ACBL District 19 Regionals and Events

Tournament Links: Daily Bulletin files are large PDFs, posted at about breakfast time during regionals. Wrapup Issues contain Sunday event results and complete masterpoint lists for all players, posted late Sunday evening. Game results here at Bridge Results are posted at the end of each session (and sometimes do NOT include the latest corrections). Photo pages are filled by the end of the week but are usually a few days behind. The District 19 website is in slow motion as we look for a replacement for Randy Corn, who passed away in 2014. But it is McBruce's fault if things don't get posted on time, so send corrections and suggestions to me please.

If the contracts and tricks do not match the raw score, the raw score is what counts and there is probably some BridgeMate problem creating the discrepency, or a late score correction without a change in the corresponding BridgeMate file.

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Field strength:  Mean: 3700 MP  Geomean: 1931 MP
(based on 135 players, missing masterpoint data for 1 ACBL player)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Gregory Trautman - Phyllis Rakevich 67.54 6.27 Gold
Allen Hamm - Janet Geoffroy 60.69 6.27 Gold
Michael Christensen - Ray Miller 59.62 4.39 Gold
Corrine Joinette - Ray Loftis 59.38 4.39 Gold
Jeffrey Ford - Shawn Abernethy 59.00 3.14 Red
G Gard Hays - Howard Epley 57.85 1.93 Red
Dave Grubbs - Stephen Hosch 57.85 1.93 Red
Craig Zastera - John Stafford 57.46 3.14 Red
Alain Schreiber - Allen Reiter 57.23 2.19 Red
Jean Groome - Lynda Cole 56.15 1.44 Red
Mark Itabashi - Steven Love 55.85 1.67 Red
Hadi Allahverdian - Stu Swan 55.54 1.27 Red
Patti Hartley - Steven Handley 55.38 1.15 Red
Jeffrey Taylor - Michael Levy 55.15 1.44 Red
Laurie Rowe - Oyvind Tafjord 55.00 1.60 Gold
J C Chupack - Scott Chupack 55.00 2.28 Gold
Aaron Mohrman - Valliappa Lakshmanan 54.85 1.23 Gold
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Marge Neate - Thomas Anderson 54.77 0.96 Red
Maurice Blustein - Richard Carter 54.54 1.05 Red
Gary Haldane - Sharon Miller 54.23 0.96 Red
Dennis Heller - John Weinberg 54.15 0.89 Red
Balusu Rao - Robert Moore 54.15 0.89 Red
George Slemmons - Judy Slemmons 54.08 0.84 Red
David Setterholm - Stanford Christie 53.92 0.79 Red
Kathy Gilman - Lane Galloway 53.15 1.60 Gold
Ken Scholes - William O'Brien 52.69 0.79 Red
Jennifer Beall - Thomas Devine 52.46 0.74 Red
Chris Moore - Cristal Nell 52.00 0.74 Red
Matt Korol - Theo Korol 51.62 1.14 Red
Joe Russell - Nancy Grant 49.92 0.80 Red
Helen Miller - J Penney 49.62 0.86 Red
Charles Tompkins - John Leishman 49.62 0.36 Red
Dan Branscum - Louise Lott 49.38 0.46 Red
Alan Tesler - Barbara Higgins 48.69 0.38 Red

This is a multi-session event. These masterpoint awards are not final. You will receive at least the award shown. For example, if the award for your overall performance in a two session event is greater than your current award, you will receive that final award instead of (not in addition to) the award shown here.

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>First        |SECTION> G N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>August 22, 2015    |SANCTION>R1508021  | 08/22/2015 18:49|EVENT CODE>601
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Lynnwood, Wash. |RATING>Regional                     |RANK WITH>H
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=34/B=14/C=6                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Nicholas Stock         Diana Jing               A    .     .     .    337.00  51.85              H - 1 - E-W
 2 Mary Hovda             Beau Hovda               B    .     .     .    293.00  45.08              H - 2 - E-W
 3 Howard Epley           G Gard Hays              A   4/5    .     .    376.00  57.85  1.93Red     H - 3 - E-W
 4 Judith Boardman        Gay Jungemann            C    .     .     .    302.50  46.54              H - 4 - E-W
 5 Diana Thompson         Phyllis Gravitz          A    .     .     .    276.50  42.54              G - 5 - N-S
 6 Betty Abersold         Margaret Walthall        C    .     .     .    237.50  36.54              G - 6 - N-S
 7 Steven Handley         Patti Hartley            A    8     .     .    360.00  55.38  1.15Red     H - 7 - E-W
 8 Kelly Meenagh          Bud Craig                C    .     .     .    244.50  37.62              H - 8 - E-W
 9 Dave Grubbs            Stephen Hosch            A   4/5    .     .    376.00  57.85  1.93Red     G - 9 - N-S
10 Isabel Chernoff        Insa Fricker             B    .     .     .    287.50  44.23              H -10 - E-W
11 David Baer             Rose Bolson              A    .     .     .    313.00  48.15              H -11 - E-W
12 Julius Budos           Stephen Kalish           B    .     .     .    226.00  34.77              H -12 - E-W
13 Phyllis Rakevich       Gregory Trautman         A    1     .     .    439.00  67.54  6.27Gold    G -13 - N-S
14 Kathy Gilman           Lane Galloway            C   12     2     2    345.50  53.15  1.60Gold    H -14 - E-W
15 Paul Bartron           Shirley Kuhlman          A    .     .     .    308.50  47.46              H -15 - E-W
16 Lynda Cole             Jean Groome              A    6     .     .    365.00  56.15  1.44Red     H -16 - E-W
17 Stu Swan               Hadi Allahverdian        A    7     .     .    361.00  55.54  1.27Red     G -17 - N-S
                                          Totals                        5448.50       

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>First        |SECTION> G E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=34/B=14/C=6                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Patricia Lewis         David Binney             A    .     .     .    322.00  49.54              G - 1 - N-S
 2 Jean McCullough        Jane Youngberg           A    .     .     .    304.50  46.85              G - 2 - N-S
 3 Mark Itabashi          Steven Love              A    5     .     .    363.00  55.85  1.67Red     G - 3 - N-S
 4 Sheila Kim             Philip Page              C    .     .     .    315.00  48.46              G - 4 - N-S
 5 Maurice Blustein       Richard Carter           A    9     .     .    354.50  54.54  1.05Red     H - 5 - E-W
 6 Helen Miller           J Penney                 C    .    6/7    2    322.50  49.62  0.86Red     H - 6 - E-W
 7 Charles James          Andrea James             A    .     .     .    330.50  50.85              G - 7 - N-S
 8 Joe Moore              Chris Moore              C    .     .     .    234.50  36.08              G - 8 - N-S
 9 George Slemmons        Judy Slemmons            A   12     .     .    351.50  54.08  0.84Red     H - 9 - E-W
10 Gary Haldane           Sharon Miller            B   10     4     .    352.50  54.23  0.96Red     G -10 - N-S
11 Helen Abbott           Cynthia Glad             A    .     .     .    277.00  42.62              G -11 - N-S
12 Jennifer Beall         Thomas Devine            B   14     5     .    341.00  52.46  0.74Red     G -12 - N-S
13 Steven Wallis          Paul Klarreich           A    .     .     .    321.00  49.38              H -13 - E-W
14 Allen Hamm             Janet Geoffroy           B    1     1     .    394.50  60.69  6.27Gold    G -14 - N-S
15 Jeffrey Taylor         Michael Levy             A    6     .     .    358.50  55.15  1.44Red     G -15 - N-S
16 Michael Christensen    Ray Miller               A    2     .     .    387.50  59.62  4.39Gold    G -16 - N-S
17 Rangie Sylvestre       Chen Wang                B    .     .     .    271.50  41.77              H -17 - E-W
                                          Totals                        5601.50       

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>First        |SECTION> H N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=34/B=14/C=6                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Lynn Hays              Jessie Brunswig          A    .     .     .    279.50  43.00              G - 1 - E-W
 2 Nancy Grant            Joe Russell              B    .     4     .    324.50  49.92  0.80Red     H - 2 - N-S
 3 William O'Brien        Ken Scholes              A   13     .     .    342.50  52.69  0.79Red     G - 3 - E-W
 4 Joan Bickel            George Bickel            C    .     .     .    290.00  44.62              G - 4 - E-W
 5 Marge Neate            Thomas Anderson          A   10     .     .    356.00  54.77  0.96Red     H - 5 - N-S
 6 Louise Lott            Dan Branscum             B    .     5     .    321.00  49.38  0.46Red     G - 6 - E-W
 7 Ray Loftis             Corrine Joinette         A    2     .     .    386.00  59.38  4.39Gold    H - 7 - N-S
 8 Alan Tesler            Barbara Higgins          B    .     6     .    316.50  48.69  0.38Red     G - 8 - E-W
 9 John Weinberg          Dennis Heller            A   11     .     .    352.00  54.15  0.89Red     H - 9 - N-S
10 Baixiang Liu           Lei Chao                 B    .     .     .    308.00  47.38              G -10 - E-W
11 Jeffrey Ford           Shawn Abernethy          A    3     .     .    383.50  59.00  3.14Red     G -11 - E-W
12 Theo Korol             Matt Korol               B    .     3     .    335.50  51.62  1.14Red     H - 6 - N-S
13 Sandra Scholes         Jackie Buroker           A    .     .     .    334.00  51.38              G -13 - E-W
14 Scott Chupack          J C Chupack              C    9     1     1    357.50  55.00  2.28Gold    G -14 - E-W
15 Yue Su                 Larry Pocock             A    .     .     .    313.00  48.15              G -15 - E-W
16 Chris Moore            Cristal Nell             A   14     .     .    338.00  52.00  0.74Red     G -16 - E-W
17 Lisa Fishman           Dee Berry                A    .     .     .    264.00  40.62              G -17 - E-W
                                          Totals                        5601.50       

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>First        |SECTION> H E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Puget Sound Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=34/B=14/C=6                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Frances Corney         Bryan Maksymetz          A    .     .     .    338.00  52.00              H - 1 - N-S
 2 John Leishman          Charles Tompkins         B    .    6/7    .    322.50  49.62  0.36Red     G - 2 - E-W
 3 David Setterholm       Stanford Christie        A   13     .     .    350.50  53.92  0.79Red     H - 3 - N-S
 4 Mary Houghland         Trish Simmons            C    .     .     .    260.50  40.08              H - 4 - N-S
 5 Karen Epley            Bill Hagen               A    .     .     .    273.50  42.08              G - 5 - E-W
 6 Curt Peterson          George Marx              C    .     .     .    304.50  46.85              G -12 - E-W
 7 Doris Murdoch          Marilyn Breeze           A    .     .     .    281.00  43.23              G - 7 - E-W
 8 Valliappa Lakshmanan   Aaron Mohrman            C    8     3     1    356.50  54.85  1.23Gold    H - 8 - N-S
 9 Balusu Rao             Robert Moore             A   11     .     .    352.00  54.15  0.89Red     G - 9 - E-W
10 Oyvind Tafjord         Laurie Rowe              B    7     2     .    357.50  55.00  1.60Gold    H -10 - N-S
11 Allen Reiter           Alain Schreiber          A    4     .     .    372.00  57.23  2.19Red     H -11 - N-S
