Mesa Roadrunner Senior Regional - District 17

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Field strength:  Mean: 3492 MP  Geomean: 2228 MP
(based on 144 players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Bonnie Macbride - Stephen Goldstein 67.31 3.27 Gold
Joe Harris - Leon Lowe 66.26 3.27 Gold
Roger Anderson - Sharon Anderson 62.58 2.29 Red
Carol Kasle - JoAnne Lowe 61.76 1.93 Gold
Allan Deserpa - David Rankin 61.70 3.27 Gold
A Heidi Karriker - Robert Karriker 60.49 1.84 Gold, 0.45 Red
Gayle Quiros - Judith Washor 58.74 3.27 Gold
Dee Horwitz - Marc Raphael 58.68 1.14 Red
Jack Shartsis - Phebe Packer 58.63 1.64 Red
Bruce Wick - Susan Stubinski 58.41 1.14 Red
Buzz Farnes - Kathy Litterman 58.02 2.29 Red
Donald Housley - Mark Litterman 57.80 0.65 Red
B Robert Simrak - Sadu Marrott 57.58 2.29 Red
Andrew De Leon - Patricia Menefee 57.47 1.64 Red
Marcia Aspinall - Stephanie McAdam 56.70 1.64 Red
Frank Leonard - Timothy Mann 55.22 1.14 Red
Joel Datloff - Roger McNay 55.05 1.14 Red
Bernie Katchen - Donald Gladman 54.84 0.55 Red
Mac Busby - Rebecca Rogers 54.67 0.65 Red
Janet Daling - Steve Mansfield 54.07 0.55 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Ardith Nance - Cynthia Bohland 53.96 1.35 Red
John Urciuoli - Scott Donaldson 53.35 0.97 Red
Daniel Lavine - Marvin Schenk 53.13 1.29 Red
Jim Rowland - Ken Batko 53.08 1.29 Red
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick - Hamilton Kirkpatrick 52.86 1.19 Gold
Debbie Reichow - Mel Heitger 52.75 1.93 Gold
Alvin Malmon - R Gasway 52.03 1.35 Red
Ed Wager - Gail Tamblin-Hall 51.70 0.92 Red
Margaret Glasner - Phyllis Rakevich 51.48 0.47 Red
Ann Lourie - Polly Hoover 51.32 0.64 Red
Jean Blilie - Shirley Hoffert 51.26 0.64 Red
David Stoker - Jan Garthe 50.00 0.97 Red
Florence Thier - Kay Johnson 49.95 0.68 Red
Henry Zoellner - James Milam 49.18 0.68 Red
Ernest Olness Jr - William Ahern 48.85 0.39 Red
Michelle Steiner - Mike Tuchman 48.79 0.83 Red
Herbert Bartick - Michael Wishousky 48.02 0.91 Gold
Don Pratt - Donna Pratt 47.36 0.60 Red
Jennifer Beall - Ron Beall 46.76 0.39 Red

This is a multi-session event. These masterpoint awards are not final. You will receive at least the award shown. For example, if the award for your overall performance in a two session event is greater than your current award, you will receive that final award instead of (not in addition to) the award shown here.

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>April 10, 2015     |SANCTION>RS1504009 | 04/10/2015 15:43|EVENT CODE>1001
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>MESA, AZ        |RATING>Regional                     |MOVEMENT>WEB
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  455.0 |TOP>  35 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>2015 MESA SENIOR REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=18/B=11/C=7                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Gayle Quiros           Judith Washor            B    1     1     .    534.50  58.74  3.27Gold    H - 1 - E-W
 2 Barb Hargreaves        Robert Snead             C    .     .     .    309.00  33.96              H - 2 - E-W
 3 Steve Mansfield        Janet Daling             A    6     .     .    492.00  54.07  0.55Red     G - 3 - N-S
 4 Polly Hoover           Ann Lourie               B    .     4     .    467.00  51.32  0.64Red     H - 4 - E-W
 5 Kerry Brothers         Linda Webb               A    .     .     .    451.50  49.62              H - 5 - E-W
 6 Michelle Steiner       Mike Tuchman             C    .     .     2    444.00  48.79  0.83Red     G - 6 - N-S
 7 Frank Leonard          Timothy Mann             A    4     .     .    502.50  55.22  1.14Red     G - 7 - N-S
 8 Elizabeth Kirkpatrick  Hamilton Kirkpatrick     C    .     3     1    481.00  52.86  1.19Gold    H - 8 - E-W
 9 Sadu Marrott           B Robert Simrak          A    2     .     .    524.00  57.58  2.29Red     H - 9 - E-W
10 Sharon Beran           M Hanefi Erten           C    .     .     .    324.00  35.60              H -14 - E-W
11 Stephanie McAdam       Marcia Aspinall          A    3     .     .    516.00  56.70  1.64Red     H -11 - E-W
12 Ken Batko              Jim Rowland              B    7     2     .    483.00  53.08  1.29Red     H -12 - E-W
13 Mac Busby              Rebecca Rogers           A    5     .     .    497.50  54.67  0.65Red     H -13 - E-W
14 Don Pratt              Donna Pratt              C    .     .     3    431.00  47.36  0.60Red     G -14 - N-S
15 Sonja Shiner           Paula Cohen              A    .     .     .    439.00  48.24              H -15 - E-W
16 Pamela Thaut           Daniel Nelson            B    .     .     .    306.00  33.63              G -16 - N-S
17 Jean Lesieutre         Krishna Rustagi          C    .     .     .    403.00  44.29              G -17 - N-S
18 Sue Robinson           Deborah Watson           C    .     .     .    345.50  37.97              H -18 - E-W
                                          Totals                        7950.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  455.0 |TOP>  35 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>2015 MESA SENIOR REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=18/B=12/C=3                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Carol Field            Barbara Paton            B    .     .     .    423.00  46.48              G - 1 - N-S
 2 Michael Wishousky      Herbert Bartick          C    .     .     1    437.00  48.02  0.91Gold    G - 2 - N-S
 3 Oris Mowry             Jerry Gaer               A    .     .     .    398.50  43.79              H - 3 - E-W
 4 John Urciuoli          Scott Donaldson          B    .     3     .    485.50  53.35  0.97Red     G - 4 - N-S
 5 Bernie Katchen         Donald Gladman           A    6     .     .    499.00  54.84  0.55Red     G - 5 - N-S
 6 Jennifer Paulsrud      Douglas Feisler          C    .     .     .    382.50  42.03              H - 6 - E-W
 7 Mark Litterman         Donald Housley           A    5     .     .    526.00  57.80  0.65Red     H - 7 - E-W
 8 Harry Weindruch        Henry Meurer             C    .     .     .    429.50  47.20              G - 8 - N-S
 9 Leon Lowe              Joe Harris               A    1     .     .    603.00  66.26  3.27Gold    H -17 - E-W
10 William Ahern          Ernest Olness Jr         B    .     5     .    444.50  48.85  0.39Red     G -10 - N-S
11 Dee Horwitz            Marc Raphael             A    4     .     .    534.00  58.68  1.14Red     G -11 - N-S
12 Louise Lombard         Donna Gerard             B    .     .     .    417.00  45.82              G -12 - N-S
13 Roger Anderson         Sharon Anderson          A    2     .     .    569.50  62.58  2.29Red     G -13 - N-S
14 Cynthia Bohland        Ardith Nance             B    7     2     .    491.00  53.96  1.35Red     H -10 - E-W
15 Carol Kasle            JoAnne Lowe              B    3     1     .    562.00  61.76  1.93Gold    G -15 - N-S
16 Kathy Allan            Carroll Frogge           B    .     .     .    378.50  41.59              H -16 - E-W
17 Anne Marie Harrington  Carol Cortez             B    .     .     .    401.50  44.12              G - 9 - N-S
18 Henry Zoellner         James Milam              B    .     4     .    447.50  49.18  0.68Red     G -18 - N-S
                                          Totals                        8429.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  455.0 |TOP>  35 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>2015 MESA SENIOR REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=18/B=11/C=5                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Barbara Towner         Richard Towner           B    .     .     .    457.00  50.22              G - 1 - E-W
 2 Norma Arnold           Ruth Logan               C    .     .     .    462.00  50.77              G - 2 - E-W
 3 Jack Shartsis          Phebe Packer             A    3     .     .    533.50  58.63  1.64Red     G - 3 - E-W
 4 Jean Blilie            Shirley Hoffert          B    .     4     .    466.50  51.26  0.64Red     H - 4 - N-S
 5 Bruce Wick             Susan Stubinski          A    4     .     .    531.50  58.41  1.14Red     G - 5 - E-W
 6 Lamar Marutani         Laurence Grey            C    .     .     .    461.00  50.66              H - 6 - N-S
 7 Melvin Levine          Margie Schrader          A    .     .     .    385.00  42.31              G - 7 - E-W
 8 Gail Tamblin-Hall      Ed Wager                 C    6     3     2    470.50  51.70  0.92Red     G - 8 - E-W
 9 Philip Benner          Carolyn Benner           A    .     .     .    448.50  49.29              G - 9 - E-W
10 Gordon Waters          Judi Waters              B    .     .     .    460.50  50.60              G -10 - E-W
11 Allan Deserpa          David Rankin             A    1     .     .    561.50  61.70  3.27Gold    G -11 - E-W
12 Judy Brew              Jon Weinberg             B    .     .     .    424.00  46.59              G -12 - E-W
13 Daniel Lavine          Marvin Schenk            B    5     2     .    483.50  53.13  1.29Red     G -13 - E-W
14 Janet Rauscher         Linda Lord               C    .     .     .    462.00  50.77              H -14 - N-S
15 Phyllis Rakevich       Margaret Glasner         A    7     .     .    468.50  51.48  0.47Red     G -15 - E-W
16 Bruce Yoder            Jean McCullough          B    .     .     .    401.00  44.07              H -16 - N-S
17 Robert Karriker        A Heidi Karriker         C    2     1     1    550.50  60.49  1.84Gold    G -17 - E-W
18 Lowell Andrews         Daniel Williams          A    .     .     .    402.50  44.23              G -18 - E-W
                                          Totals                        8429.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  455.0 |TOP>  35 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1500 |TOURN>2015 MESA SENIOR REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=18/B=12/C=6                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Jennifer Beall         Ron Beall                B    .     5     .    425.50  46.76  0.39Red     H - 1 - N-S
 2 George Norman          Linda Tucker             C    .     .     .    383.50  42.14              H - 2 - N-S
 3 Carol Pilmar           Kenneth Badertscher      A    .     .     .    428.50  47.09              H - 3 - N-S
 4 William Basler         Lucille Maranda          C    .     .     .    331.00  36.37              G - 4 - E-W
 5 Carole Silverstein     David Ochiai             B    .     .     .    408.00  44.84              H - 5 - N-S
 6 R Gasway               Alvin Malmon             C    6     2     2    473.50  52.03  1.35Red     G - 6 - E-W
 7 Stephen Goldstein      Bonnie Macbride          A    1     .     .    612.50  67.31  3.27Gold    H - 7 - N-S
