Denver Regional - District 17

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Field strength:  Mean: 258 MP  Geomean: 164 MP
(based on 120 players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Daniel Cooper - Steve Lehman 67.66 9.19 Gold
Linda Harder - Merrily Van Zevern 66.39 5.17 Gold
Carma Meng - Jean Kleinhans 59.60 6.89 Gold
Csilla Florida - Dee Hoaglund 58.79 2.80 Red
Laura Brooks - Michael Brooks 58.70 1.53 Gold
Christine Markman - Nancy Markman 58.42 1.53 Gold
Nathan Roser - Peter Schaff 58.24 1.23 Gold
Georgiana Butler - Richard Way 57.07 0.77 Red
Edward Doran - Linda Doran 56.97 2.30 Gold, 0.91 Red
Randy Bauer - Sue Bauer 56.61 1.05 Red
Nancy Crow - Sharon Stuart 56.43 1.15 Gold, 0.28 Red
Carol Woodward - Jeanne McCleery 56.34 0.77 Red
Mary Smith - Roy Smith 56.25 1.53 Gold, 0.70 Red
Eileen Hunt - Gina Bengel 56.07 1.41 Gold, 0.20 Red
Christopher Dorton - Shari Dorton 55.98 1.53 Gold, 0.37 Red
Lynnette Renbarger - Michael Renbarger 55.62 1.84 Gold, 0.57 Red
JoAnn Allen - Mal Wilhelmi 55.34 1.07 Red
Morgan Patrick - Munis Syed 54.71 1.63 Red
Jim Brand - R. Dean Porter 53.80 3.06 Gold
Ann Gruidel - John Crittenden 53.62 0.77 Red
Lucy Hecker - Margot Levy 51.63 0.74 Red
Judith Shinn - Rosemary Getsie 51.09 1.31 Gold, 0.50 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
John Coil - Ramona Fackler 51.09 0.56 Red
Deborah Wallick - Judith La Crosse 51.00 0.77 Red
Bill Hendrick - William Jeffers 50.00 1.67 Gold
Evan Hoovler - Thomas Reeves 50.00 2.63 Gold
George Hearne - Michael Morter 49.91 3.88 Gold
Kay Christensen - Mary Lynn Darcy 49.55 0.54 Red
Arjun Singh - Paul Harris 49.46 1.58 Red
Leah Williams - Mary Brown 49.00 1.18 Red
Charles Bybee - James Culhane 48.10 1.27 Red
Judith Wallace - Sandy Lemon 48.10 0.78 Red
Louise Forsythe - Stuart Davis 47.74 1.53 Gold
Don Squires - Wayne Caplan 47.46 0.74 Red
James Albright - Karen Albright 47.46 1.53 Gold
Judy Helfer - Philip Ward 47.37 0.43 Red
Douglas Smith - Joanne Smith 45.47 1.40 Red
Diann Miller - Joan Rader 44.75 2.04 Gold
Karen Sevald - Lee Sevald 43.57 0.77 Red
Carol Leweling - Nila Hobbs 42.66 0.74 Red
Helga Teehan - Jeanette Perich 42.21 0.70 Red
Nancy Scimeca - Roger Scimeca 41.76 0.78 Red
Lucy Sinopole - Lynn Craft 38.13 0.82 Red

The percentage shown here is for this session only. The final masterpoint award shown is based on performance in all sessions and is the better of your multi-session overall award or the sum of your individual session award(s).