12 Deborah Cool           William Osten            B    .     .     .    278.50  42.85              H -12 - N-S
13 Mike Bovarnick         B Drajpuch               A    .     .     .    325.50  50.08              H -13 - N-S
14 Hugh Hendrickson       Kevin Cline              B    .     .     .    310.00  47.69              H -14 - N-S
15 Peter Morse            Donald Sache             A    .     .     .    296.00  45.54              H -15 - N-S
16 Valerie McVay          Jerry McVay              A    .     .     .    296.50  45.62              H -16 - N-S
17 John Stafford          Craig Zastera            A    3     .     .    373.50  57.46  3.14Red     H -17 - N-S
                                          Totals                        5448.50       

1 ♠J2
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2  ♦5 ♠2 NT3
EW: 1 5♠ 3NT  ♣6 ♥5
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -450 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        100   24.50   0.50  4 N -2   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H15-Morse-Sache
        100   24.50   0.50  3♣ N -2   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        200   19.50   5.50  3♠ E +2   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        200   19.50   5.50  3♠ E +2   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G4-Kim-Page
        200   19.50   5.50  3♠ E +2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G8-Moore-Moore
        200   19.50   5.50  3♠ E +2   G16-Cole-Groome vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        200   19.50   5.50  3♠ E +2   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        200   19.50   5.50  3♠ E +2   H12-Korol-Korol vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        200   19.50   5.50  2♠ E +3   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        200   19.50   5.50  2♠ E +3   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        300   15.00  10.00  3♣* N -2  G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G12-Beall-Devine
        400   14.00  11.00  3N W      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        420   12.50  12.50  4♠ E      G1-Stock-Jing vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        420   12.50  12.50  4♠ E      H16-Moore-Nell vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        450    7.50  17.50  4♠ E +1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H16-McVay-McVay
        480    3.00  22.00  4♠ E +2   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        500    1.00  24.00  5* N -3  G12-Budos-Kalish vs G6-Miller-Penney
        500    1.00  24.00  5* N -3  H15-Su-Pocock vs H12-Cool-Osten
        500    1.00  24.00  4♣* N -3  G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G11-Abbott-Glad
2 ♠Q543
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 3 2♠ 2NT  ♦6
EW: 1  ♣4 ♥4 ♠5 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         25.00   0.00  2♠ N +1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
  120         22.50   2.50  2N N      H16-Moore-Nell vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  120         22.50   2.50  1N S +1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G8-Moore-Moore
  120         22.50   2.50  1N S +1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H15-Morse-Sache
  120         22.50   2.50  1N N +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
  110         18.50   6.50  2♠ N      G7-Handley-Hartley vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
  110         18.50   6.50  2♠ N      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  110         18.50   6.50  2♠ N      H12-Korol-Korol vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  110         18.50   6.50  2♠ N      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H16-McVay-McVay
  100         16.00   9.00  3 E -2   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      G1-Stock-Jing vs G1-Lewis-Binney
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G11-Abbott-Glad
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G10-Haldane-Miller
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G12-Beall-Devine
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      G16-Cole-Groome vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G16-Christensen-Miller
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
   90         11.50  13.50  1N S      H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        100    5.00  20.00  2N N -1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        100    5.00  20.00  1N S -1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        100    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G6-Miller-Penney
        100    5.00  20.00  2♠ N -1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        100    5.00  20.00  2♠ N -1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        200    1.00  24.00  3♠ N -2   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        200    1.00  24.00  3♠ N -2   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G4-Kim-Page
        200    1.00  24.00  3♠ N -2   H15-Su-Pocock vs H12-Cool-Osten
3 ♠KQ85
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 3 3♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣4 ♦3 ♥4 ♠4 NT4
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +400 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  460         25.00   0.00  3N S +2   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H16-McVay-McVay
  430         21.00   4.00  3N S +1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
  430         21.00   4.00  3N S +1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G7-James-James
  430         21.00   4.00  3N S +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  430         21.00   4.00  3N S +1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
  430         21.00   4.00  3N S +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  430         21.00   4.00  3N S +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
  430         21.00   4.00  3N S +1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      G1-Stock-Jing vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H12-Cool-Osten
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H9-Rao-Moore
  400         13.00  12.00  3N S      H16-Moore-Nell vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
  180          8.00  17.00  2N S +2   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  150          6.00  19.00  2N S +1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  150          6.00  19.00  2N S +1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
  150          6.00  19.00  2N S +1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H15-Morse-Sache
         50    2.00  23.00  3N S -1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G12-Beall-Devine
         50    2.00  23.00  3N S -1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G16-Christensen-Miller
         50    2.00  23.00  3N S -1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G5-Blustein-Carter
         50    2.00  23.00  3N S -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
         50    2.00  23.00  3N S -1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
4 ♠AQ7542
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 2♠ 3NT  ♦5 ♥5
EW: 2 2  ♣3 ♠5 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +500 4*-EW/4*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         25.00   0.00  5* W -3  G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  750         24.00   1.00  3N* N     G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G16-Christensen-Miller
  600         22.00   3.00  3N S      G1-Stock-Jing vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  600         22.00   3.00  3N S      G7-Handley-Hartley vs G12-Beall-Devine
  600         22.00   3.00  3N S      H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H12-Cool-Osten
  200         20.00   5.00  4* W -1  H12-Korol-Korol vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        100   17.00   8.00  3♠ N -1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        100   17.00   8.00  3♠ N -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        100   17.00   8.00  3♠ N -1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        100   17.00   8.00  3♠ N -1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H15-Morse-Sache
        100   17.00   8.00  5♣ N -1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        140   14.00  11.00  3 W      G11-Baer-Bolson vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        200   11.00  14.00  4♠ N -2   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        200   11.00  14.00  4♠ N -2   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        200   11.00  14.00  4♠ N -2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G7-James-James
        200   11.00  14.00  4♠ N -2   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        200   11.00  14.00  5♣* S -1  H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H9-Rao-Moore
        500    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        500    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        500    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        500    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  H2-Grant-Russell vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        500    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H16-McVay-McVay
        500    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        500    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  H15-Su-Pocock vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        800    0.50  24.50  5♠* N -3  H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        800    0.50  24.50  4♠* N -3  G12-Budos-Kalish vs G5-Blustein-Carter
5 ♠AQJ2
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1/-♣ 4/3 3 1NT
       ♣7/6 ♠6
EW: -/1♠  ♣6 ♦3 ♥3 ♠6/7 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  620         22.00   3.00  4 N      G3-Epley-Hays vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  620         22.00   3.00  4 N      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  620         22.00   3.00  4 N      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G4-Kim-Page
  620         22.00   3.00  4 N      G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G6-Miller-Penney
  620         22.00   3.00  4 N      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G8-Moore-Moore
  620         22.00   3.00  4 N      H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
  620         22.00   3.00  4 N      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        100   13.50  11.50  4 S -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G12-Beall-Devine
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H15-Morse-Sache
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        100   13.50  11.50  4 N -1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        200    4.00  21.00  3N N -2   H2-Grant-Russell vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        200    4.00  21.00  5 N -2   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        200    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   G1-Stock-Jing vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        200    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        200    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        200    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H16-McVay-McVay