 8 Nancy Sweat            Rudolf Martinez          C    .     .     .    420.00  46.15              H - 8 - N-S
 9 Richard Catero         James Lenertz            A    .     .     .    433.50  47.64              H - 9 - N-S
10 Kay Johnson            Florence Thier           B    .     4     .    454.50  49.95  0.68Red     H -10 - N-S
11 Buzz Farnes            Kathy Litterman          A    2     .     .    528.00  58.02  2.29Red     H -11 - N-S
12 Jan Garthe             David Stoker             B    7     3     .    455.00  50.00  0.97Red     H -12 - N-S
13 Eva Berlin             Monique Greene           C    .     .     .    392.00  43.08              H -13 - N-S
14 Debbie Reichow         Mel Heitger              C    5     1     1    480.00  52.75  1.93Gold    G -14 - E-W
15 Joel Datloff           Roger McNay              A    4     .     .    501.00  55.05  1.14Red     H -15 - N-S
16 Dianne Schechter       Sheryl Martin            B    .     .     .    385.50  42.36              G -16 - E-W
17 Lynn Wells             Janice Wells             B    .     .     .    315.50  34.67              H -17 - N-S
18 Andrew De Leon         Patricia Menefee         A    3     .     .    523.00  57.47  1.64Red     H -18 - N-S
                                          Totals                        7950.50       

1 ♠T743
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦5 ♥4 ♠3 NT2
EW: 5♣ 2 3 4♠ 5NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -460 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         35.00   0.00  6N E -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        150   34.00   1.00  3♣ E 5    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H17-Wells-Wells
        460   21.50  13.50  3N W 5    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G1-Field-Paton
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H9-Benner-Benner vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        460   21.50  13.50  3N E 5    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    G10-Beran-Erten vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    H1-Towner-Towner vs H1-Beall-Beall
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    H10-Waters-Waters vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        490    4.50  30.50  3N E 6    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H15-Datloff-McNay
2 ♠KQJ72
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣0 ♦4 ♥0 NT0
EW: 6♣ 2 6 2NT  ♠6
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -980 6-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        200   34.50   0.50  3 W 5    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        200   34.50   0.50  3 W 5    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H17-Wells-Wells
        230   31.00   4.00  3 W 6    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G1-Field-Paton
        230   31.00   4.00  3 W 6    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        230   31.00   4.00  3 W 6    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        230   31.00   4.00  3 W 6    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        230   31.00   4.00  2 W 6    H10-Waters-Waters vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        420   28.00   7.00  5♣ E 6    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        450   26.50   8.50  4 W 5    H1-Towner-Towner vs H1-Beall-Beall
        450   26.50   8.50  4 W 5    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G10-Beran-Erten vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H9-Benner-Benner vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        480   14.00  21.00  4 W 6    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        480   14.00  21.00  4 E 6    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        510    2.00  33.00  4 W 7    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        520    1.00  34.00  3N E 7    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        920    0.00  35.00  6♣ E 6    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
3 ♠K7
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 3 1♠ 1NT  ♦6
EW:  ♣4 ♦6 ♥4 ♠6 NT4
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         34.50   0.50  3 E -3   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  300         34.50   0.50  2 E -3   H2-Arnold-Logan vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  200         33.00   2.00  2 E -2   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  170         31.50   3.50  3 N 4    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  170         31.50   3.50  3 N 4    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  140         25.00  10.00  3 N 3    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G9-Lowe-Harris
  140         25.00  10.00  3 N 3    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
  140         25.00  10.00  3 N 3    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H17-Wells-Wells
  140         25.00  10.00  3 N 3    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  140         25.00  10.00  2 N 3    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  140         25.00  10.00  2 N 3    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  140         25.00  10.00  2 N 3    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  140         25.00  10.00  2 N 3    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  140         25.00  10.00  2 N 3    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  140         25.00  10.00  2 N 3    H9-Benner-Benner vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  140         25.00  10.00  2 N 3    H10-Waters-Waters vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  110         16.00  19.00  2 N 2    H1-Towner-Towner vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  110         16.00  19.00  2 N 2    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  110         16.00  19.00  3♣ N 3    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G1-Field-Paton
  110         16.00  19.00  3♣ N 3    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  110         16.00  19.00  3♣ N 3    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  110         16.00  19.00  3♣ N 3    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  110         16.00  19.00  3♣ N 3    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  100         12.00  23.00  2 W -1   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
   80         11.00  24.00  1 N 1    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
         50    7.50  27.50  4 S -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
         50    7.50  27.50  4 N -1   H18-Andrews-Williams vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
         50    7.50  27.50  3 N -1   G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
         50    7.50  27.50  3 N -1   H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H1-Beall-Beall
         50    7.50  27.50  3♣ N -1   G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
         50    7.50  27.50  3♣ N -1   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        100    3.00  32.00  4 N -2   G10-Beran-Erten vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        100    3.00  32.00  4 N -2   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        100    3.00  32.00  4 N -2   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        150    1.00  34.00  4 N -3   G18-Robinson-Watson vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        200    0.00  35.00  3N S -4   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G14-Bohland-Nance
4 ♠86
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2/3♣ 2/1NT  ♦4 ♥5 ♠5
EW: 3 2 2♠  ♣4 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -110 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  870         35.00   0.00  3♣* S 4   G13-Busby-Rogers vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  780         34.00   1.00  2♣* S 5   H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  500         32.50   2.50  3♠* W -2  H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  500         32.50   2.50  3♠* E -2  H7-Levine-Schrader vs H17-Wells-Wells
  400         31.00   4.00  3♠ E -4   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  380         30.00   5.00  2♣* S 3   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  300         28.50   6.50  2N E -3   H10-Waters-Waters vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  300         28.50   6.50  2♠ W -3   H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H1-Beall-Beall
  200         27.00   8.00  3♠ W -2   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  130         25.00  10.00  3♣ S 4    G10-Beran-Erten vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  130         25.00  10.00  3♣ S 4    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  130         25.00  10.00  2♣ S 4    H9-Benner-Benner vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  100         19.00  16.00  2♠ E -1   G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G9-Lowe-Harris
  100         19.00  16.00  2♠ E -1   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G1-Field-Paton
  100         19.00  16.00  2♠ E -1   G12-Batko-Rowland vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  100         19.00  16.00  2♠ E -1   H2-Arnold-Logan vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  100         19.00  16.00  2♠ E -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  100         19.00  16.00  2♠ E -1   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  100         19.00  16.00  2♠ E -1   H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  100         19.00  16.00  3 E -1   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  100         19.00  16.00  2 E -1   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
         90   14.00  21.00  2 E 2    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        100   12.00  23.00  2N N -1   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        100   12.00  23.00  3♣ N -1   G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        100   12.00  23.00  3♣ N -1   H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        110    6.50  28.50  2♠ W 2    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        110    6.50  28.50  2♠ E 2    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        110    6.50  28.50  2♠ E 2    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        110    6.50  28.50  2♠ E 2    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        110    6.50  28.50  2♠ E 2    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        110    6.50  28.50  2 E 3    H1-Towner-Towner vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        110    6.50  28.50  2 E 3    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        110    6.50  28.50  2 E 3    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        130    2.00  33.00  2 E 4    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        140    1.00  34.00  2♠ E 3    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        150    0.00  35.00  4 E 5    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G7-Litterman-Housley