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>May 24, 2015       |SANCTION>R1505033  | 05/24/2015 20:44|EVENT CODE>2402
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>DENVER, CO      |RATING>Regional                     |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT 7=10/3=6/1=1                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Total | Over  |Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Peter Schaff           Nathan Roser             7  14     .     .    597.50  276.00    2     .     .    321.50  58.24  1.23Gold
 2 Sue Bauer              Randy Bauer              3   .     .     .    513.00  200.50    3     1     .    312.50  56.61  1.05Red 
 3 Stuart Davis           Louise Forsythe          7   .     .     .    589.50  326.00    .     .     .    263.50  47.74  1.53Gold
 4 Don Hempel             Cindy Hempel             1   .     .     .    368.00  226.00    .     .     .    142.00  25.72          
 5 Michael Brooks         Laura Brooks             7   .     .     .    588.50  264.50    1     .     .    324.00  58.70  1.53Gold
 6 Judith Lilly           Phyllis Tegtman          3   .     .     .    539.00  287.50    .     .     .    251.50  45.56          
 7 Frances Huber          Glen Woody Woodson       7   .     .     .    547.00  278.50    .     .     .    268.50  48.64          
 8 Rosemary Getsie        Judith Shinn             3  13     6     .    599.00  317.00    4     2     .    282.00  51.09  1.31Gold
 9 Kay Christensen        Mary Lynn Darcy          3   .     .     .    559.50  286.00    .     .     .    273.50  49.55  0.54Red 
10 Susy Smith             Julie Wertz              3   .     .     .    527.50  246.50    .     .     .    281.00  50.91          
                                          Totals                        5428.50 2708.50                   2720.00       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT 7=10/3=7/1=2                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Total | Over  |Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Mary Brown             Leah Williams            1   .     .     4    520.00  249.50    .     .     .    270.50  49.00  1.18Red 
 2 Raymond Cole           Bruce Pincus             3   .     .     .    498.50  243.50    .     .     .    255.00  46.20          
 3 Donna Grant            Alice Klesinger          7   .     .     .    523.00  246.50    .     .     .    276.50  50.09          
 4 Roy Smith              Mary Smith               1   .     .     2    563.50  253.00    1     1     1    310.50  56.25  1.53Gold
 5 R. Dean Porter         Jim Brand                7   5     .     .    625.50  328.50    3     .     .    297.00  53.80  3.06Gold
 6 Ramona Fackler         John Coil                3   .     .     .    530.00  248.00    4     3     .    282.00  51.09  0.56Red 
 7 Charles Bybee          James Culhane            3   .     8     .    589.50  324.00    .     .     .    265.50  48.10  1.27Red 
 8 Judith Wallace         Sandy Lemon              3   .     .     .    581.50  316.00    .     .     .    265.50  48.10  0.78Red 
 9 Morgan Patrick         Munis Syed               3   .    10     .    583.00  281.00    2     2     .    302.00  54.71  1.63Red 
10 Michael Morter         George Hearne            7   4     .     .    643.00  367.50    .     .     .    275.50  49.91  3.88Gold
                                          Totals                        5657.50 2857.50                   2800.00       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT 7=10/3=5/1=1                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Total | Over  |Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Deborah Laut           Judy Walker              7   .     .     .    487.00  228.00    .     .     .    259.00  46.92          
 2 Judith La Crosse       Deborah Wallick          7   .     .     .    564.00  282.50    .     .     .    281.50  51.00  0.77Red 
 3 Joan Rader             Diann Miller             7   8     .     .    610.00  363.00    .     .     .    247.00  44.75  2.04Gold
 4 Mary Ann Rose          Cynthia McNeill          1   .     .     .    481.50  222.50    .     .     .    259.00  46.92          
 5 Jim Coe                Terry Coe                7   .     .     .    515.50  280.00    .     .     .    235.50  42.66          
 6 Shari Dorton           Christopher Dorton       3  11     5     .    606.50  297.50    3     .     .    309.00  55.98  1.53Gold
 7 Lorry Cashatt          Phyllis Coelho           7   .     .     .    573.50  267.00    .     .     .    306.50  55.53          
 8 Nancy Markman          Christine Markman        3   .     9     .    585.00  262.50    1     1     .    322.50  58.42  1.53Gold
 9 Edward Doran           Linda Doran              3   7     3     .    613.50  299.00    2     2     .    314.50  56.97  2.30Gold
10 Michael Renbarger      Lynnette Renbarger       3   9     4     .    609.50  302.50    4     .     .    307.00  55.62  1.84Gold
                                          Totals                        5646.00 2804.50                   2841.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT 7=10/3=6/1=2                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Total | Over  |Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Mal Wilhelmi           JoAnn Allen              7   .     .     .    556.50  251.00    2     .     .    305.50  55.34  1.07Red 
 2 Steve Lehman           Daniel Cooper            3   1     1     .    697.00  323.50    1     1     .    373.50  67.66  9.19Gold
 3 Thomas Reeves          Evan Hoovler             7   6     .     .    623.00  347.00   4/5    .     .    276.00  50.00  2.63Gold
 4 Douglas Smith          Joanne Smith             1   .     .     .    490.50  239.50    .     .     1    251.00  45.47  1.40Red 
 5 John Crittenden        Ann Gruidel              7   .     .     .    576.00  280.00    3     .     .    296.00  53.62  0.77Red 
 6 Lee Sevald             Karen Sevald             3   .     .     .    535.00  294.50    .     .     .    240.50  43.57  0.77Red 
 7 Bill Hendrick          William Jeffers          7  10     .     .    608.50  332.50   4/5    .     .    276.00  50.00  1.67Gold
 8 Nila Hobbs             Carol Leweling           3   .     .     .    527.00  291.50    .     .     .    235.50  42.66  0.74Red 
 9 Wayne Caplan           Don Squires              3   .     .     .    515.50  253.50    .     2     .    262.00  47.46  0.74Red 
10 Paula Boyd             Virginia Johnson         1   .     .     .    361.00  198.50    .     .     .    162.50  29.44          
                                          Totals                        5490.00 2811.50                   2678.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT 7=10/3=7/1=4                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Total | Over  |Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Dee Hoaglund           Csilla Florida           1   .     .     1    573.00  248.50    2     2     1    324.50  58.79  2.80Red 