        200    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   H12-Korol-Korol vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        200    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   H16-Moore-Nell vs H12-Cool-Osten
        200    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
6 ♠J53
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣6 ♦3 ♠3 NT3
EW: 1♣ 4 4♠ 1NT  ♥5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -500 5*-NS-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         23.00   2.00  3N W -2   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
  200         23.00   2.00  3N E -2   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  200         23.00   2.00  3N E -2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G6-Miller-Penney
  200         23.00   2.00  3N E -2   G16-Cole-Groome vs G12-Beall-Devine
  200         23.00   2.00  3N E -2   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H15-Morse-Sache
  140         20.00   5.00  3 N      H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
  100         18.00   7.00  3N E -1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  100         18.00   7.00  5 E -1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  100         18.00   7.00  5 E -1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G8-Moore-Moore
        130   14.50  10.50  4 W      G3-Epley-Hays vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        130   14.50  10.50  3 E +1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        130   14.50  10.50  3 E +1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H16-McVay-McVay
        130   14.50  10.50  2 E +2   H2-Grant-Russell vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        140   12.00  13.00  3♠ W      H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        150   11.00  14.00  2 W +3   H10-Liu-Chao vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        210   10.00  15.00  2N E +3   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        500    9.00  16.00  3♣* N -3  G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        630    7.50  17.50  3N E +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        630    7.50  17.50  3N E +1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        660    3.50  21.50  3N E +2   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        660    3.50  21.50  3N E +2   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G4-Kim-Page
        660    3.50  21.50  3N E +2   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        660    3.50  21.50  3N E +2   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        660    3.50  21.50  3N E +2   H15-Su-Pocock vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        660    3.50  21.50  3N E +2   H16-Moore-Nell vs H12-Cool-Osten
        710    0.00  25.00  4* E     G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
7 ♠Q76542
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣3 ♦3 ♥4 NT3
EW: 3♣ 4 3 4NT  ♠6
LoTT: 17 - 15 = +2
Par: -630 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         24.50   0.50  3N W -1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  100         24.50   0.50  3N W -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        110   23.00   2.00  3♣ E      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        600   15.50   9.50  3N W      G3-Epley-Hays vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        600   15.50   9.50  3N W      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G7-James-James
        600   15.50   9.50  3N W      G16-Cole-Groome vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        600   15.50   9.50  3N W      H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        600   15.50   9.50  3N W      H10-Liu-Chao vs H16-McVay-McVay
        600   15.50   9.50  3N W      H15-Su-Pocock vs H9-Rao-Moore
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G11-Baer-Bolson vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H16-Moore-Nell vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        630    4.00  21.00  3N W +1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        630    4.00  21.00  3N W +1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H15-Morse-Sache
        630    4.00  21.00  3N W +1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        630    4.00  21.00  3N E +1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G4-Kim-Page
        630    4.00  21.00  3N E +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        630    4.00  21.00  3N E +1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        630    4.00  21.00  3N E +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        630    4.00  21.00  3N E +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        630    4.00  21.00  3N E +1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
8 ♠6543
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 2 2NT  ♦5 ♠6
EW: 2 1♠  ♣4 ♥5 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: +100 3*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  1N* W -2  H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
  130         24.00   1.00  1♣ S +3   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G4-Kim-Page
  110         19.50   5.50  3♣ S      G1-Stock-Jing vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  110         19.50   5.50  3♣ S      G3-Epley-Hays vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
  110         19.50   5.50  3♣ S      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
  110         19.50   5.50  3♣ S      G11-Baer-Bolson vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  110         19.50   5.50  3♣ S      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H15-Morse-Sache
  110         19.50   5.50  2♣ S +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H16-McVay-McVay
  110         19.50   5.50  1♣ S +2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  110         19.50   5.50  1♣ S +2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  100         15.00  10.00  3 W -2   H16-Moore-Nell vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
   50         11.00  14.00  3♠ W -1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G3-Itabashi-Love
   50         11.00  14.00  3 W -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
   50         11.00  14.00  3 W -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
   50         11.00  14.00  3 W -1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
   50         11.00  14.00  3 E -1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G7-James-James
   50         11.00  14.00  3 E -1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G11-Abbott-Glad
   50         11.00  14.00  3 E -1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
    PASS       7.00  18.00  Pass Out  H2-Grant-Russell vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
         50    4.50  20.50  3 S -1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
         50    4.50  20.50  4♣ S -1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
         50    4.50  20.50  4♣ S -1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
         50    4.50  20.50  4♣ S -1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H5-Epley-Hagen
         90    2.00  23.00  2 E      H15-Su-Pocock vs H9-Rao-Moore
        100    0.50  24.50  3 S -2   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        100    0.50  24.50  4♣ N -2   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G16-Christensen-Miller
9 ♠96
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 2 1 4♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣2 ♦4 ♥6 ♠3 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +420 4♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         24.50   0.50  3N N      G16-Cole-Groome vs G10-Haldane-Miller
  400         24.50   0.50  3N N      H15-Su-Pocock vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
  200         23.00   2.00  2 W -2   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  170         22.00   3.00  2♠ S +2   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G16-Christensen-Miller
  150         19.50   5.50  2N N +1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G6-Miller-Penney
  150         19.50   5.50  2N N +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H16-McVay-McVay
  150         19.50   5.50  2N N +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  150         19.50   5.50  3♣ S +2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G4-Kim-Page
  130         16.50   8.50  3♣ S +1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  130         16.50   8.50  2♣ N +2   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  120         11.50  13.50  2N N      G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  120         11.50  13.50  2N N      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
  120         11.50  13.50  2N N      G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G12-Beall-Devine
  120         11.50  13.50  2N N      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  120         11.50  13.50  2N N      H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
  120         11.50  13.50  2N N      H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
  120         11.50  13.50  2N N      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  120         11.50  13.50  1N N +1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  110          6.50  18.50  3♣ S      G1-Stock-Jing vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
  110          6.50  18.50  3♣ S      H12-Korol-Korol vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
         50    3.00  22.00  3N N -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H15-Morse-Sache
         50    3.00  22.00  3N N -1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
         50    3.00  22.00  2N N -1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G8-Moore-Moore
         50    3.00  22.00  2N N -1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
         50    3.00  22.00  5♣ S -1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H12-Cool-Osten
        100    0.00  25.00  3N N -2   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
10 ♠Q98
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 2 1 3♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦5/4 ♥6 ♠4 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 14 = +2
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         25.00   0.00  2* E -3  H12-Korol-Korol vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
  650         24.00   1.00  4♠ N +1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
  630         23.00   2.00  3N N +1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  600         21.50   3.50  3N N      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
  600         21.50   3.50  3N N      H15-Su-Pocock vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