5 ♠A2
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣6 ♦6 ♠2 NT2
EW: 5♠  ♣6 ♦6 ♥5 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -450 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         35.00   0.00  6♠* W -1  G7-Leonard-Mann vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        200   34.00   1.00  3* N -1  G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ W 5    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G1-Field-Paton
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ W 5    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ W 5    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ W 5    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ W 5    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ W 5    H10-Waters-Waters vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G10-Beran-Erten vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H1-Towner-Towner vs H17-Wells-Wells
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H1-Beall-Beall
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H9-Benner-Benner vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        450   17.00  18.00  4♠ E 5    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        500    0.00  35.00  5* N -2  G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
6 ♠AJ8
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 1 1♠ 2NT  ♦5/6
EW: 1  ♣3 ♥6 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +130 4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         35.00   0.00  2* W -2  H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  200         32.50   2.50  2* W -1  G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  200         32.50   2.50  2 W -2   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  200         32.50   2.50  3 W -2   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  200         32.50   2.50  3 W -2   H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  130         23.00  12.00  4♣ S 4    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  130         23.00  12.00  4♣ S 4    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  130         23.00  12.00  4♣ S 4    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  130         23.00  12.00  4♣ S 4    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G9-Lowe-Harris
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    H1-Towner-Towner vs H17-Wells-Wells
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    H10-Waters-Waters vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  130         23.00  12.00  3♣ S 4    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  130         23.00  12.00  2♣ S 4    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  120         13.50  21.50  2N N 2    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  120         13.50  21.50  2N N 2    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  120         13.50  21.50  2N N 2    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  120         13.50  21.50  2N N 2    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  110         10.00  25.00  3♣ S 3    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G1-Field-Paton
  110         10.00  25.00  3♣ S 3    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  110         10.00  25.00  3♣ S 3    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H1-Beall-Beall
  100          7.50  27.50  3 W -1   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  100          7.50  27.50  3 W -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H15-Datloff-McNay
         50    3.50  31.50  3N N -1   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
         50    3.50  31.50  3N N -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
         50    3.50  31.50  3N N -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
         50    3.50  31.50  3N N -1   H9-Benner-Benner vs H2-Norman-Tucker
         50    3.50  31.50  3N N -1   H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H13-Berlin-Greene
         50    3.50  31.50  5♣ S -1   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H10-Johnson-Thier
         80    0.00  35.00  1 W 1    G10-Beran-Erten vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
7 ♠82
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦3 ♥1 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 4 6 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -1440 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         35.00   0.00  6 W -3   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  200         34.00   1.00  6♠ E -2   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  100         31.50   3.50  6♠ E -1   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  100         31.50   3.50  6♠ E -1   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  100         31.50   3.50  7 E -1   G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  100         31.50   3.50  5♣ E -1   G12-Batko-Rowland vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        230   29.00   6.00  2 E 6    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        650   28.00   7.00  5♠ E 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H17-Wells-Wells
        660   27.00   8.00  3N W 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        680   24.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        680   24.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        680   24.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G1-Field-Paton
        680   24.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    H1-Towner-Towner vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        690   22.00  13.00  3N E 6    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        710   20.50  14.50  4♠ E 7    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        710   20.50  14.50  4♠ E 7    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        720   19.00  16.00  3N E 7    G10-Beran-Erten vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ W 6    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G16-Allan-Frogge
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ W 6    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ W 6    H9-Benner-Benner vs H1-Beall-Beall
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G7-Litterman-Housley
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H13-Berlin-Greene
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
       1430   12.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
       1440    5.00  30.00  6N E 6    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H15-Datloff-McNay
       1460    2.50  32.50  6♠ E 7    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
       1460    2.50  32.50  6♠ E 7    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G9-Lowe-Harris
       1460    2.50  32.50  6♠ E 7    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
       1460    2.50  32.50  6♠ E 7    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
       1470    0.00  35.00  6N E 7    H10-Waters-Waters vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
8 ♠KJ75
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 1 2♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣3/4 ♦3 ♥6 ♠5 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +430 4NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         35.00   0.00  4♠* W -4  G1-Quiros-Washor vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  500         34.00   1.00  3♠* W -3  H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G1-Field-Paton
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G10-Beran-Erten vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H1-Towner-Towner vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H17-Wells-Wells
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H9-Benner-Benner vs H1-Beall-Beall
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H10-Waters-Waters vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  460         23.50  11.50  3N N 5    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  430          8.50  26.50  3N S 4    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  430          8.50  26.50  3N S 4    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G9-Lowe-Harris
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  430          8.50  26.50  3N N 4    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  210          2.00  33.00  2N N 5    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  210          2.00  33.00  1N N 5    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  210          2.00  33.00  1N N 5    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
         50    0.00  35.00  6N N -1   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
9 ♠Q9632
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣5 ♦2 ♠3 NT2
EW: 1/2♣ 5 4♠ 5NT  ♥5
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -660 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         34.00   1.00  4♠* W -1  G7-Leonard-Mann vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  200         34.00   1.00  4♠ E -2   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  200         34.00   1.00  4♠ E -2   H1-Towner-Towner vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  100         31.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   G18-Robinson-Watson vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  100         31.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        100   30.00   5.00  4* S -1  H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        130   29.00   6.00  4 E 4    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        150   26.00   9.00  4 E 5    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        150   26.00   9.00  4 E 5    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        150   26.00   9.00  4* E 5   H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        150   26.00   9.00  3 E 5    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H17-Wells-Wells