 2 Barbara Spiller        Marge Pint               7   .     .     .    522.00  255.50    .     .     .    266.50  48.28          
 3 Carma Meng             Jean Kleinhans           3   2     2     .    663.50  334.50    1     1     .    329.00  59.60  6.89Gold
 4 Lynn Craft             Lucy Sinopole            1   .     .     .    486.00  275.50    .     .     .    210.50  38.13  0.82Red 
 5 Courtney Pearcy        Denise Pierre            1   .     .     .    470.50  221.50    .     .     .    249.00  45.11          
 6 Nancy Scimeca          Roger Scimeca            3   .     .     .    538.00  307.50    .     .     .    230.50  41.76  0.78Red 
 7 Philip Ward            Judy Helfer              7   .     .     .    537.00  275.50    .     .     .    261.50  47.37  0.43Red 
 8 Paul Harris            Arjun Singh              1   .     .     3    520.50  247.50    4     3     2    273.00  49.46  1.58Red 
 9 Cecilia Collopy        Tim Collopy              3   .     .     .    486.50  227.50    .     .     .    259.00  46.92          
10 Richard Way            Georgiana Butler         7   .     .     .    584.00  269.00    3     .     .    315.00  57.07  0.77Red 
                                          Totals                        5381.00 2662.50                   2718.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT 7=10/3=6/1=2                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Total | Over  |Rnk-7|Rnk-3|Rnk-1| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Philip Blackburn       Annabelle Wiseman        7   .     .     .    520.00  266.00    .     .     .    254.00  46.01          
 2 Carie Boucher          Mark Boucher             3   .     .     .    527.50  293.00    .     .     .    234.50  42.48          
 3 Eileen Hunt            Gina Bengel              7  12     .     .    602.00  292.50    4     .     .    309.50  56.07  1.41Gold
 4 Jeanette Perich        Helga Teehan             1   .     .     .    514.50  281.50    .     .     .    233.00  42.21  0.70Red 
 5 Carol Woodward         Jeanne McCleery          7   .     .     .    576.50  265.50    3     .     .    311.00  56.34  0.77Red 
 6 Robert Storrs          Liz Willson              3   .     .     .    482.50  248.00    .     .     .    234.50  42.48          
 7 Linda Harder           Merrily Van Zevern       7   3     .     .    647.00  280.50    1     .     .    366.50  66.39  5.17Gold
 8 James Albright         Karen Albright           3   .     .     .    567.00  305.00    .     .     .    262.00  47.46  1.53Gold
 9 Nancy Crow             Sharon Stuart            3  15     7     .    590.50  279.00    2     1     .    311.50  56.43  1.15Gold
10 Margot Levy            Lucy Hecker              1   .     .     .    489.50  204.50    .     2     1    285.00  51.63  0.74Red 
                                          Totals                        5517.00 2715.50                   2801.50       

1 ♠T76
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦3 ♥3 ♠6 NT3
EW: 1♣ 4 4 1♠ 3NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -420 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         23.00   0.00  4 W -2   L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L8-Albright-Albright
   50         20.50   2.50  3N W -1   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
   50         20.50   2.50  4 W -1   J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J10-Morter-Hearne
   50         20.50   2.50  4 W -1   K9-Doran-Doran vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
   50         20.50   2.50  4 W -1   L10-Way-Butler vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        120   18.00   5.00  2N E 2    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        150   17.00   6.00  3♠ S -3   K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        400   14.50   8.50  3N W 3    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        400   14.50   8.50  3N W 3    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        400   14.50   8.50  3N W 3    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        400   14.50   8.50  3N W 3    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        420    9.00  14.00  4 W 4    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        420    9.00  14.00  4 W 4    K5-Coe-Coe vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        420    9.00  14.00  4 W 4    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        420    9.00  14.00  4 W 4    K8-Markman-Markman vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        420    9.00  14.00  4 W 4    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        420    9.00  14.00  4 W 4    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        420    9.00  14.00  4 E 4    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J1-Brown-Williams
        430    4.00  19.00  3N W 4    K1-Laut-Walker vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        430    4.00  19.00  3N W 4    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        430    4.00  19.00  3N W 4    L8-Harris-Singh vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        450    1.50  21.50  4 W 5    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        450    1.50  21.50  4 W 5    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J5-Porter-Brand
        460    0.00  23.00  3N W 5    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J6-Fackler-Coil
2 ♠J9
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣0 ♦5 ♥5 ♠1 NT2
EW: 7♣ 2 1 6♠ 5NT
LoTT: 18 - 16 = +2
Par: -1440 7♣-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         23.00   0.00  6N E -1   K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        170   22.00   1.00  3♣ E 6    L8-Harris-Singh vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        230   20.50   2.50  1♠ W 6    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        230   20.50   2.50  1♠ W 6    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L8-Albright-Albright
        450   16.00   7.00  4♠ W 5    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        450   16.00   7.00  4♠ W 5    K1-Laut-Walker vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        450   16.00   7.00  4♠ W 5    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        450   16.00   7.00  4♠ W 5    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        450   16.00   7.00  4♠ W 5    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        450   16.00   7.00  4♠ W 5    L10-Way-Butler vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        450   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J1-Brown-Williams
        460   10.00  13.00  4N E 5    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J6-Fackler-Coil