  180         20.00   5.00  1N N +3   G3-Epley-Hays vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  150         18.50   6.50  1N N +2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G4-Kim-Page
  150         18.50   6.50  1N N +2   H16-Moore-Nell vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
  140         17.00   8.00  3♠ S      H2-Grant-Russell vs H16-McVay-McVay
  120         15.00  10.00  2N N      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  120         15.00  10.00  1N N +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G8-Moore-Moore
  120         15.00  10.00  1N N +1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  110         13.00  12.00  3♣ N      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H12-Cool-Osten
        100    7.50  17.50  3N S -1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G6-Miller-Penney
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G12-Beall-Devine
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H15-Morse-Sache
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        100    7.50  17.50  2N N -1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        100    7.50  17.50  1N N -1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        200    2.00  23.00  3N N -2   G16-Cole-Groome vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        300    1.00  24.00  3N N -3   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        400    0.00  25.00  3N N -4   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G16-Christensen-Miller
11 ♠K75
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 4 2/1NT  ♥6 ♠6
EW: 1 1♠  ♣3 ♦3 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +130 4-NS/4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G4-Kim-Page
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G6-Miller-Penney
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G7-James-James
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  430         20.50   4.50  3N N +1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      G1-Stock-Jing vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      G11-Baer-Bolson vs G16-Christensen-Miller
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      G16-Cole-Groome vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      H2-Grant-Russell vs H15-Morse-Sache
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H16-McVay-McVay
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      H12-Korol-Korol vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
  400          9.50  15.50  3N N      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
  210          3.00  22.00  2N N +3   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
         50    1.50  23.50  3N N -1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G15-Taylor-Levy
         50    1.50  23.50  3N N -1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H9-Rao-Moore
        100    0.00  25.00  3N N -2   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
12 ♠T43
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥6 ♠3 NT5
EW: 2♣ 3/4♠ 2NT  ♦6 ♥6
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: -420 4♠-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  4♠ E -2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G3-Itabashi-Love
   50         21.50   3.50  3N W -1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G7-James-James
   50         21.50   3.50  4♠ W -1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
   50         21.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G16-Christensen-Miller
   50         21.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G11-Abbott-Glad
   50         21.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
   50         21.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H9-Rao-Moore
         90   18.00   7.00  2♣ W      G3-Epley-Hays vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        110   16.50   8.50  1♠ E +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H15-Morse-Sache
        110   16.50   8.50  3♣ W      H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        140   12.50  12.50  3♠ E      G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        140   12.50  12.50  3♠ E      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        140   12.50  12.50  3♠ E      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        140   12.50  12.50  2♠ E +1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        140   12.50  12.50  2♠ E +1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        140   12.50  12.50  2♠ E +1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        150    9.00  16.00  2N W +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G4-Kim-Page
        170    6.50  18.50  3♠ E +1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        170    6.50  18.50  3♠ E +1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        170    6.50  18.50  2♠ E +2   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        170    6.50  18.50  2♠ E +2   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        200    3.50  21.50  2 N -2   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        200    3.50  21.50  2* N -1  H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H16-McVay-McVay
        420    1.50  23.50  4♠ E      H5-Neate-Anderson vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        420    1.50  23.50  4♠ E      H6-Lott-Branscum vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        800    0.00  25.00  3* S -3  G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G6-Miller-Penney
13 ♠63
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣  ♦2 ♥6 ♠4 NT5
EW: 4 3♠  ♣4/3 ♥6 NT4/5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         25.00   0.00  4 W -4   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
  200         23.00   2.00  3N W -2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
  200         23.00   2.00  2 W -2   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G4-Kim-Page
  200         23.00   2.00  5 E -2   H2-Grant-Russell vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  100         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G10-Haldane-Miller
  100         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
  100         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        130   17.00   8.00  3 E +1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        130   17.00   8.00  3 E +1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        130   17.00   8.00  3 E +1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        140   14.00  11.00  2♠ E +1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G8-Moore-Moore
        140   14.00  11.00  2♠ E +1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H12-Cool-Osten
        140   14.00  11.00  2♠ E +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        150   10.00  15.00  2N E +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H16-McVay-McVay
        150   10.00  15.00  4 E +1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        150   10.00  15.00  4 E +1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        150   10.00  15.00  3 E +2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G7-James-James
        150   10.00  15.00  3 E +2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G6-Miller-Penney
        170    7.00  18.00  3 E +3   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        600    5.50  19.50  5 E      H12-Korol-Korol vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        600    5.50  19.50  5 E      H15-Su-Pocock vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        620    2.50  22.50  4♠ E      G3-Epley-Hays vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        620    2.50  22.50  4♠ E      G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        620    2.50  22.50  4♠ E      G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        620    2.50  22.50  4♠ E      H6-Lott-Branscum vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        650    0.00  25.00  4♠ E +1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G12-Beall-Devine
14 ♠T642
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
       ♣5/6 ♦1 ♥2/3 ♠1/2 NT2/3
EW: 1♣ 6 3 5♠ 4NT
LoTT: 18 - 16 = +2
Par: -920 6-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  6N E -2   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H12-Cool-Osten
   50         23.50   1.50  5♠ W -1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
   50         23.50   1.50  5 E -1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G7-James-James
        170   21.00   4.00  2♠ W +2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        170   21.00   4.00  2♠ W +2   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        170   21.00   4.00  1♠ W +3   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G4-Kim-Page
        200   19.00   6.00  2♠ W +3   H15-Su-Pocock vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        420   14.00  11.00  4♠ W      G3-Epley-Hays vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        420   14.00  11.00  4♠ W      G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        420   14.00  11.00  4♠ W      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        420   14.00  11.00  4♠ W      H2-Grant-Russell vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        420   14.00  11.00  4♠ W      H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        420   14.00  11.00  4♠ W      H16-Moore-Nell vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        420   14.00  11.00  4♠ E      H12-Korol-Korol vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        420   14.00  11.00  4 E      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        420   14.00  11.00  4 E      G16-Cole-Groome vs G8-Moore-Moore
        430    8.00  17.00  3N W +1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G12-Beall-Devine
        430    8.00  17.00  3N W +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        430    8.00  17.00  3N E +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        450    5.00  20.00  4♠ W +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G6-Miller-Penney
        450    5.00  20.00  4♠ W +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        450    5.00  20.00  4♠ E +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        460    2.50  22.50  3N W +2   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        460    2.50  22.50  3N W +2   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        480    1.00  24.00  4♠ W +2   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        490    0.00  25.00  3N W +3   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H16-McVay-McVay
15 ♠A
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4/3♣ 4 3 3NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣3 ♦2 ♥3 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +500 4♠*-EW-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         25.00   0.00  3N S +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H15-Morse-Sache
