Segal-Osten
        300    4.50  20.50  3N S -3   H12-Hess-Baker vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        300    4.50  20.50  4♠ N -3   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        300    4.50  20.50  3♠ N -3   G15-West-Proctor vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        670    2.00  23.00  3* W     H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        800    0.50  24.50  3N* S -3  H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        800    0.50  24.50  4♠* N -3  H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H13-Hartley-Handley
14 ♠T72
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣  ♦3 ♥4 ♠3 NT4
EW: 4 3 4♠ 1NT  ♣4
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -300 5♣*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         25.00   0.00  4♠ E -1   G15-West-Proctor vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
         50   23.00   2.00  4♣ N -1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
         50   23.00   2.00  4♣ N -1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G5-Steil-Hays
         50   23.00   2.00  4♣ N -1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        110   20.00   5.00  2♠ E      H11-Cole-Boruta vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        110   20.00   5.00  2♠ E      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        110   20.00   5.00  2 W      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        140   17.50   7.50  3♠ E      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        140   17.50   7.50  2♠ E +1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G2-Collier-Felure
        170   16.00   9.00  2♠ E +2   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        200   13.50  11.50  2♠ E +3   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        200   13.50  11.50  2♠ E +3   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        200   13.50  11.50  2♠ E +3   H12-Hess-Baker vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        200   13.50  11.50  2♠ E +3   H14-Morse-Sache vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        230    7.00  18.00  3♠ E +3   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G7-Brown-Binney
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        230    7.00  18.00  2♠ E +4   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        420    1.50  23.50  4♠ E      H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H1-Segal-Osten
        420    1.50  23.50  4♠ E      H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        480    0.00  25.00  4♠ E +2   G14-Beall-Wu vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
15 ♠KQJ953
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♠  ♣3 ♦5 ♥5 NT5
EW: 3♣ 1 1 1NT  ♠3
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: +100 4♣*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  790         25.00   0.00  4♠* N     G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  620         23.50   1.50  4♠ N      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  620         23.50   1.50  4♠ N      G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  200         22.00   3.00  4 W -4   G6-Walters-Lee vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G2-Collier-Felure
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N +1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  170         16.00   9.00  2♠ S +2   G14-Beall-Wu vs G5-Steil-Hays
  150         10.00  15.00  4 E -3   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  140          8.50  16.50  3♠ N      G2-Lott-Branscum vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  140          8.50  16.50  3♠ N      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  100          6.50  18.50  4 E -2   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  100          6.50  18.50  5♣* W -1  H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        130    2.50  22.50  4♣ W      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        130    2.50  22.50  4♣ W      G15-West-Proctor vs G7-Brown-Binney
        130    2.50  22.50  4♣ W      H12-Hess-Baker vs H1-Segal-Osten
        130    2.50  22.50  4♣ W      H14-Morse-Sache vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        130    2.50  22.50  4♣ E      H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        130    2.50  22.50  3♣ W +1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
16 ♠JT5
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦2 ♥5 ♠4 NT2
EW: 5/4♣ 5 2/1 3/2♠ 5/4NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -660 5NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        110   25.00   0.00  3 W      G6-Walters-Lee vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        600   23.50   1.50  3N E      G14-Beall-Wu vs G5-Steil-Hays
        600   23.50   1.50  3N E      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        630   18.00   7.00  3N W +1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G2-Collier-Felure
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        630   18.00   7.00  3N E +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        660    8.50  16.50  3N W +2   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   G15-West-Proctor vs G7-Brown-Binney
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   H12-Hess-Baker vs H1-Segal-Osten
        660    8.50  16.50  3N E +2   H14-Morse-Sache vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        690    1.50  23.50  3N E +3   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        690    1.50  23.50  3N E +3   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        690    1.50  23.50  3N E +3   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        690    1.50  23.50  3N E +3   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
17 ♠854
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♦3 ♠4 NT5
EW: 3♣ 4 3♠ 2NT  ♥6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  110         25.00   0.00  2 S      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  100         24.00   1.00  3♣ E -2   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G1-Fouks-Cool