        460   10.00  13.00  3N E 5    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        460   10.00  13.00  3N E 5    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        460   10.00  13.00  3N E 5    K9-Doran-Doran vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        460   10.00  13.00  3N E 5    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        480    4.00  19.00  4♠ W 6    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        480    4.00  19.00  4♠ W 6    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        480    4.00  19.00  4♠ W 6    K5-Coe-Coe vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        480    4.00  19.00  4♠ W 6    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        480    4.00  19.00  4♠ W 6    K8-Markman-Markman vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        480    4.00  19.00  4♠ W 6    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        480    4.00  19.00  4♠ W 6    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
       1010    0.00  23.00  6♠ W 7    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J5-Porter-Brand
3 ♠T96
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦6 ♥5 ♠2 NT2
EW: 3♣ 1 2 2♠ 5NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -660 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         20.00   3.00  4♠ E -2   K8-Markman-Markman vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  200         20.00   3.00  4 W -2   J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
  200         20.00   3.00  4 W -2   K5-Coe-Coe vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  200         20.00   3.00  4 W -2   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  200         20.00   3.00  4 W -2   L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  200         20.00   3.00  4 W -2   L8-Harris-Singh vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  200         20.00   3.00  4 E -2   J1-Schaff-Roser vs J1-Brown-Williams
  100         15.00   8.00  6N E -1   L7-Ward-Helfer vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
  100         15.00   8.00  3♠ E -1   K4-Rose-McNeill vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  100         15.00   8.00  5 W -1   J7-Huber-Woodson vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        500   13.00  10.00  3* S -3  K9-Doran-Doran vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        620   12.00  11.00  4♠ E 4    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        630    9.50  13.50  3N E 4    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        630    9.50  13.50  3N E 4    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J5-Porter-Brand
        630    9.50  13.50  3N E 4    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        630    9.50  13.50  3N E 4    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L8-Albright-Albright
        650    7.00  16.00  4 W 5    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        660    6.00  17.00  3N E 5    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        680    5.00  18.00  4 W 6    K1-Laut-Walker vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        690    2.00  21.00  3N W 6    L10-Way-Butler vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        690    2.00  21.00  3N E 6    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J6-Fackler-Coil
        690    2.00  21.00  3N E 6    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        690    2.00  21.00  3N E 6    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        690    2.00  21.00  3N E 6    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
4 ♠AKJT764
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣3 ♦6 ♥1 NT1
EW: 3♣ 5  ♦6 ♠6 NT6
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -650 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  730         23.00   0.00  3♠* N 3   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L10-Levy-Hecker
  100         22.00   1.00  6 W -1   K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        100   20.50   2.50  4♠ N -1   L2-Spiller-Pint vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        100   20.50   2.50  3♠ N -1   K1-Laut-Walker vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        200   16.00   7.00  4♠* N -1  J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        200   16.00   7.00  4♠* N -1  K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        200   16.00   7.00  4♠* N -1  K9-Doran-Doran vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        200   16.00   7.00  4♠* N -1  L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        200   16.00   7.00  4♠* N -1  L7-Ward-Helfer vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        200   16.00   7.00  4♠* N -1  L8-Harris-Singh vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        200   16.00   7.00  4♠* N -1  L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        500   12.00  11.00  4♠* N -2  L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J1-Brown-Williams
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J4-Smith-Smith
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J6-Fackler-Coil
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    K5-Coe-Coe vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        620    6.50  16.50  4 W 4    L10-Way-Butler vs L8-Albright-Albright
        620    6.50  16.50  4 E 4    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        800    1.00  22.00  4♠* N -3  J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J9-Patrick-Syed
       1100    0.00  23.00  5* S -4  K8-Markman-Markman vs K4-Smith-Smith
5 ♠J4
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 2 1NT  ♥5 ♠5
EW: 1/2 1♠  ♣4 ♦5 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +100 3*-E-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         23.00   0.00  4♠ E -3   K8-Markman-Markman vs K4-Smith-Smith
  120         21.50   1.50  2N S 2    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  120         21.50   1.50  2N S 2    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
  110         18.50   4.50  3♣ N 3    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  110         18.50   4.50  3♣ N 3    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  110         18.50   4.50  3♣ N 3    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  110         18.50   4.50  2♣ N 3    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  100         15.50   7.50  2♠ E -2   K1-Laut-Walker vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  100         15.50   7.50  3 E -2   J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J6-Fackler-Coil
   50         13.50   9.50  2♠ E -1   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J2-Cole-Pincus
   50         13.50   9.50  2♠ E -1   K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