  620         24.00   1.00  4 S      H16-Moore-Nell vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  600         21.50   3.50  3N S      G1-Stock-Jing vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  600         21.50   3.50  3N S      G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
  600         21.50   3.50  3N S      H6-Lott-Branscum vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  600         21.50   3.50  3N S      H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  150         18.50   6.50  1N N +2   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
  150         18.50   6.50  2 N +3   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  140         17.00   8.00  2 S +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
  130         15.50   9.50  4 N      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H9-Rao-Moore
  130         15.50   9.50  3 N +1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  100         14.00  11.00  3♠* W -1  H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        100   10.50  14.50  3N S -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        100   10.50  14.50  3N S -1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G4-Kim-Page
        100   10.50  14.50  3N S -1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        100   10.50  14.50  3N S -1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        100   10.50  14.50  3N S -1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        100   10.50  14.50  2 S -1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        200    5.00  20.00  3N S -2   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        200    5.00  20.00  4 S -2   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        200    5.00  20.00  4 S -2   G16-Cole-Groome vs G7-James-James
        200    5.00  20.00  6 N -2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G6-Miller-Penney
        200    5.00  20.00  5 S -2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        300    2.00  23.00  4 S -3   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G8-Moore-Moore
        400    1.00  24.00  3N S -4   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        800    0.00  25.00  5* S -3  H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
16 ♠JT942
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣4 ♦6 ♠6 NT6
EW: 3/2♣ 1♠ 1/-NT
       ♦6 ♥5 NT7/6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -100 3*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  2 W -3   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G8-Moore-Moore
  200         23.00   2.00  2♠* W -1  H5-Neate-Anderson vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
  200         23.00   2.00  2♠ E -2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  200         23.00   2.00  4♣ W -2   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  140         20.00   5.00  3 S      G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  140         20.00   5.00  3 N      H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  140         20.00   5.00  2 S +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
  100         15.00  10.00  3N E -1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  100         15.00  10.00  2♠ W -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
  100         15.00  10.00  2♠ W -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H15-Morse-Sache
  100         15.00  10.00  2♠ W -1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  100         15.00  10.00  2♠ E -1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  100         15.00  10.00  2♠ E -1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G4-Kim-Page
  100         15.00  10.00  2♠ E -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
         50   10.00  15.00  3 S -1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
         50   10.00  15.00  3 S -1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
         50   10.00  15.00  3 N -1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G6-Miller-Penney
         90    8.00  17.00  2♣ W      G16-Cole-Groome vs G7-James-James
        100    4.50  20.50  3* S -1  G1-Stock-Jing vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        100    4.50  20.50  3* S -1  G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        100    4.50  20.50  3 S -2   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        100    4.50  20.50  3 S -2   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        100    4.50  20.50  3 S -2   H15-Su-Pocock vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        100    4.50  20.50  3 S -2   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H9-Rao-Moore
        150    1.00  24.00  3 S -3   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        500    0.00  25.00  3* S -3  G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
17 ♠A
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 1 2♠  NT6
EW:  ♣6 ♦4 ♥5 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         25.00   0.00  3♣* E -4  H16-Moore-Nell vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  110         23.50   1.50  2♠ S      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  110         23.50   1.50  2♠ S      G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G8-Moore-Moore
   90         22.00   3.00  2 N      G16-Cole-Groome vs G6-Miller-Penney
   50         21.00   4.00  3N W -1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
         50   16.50   8.50  3♠ S -1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G16-Christensen-Miller
         50   16.50   8.50  2♠ S -1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G12-Beall-Devine
         50   16.50   8.50  2♠ S -1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G5-Blustein-Carter
         50   16.50   8.50  2♠ S -1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
         50   16.50   8.50  2 N -1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
         50   16.50   8.50  2 N -1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H5-Epley-Hagen
         50   16.50   8.50  2 N -1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G10-Haldane-Miller
         50   16.50   8.50  2 N -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        100    8.50  16.50  3♠ S -2   H2-Grant-Russell vs H12-Cool-Osten
        100    8.50  16.50  2♠ S -2   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        100    8.50  16.50  3 N -2   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        100    8.50  16.50  3 N -2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G4-Kim-Page
        100    8.50  16.50  3 N -2   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H16-McVay-McVay
        100    8.50  16.50  3 N -2   H15-Su-Pocock vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        100    8.50  16.50  3 N -2   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        100    8.50  16.50  2* N -1  H6-Lott-Branscum vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        200    4.00  21.00  3 N -4   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H9-Rao-Moore
        300    3.00  22.00  4♠* S -2  H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        500    2.00  23.00  3* N -3  G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        800    1.00  24.00  5* N -4  H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
       1100    0.00  25.00  4N* S -5  G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G7-James-James
18 ♠K6
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 1NT  ♥6 ♠5
EW: 2♠  ♣6 ♦4 ♥6 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +100 3♠*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  110         23.50   1.50  3 S      G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G8-Moore-Moore
  110         23.50   1.50  2 S +1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  110         23.50   1.50  1 S +2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G4-Kim-Page
  110         23.50   1.50  1 S +2   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H16-McVay-McVay
   90         20.50   4.50  1N S      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
   90         20.50   4.50  1N N      G1-Stock-Jing vs G10-Haldane-Miller
   50         18.00   7.00  1N W -1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
   50         18.00   7.00  3♠ W -1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H5-Epley-Hagen
   50         18.00   7.00  1 E -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
    PASS      14.50  10.50  Pass Out  G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G12-Beall-Devine
    PASS      14.50  10.50  Pass Out  G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G7-James-James
    PASS      14.50  10.50  Pass Out  H2-Grant-Russell vs H12-Cool-Osten
    PASS      14.50  10.50  Pass Out  H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
         80   11.50  13.50  1 E      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
         80   11.50  13.50  1 E      H5-Neate-Anderson vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        100    9.00  16.00  2♣ N -1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G6-Miller-Penney
        100    9.00  16.00  2♣ N -1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        100    9.00  16.00  2♣ N -1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H9-Rao-Moore
        110    6.00  19.00  2♠ W      G3-Epley-Hays vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        110    6.00  19.00  2♠ W      H16-Moore-Nell vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        110    6.00  19.00  2♠ W      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        120    4.00  21.00  1N W +1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        140    2.50  22.50  2♠ W +1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        140    2.50  22.50  2♠ W +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G1-Lewis-Binney
        200    0.50  24.50  3♣ N -2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        200    0.50  24.50  3♣ N -2   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
19 ♠J5
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥6 ♠2 NT3
EW: 1♣ 5 1 5♠ 4NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -650 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        200   25.00   0.00  3♠ W +2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G4-Kim-Page
        600   24.00   1.00  3N E      G16-Cole-Groome vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        630   21.50   3.50  3N E +1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        630   21.50   3.50  3N E +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G7-James-James
        630   21.50   3.50  3N E +1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H9-Rao-Moore
        630   21.50   3.50  3N E +1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G6-Miller-Penney
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G8-Moore-Moore
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H15-Morse-Sache
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        660    0.50  24.50  3N E +2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        660    0.50  24.50  3N E +2   H16-Moore-Nell vs H5-Epley-Hagen
20 ♠9532
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦6 ♥4/3 ♠4 NT4/3