         50   20.00   5.00  1N S -1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
         50   20.00   5.00  2 S -1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
         50   20.00   5.00  2 S -1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
         50   20.00   5.00  2 S -1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H1-Segal-Osten
         50   20.00   5.00  2 S -1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H3-Rowe-Hays
         50   20.00   5.00  2 S -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
         50   20.00   5.00  2 S -1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
         80   16.00   9.00  1♠ W      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
         90   15.00  10.00  1N E      H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        100   13.00  12.00  3 S -2   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        100   13.00  12.00  3 S -2   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        100   13.00  12.00  2* S -1  H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        110   10.00  15.00  1♠ W +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G5-Steil-Hays
        110   10.00  15.00  1♠ W +1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        110   10.00  15.00  1♠ W +1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        130    6.00  19.00  4 W      G6-Walters-Lee vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        130    6.00  19.00  4 W      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G2-Collier-Felure
        130    6.00  19.00  3 W +1   G15-West-Proctor vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        130    6.00  19.00  3 W +1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        130    6.00  19.00  3 W +1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        140    2.00  23.00  1♠ W +2   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G7-Brown-Binney
        140    2.00  23.00  1♠ W +2   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        140    2.00  23.00  1♠ E +2   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        170    0.00  25.00  1♠ W +3   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
18 ♠T862
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1 1♠  ♦6 NT6
EW: 1 -/1NT
       ♣5 ♥6 ♠6 NT6/7
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +90 2♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  2N S +1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G2-Collier-Felure
  120         23.50   1.50  1N S +1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  120         23.50   1.50  1N N +1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  110         22.00   3.00  2♠ N      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H3-Rowe-Hays
   90         18.50   6.50  1N S      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
   90         18.50   6.50  1N S      G9-Baer-Bolson vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
   90         18.50   6.50  1N S      H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H1-Segal-Osten
   90         18.50   6.50  1N N      H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
   90         18.50   6.50  2♣ S      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
   90         18.50   6.50  2♣ N      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
   50         15.00  10.00  2 W -1   G15-West-Proctor vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
    PASS      11.50  13.50  Pass Out  G5-Groome-Joinette vs G1-Fouks-Cool
    PASS      11.50  13.50  Pass Out  G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G5-Steil-Hays
    PASS      11.50  13.50  Pass Out  G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G7-Brown-Binney
    PASS      11.50  13.50  Pass Out  G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
    PASS      11.50  13.50  Pass Out  H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
    PASS      11.50  13.50  Pass Out  H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        100    4.50  20.50  2N N -1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        100    4.50  20.50  1N S -1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        100    4.50  20.50  1N S -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        100    4.50  20.50  1N S -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        100    4.50  20.50  1N S -1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        100    4.50  20.50  1N N -1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        100    4.50  20.50  1N N -1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        100    4.50  20.50  1N N -1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        200    0.00  25.00  1N* S -1  H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H2-Duryea-Cox
19 ♠94
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1 1NT  ♦6 ♠4
EW: 1 3♠  ♣5 ♥6 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  4♠* E -1  H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H1-Segal-Osten
  120         24.00   1.00  1N S +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G2-Collier-Felure
  100         22.00   3.00  3♠ W -1   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  100         22.00   3.00  3♠ W -1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  100         22.00   3.00  3♠ W -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
         50   17.00   8.00  4♣ S -1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
         50   17.00   8.00  4♣ S -1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
         50   17.00   8.00  4♣ N -1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
         50   17.00   8.00  3♣ S -1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H2-Duryea-Cox
         50   17.00   8.00  3♣ N -1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
         50   17.00   8.00  3♣ N -1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