    PASS      12.00  11.00  Pass Out  K5-Coe-Coe vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        100   10.00  13.00  4♣ N -1   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        100   10.00  13.00  3♣ N -1   J10-Smith-Wertz vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        100   10.00  13.00  3♣ N -1   K9-Doran-Doran vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        110    5.50  17.50  2♠ E 2    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        110    5.50  17.50  2♠ E 2    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        110    5.50  17.50  2♠ E 2    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J4-Smith-Smith
        110    5.50  17.50  2♠ E 2    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        110    5.50  17.50  2♠ E 2    L8-Harris-Singh vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        110    5.50  17.50  2♠ E 2    L10-Way-Butler vs L8-Albright-Albright
        140    1.50  21.50  3♠ E 3    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        140    1.50  21.50  2♠ E 3    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        200    0.00  23.00  3 N -2   J7-Huber-Woodson vs J1-Brown-Williams
6 ♠964
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦4/3 ♥6 ♠6 NT4
EW: 1♣ 3 1 1♠ 1/3NT
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -600 3NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         23.00   0.00  3N W -2   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L10-Levy-Hecker
  100         21.50   1.50  3 W -1   J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J4-Smith-Smith
  100         21.50   1.50  3 W -1   K9-Doran-Doran vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
         50   19.50   3.50  2♣ N -1   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J2-Cole-Pincus
         50   19.50   3.50  2♣ N -1   L7-Ward-Helfer vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
         90   18.00   5.00  2 W 2    L10-Way-Butler vs L8-Albright-Albright
        100   16.00   7.00  2N N -2   L2-Spiller-Pint vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        100   16.00   7.00  2 S -2   L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        100   16.00   7.00  3♣ N -2   L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        110   12.50  10.50  3 W 3    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        110   12.50  10.50  3 W 3    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        110   12.50  10.50  3 W 3    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        110   12.50  10.50  2 W 3    L8-Harris-Singh vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        120    9.50  13.50  2N W 2    K1-Laut-Walker vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        120    9.50  13.50  2N W 2    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        130    7.00  16.00  4 W 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J1-Brown-Williams
        130    7.00  16.00  2 W 4    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        130    7.00  16.00  2 W 4    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        150    5.00  18.00  2N W 3    K5-Coe-Coe vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        180    3.50  19.50  2N W 4    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        180    3.50  19.50  2N E 4    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        200    2.00  21.00  3♠ S -4   K8-Markman-Markman vs K4-Smith-Smith
        600    0.50  22.50  3N W 3    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        600    0.50  22.50  3N W 3    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J6-Fackler-Coil
7 ♠QT5
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 2/1  ♦1 ♠3/2 NT2
EW: 6 4/3♠ 1NT  ♣4 ♥4
LoTT: 21 - 19 = +2
Par: -1100 6*-N-4
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         23.00   0.00  4♠ E -2   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  110         21.50   1.50  3♣ S 3    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  110         21.50   1.50  3♣ S 3    L8-Harris-Singh vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  100         20.00   3.00  4♠ E -1   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        100   18.50   4.50  4♣ S -1   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J1-Brown-Williams
        100   18.50   4.50  4♣ S -1   J10-Smith-Wertz vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        130   17.00   6.00  3 W 4    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        140   15.50   7.50  2♠ E 3    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        140   15.50   7.50  2♠ E 3    K9-Doran-Doran vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        150   13.50   9.50  4 W 5    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        150   13.50   9.50  3 W 5    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L8-Albright-Albright
        170    9.50  13.50  3♠ E 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        170    9.50  13.50  3♠ E 4    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J5-Porter-Brand
        170    9.50  13.50  3♠ E 4    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        170    9.50  13.50  3♠ E 4    K3-Rader-Miller vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        170    9.50  13.50  3♠ E 4    K8-Markman-Markman vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        170    9.50  13.50  3 W 6    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        600    6.00  17.00  5 W 5    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        620    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 4    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        620    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 4    K1-Laut-Walker vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        620    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 4    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        620    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 4    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        620    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 4    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        620    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 4    L10-Way-Butler vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
8 ♠42
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣2 ♥3 ♠3 NT3
EW: 5♣ 4 3♠ 4NT  ♦5
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -430 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         22.50   0.50  4* E -1  L7-Ward-Helfer vs L10-Levy-Hecker
  100         22.50   0.50  4* E -1  L8-Harris-Singh vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        170   21.00   2.00  3 E 4    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        300   20.00   3.00  4* N -2  J1-Schaff-Roser vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        400   18.00   5.00  3N E 3    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        400   18.00   5.00  3N E 3    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        400   18.00   5.00  3N E 3    K3-Rader-Miller vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        420   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 4    K9-Doran-Doran vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J1-Brown-Williams