EW: 1♣ 1 2 2♠ 1NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -110 2♠-EW/2-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  3N E -3   H16-Moore-Nell vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  200         23.50   1.50  3N E -2   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G10-Haldane-Miller
  200         23.50   1.50  3N E -2   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  100         22.00   3.00  4♠ W -1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        170   21.00   4.00  3♠ W +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        600   15.50   9.50  3N W      H15-Su-Pocock vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G3-Epley-Hays vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G8-Moore-Moore
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      G16-Cole-Groome vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H9-Rao-Moore
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H2-Grant-Russell vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        600   15.50   9.50  3N E      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G4-Kim-Page
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G6-Miller-Penney
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G7-James-James
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H15-Morse-Sache
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        630    5.00  20.00  3N E +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
21 ♠J43
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 4♠ 1NT  ♦6
EW: 1  ♣4 ♥3 ♠3 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +620 4♠-NS/4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         25.00   0.00  5* E -4  G7-Handley-Hartley vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      G1-Stock-Jing vs G8-Moore-Moore
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G10-Haldane-Miller
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      G3-Epley-Hays vs G12-Beall-Devine
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      G11-Baer-Bolson vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      G16-Cole-Groome vs G4-Kim-Page
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G6-Miller-Penney
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H12-Cool-Osten
  620         20.50   4.50  4♠ S      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  170         14.00  11.00  3♠ S +1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  170         14.00  11.00  3♠ S +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
  170         14.00  11.00  3♠ S +1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  170         14.00  11.00  2♠ S +2   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
  170         14.00  11.00  3 N +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
  150         11.00  14.00  4 E -3   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
  140          8.00  17.00  3♠ S      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  140          8.00  17.00  3♠ S      H10-Liu-Chao vs H9-Rao-Moore
  140          8.00  17.00  2♠ S +1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  140          8.00  17.00  2♠ S +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H16-McVay-McVay
  140          8.00  17.00  2♠ S +1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  130          5.00  20.00  3♣ N +1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
         90    4.00  21.00  2 E      G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        100    2.50  22.50  4♠ S -1   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        100    2.50  22.50  3♠ S -1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        170    1.00  24.00  3♠ W +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G7-James-James
        200    0.00  25.00  4♠ S -2   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
22 ♠AKQJ
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 3♠  ♦5 ♥5 NT5
EW: 1 2 1NT  ♣4 ♠3
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  420         25.00   0.00  4♠ N      H5-Neate-Anderson vs H16-McVay-McVay
  200         23.00   2.00  4 E -2   H10-Liu-Chao vs H9-Rao-Moore
  200         23.00   2.00  4 W -2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  200         23.00   2.00  3 W -2   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
  170         20.00   5.00  3♠ S +1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  170         20.00   5.00  3♠ N +1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G8-Moore-Moore
  170         20.00   5.00  3♠ N +1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  140         16.00   9.00  3♠ N      G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G16-Christensen-Miller
  140         16.00   9.00  3♠ N      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G7-James-James
  140         16.00   9.00  3♠ N      H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H12-Cool-Osten
  140         16.00   9.00  3♠ N      H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  140         16.00   9.00  3♠ N      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  110         13.00  12.00  2♠ N      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  100         11.50  13.50  3 W -1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
  100         11.50  13.50  3 W -1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G1-Lewis-Binney
         50    8.50  16.50  4♠ N -1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G12-Beall-Devine
         50    8.50  16.50  3♠ N -1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G5-Blustein-Carter
         50    8.50  16.50  3♠ N -1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
         50    8.50  16.50  3♠ N -1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        100    4.50  20.50  4♠ N -2   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        100    4.50  20.50  4♠ N -2   G16-Cole-Groome vs G4-Kim-Page
        100    4.50  20.50  4♠ N -2   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        100    4.50  20.50  3♠ N -2   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G6-Miller-Penney
        110    2.00  23.00  3 W      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        140    0.50  24.50  3 W      H6-Lott-Branscum vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        140    0.50  24.50  3 E      H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
23 ♠AQ76
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣3 ♦6 ♥6 NT4
EW: 4♣ 1 1 3NT  ♠5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -600 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  3N E -1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H12-Cool-Osten
        120   23.50   1.50  2N E      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G8-Moore-Moore
        120   23.50   1.50  2N E      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        130   22.00   3.00  3♣ E +1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        150   19.00   6.00  2N E +1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        150   19.00   6.00  2N E +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G5-Blustein-Carter
        150   19.00   6.00  2N E +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        150   19.00   6.00  2N E +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        150   19.00   6.00  1N E +2   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        300   16.00   9.00  1♣ N -3   G1-Stock-Jing vs G7-James-James
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      G7-Handley-Hartley vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G6-Miller-Penney
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G12-Beall-Devine
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      H5-Neate-Anderson vs H15-Morse-Sache
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      H6-Lott-Branscum vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        600   10.00  15.00  3N E      H17-Fishman-Berry vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        630    2.00  23.00  3N W +1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G4-Kim-Page
        630    2.00  23.00  3N E +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        630    2.00  23.00  3N E +1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        630    2.00  23.00  3N E +1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H9-Rao-Moore
        630    2.00  23.00  3N E +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
24 ♠KT9542
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1♠ 1NT  ♣4 ♥6
EW: 3♣  ♦5 ♥6 ♠6 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -100 3*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  3N W -3   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G10-Haldane-Miller
  130         24.00   1.00  2 S +2   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
  110         21.50   3.50  2♠ N      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G6-Miller-Penney
  110         21.50   3.50  2♠ N      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H6-Peterson-Marx
  110         21.50   3.50  3 S      H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  110         21.50   3.50  2 S +1   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  100         19.00   6.00  4♣ E -2   H12-Korol-Korol vs H12-Cool-Osten
   90         18.00   7.00  2 S      H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
   50         16.00   9.00  1N E -1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
   50         16.00   9.00  4♣ E -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
   50         16.00   9.00  3♣ E -1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
         50    9.00  16.00  3♠ N -1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H9-Rao-Moore
         50    9.00  16.00  2♠ N -1   G1-Stock-Jing vs G7-James-James
         50    9.00  16.00  2♠ N -1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
         50    9.00  16.00  2♠ N -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G15-Taylor-Levy
         50    9.00  16.00  2♠ N -1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
         50    9.00  16.00  2♠ N -1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G4-Kim-Page
         50    9.00  16.00  2♠ N -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
         50    9.00  16.00  2♠ N -1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H5-Epley-Hagen
         50    9.00  16.00  3 S -1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G11-Abbott-Glad
         50    9.00  16.00  3 S -1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
         50    9.00  16.00  3 S -1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G8-Moore-Moore
        110    2.00  23.00  3♣ E      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G12-Beall-Devine
        110    2.00  23.00  3♣ E      H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        110    2.00  23.00  3♣ E      H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        130    0.00  25.00  3♣ E +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H15-Morse-Sache
25 ♠KJ97
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♠  ♣6 ♦3 ♥6 NT4
EW: 3 1 2/3NT  ♣5/6 ♠3