         50   17.00   8.00  3♣ N -1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        110   11.50  13.50  2♠ W      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        110   11.50  13.50  2♠ W      H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        110   11.50  13.50  2♠ W      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        110   11.50  13.50  2♠ E      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        140    5.50  19.50  3♠ W      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G7-Brown-Binney
        140    5.50  19.50  3♠ W      G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        140    5.50  19.50  3♠ W      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        140    5.50  19.50  3♠ W      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        140    5.50  19.50  2♠ W +1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        140    5.50  19.50  2♠ E +1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        140    5.50  19.50  2♠ E +1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        140    5.50  19.50  2♠ E +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        170    0.50  24.50  2♠ W +2   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        170    0.50  24.50  2♠ W +2   G15-West-Proctor vs G5-Steil-Hays
20 ♠K72
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5/6 ♦5 ♥5 ♠4/5 NT4/5
EW: 1 1 1♠ 2NT  ♣6
LoTT: 13 - 14 = -1
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  2* E -2  G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  140         24.00   1.00  2 N +1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  110         23.00   2.00  1 N +1   G15-West-Proctor vs G5-Steil-Hays
  100         22.00   3.00  2♠ E -1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H5-Blustein-Carter
   90         21.00   4.00  1N S      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G7-Brown-Binney
         80   20.00   5.00  1 W      G9-Baer-Bolson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
         90   18.50   6.50  1N W      G14-Beall-Wu vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
         90   18.50   6.50  1N E      G6-Walters-Lee vs G2-Collier-Felure
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        100   14.50  10.50  1N N -1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        100   14.50  10.50  1N N -1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        120    9.50  15.50  1N W +1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        120    9.50  15.50  1N W +1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        120    9.50  15.50  1N W +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H1-Segal-Osten
        120    9.50  15.50  1N E +1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        140    7.00  18.00  1♠ W +2   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        150    4.00  21.00  2N W +1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        150    4.00  21.00  1N W +2   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        150    4.00  21.00  1N W +2   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        150    4.00  21.00  1N W +2   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        150    4.00  21.00  1N E +2   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        180    1.00  24.00  1N E +3   H14-Morse-Sache vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        300    0.00  25.00  2 S -3   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
21 ♠KT62
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦5 ♥1 ♠3 NT2
EW: 5♣ 1 6 4♠ 5NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -980 6-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        430   25.00   0.00  3N E +1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        450   22.00   3.00  4 W +1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        450   22.00   3.00  4 W +1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        450   22.00   3.00  4 W +1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        450   22.00   3.00  4 W +1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H1-Segal-Osten
        450   22.00   3.00  4 E +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G5-Steil-Hays
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G7-Brown-Binney
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   G14-Beall-Wu vs G2-Collier-Felure
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H14-Morse-Sache vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        480    9.50  15.50  4 W +2   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        480    9.50  15.50  4 E +2   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        480    9.50  15.50  4 E +2   G15-West-Proctor vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        480    9.50  15.50  4 E +2   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        480    9.50  15.50  4 E +2   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
22 ♠T742
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1♠  ♣2 ♥2 NT2
EW: 5/4♣ 5/4 4/3NT
       ♦5 ♠6/5
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -650 5-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  4 E -1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H14-Roberts-Fox
         50   23.50   1.50  3 S -1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
         50   23.50   1.50  3 N -1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        100   22.00   3.00  3 S -2   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        110   20.50   4.50  3♣ W      G14-Beall-Wu vs G2-Collier-Felure
        110   20.50   4.50  3♣ W      H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        130   17.00   8.00  3♣ W +1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        130   17.00   8.00  3♣ W +1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G5-Steil-Hays
        130   17.00   8.00  3♣ W +1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        130   17.00   8.00  2♣ W +2   G15-West-Proctor vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
        130   17.00   8.00  2♣ W +2   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        140   14.00  11.00  3 E      H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        150   10.50  14.50  4♣ W +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G1-Fouks-Cool