        150   26.00   9.00  3 E 5    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        300   23.00  12.00  4* S -2  H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        500   21.00  14.00  5* S -3  G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        500   21.00  14.00  5* S -3  G10-Beran-Erten vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        500   21.00  14.00  4* S -3  H6-Marutani-Grey vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G1-Field-Paton
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H1-Beall-Beall
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    H9-Benner-Benner vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        600   13.00  22.00  5 E 5    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        620    3.50  31.50  4♠ W 4    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        620    3.50  31.50  4♠ W 4    H10-Waters-Waters vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        620    3.50  31.50  4♠ E 4    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        620    3.50  31.50  4♠ E 4    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        620    3.50  31.50  5 E 6    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        620    3.50  31.50  5 E 6    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        630    0.00  35.00  3N W 4    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
10 ♠K
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥1 ♠1 NT1
EW: 1♣ 3 6 5♠ 6NT
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -1440 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         35.00   0.00  6 W -2   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  100         32.50   2.50  6N W -1   G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  100         32.50   2.50  6♠ W -1   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  100         32.50   2.50  6♠ W -1   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  100         32.50   2.50  5♠ W -1   H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H1-Beall-Beall
        200   30.00   5.00  3♠ W 5    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        620   27.50   7.50  4♠ W 4    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        620   27.50   7.50  4♠ W 4    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        620   27.50   7.50  4♠ W 4    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        620   27.50   7.50  4♠ W 4    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        650   18.50  16.50  5♠ W 5    H1-Towner-Towner vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        650   18.50  16.50  5♠ W 5    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H17-Wells-Wells
        650   18.50  16.50  5♠ W 5    H9-Benner-Benner vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        650   18.50  16.50  5♠ W 5    H10-Waters-Waters vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G1-Field-Paton
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ W 5    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        650   18.50  16.50  4♠ E 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        680    6.50  28.50  5♠ W 6    G10-Beran-Erten vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        680    6.50  28.50  4♠ W 6    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        680    6.50  28.50  4 E 6    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
       1430    0.50  34.50  6♠ W 6    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
       1430    0.50  34.50  6♠ W 6    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
11 ♠Q63
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2 2 1♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥5 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         35.00   0.00  1N E -3   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  120         34.00   1.00  1N S 2    G10-Beran-Erten vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  110         33.00   2.00  1 S 3    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  100         29.50   5.50  2N E -2   G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  100         29.50   5.50  1N E -2   G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  100         29.50   5.50  1N E -2   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  100         29.50   5.50  1N E -2   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  100         29.50   5.50  1N E -2   H7-Levine-Schrader vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  100         29.50   5.50  2♠ W -2   H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H4-Basler-Maranda
   50         20.00  15.00  2N E -1   G13-Busby-Rogers vs G1-Field-Paton
   50         20.00  15.00  1N W -1   G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G16-Allan-Frogge
   50         20.00  15.00  1N W -1   G5-Brothers-Webb vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
   50         20.00  15.00  1N W -1   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
   50         20.00  15.00  1N W -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
   50         20.00  15.00  1N E -1   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
   50         20.00  15.00  1N E -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G9-Lowe-Harris
   50         20.00  15.00  1N E -1   H2-Arnold-Logan vs H16-Schechter-Martin
   50         20.00  15.00  1N E -1   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H2-Norman-Tucker
   50         20.00  15.00  1N E -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
   50         20.00  15.00  1N E -1   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H1-Beall-Beall
   50         20.00  15.00  1N E -1   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
   50         20.00  15.00  1 E -1   H10-Waters-Waters vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
    PASS      11.50  23.50  Pass Out  G1-Quiros-Washor vs G14-Bohland-Nance
    PASS      11.50  23.50  Pass Out  G12-Batko-Rowland vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
    PASS      11.50  23.50  Pass Out  H1-Towner-Towner vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
    PASS      11.50  23.50  Pass Out  H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
         50    9.00  26.00  2 S -1   H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
         90    5.50  29.50  1N W 1    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
         90    5.50  29.50  1N W 1    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
         90    5.50  29.50  1N W 1    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H15-Datloff-McNay
         90    5.50  29.50  1N E 1    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
         90    5.50  29.50  1N E 1    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G7-Litterman-Housley
         90    5.50  29.50  1N E 1    H9-Benner-Benner vs H17-Wells-Wells
        120    1.50  33.50  1N E 2    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        120    1.50  33.50  1N E 2    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        500    0.00  35.00  2♠* N -3  H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
12 ♠T82
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 1 1♠ 2NT  ♥6
EW: 1  ♣4 ♦6 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         34.00   1.00  3N S 4    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  630         34.00   1.00  3N S 4    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H1-Beall-Beall
  630         34.00   1.00  3N N 4    H1-Towner-Towner vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  600         31.00   4.00  3N S 3    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  600         31.00   4.00  3N N 3    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  600         31.00   4.00  3N N 3    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  300         28.50   6.50  4* E -2  G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  300         28.50   6.50  3* E -2  G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  180         27.00   8.00  2N N 4    H9-Benner-Benner vs H17-Wells-Wells
  120         24.00  11.00  2N S 2    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  120         24.00  11.00  2N S 2    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  120         24.00  11.00  2N S 2    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  120         24.00  11.00  2N S 2    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  120         24.00  11.00  2N S 2    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  110         21.00  14.00  2♣ S 3    G10-Beran-Erten vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
   90         20.00  15.00  2♣ S 2    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H16-Schechter-Martin
   50         18.50  16.50  3 E -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
   50         18.50  16.50  3 E -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
    PASS      16.50  18.50  Pass Out  G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G16-Allan-Frogge
    PASS      16.50  18.50  Pass Out  G7-Leonard-Mann vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
         80   15.00  20.00  1♠ W 1    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        100    9.00  26.00  3N S -1   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        100    9.00  26.00  3N S -1   H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        100    9.00  26.00  2N S -1   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        100    9.00  26.00  2N S -1   G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        100    9.00  26.00  2N S -1   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        100    9.00  26.00  2N S -1   G13-Busby-Rogers vs G1-Field-Paton
        100    9.00  26.00  2N S -1   H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        100    9.00  26.00  2N N -1   H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        100    9.00  26.00  3♣ S -1   H10-Waters-Waters vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        100    9.00  26.00  3♣ N -1   G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        100    9.00  26.00  3♣ N -1   H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        200    1.50  33.50  3N S -2   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        200    1.50  33.50  3N S -2   G18-Robinson-Watson vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        200    1.50  33.50  3N S -2   H7-Levine-Schrader vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        200    1.50  33.50  3N S -2   H18-Andrews-Williams vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
13 ♠A7532