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -100 4♠*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  5 W -3   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  170         23.50   1.50  2♠ N +2   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
  170         23.50   1.50  1♠ N +3   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G12-Beall-Devine
  140         20.00   5.00  3♠ S      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  140         20.00   5.00  3♠ N      H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H12-Cool-Osten
  140         20.00   5.00  2♠ S +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
  140         20.00   5.00  2♠ N +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  140         20.00   5.00  2♠ N +1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
  100         15.00  10.00  3N W -1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
  100         15.00  10.00  2 E -1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
  100         15.00  10.00  4 E -1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  100         15.00  10.00  3 W -1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H16-McVay-McVay
  100         15.00  10.00  3 E -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
         50   10.00  15.00  4♠ N -1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G8-Moore-Moore
         50   10.00  15.00  4♠ N -1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G10-Haldane-Miller
         50   10.00  15.00  4♠ N -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
         50   10.00  15.00  3♠ S -1   H2-Grant-Russell vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
         50   10.00  15.00  2 S -1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        100    6.50  18.50  3♠* N -1  G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        110    4.50  20.50  3 W      G1-Stock-Jing vs G6-Miller-Penney
        110    4.50  20.50  3 E      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H5-Epley-Hagen
        150    3.00  22.00  2N W +1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H9-Rao-Moore
        300    2.00  23.00  5♠* S -2  G11-Baer-Bolson vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        600    1.00  24.00  3N W      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G7-James-James
        710    0.00  25.00  4* W     G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G3-Itabashi-Love
26 ♠AJ6532
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 1♠  ♣4 ♦6 NT6
EW: 3♣ 1 1NT  ♥3 ♠5
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: +500 5♣*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         25.00   0.00  4 N +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  500         23.00   2.00  5* W -2  G7-Handley-Hartley vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  500         23.00   2.00  5♣* W -2  G1-Stock-Jing vs G6-Miller-Penney
  500         23.00   2.00  5♣* W -2  H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H9-Rao-Moore
  200         20.50   4.50  5♣ W -2   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H16-McVay-McVay
  200         20.50   4.50  4♣* W -1  H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  170         19.00   6.00  3 S +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
  140         17.50   7.50  3 S      H2-Grant-Russell vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
  140         17.50   7.50  3 N      H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H12-Cool-Osten
  100         16.00   9.00  4♣ W -1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        100   14.00  11.00  4 N -1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G8-Moore-Moore
        100   14.00  11.00  4 N -1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        100   14.00  11.00  4 N -1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        110    9.50  15.50  3♣ W      G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        110    9.50  15.50  3♣ W      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        110    9.50  15.50  3♣ W      G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        110    9.50  15.50  3♣ W      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        110    9.50  15.50  2♣ W +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        110    9.50  15.50  2♣ W +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        130    5.50  19.50  3♣ W +1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G12-Beall-Devine
        130    5.50  19.50  2♣ W +2   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G3-Itabashi-Love
        200    3.00  22.00  4 S -2   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G7-James-James
        200    3.00  22.00  4* N -1  G3-Epley-Hays vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        200    3.00  22.00  4 N -2   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        300    1.00  24.00  4 N -3   H12-Korol-Korol vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        670    0.00  25.00  3♣* W     H1-Hays-Brunswig vs H6-Peterson-Marx
27 ♠T
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦2 ♥3/2 ♠1 NT2
EW: 5 4 5♠ 2NT  ♣5
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -450 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         24.50   0.50  4 E -1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
   50         24.50   0.50  4 E -1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H12-Cool-Osten
        200   23.00   2.00  3♠ W +2   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G8-Moore-Moore
        400   22.00   3.00  3N E      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G6-Miller-Penney
        420   19.50   5.50  4♠ W      G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G7-James-James
        420   19.50   5.50  4♠ W      G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        420   19.50   5.50  4♠ W      H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        420   19.50   5.50  4♠ E      H2-Grant-Russell vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   G3-Epley-Hays vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G4-Kim-Page
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G12-Beall-Devine
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H15-Morse-Sache
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ W +1   H12-Korol-Korol vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ E +1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        450    8.50  16.50  4♠ E +1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        450    8.50  16.50  4 W +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H9-Rao-Moore
28 ♠KJ753
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1♠  ♦3/4 ♥6 NT4/5
EW: 3 2NT  ♣5 ♥6 ♠6
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  4♠ E -4   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G6-Miller-Penney
  100         22.00   3.00  3N W -2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  100         22.00   3.00  3N W -2   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H12-Cool-Osten
  100         22.00   3.00  2♠ E -2   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  100         22.00   3.00  5* W -1  G3-Epley-Hays vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  100         22.00   3.00  5 W -2   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
   50         16.00   9.00  3N W -1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G8-Moore-Moore
   50         16.00   9.00  3N W -1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
   50         16.00   9.00  3N E -1   G2-Hovda-Hovda vs G7-James-James
   50         16.00   9.00  3N E -1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G11-Abbott-Glad
   50         16.00   9.00  3N E -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
   50         16.00   9.00  3N E -1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
   50         16.00   9.00  3N E -1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G12-Beall-Devine
        110   10.50  14.50  3 W      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        110   10.50  14.50  3 W      H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        110   10.50  14.50  2 W +1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H9-Rao-Moore
        110   10.50  14.50  2 W +1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        130    6.50  18.50  3 W +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G4-Kim-Page
        130    6.50  18.50  3 W +1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        130    6.50  18.50  2 W +2   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        130    6.50  18.50  2 W +2   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H15-Morse-Sache
        200    4.00  21.00  3 N -2   H12-Korol-Korol vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        300    3.00  22.00  2♠ N -3   H2-Grant-Russell vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
        400    1.50  23.50  3N W      H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        400    1.50  23.50  3N E      H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        430    0.00  25.00  3N E +1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G15-Taylor-Levy
29 ♠KJ92
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 2 3♠ 2NT  ♥6
EW: 1  ♣4 ♦4 ♠4 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         25.00   0.00  1N W -4   H15-Su-Pocock vs H15-Morse-Sache
  300         23.00   2.00  1N E -3   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  300         23.00   2.00  1N E -3   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H16-McVay-McVay
  300         23.00   2.00  1N E -3   H10-Liu-Chao vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  200         18.00   7.00  1N E -2   G3-Epley-Hays vs G8-Moore-Moore
  200         18.00   7.00  1N E -2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  200         18.00   7.00  1N E -2   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
  200         18.00   7.00  1N E -2   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  200         18.00   7.00  1N E -2   H12-Korol-Korol vs H9-Rao-Moore
  200         18.00   7.00  1N E -2   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
  200         18.00   7.00  1N E -2   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
  110         14.00  11.00  2♠ N      G7-Handley-Hartley vs G16-Christensen-Miller
  100         10.50  14.50  1N E -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G12-Beall-Devine
  100         10.50  14.50  1N E -1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  100         10.50  14.50  1N E -1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  100         10.50  14.50  1N E -1   H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
  100         10.50  14.50  2 E -1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H12-Cool-Osten
  100         10.50  14.50  1♣ E -1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G7-James-James
   90          7.00  18.00  2♣ S      G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G10-Haldane-Miller
         90    4.00  21.00  1N E      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
         90    4.00  21.00  1N E      G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G5-Blustein-Carter