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J5-Porter-Brand
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    K1-Laut-Walker vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    K8-Markman-Markman vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L8-Albright-Albright
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        430    7.50  15.50  3N E 4    L10-Way-Butler vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
9 ♠T97643
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣5 ♥4 ♠5 NT3
EW: 2♣ 3/2 2/1♠ 2NT  ♦6
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -140 3-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         22.00   1.00  3N E -2   J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  200         22.00   1.00  4 W -2   J10-Smith-Wertz vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
  200         22.00   1.00  4 W -2   K1-Laut-Walker vs K9-Caplan-Squires
  100         17.50   5.50  3N E -1   J7-Huber-Woodson vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  100         17.50   5.50  3N E -1   J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  100         17.50   5.50  3N E -1   L2-Spiller-Pint vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  100         17.50   5.50  2N W -1   L8-Harris-Singh vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  100         17.50   5.50  2N E -1   K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  100         17.50   5.50  3♣ E -1   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
         50   14.00   9.00  2 S -1   J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        100   13.00  10.00  2♠ N -2   L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        120   12.00  11.00  2N E 2    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        210   11.00  12.00  2N E 5    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        300   10.00  13.00  2♠* N -2  J1-Schaff-Roser vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        630    6.50  16.50  3N W 4    K3-Rader-Miller vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        630    6.50  16.50  3N E 4    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J1-Brown-Williams
        630    6.50  16.50  3N E 4    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        630    6.50  16.50  3N E 4    K8-Markman-Markman vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        630    6.50  16.50  3N E 4    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        630    6.50  16.50  3N E 4    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L8-Albright-Albright
        660    1.50  21.50  3N E 5    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J5-Porter-Brand
        660    1.50  21.50  3N E 5    K9-Doran-Doran vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        660    1.50  21.50  3N E 5    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        660    1.50  21.50  3N E 5    L10-Way-Butler vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
10 ♠AK872
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 7♣ 1 2 7♠ 7NT
EW:  ♣0 ♦5 ♥5 ♠0 NT0
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +2220 7NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1470         23.00   0.00  6N N 7    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J6-Fackler-Coil
 1460         22.00   1.00  6♠ S 7    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K9-Caplan-Squires
 1390         20.50   2.50  6♣ S 7    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K4-Smith-Smith
 1390         20.50   2.50  6♣ S 7    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  720         14.50   8.50  3N S 7    K1-Laut-Walker vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  720         14.50   8.50  3N S 7    L10-Way-Butler vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J1-Brown-Williams
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    K9-Doran-Doran vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L9-Crow-Stuart
  720         14.50   8.50  3N N 7    L8-Harris-Singh vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  710          6.50  16.50  5♠ N 7    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  710          6.50  16.50  4♠ N 7    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J4-Smith-Smith
  710          6.50  16.50  4♠ N 7    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J9-Patrick-Syed
  710          6.50  16.50  4♠ N 7    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
  710          6.50  16.50  4♠ N 7    K3-Rader-Miller vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
  710          6.50  16.50  4♠ N 7    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
  690          2.50  20.50  3N N 6    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  690          2.50  20.50  3N N 6    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L8-Albright-Albright
  660          1.00  22.00  3N N 5    K8-Markman-Markman vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
  640          0.00  23.00  5♣ S 7    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L10-Levy-Hecker
11 ♠54
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦6 ♥4 ♠3 NT4
EW: 2♣ 1 4♠ 3NT  ♦6
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: -420 4♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         23.00   0.00  4 E -2   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L8-Albright-Albright
   50         21.50   1.50  3N W -1   K8-Markman-Markman vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
   50         21.50   1.50  2N W -1   K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        150   20.00   3.00  3N S -3   L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        170   17.00   6.00  3♠ W 4    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        170   17.00   6.00  3♠ W 4    L10-Way-Butler vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        170   17.00   6.00  2♠ W 4    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K4-Smith-Smith
        170   17.00   6.00  2♠ W 4    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        170   17.00   6.00  2♠ E 4    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        400   14.00   9.00  3N W 3    K9-Doran-Doran vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J1-Brown-Williams
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    K1-Laut-Walker vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ W 4    L8-Harris-Singh vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        420    9.00  14.00  4♠ E 4    K3-Rader-Miller vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        450    2.50  20.50  4♠ W 5    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J6-Fackler-Coil