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♥5 ♠5 NT4
EW: 2♣ 1 2♠ 2NT  ♦6/5
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         34.50   0.50  2N E -3   G12-Batko-Rowland vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  300         34.50   0.50  1 W -3   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  200         32.00   3.00  3♣ E -2   H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  200         32.00   3.00  2♣ E -2   G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  200         32.00   3.00  2♣ E -2   H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  110         29.00   6.00  2 S 3    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  110         29.00   6.00  2 S 3    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  110         29.00   6.00  2 S 3    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  100         21.50  13.50  2N E -1   H10-Waters-Waters vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  100         21.50  13.50  2 W -1   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  100         21.50  13.50  2 E -1   H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   G5-Brothers-Webb vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   H1-Towner-Towner vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   H2-Arnold-Logan vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  100         21.50  13.50  3♣ E -1   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  100         21.50  13.50  2♣ E -1   G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G1-Field-Paton
   90         13.00  22.00  2 S 2    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
   90         13.00  22.00  2 S 2    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H1-Beall-Beall
   90         13.00  22.00  2 S 2    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H2-Norman-Tucker
   90         13.00  22.00  2 S 2    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
   90         13.00  22.00  2 S 2    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
         90   10.00  25.00  1N W 1    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H17-Wells-Wells
        100    8.00  27.00  3 S -1   H9-Benner-Benner vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        100    8.00  27.00  2 S -1   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        100    8.00  27.00  2 S -1   G18-Robinson-Watson vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        110    5.50  29.50  3♣ E 3    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        110    5.50  29.50  2♣ E 3    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        120    4.00  31.00  1N W 2    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        130    3.00  32.00  2♣ E 4    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        200    1.00  34.00  2♠ N -2   H7-Levine-Schrader vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        200    1.00  34.00  2 S -2   G10-Beran-Erten vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        200    1.00  34.00  3 S -2   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G7-Litterman-Housley
14 ♠QT2
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1 2NT  ♥2 ♠3
EW: 4 3/1♠  ♣3 ♦3/4 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -300 4NT*-NS/4♣*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         34.50   0.50  5♠* W -3  G13-Busby-Rogers vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  500         34.50   0.50  5♠* W -3  H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  300         33.00   2.00  6* E -2  H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H17-Wells-Wells
  200         32.00   3.00  5♠ W -4   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  100         28.00   7.00  5♠ E -2   G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G1-Field-Paton
  100         28.00   7.00  4♠ W -2   H2-Arnold-Logan vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  100         28.00   7.00  5 E -2   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  100         28.00   7.00  5* E -1  G12-Batko-Rowland vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  100         28.00   7.00  5* E -1  H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H1-Beall-Beall
  100         28.00   7.00  5* E -1  H9-Benner-Benner vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  100         28.00   7.00  5* E -1  H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H4-Basler-Maranda
   50         23.00  12.00  4♠ W -1   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
   50         23.00  12.00  4♠ W -1   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H2-Norman-Tucker
   50         23.00  12.00  5 E -1   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G1-Quiros-Washor vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G5-Brothers-Webb vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G7-Leonard-Mann vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G10-Beran-Erten vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  H1-Towner-Towner vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  H6-Marutani-Grey vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  H7-Levine-Schrader vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        100   14.50  20.50  5♣* S -1  H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        300    6.00  29.00  5♣* S -2  G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        300    6.00  29.00  5♣* S -2  H10-Waters-Waters vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        300    6.00  29.00  5♣* S -2  H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        420    2.50  32.50  4 E 4    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        420    2.50  32.50  4 E 4    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        420    2.50  32.50  4 E 4    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        420    2.50  32.50  4 E 4    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        590    0.00  35.00  4* E 4   H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
15 ♠-
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2  ♥6 ♠5 NT5
EW: 1 2♠  ♣4/5 ♦4/5 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: -110 2♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  670         35.00   0.00  3♣* N 3   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  600         34.00   1.00  5 S 5    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  130         33.00   2.00  4♣ S 4    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  110         28.00   7.00  3 S 3    H1-Towner-Towner vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  110         28.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  110         28.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  110         28.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  110         28.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    H10-Waters-Waters vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  110         28.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H17-Wells-Wells
  110         28.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  110         28.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  110         28.00   7.00  2♣ N 3    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  100         21.00  14.00  3♠ W -2   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  100         21.00  14.00  3♠* W -1  H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  100         21.00  14.00  3♠ E -2   G5-Brothers-Webb vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  100         21.00  14.00  3♠* E -1  G12-Batko-Rowland vs G1-Field-Paton
  100         21.00  14.00  3♠* E -1  H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
   90         18.00  17.00  2♣ N 2    H9-Benner-Benner vs H15-Datloff-McNay
   50         16.50  18.50  3♠ W -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H4-Basler-Maranda
   50         16.50  18.50  3♠ E -1   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        100   12.50  22.50  4 S -1   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        100   12.50  22.50  4♣ N -1   H2-Arnold-Logan vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        100   12.50  22.50  4♣ N -1   H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        100   12.50  22.50  3♣ N -1   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        100   12.50  22.50  3♣ N -1   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        100   12.50  22.50  3♣ N -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        200    8.50  26.50  5 S -2   G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        200    8.50  26.50  5♣ N -2   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        300    7.00  28.00  3N S -3   G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        400    5.00  30.00  3N S -4   G10-Beran-Erten vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        400    5.00  30.00  3N S -4   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        400    5.00  30.00  6♣ N -4   G18-Robinson-Watson vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        500    2.00  33.00  5* S -2  G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        500    2.00  33.00  5* S -2  G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        500    2.00  33.00  6♣* N -2  H7-Levine-Schrader vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        530    0.00  35.00  3♠* W 3   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H1-Beall-Beall
16 ♠JT9
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥3 ♠5 NT5
EW: 1♣ 5 4 1♠ 2NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -620 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         33.50   1.50  3N E -2   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  200         33.50   1.50  3N E -2   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  200         33.50   1.50  3N E -2   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  200         33.50   1.50  2N E -2   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  100         28.50   6.50  3N W -1   H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  100         28.50   6.50  3N E -1   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  100         28.50   6.50  3N E -1   H10-Waters-Waters vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  100         28.50   6.50  2N E -1   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  100         28.50   6.50  2N E -1   H1-Towner-Towner vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  100         28.50   6.50  2N E -1   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H1-Beall-Beall