         90    4.00  21.00  1N E      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
         90    4.00  21.00  1N E      H6-Lott-Branscum vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
         90    4.00  21.00  1N E      H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
        120    0.50  24.50  1N E +1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        120    0.50  24.50  1N E +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
30 ♠Q853
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 4 -/1♠ 2NT  ♦5 ♠6/7
EW: 2  ♣2 ♥2 ♠5 NT3
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +420 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         24.50   0.50  4♠* E -3  H5-Neate-Anderson vs H12-Cool-Osten
  500         24.50   0.50  5* W -3  H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  450         23.00   2.00  4 N +1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H15-Morse-Sache
  420         20.50   4.50  4 S      G3-Epley-Hays vs G8-Moore-Moore
  420         20.50   4.50  4 N      G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G11-Abbott-Glad
  420         20.50   4.50  4 N      H3-O'Brien-Scholes vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
  420         20.50   4.50  4 N      H6-Lott-Branscum vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  400         17.50   7.50  3N N      G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
  400         17.50   7.50  3N N      G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  140         16.00   9.00  3 N      H12-Korol-Korol vs H9-Rao-Moore
         50    8.00  17.00  3N N -1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
         50    8.00  17.00  4 S -1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G10-Haldane-Miller
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G12-Beall-Devine
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G16-Christensen-Miller
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G1-Lewis-Binney
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G5-Blustein-Carter
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G7-James-James
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G15-Taylor-Levy
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H16-McVay-McVay
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   H10-Liu-Chao vs H5-Epley-Hagen
         50    8.00  17.00  4 N -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        100    0.00  25.00  4 N -2   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
31 ♠KQT
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦4 ♥1 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 3 6 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         25.00   0.00  6N E -1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        450   22.00   3.00  4♠ E +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        450   22.00   3.00  4♠ E +1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        450   22.00   3.00  4♠ E +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        450   22.00   3.00  4♠ E +1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G12-Beall-Devine
        450   22.00   3.00  4♠ E +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H9-Rao-Moore
        460   19.00   6.00  3N W +2   H10-Liu-Chao vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        480   11.00  14.00  5♠ E +1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        480   11.00  14.00  5♠ E +1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        480   11.00  14.00  5♠ E +1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        480   11.00  14.00  5♠ E +1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ W +2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ W +2   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G4-Kim-Page
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G6-Miller-Penney
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H15-Morse-Sache
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H12-Cool-Osten
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   H15-Su-Pocock vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        480   11.00  14.00  4♠ E +2   H16-Moore-Nell vs H16-McVay-McVay
        490    2.50  22.50  3N W +3   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        490    2.50  22.50  3N W +3   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G8-Moore-Moore
        980    0.50  24.50  6♠ E      H5-Neate-Anderson vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        980    0.50  24.50  6♠ E      H12-Korol-Korol vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
32 ♠632
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣3 ♥1 ♠1 NT1
EW: 3♣ 5 5♠ 2NT  ♦6
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -650 5♠-EW/5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  3N W -1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
        200   23.50   1.50  3♠ E +2   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H15-Morse-Sache
        200   23.50   1.50  2♠ E +3   H10-Liu-Chao vs H4-Houghland-Simmons
        500   22.00   3.00  4* S -3  H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H12-Cool-Osten
        620   20.50   4.50  4♠ E      H12-Korol-Korol vs H8-Lakshmanan-Mohrman
        620   20.50   4.50  4♠ E      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ W +1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G15-Taylor-Levy
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G4-Boardman-Jungemann vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G11-Abbott-Glad
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G2-McCullough-Youngberg
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G6-Miller-Penney
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G8-Moore-Moore
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G10-Haldane-Miller
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G12-Beall-Devine
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G16-Christensen-Miller
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H2-Leishman-Tompkins
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H6-Peterson-Marx
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
        650   10.50  14.50  4♠ E +1   H16-Moore-Nell vs H16-McVay-McVay
        650   10.50  14.50  4 W +1   H4-Bickel-Bickel vs H9-Rao-Moore
        680    1.00  24.00  4♠ E +2   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
        800    0.00  25.00  5* S -4  G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G4-Kim-Page
33 ♠Q83
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2 2 1NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣4 ♦5 ♥5 NT6
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: +100 2♠*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  3♠ W -3   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  120         24.00   1.00  1N S +1   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  110         22.50   2.50  2 S +1   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  110         22.50   2.50  2♣ S +1   G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
  100         18.50   6.50  1N E -2   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G10-Haldane-Miller
  100         18.50   6.50  3♠ W -2   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  100         18.50   6.50  3♠ W -2   H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
  100         18.50   6.50  3♠ W -2   H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
  100         18.50   6.50  2♠ W -2   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  100         18.50   6.50  2♠ E -2   H12-Korol-Korol vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
   50         10.00  15.00  1N E -1   H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H9-Rao-Moore
   50         10.00  15.00  1N E -1   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G12-Beall-Devine
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G3-Itabashi-Love
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G11-Abbott-Glad
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   G16-Cole-Groome vs G15-Taylor-Levy
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H16-McVay-McVay
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ W -1   H15-Su-Pocock vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
   50         10.00  15.00  2♠ E -1   G12-Budos-Kalish vs G7-James-James
         50    4.00  21.00  3♣ S -1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G16-Christensen-Miller
         90    3.00  22.00  1N E      H16-Moore-Nell vs H15-Morse-Sache
        110    2.00  23.00  2♠ W      H10-Liu-Chao vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
        120    1.00  24.00  1N E +1   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
        150    0.00  25.00  4 N -3   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H12-Cool-Osten
34 ♠A4
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 6 6♠ 5NT  ♦6
EW:  ♣2 ♦6 ♥1 ♠1 NT1
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +1430 6♠-NS/6-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      G12-Budos-Kalish vs G7-James-James
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      G14-Gilman-Galloway vs G11-Abbott-Glad
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      G15-Bartron-Kuhlman vs G13-Wallis-Klarreich
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      H7-Loftis-Joinette vs H14-Hendrickson-Cline
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      H8-Tesler-Higgins vs H16-McVay-McVay
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      H9-Weinberg-Heller vs H1-Corney-Maksymetz
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      H10-Liu-Chao vs H3-Setterholm-Christie
 1430         21.50   3.50  6 S      H16-Moore-Nell vs H15-Morse-Sache
  690         16.50   8.50  4N S +2   H11-Ford-Abernethy vs H5-Epley-Hagen
  690         16.50   8.50  3N S +3   H6-Lott-Branscum vs H12-Cool-Osten
  680          8.50  16.50  4♠ N +2   G6-Abersold-Walthall vs G12-Beall-Devine
  680          8.50  16.50  5 S +1   G8-Meenagh-Craig vs G16-Christensen-Miller
  680          8.50  16.50  5 S +1   G10-Chernoff-Fricker vs G3-Itabashi-Love
  680          8.50  16.50  5 S +1   H5-Neate-Anderson vs H10-Tafjord-Rowe
  680          8.50  16.50  5 S +1   H14-Chupack-Chupack vs H11-Reiter-Schreiber
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   G5-Thompson-Gravitz vs G10-Haldane-Miller
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   G7-Handley-Hartley vs G14-Hamm-Geoffroy
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   G9-Grubbs-Hosch vs G1-Lewis-Binney
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   G13-Rakevich-Trautman vs G9-Slemmons-Slemmons
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   G16-Cole-Groome vs G15-Taylor-Levy
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   G17-Swan-Allahverdian vs G17-Sylvestre-Wang
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   H12-Korol-Korol vs H7-Murdoch-Breeze
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   H15-Su-Pocock vs H13-Bovarnick-Drajpuch
  680          8.50  16.50  4 S +2   H17-Fishman-Berry vs H17-Stafford-Zastera
  650          1.00  24.00  4♠ S +1   G11-Baer-Bolson vs G5-Blustein-Carter
  600          0.00  25.00  5♣ N      H13-Scholes-Buroker vs H9-Rao-Moore