        150   10.50  14.50  4♣ W +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        150   10.50  14.50  4♣ W +1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        150   10.50  14.50  3♣ W +2   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G7-Brown-Binney
        150   10.50  14.50  3♣ W +2   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        150   10.50  14.50  2♣ W +3   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H1-Segal-Osten
        170    7.00  18.00  3 E +1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        200    4.00  21.00  3♠ S -4   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        200    4.00  21.00  3 E +2   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        200    4.00  21.00  3 E +2   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        200    4.00  21.00  3 E +2   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        200    4.00  21.00  3 E +2   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        650    0.50  24.50  4 E +1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        650    0.50  24.50  4 E +1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H2-Duryea-Cox
23 ♠AJ8642
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 4♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♥6
EW: 1♣ 1  ♦2 ♠2 NT5/4
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +620 4♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         25.00   0.00  4♠ N +1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G5-Steil-Hays
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G2-Collier-Felure
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      G9-Baer-Bolson vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      G11-Boruta-Cole vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      H11-Cole-Boruta vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
  620         19.50   5.50  4♠ N      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H3-Rowe-Hays
  200         14.00  11.00  2♠ N +3   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  170          9.50  15.50  3♠ N +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  170          9.50  15.50  3♠ N +1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  170          9.50  15.50  3♠ N +1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  170          9.50  15.50  2♠ N +2   G15-West-Proctor vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
  170          9.50  15.50  2♠ N +2   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H5-Blustein-Carter
  170          9.50  15.50  2♠ N +2   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  170          9.50  15.50  2♠ N +2   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  170          9.50  15.50  2♠ N +2   H12-Hess-Baker vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  140          4.00  21.00  2♠ N +1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  140          4.00  21.00  2♠ N +1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  140          4.00  21.00  2♠ N +1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
  130          2.00  23.00  3 N +1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G7-Brown-Binney
        100    1.00  24.00  4♠ N -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        300    0.00  25.00  3N S -3   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
24 ♠-
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 5 1NT  ♠5
EW: 2♠  ♣4 ♦2 ♥2 NT2
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: +450 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  4♠* E -3  G9-Baer-Bolson vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
  480         22.50   2.50  4 N +2   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G7-Brown-Binney
  480         22.50   2.50  4 N +2   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G2-Collier-Felure
  480         22.50   2.50  4 N +2   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  480         22.50   2.50  4 N +2   H12-Hess-Baker vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G5-Steil-Hays
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   G15-West-Proctor vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H2-Duryea-Cox
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  450         14.50  10.50  4 N +1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H3-Rowe-Hays
  420          7.50  17.50  4 N      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
  420          7.50  17.50  4 N      H11-Cole-Boruta vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
  300          5.00  20.00  4♠* E -2  G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  300          5.00  20.00  4♠* E -2  H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  300          5.00  20.00  4♠* E -2  H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
  230          3.00  22.00  3 N +3   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  100          2.00  23.00  3♠* E -1  H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H13-Hartley-Handley
   50          1.00  24.00  3♠ E -1   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        150    0.00  25.00  3N N -3   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
25 ♠T
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣6 ♦6 ♥6 NT6
EW: 1 1NT  ♣6/5 ♦6/5 ♠5
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -90 1NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         25.00   0.00  2♠ S +1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  120         24.00   1.00  2N N      G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G5-Groome-Joinette vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G6-Walters-Lee vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G9-Baer-Bolson vs G5-Steil-Hays
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G7-Brown-Binney
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H1-Segal-Osten
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      H8-Ring-Gilman vs H3-Rowe-Hays