        100   25.00  10.00  2♣ S -2   H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        110   22.50  12.50  2♠ W 2    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        110   22.50  12.50  2 E 2    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        110   22.50  12.50  2 E 2    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        110   22.50  12.50  3 W 3    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        120   17.50  17.50  2N E 2    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        120   17.50  17.50  2N E 2    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        120   17.50  17.50  2N E 2    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        120   17.50  17.50  1N W 2    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        120   17.50  17.50  1N E 2    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        120   17.50  17.50  1N E 2    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        130   14.00  21.00  3 W 4    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        140   10.50  24.50  3 E 3    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G1-Field-Paton
        140   10.50  24.50  2 E 3    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        140   10.50  24.50  2 E 3    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        140   10.50  24.50  2 E 3    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        140   10.50  24.50  2 E 3    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        140   10.50  24.50  2 E 3    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        150    7.00  28.00  2♠ S -3   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        170    5.50  29.50  2 E 4    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        170    5.50  29.50  2 E 4    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        180    4.00  31.00  2N E 4    H9-Benner-Benner vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        210    2.50  32.50  2N W 5    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        210    2.50  32.50  1N W 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        600    1.00  34.00  3N E 3    G10-Beran-Erten vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        620    0.00  35.00  4 E 4    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H17-Wells-Wells
17 ♠J32
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 4/6 2/3 4♠ 5/6NT
EW:  ♣1 ♦1 ♥4 ♠3 NT1
LoTT: 16 - 14 = +2
Par: +990 6NT-S
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G1-Field-Paton
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    H9-Benner-Benner vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  490         31.00   4.00  3N S 6    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  460         17.00  18.00  3N S 5    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  460         17.00  18.00  3N S 5    H1-Towner-Towner vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  460         17.00  18.00  3N S 5    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G9-Lowe-Harris
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H17-Wells-Wells
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    H10-Waters-Waters vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  460         17.00  18.00  3N N 5    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  430          6.00  29.00  4N N 4    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  430          6.00  29.00  3N S 4    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  430          6.00  29.00  3N N 4    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  420          4.00  31.00  4♠ S 4    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H1-Beall-Beall
  400          3.00  32.00  3N N 3    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  210          2.00  33.00  2N S 5    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
         50    1.00  34.00  6N S -1   G10-Beran-Erten vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        100    0.00  35.00  6N N -2   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H4-Basler-Maranda
18 ♠JT7
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♦4 ♠1 NT4
EW: 2♣ 3 5♠ 1NT  ♥5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -450 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         35.00   0.00  4♠ N 5    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  100         34.00   1.00  6♠ E -2   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
   50         32.00   3.00  6♠ E -1   G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
   50         32.00   3.00  6♠ E -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
   50         32.00   3.00  4 E -1   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H17-Wells-Wells
        170   28.00   7.00  3♠ E 4    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H4-Basler-Maranda
        170   28.00   7.00  2♠ W 4    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        170   28.00   7.00  2♠ E 4    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        170   28.00   7.00  2♠ E 4    H10-Waters-Waters vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        170   28.00   7.00  2♠ E 4    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        200   25.00  10.00  3* N -1  G7-Leonard-Mann vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        420   21.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    G10-Beran-Erten vs G16-Allan-Frogge
        420   21.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        420   21.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        420   21.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        420   21.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        420   21.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        420   21.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ W 5    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G1-Field-Paton
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H1-Beall-Beall
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    H9-Benner-Benner vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        450    9.50  25.50  4♠ E 5    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        480    0.50  34.50  4♠ W 6    H1-Towner-Towner vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        480    0.50  34.50  4 E 6    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G9-Lowe-Harris
19 ♠875
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1 2♠ 2NT  ♦6
EW:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥5 ♠5 NT5
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         34.00   1.00  1N W -2   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  200         34.00   1.00  1♠ W -2   H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
  200         34.00   1.00  1* E -1  G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  180         32.00   3.00  1N* S 1   H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  150         30.00   5.00  1N S 3    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  150         30.00   5.00  1N S 3    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  150         30.00   5.00  1N S 3    H9-Benner-Benner vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  120         27.00   8.00  2N S 2    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  120         27.00   8.00  1N S 2    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  120         27.00   8.00  1N S 2    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  110         24.50  10.50  2♠ S 2    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  110         24.50  10.50  2♠ S 2    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H16-Schechter-Martin
   90         17.50  17.50  1N S 1    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
   90         17.50  17.50  1N S 1    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
   90         17.50  17.50  1N S 1    G10-Beran-Erten vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
   90         17.50  17.50  1N S 1    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H2-Norman-Tucker
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G1-Field-Paton
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G7-Litterman-Housley
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H4-Basler-Maranda
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
   90         17.50  17.50  1♣ S 2    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H1-Beall-Beall
   70          8.50  26.50  1♣ S 1    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
   70          8.50  26.50  1♣ S 1    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G9-Lowe-Harris
   70          8.50  26.50  1♣ S 1    H1-Towner-Towner vs H10-Johnson-Thier
   70          8.50  26.50  1♣ S 1    H10-Waters-Waters vs H17-Wells-Wells
   70          8.50  26.50  1♣ S 1    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
   70          8.50  26.50  1♣ S 1    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
         50    3.50  31.50  1♣ S -1   G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G14-Bohland-Nance
         50    3.50  31.50  1♣ S -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
         50    3.50  31.50  1♣ S -1   H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
         50    3.50  31.50  1♣ S -1   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
         90    1.00  34.00  1♣ E 2    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        100    0.00  35.00  1♣ S -2   H18-Andrews-Williams vs H15-Datloff-McNay
20 ♠KQT932
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 4♠  ♦4 ♥5 NT5
EW: 3 1 2NT  ♣5 ♠3
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: +500 4NT*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1100         35.00   0.00  5* W -4  H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  930         34.00   1.00  3♠* N 4   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  800         32.50   2.50  5* W -3  G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  800         32.50   2.50  5* W -3  G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
  790         31.00   4.00  4♠* N 4   H7-Levine-Schrader vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  650         30.00   5.00  4♠ N 5    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  620         26.00   9.00  4♠ N 4    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G1-Field-Paton