        450    2.50  20.50  4♠ W 5    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        450    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 5    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        450    2.50  20.50  4♠ E 5    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J2-Cole-Pincus
       1100    0.00  23.00  5* N -5  J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J4-Smith-Smith
12 ♠Q6
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 7♣ 5 6 5♠ 7NT
EW:  ♣0 ♦2 ♥1 ♠2 NT0
LoTT: 15 - 17 = -2
Par: +2220 7NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N S 7    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J6-Fackler-Coil
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N S 7    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K9-Caplan-Squires
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N S 7    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N S 7    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L8-Albright-Albright
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N S 7    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L4-Perich-Teehan
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N N 7    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N N 7    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J9-Patrick-Syed
 2220         19.50   3.50  7N N 7    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
 2140         15.00   8.00  7♣ S 7    K1-Laut-Walker vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
 1470         11.00  12.00  6N S 7    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J2-Cole-Pincus
 1470         11.00  12.00  6N S 7    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J1-Brown-Williams
 1470         11.00  12.00  6N S 7    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L10-Levy-Hecker
 1470         11.00  12.00  6N S 7    L10-Way-Butler vs L6-Storrs-Willson
 1470         11.00  12.00  6N N 7    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J4-Smith-Smith
 1470         11.00  12.00  6N N 7    K9-Doran-Doran vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
 1470         11.00  12.00  6N N 7    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
 1460          7.00  16.00  6♠ N 7    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K4-Smith-Smith
 1430          5.50  17.50  6 N 6    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J10-Morter-Hearne
 1430          5.50  17.50  6 N 6    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
 1390          3.50  19.50  6♣ S 7    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
 1390          3.50  19.50  6♣ S 7    K8-Markman-Markman vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
  690          2.00  21.00  3N S 6    L8-Harris-Singh vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  640          1.00  22.00  5♣ S 7    K3-Rader-Miller vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        100    0.00  23.00  7N S -1   L7-Ward-Helfer vs L9-Crow-Stuart
13 ♠A85
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1/- 2 1NT
       ♦7/6 ♠6/5
EW:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥5 ♠6 NT6
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +110 2-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         22.50   0.50  3N S 3    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  600         22.50   0.50  3N S 3    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K4-Smith-Smith
  300         21.00   2.00  2 E -3   J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  200         19.50   3.50  2♠ E -2   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J9-Patrick-Syed
  200         19.50   3.50  2♠ E -2   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  120         17.50   5.50  2N N 2    K8-Markman-Markman vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  120         17.50   5.50  1N N 2    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J5-Porter-Brand
  110         15.00   8.00  2♣ N 3    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J1-Brown-Williams
  110         15.00   8.00  2♣ N 3    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  110         15.00   8.00  2♣ N 3    L10-Way-Butler vs L4-Perich-Teehan
   90         12.00  11.00  2♣ N 2    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
   90         12.00  11.00  2♣ N 2    K9-Doran-Doran vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
   90         12.00  11.00  2♣ N 2    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        100    6.50  16.50  2N S -1   L8-Harris-Singh vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        100    6.50  16.50  3♣ N -1   J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        100    6.50  16.50  3♣ N -1   K3-Rader-Miller vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        100    6.50  16.50  3♣ N -1   K5-Coe-Coe vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        100    6.50  16.50  3♣ N -1   L2-Spiller-Pint vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        100    6.50  16.50  3♣ N -1   L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        100    6.50  16.50  2♣ N -1   J1-Schaff-Roser vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        100    6.50  16.50  2♣ N -1   L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        200    1.50  21.50  2 S -2   J10-Smith-Wertz vs J4-Smith-Smith
        200    1.50  21.50  3♣ N -2   K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        300    0.00  23.00  4♣ N -3   K1-Laut-Walker vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
14 ♠92
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1/-  ♣3 ♦7/6 ♥4 ♠6 NT4
EW: 4/3♣ 1 1♠ 3/2NT  ♦6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -400 3NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  110         23.00   0.00  2 S 2    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J5-Porter-Brand
  100         21.50   1.50  5♣ W -2   K1-Laut-Walker vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  100         21.50   1.50  4♣ W -2   J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J10-Morter-Hearne
   80         20.00   3.00  1♠ S 1    K8-Markman-Markman vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
   50         19.00   4.00  4♣ W -1   L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
         50   16.00   7.00  3♠ S -1   J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J1-Brown-Williams
         50   16.00   7.00  3♠ S -1   J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J2-Cole-Pincus
         50   16.00   7.00  2♠ S -1   L10-Way-Butler vs L4-Perich-Teehan
         50   16.00   7.00  1♠ S -1   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J9-Patrick-Syed