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ S      H11-Cole-Boruta vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N      H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
   90         11.50  13.50  2♣ N      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
   90         11.50  13.50  2♣ N      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
         50    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G1-Fouks-Cool
         50    7.50  17.50  2♠ S -1   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
         50    7.50  17.50  2♠ S -1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
         50    7.50  17.50  2♠ S -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
         50    7.50  17.50  3♣ N -1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H5-Blustein-Carter
         50    7.50  17.50  2♣ N -1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        100    2.50  22.50  3♠ S -2   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        100    2.50  22.50  3♠ S -2   H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        100    2.50  22.50  3 N -2   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        100    2.50  22.50  3♣ N -2   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        150    0.00  25.00  3♣ N -3   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H13-Hartley-Handley
26 ♠96
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣3 ♦6 ♥5 NT4
EW: 3♣ 2 3NT  ♦6 ♠5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -500 4♠*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  4 E -3   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  200         24.00   1.00  3N E -2   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
  140         23.00   2.00  2♠ S +1   G1-Kuehne-Beaird vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  110         22.00   3.00  2♠ S      G3-Love-Itabashi vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  100         19.50   5.50  4N E -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H1-Segal-Osten
  100         19.50   5.50  3N W -1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  100         19.50   5.50  3 E -1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
  100         19.50   5.50  5♣ W -1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G7-Brown-Binney
        110   17.00   8.00  3♣ W      H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        130   16.00   9.00  4♣ W      H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        150   15.00  10.00  2N W +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        180   14.00  11.00  2N W +2   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        600    9.00  16.00  3N W      G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        600    9.00  16.00  3N W      G9-Baer-Bolson vs G5-Steil-Hays
        600    9.00  16.00  3N W      G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        600    9.00  16.00  3N W      H1-Leishman-Tompkins vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        600    9.00  16.00  3N W      H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        600    9.00  16.00  3N W      H8-Ring-Gilman vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        600    9.00  16.00  3N W      H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        600    9.00  16.00  3N E      H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        600    9.00  16.00  5♣ W      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        630    2.00  23.00  3N W +1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        630    2.00  23.00  3N W +1   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        630    2.00  23.00  3N W +1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        630    2.00  23.00  3N E +1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        630    2.00  23.00  3N E +1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
27 ♠T762
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣2 ♥4 ♠5 NT6
EW: 4♣ 2 2♠ 1NT  ♦6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -130 4♣-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         24.50   0.50  4N W -3   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  150         24.50   0.50  3N W -3   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  100         22.00   3.00  3N W -2   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H13-Hartley-Handley
  100         22.00   3.00  3N E -2   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  100         22.00   3.00  5♣* E -1  G3-Love-Itabashi vs G7-Brown-Binney
   50         16.50   8.50  3N W -1   G2-Lott-Branscum vs G5-Steil-Hays
   50         16.50   8.50  3N W -1   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
   50         16.50   8.50  3N W -1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
   50         16.50   8.50  3N W -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H2-Duryea-Cox
   50         16.50   8.50  3N W -1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
   50         16.50   8.50  3N W -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
   50         16.50   8.50  3 W -1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
   50         16.50   8.50  5♣ E -1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
         90   12.00  13.00  1N E      G6-Walters-Lee vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        100   11.00  14.00  3 S -2   G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G2-Collier-Felure
        130    8.00  17.00  4♣ W      G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        130    8.00  17.00  4♣ E      H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        130    8.00  17.00  3♣ W +1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        130    8.00  17.00  3♣ E +1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        130    8.00  17.00  3♣ E +1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        150    5.00  20.00  4♣ E +1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        240    4.00  21.00  2N E +4   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        300    3.00  22.00  3* S -2  H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        400    2.00  23.00  3N W      G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        490    1.00  24.00  3N W +3   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        520    0.00  25.00  3N W +4   H14-Morse-Sache vs H14-Roberts-Fox