  620         26.00   9.00  4♠ N 4    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  620         26.00   9.00  4♠ N 4    H9-Benner-Benner vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  620         26.00   9.00  4♠ N 4    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H1-Beall-Beall
  620         26.00   9.00  4♠ N 4    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  620         26.00   9.00  4♠ N 4    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  620         26.00   9.00  4♠ N 4    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  500         22.00  13.00  5* E -2  G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  300         21.00  14.00  5 W -3   H10-Waters-Waters vs H17-Wells-Wells
  200         18.00  17.00  4 W -2   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  200         18.00  17.00  4 W -2   H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  200         18.00  17.00  3 W -2   H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  200         18.00  17.00  3* W -1  H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  200         18.00  17.00  5 E -2   G5-Brothers-Webb vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  170         15.00  20.00  3♠ N 4    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  140         14.00  21.00  3♠ N 3    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  100         11.50  23.50  3 W -1   G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  100         11.50  23.50  3 W -1   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  100         11.50  23.50  4 E -1   H1-Towner-Towner vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  100         11.50  23.50  4 E -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        100    7.00  28.00  4♠ N -1   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        100    7.00  28.00  4♠ N -1   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        100    7.00  28.00  4♠ N -1   G10-Beran-Erten vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
        100    7.00  28.00  4♠ N -1   G12-Batko-Rowland vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        100    7.00  28.00  3♠ N -1   H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        200    2.50  32.50  4♠* N -1  G13-Busby-Rogers vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        200    2.50  32.50  4♠* N -1  G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        200    2.50  32.50  4♠* N -1  G18-Robinson-Watson vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        200    2.50  32.50  4♠* N -1  H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        800    0.00  35.00  4♠* N -3  G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
21 ♠A87
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣4 ♥4 ♠6 NT5
EW: 2♣ 3 1♠ 2NT  ♦5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         35.00   0.00  3N E -3   H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  100         34.00   1.00  4N E -2   H1-Towner-Towner vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
   50         24.50  10.50  3N E -1   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G9-Lowe-Harris
   50         24.50  10.50  3N E -1   G13-Busby-Rogers vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
   50         24.50  10.50  3N E -1   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
   50         24.50  10.50  3N E -1   G18-Robinson-Watson vs G16-Allan-Frogge
   50         24.50  10.50  3N E -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H10-Johnson-Thier
   50         24.50  10.50  4♠ E -1   G10-Beran-Erten vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
   50         24.50  10.50  4 W -1   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   G5-Brothers-Webb vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G1-Field-Paton
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H15-Datloff-McNay
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H1-Beall-Beall
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   H10-Waters-Waters vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
   50         24.50  10.50  4 E -1   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H4-Basler-Maranda
   50         24.50  10.50  3 E -1   H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        140   11.50  23.50  3 W 3    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        140   11.50  23.50  3 W 3    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H17-Wells-Wells
        140   11.50  23.50  3 W 3    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        140   11.50  23.50  3 E 3    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        140   11.50  23.50  3 E 3    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        140   11.50  23.50  3 E 3    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
        140   11.50  23.50  3 E 3    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        140   11.50  23.50  3 E 3    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        150    7.00  28.00  2N E 3    H9-Benner-Benner vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        180    6.00  29.00  2N E 4    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        400    4.50  30.50  3N E 3    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        400    4.50  30.50  3N E 3    G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        420    2.00  33.00  4 W 4    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        420    2.00  33.00  4 W 4    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        420    2.00  33.00  4 E 4    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        500    0.00  35.00  4* N -2  G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
22 ♠AKJT963
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3/4 4♠  ♣2 ♦6 NT5
EW: 5♣ 1  ♥3 ♠3 NT4
LoTT: 21 - 21 = 0
Par: -100 5♠*-NS/5*-S-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  480         35.00   0.00  5♠ N 6    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  450         30.00   5.00  5♠ N 5    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  450         30.00   5.00  5♠ N 5    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  450         30.00   5.00  5♠ N 5    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
  450         30.00   5.00  5♠ N 5    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H17-Wells-Wells
  450         30.00   5.00  5♠ N 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  450         30.00   5.00  5♠ N 5    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
  450         30.00   5.00  4♠ N 5    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  450         30.00   5.00  4♠ N 5    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  450         30.00   5.00  4♠ N 5    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G9-Lowe-Harris
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H1-Beall-Beall
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    H9-Benner-Benner vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  420         21.00  14.00  4♠ N 4    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  200         15.00  20.00  6♣* E -1  G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  200         15.00  20.00  6♣* E -1  G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  200         15.00  20.00  5♣* E -1  G18-Robinson-Watson vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  100         12.50  22.50  6♣ W -1   G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  100         12.50  22.50  5♣ W -1   H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
         50    9.50  25.50  5♠ N -1   G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
         50    9.50  25.50  5♠ N -1   G10-Beran-Erten vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
         50    9.50  25.50  5♠ N -1   H1-Towner-Towner vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
         50    9.50  25.50  5♠ N -1   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        300    7.00  28.00  6* N -2  H7-Levine-Schrader vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        600    5.50  29.50  5♣ W 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H13-Berlin-Greene
        600    5.50  29.50  5♣ W 5    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        620    3.00  32.00  5♣ W 6    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        620    3.00  32.00  5♣ W 6    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        620    3.00  32.00  5♣ E 6    H10-Waters-Waters vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        750    1.00  34.00  5♣* W 5   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
       1540    0.00  35.00  6♣* W 6   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G1-Field-Paton
23 ♠862
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 3/2 1NT  ♣6 ♠5
EW: 1♠  ♣6 ♦5 ♥3 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +140 3-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         32.50   2.50  3 S 4    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  170         32.50   2.50  3 S 4    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  170         32.50   2.50  2 S 4    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  170         32.50   2.50  2 S 4    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  170         32.50   2.50  2 S 4    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
  170         32.50   2.50  2 S 4    H10-Waters-Waters vs H1-Beall-Beall
  140         22.00  13.00  3 S 3    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  140         22.00  13.00  3 S 3    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G9-Lowe-Harris
  140         22.00  13.00  3 S 3    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    G10-Beran-Erten vs G1-Field-Paton
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  140         22.00  13.00  2 S 3    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H17-Wells-Wells
  110         11.00  24.00  2 S 2    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
  110         11.00  24.00  2 S 2    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
  110         11.00  24.00  2 S 2    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  110         11.00  24.00  2 S 2    G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  110         11.00  24.00  2 S 2    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  110         11.00  24.00  2 S 2    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
  110         11.00  24.00  2 S 2    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  100          6.50  28.50  3♠ W -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
  100          6.50  28.50  3♠ W -1   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H15-Datloff-McNay