28 ♠K6
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 4/3 1NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣6 ♦4 ♥3 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +500 4♠*-EW-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         25.00   0.00  4 S +1   G14-Beall-Wu vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S      G2-Lott-Branscum vs G5-Steil-Hays
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S      G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G2-Collier-Felure
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S      G9-Baer-Bolson vs G4-Wiitala-Wiitala
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S      G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S      H11-Cole-Boruta vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S      H12-Hess-Baker vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        100   10.00  15.00  3N S -1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H4-Rogers-Kuo
        100   10.00  15.00  3N N -1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        100   10.00  15.00  3N N -1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
        100   10.00  15.00  3N N -1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G7-Brown-Binney
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H2-Duryea-Cox
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        100   10.00  15.00  4 S -1   H14-Morse-Sache vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        100   10.00  15.00  4 N -1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        100   10.00  15.00  3 S -1   H2-Henry-Lawrence vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        200    1.00  24.00  4 S -2   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        200    1.00  24.00  4 S -2   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        200    1.00  24.00  4 S -2   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H13-Hartley-Handley
29 ♠AQ87
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦5 ♥1 ♠4 NT1
EW: 2 6 3♠ 6/5NT  ♣6
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -1440 6NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  6♠ E -3   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
        650   22.50   2.50  4 W +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
        650   22.50   2.50  4 W +1   G10-Neate-Anderson vs G5-Steil-Hays
        650   22.50   2.50  4 W +1   H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H14-Roberts-Fox
        650   22.50   2.50  4 E +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
        680   12.50  12.50  5 W +1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
        680   12.50  12.50  5 E +1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G7-Brown-Binney
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   G15-West-Proctor vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H1-Segal-Osten
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H3-Rowe-Hays
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   H12-Hess-Baker vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
        680   12.50  12.50  4 W +2   H14-Morse-Sache vs H13-Hartley-Handley
        680   12.50  12.50  4 E +2   G14-Beall-Wu vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
        690    4.00  21.00  3N E +3   H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
       1430    1.50  23.50  6 W      G6-Walters-Lee vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
       1430    1.50  23.50  6 W      G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
       1430    1.50  23.50  6 W      H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H5-Blustein-Carter
       1430    1.50  23.50  6 W      H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
30 ♠QT97
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 3♠ 1NT  ♣6 ♦6
EW: 1♣ -/1  ♦6/7 ♥5 ♠4 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  470         25.00   0.00  2♠* S     H13-Stevens-Christensen vs H11-Knipschield-Berry
  170         23.50   1.50  2♠ S +2   G12-Corney-Maksymetz vs G9-Aslin-Tracy
  170         23.50   1.50  2♠ S +2   G13-Rakevich-Madison vs G11-Murdoch-Breeze
  140         18.00   7.00  3♠ S      G8-Harold-Hendrickson vs G1-Fouks-Cool
  140         18.00   7.00  3♠ N      H7-DeShaw-Buroker vs H14-Roberts-Fox
  140         18.00   7.00  2♠ S +1   G3-Love-Itabashi vs G6-Craig-Meenagh
  140         18.00   7.00  2♠ S +1   G7-Steiner-Barnett vs G14-Hamm-Hurst III
  140         18.00   7.00  2♠ S +1   G11-Boruta-Cole vs G7-Brown-Binney
  140         18.00   7.00  2♠ S +1   H6-Dukelow Jr-Bass vs H12-Wallis-Nelson
  140         18.00   7.00  2♠ S +1   H9-Rao-Geoffroy vs H3-Rowe-Hays
  140         18.00   7.00  2♠ N +1   G6-Walters-Lee vs G12-Hauck-Lewis
  140         18.00   7.00  2♠ N +1   H3-Nell-Tchamitch vs H6-Jungemann-Boardman
  110         12.00  13.00  2♠ S      G10-Neate-Anderson vs G5-Steil-Hays
  110         12.00  13.00  2♠ S      G15-West-Proctor vs G15-Emmerson-Walker
  110         12.00  13.00  2♠ S      H4-Morse-Klarreich vs H8-Bickel-Bickel
  100          9.50  15.50  1N W -2   G4-Etnyre-Johnson vs G8-Guichon-Guichon
  100          9.50  15.50  1N E -2   G14-Beall-Wu vs G13-Bjorge-Devine
   90          8.00  17.00  1 N +1   H5-Bovarnick-Bremson vs H10-Hesson-Massman III
   50          5.00  20.00  1N W -1   G5-Groome-Joinette vs G10-Aeschbacher-Morin
   50          5.00  20.00  1N W -1   H8-Ring-Gilman vs H1-Segal-Osten
   50          5.00  20.00  1N W -1   H11-Cole-Boruta vs H7-Riewerts-Asai
   50          5.00  20.00  1N W -1   H15-Gousie-McMullen vs H15-Wang-Sylvestre
   50          5.00  20.00  3♣ E -1   H12-Hess-Baker vs H9-Brunswig-Trautman
         50    2.00  23.00  2 S -1   H10-Kalish-Thompson vs H5-Blustein-Carter
        100    1.00  24.00  2 S -2   G9-Baer-Bolson vs G3-Scholes-Scholes
        150    0.00  25.00  1N W +2   H14-Morse-Sache vs H13-Hartley-Handley