    PASS       5.00  30.00  Pass Out  G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        100    3.50  31.50  4 S -1   H1-Towner-Towner vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        100    3.50  31.50  3 S -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        110    1.50  33.50  2♠ W 2    H9-Benner-Benner vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        110    1.50  33.50  2♠ E 2    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        200    0.00  35.00  3 S -2   G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
24 ♠K9
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 1NT  ♦6 ♠6
EW: 1 1♠  ♣3 ♥4 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         35.00   0.00  3* E -3  G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  180         34.00   1.00  2N N 4    H18-Andrews-Williams vs H17-Wells-Wells
  170         33.00   2.00  3 N 4    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
  150         31.50   3.50  3 E -3   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  150         31.50   3.50  3 E -3   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  140         28.50   6.50  3 N 3    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  140         28.50   6.50  3 N 3    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  140         28.50   6.50  3 N 3    H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
  140         28.50   6.50  2 N 3    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H16-Schechter-Martin
  130         25.50   9.50  4♣ N 4    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  130         25.50   9.50  3♣ N 4    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  110         22.00  13.00  2 N 2    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  110         22.00  13.00  1 N 2    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H10-Johnson-Thier
  110         22.00  13.00  3♣ N 3    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  110         22.00  13.00  3♣ N 3    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  110         22.00  13.00  2♣ N 3    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  100         17.00  18.00  2♠ W -2   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  100         17.00  18.00  3 E -2   G12-Batko-Rowland vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  100         17.00  18.00  3 E -2   H10-Waters-Waters vs H1-Beall-Beall
  100         17.00  18.00  3 E -2   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
  100         17.00  18.00  3 E -2   H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
   90         13.00  22.00  1N N 1    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G16-Allan-Frogge
   90         13.00  22.00  1N N 1    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
   90         13.00  22.00  1N N 1    H9-Benner-Benner vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
   50         11.00  24.00  2♠ W -1   H6-Marutani-Grey vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
         50    6.50  28.50  2N N -1   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
         50    6.50  28.50  1N N -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
         50    6.50  28.50  2♠ S -1   H7-Levine-Schrader vs H2-Norman-Tucker
         50    6.50  28.50  3 N -1   G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
         50    6.50  28.50  3 N -1   G10-Beran-Erten vs G1-Field-Paton
         50    6.50  28.50  3 N -1   G13-Busby-Rogers vs G7-Litterman-Housley
         50    6.50  28.50  4♣ N -1   H1-Towner-Towner vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
         50    6.50  28.50  3♣ N -1   G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        100    1.50  33.50  2N N -2   G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G9-Lowe-Harris
        100    1.50  33.50  2♠ N -2   H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        150    0.00  35.00  2N S -3   G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
25 ♠AJ82
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♥6
EW:  ♣6 ♦4 ♥6 ♠5 NT4/5
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         35.00   0.00  3* E -3  H6-Marutani-Grey vs H17-Wells-Wells
  500         33.50   1.50  2♠* W -2  H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  500         33.50   1.50  4* W -2  G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
  400         31.50   3.50  3N W -4   H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
  400         31.50   3.50  3♠ W -4   G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
  200         28.00   7.00  2N E -2   G7-Leonard-Mann vs G1-Field-Paton
  200         28.00   7.00  3♠* W -1  G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
  200         28.00   7.00  3* W -1  H18-Andrews-Williams vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
  200         28.00   7.00  2 E -2   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  200         28.00   7.00  2 E -2   H9-Benner-Benner vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
  150         23.50  11.50  2N N 3    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H15-Datloff-McNay
  150         23.50  11.50  1N N 3    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
  150         23.50  11.50  1N N 3    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
  150         23.50  11.50  1N N 3    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
  140         21.00  14.00  2 S 3    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
  100         16.00  19.00  3 W -1   G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson
  100         16.00  19.00  3 W -1   H1-Towner-Towner vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
  100         16.00  19.00  2 W -1   G1-Quiros-Washor vs G7-Litterman-Housley
  100         16.00  19.00  2 E -1   G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G14-Bohland-Nance
  100         16.00  19.00  2 E -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  100         16.00  19.00  2 E -1   H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
  100         16.00  19.00  2 E -1   H7-Levine-Schrader vs H1-Beall-Beall
  100         16.00  19.00  2 E -1   H10-Waters-Waters vs H2-Norman-Tucker
  100         16.00  19.00  2 E -1   H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
   90         10.00  25.00  1N N 1    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
   90         10.00  25.00  2 S 2    H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H13-Berlin-Greene
   90         10.00  25.00  1♣ N 2    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
         50    7.00  28.00  3N N -1   H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
         50    7.00  28.00  3N N -1   H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H16-Schechter-Martin
         50    7.00  28.00  3 N -1   H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        100    5.00  30.00  3N N -2   H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        110    3.50  31.50  2 E 2    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        110    3.50  31.50  2 E 2    H2-Arnold-Logan vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
        150    1.50  33.50  3N N -3   G10-Beran-Erten vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        150    1.50  33.50  3N N -3   G18-Robinson-Watson vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
        800    0.00  35.00  3♠* S -4  G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G9-Lowe-Harris
26 ♠52
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥2 ♠2 NT2
EW: 2♣ 2 5 5♠ 5NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -660 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         32.50   2.50  6N E -1   G15-Shiner-Cohen vs G12-Lombard-Gerard
  100         32.50   2.50  6♠ W -1   H4-Blilie-Hoffert vs H13-Berlin-Greene
  100         32.50   2.50  6♠ E -1   G17-Lesieutre-Rustagi vs G16-Allan-Frogge
  100         32.50   2.50  6 W -1   H2-Arnold-Logan vs H9-Catero-Lenertz
  100         32.50   2.50  6 W -1   H11-Deserpa-Rankin vs H4-Basler-Maranda
  100         32.50   2.50  6 E -1   H18-Andrews-Williams vs H18-De Leon-Menefee
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    G7-Leonard-Mann vs G1-Field-Paton
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    G14-Pratt-Pratt vs G10-Ahern-Olness Jr
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    H6-Marutani-Grey vs H17-Wells-Wells
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    H7-Levine-Schrader vs H1-Beall-Beall
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    H13-Lavine-Schenk vs H8-Sweat-Martinez
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    H14-Rauscher-Lord vs H10-Johnson-Thier
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    H17-Karriker-Karriker vs H16-Schechter-Martin
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ E 5    G13-Busby-Rogers vs G8-Weindruch-Meurer
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ E 5    H5-Wick-Stubinski vs H15-Datloff-McNay
        650   18.00  17.00  4♠ E 5    H8-Tamblin-Hall-Wager vs H3-Pilmar-Badertscher
        650   18.00  17.00  5 W 5    G1-Quiros-Washor vs G7-Litterman-Housley
        650   18.00  17.00  5 E 5    H1-Towner-Towner vs H7-Goldstein-Macbride
        650   18.00  17.00  4 W 5    G3-Mansfield-Daling vs G11-Horwitz-Raphael
        650   18.00  17.00  4 W 5    G8-Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick vs G3-Mowry-Gaer
        650   18.00  17.00  4 W 5    G9-Marrott-Simrak vs G5-Katchen-Gladman
        650   18.00  17.00  4 W 5    H3-Shartsis-Packer vs H11-Farnes-Litterman
        650   18.00  17.00  4 W 5    H12-Brew-Weinberg vs H6-Gasway-Malmon
        650   18.00  17.00  4 W 5    H16-Yoder-McCullough vs H14-Reichow-Heitger
        650   18.00  17.00  4 E 5    G4-Hoover-Lourie vs G13-Anderson-Anderson
        650   18.00  17.00  4 E 5    G5-Brothers-Webb vs G15-Kasle-Lowe
        650   18.00  17.00  4 E 5    G12-Batko-Rowland vs G6-Paulsrud-Feisler
        650   18.00  17.00  4 E 5    H9-Benner-Benner vs H5-Silverstein-Ochiai
        650   18.00  17.00  4 E 5    H15-Rakevich-Glasner vs H12-Garthe-Stoker
        660    5.50  29.50  3N E 5    G16-Thaut-Nelson vs G14-Bohland-Nance
        660    5.50  29.50  3N E 5    H10-Waters-Waters vs H2-Norman-Tucker
        680    3.50  31.50  4♠ W 6    G10-Beran-Erten vs G2-Wishousky-Bartick
        680    3.50  31.50  4♠ W 6    G18-Robinson-Watson vs G18-Zoellner-Milam
       1430    1.50  33.50  6♠ W 6    G2-Hargreaves-Snead vs G9-Lowe-Harris
       1430    1.50  33.50  6♠ W 6    G6-Steiner-Tuchman vs G17-Harrington-Cortez
       1440    0.00  35.00  6N E 6    G11-McAdam-Aspinall vs G4-Urciuoli-Donaldson