         50   16.00   7.00  1♠ S -1   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        100   13.00  10.00  2 N -2   J1-Schaff-Roser vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        110   10.00  13.00  3♣ W 3    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        110   10.00  13.00  3♣ W 3    K5-Coe-Coe vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        110   10.00  13.00  3♣ W 3    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        110   10.00  13.00  3♣ E 3    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        110   10.00  13.00  2♣ W 3    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        120    7.00  16.00  2N E 2    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        130    5.00  18.00  4♣ W 4    K3-Rader-Miller vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        130    5.00  18.00  3♣ W 4    K9-Doran-Doran vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        130    5.00  18.00  2♣ W 4    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        150    2.50  20.50  3♠ S -3   J10-Smith-Wertz vs J4-Smith-Smith
        150    2.50  20.50  3♠ S -3   K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K4-Smith-Smith
        500    1.00  22.00  4♠* S -3  K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        570    0.00  23.00  3♣* W 4   L8-Harris-Singh vs L10-Levy-Hecker
15 ♠8
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣  ♦1 ♥2 ♠3 NT1
EW: 5 5 4♠ 6NT  ♣5
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         23.00   0.00  3N W -2   L10-Way-Butler vs L4-Perich-Teehan
   50         21.00   2.00  6N W -1   K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K9-Caplan-Squires
   50         21.00   2.00  6N E -1   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
   50         21.00   2.00  6 E -1   J1-Schaff-Roser vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        420   19.00   4.00  4 E 4    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        450   18.00   5.00  4 E 5    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J4-Smith-Smith
        460   16.50   6.50  3N W 5    L8-Harris-Singh vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        460   16.50   6.50  3N W 5    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J1-Brown-Williams
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J5-Porter-Brand
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    K3-Rader-Miller vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    K8-Markman-Markman vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        490   11.00  12.00  3N W 6    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        490   11.00  12.00  3N E 6    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K4-Smith-Smith
        990    3.00  20.00  6N W 6    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        990    3.00  20.00  6N W 6    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        990    3.00  20.00  6N W 6    K1-Laut-Walker vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        990    3.00  20.00  6N W 6    K5-Coe-Coe vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        990    3.00  20.00  6N W 6    K9-Doran-Doran vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        990    3.00  20.00  6N W 6    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        990    3.00  20.00  6N W 6    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
16 ♠2
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 6 6 1♠ 1NT
EW:  ♣1 ♦1 ♥1 ♠6 NT1
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +980 6-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         23.00   0.00  4♠* W -3  L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  500         22.00   1.00  3♠* W -2  K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J1-Brown-Williams
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    K3-Rader-Miller vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L8-Albright-Albright
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L10-Levy-Hecker
  480         17.50   5.50  4 S 6    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  450         11.50  11.50  4 S 5    K1-Laut-Walker vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  450         11.50  11.50  4 S 5    K5-Coe-Coe vs K4-Smith-Smith
  450         11.50  11.50  4 N 5    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J5-Porter-Brand
  450         11.50  11.50  4 N 5    K9-Doran-Doran vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
  420          8.50  14.50  4 S 4    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  420          8.50  14.50  4 S 4    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J4-Smith-Smith
  200          4.50  18.50  4♠ W -2   J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  200          4.50  18.50  3♠ S 5    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  200          4.50  18.50  3 S 5    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  200          4.50  18.50  3 S 5    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
  200          4.50  18.50  3 S 5    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  200          4.50  18.50  3 S 5    L10-Way-Butler vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
  100          1.00  22.00  4♠ W -1   L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        100    0.00  23.00  5 N -2   K4-Rose-McNeill vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
17 ♠63
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2  ♣3 ♠5 NT5
EW: 4♣ 2♠ 2NT  ♦6 ♥5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -130 4♣-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         23.00   0.00  3♠* E -3  J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  140         22.00   1.00  2 N 3    K3-Rader-Miller vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  110         20.50   2.50  1 N 2    K9-Doran-Doran vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
  110         20.50   2.50  1 N 2    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L10-Levy-Hecker
         50   16.00   7.00  3 S -1   K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
         50   16.00   7.00  3 N -1   J1-Schaff-Roser vs J5-Porter-Brand
         50   16.00   7.00  3 N -1   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
         50   16.00   7.00  3 N -1   J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J1-Brown-Williams
         50   16.00   7.00  2 N -1   J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J2-Cole-Pincus
         50   16.00   7.00  2 N -1   J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J4-Smith-Smith
         50   16.00   7.00  3 S -1   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        100   10.50  12.50  3 S -2   L2-Spiller-Pint vs L8-Albright-Albright
        100   10.50  12.50  3 N -2   K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        100   10.50  12.50  3 N -2   L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        100   10.50  12.50  3 S -2   L10-Way-Butler vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        110    8.00  15.00  3♣ W 3    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        130    5.00  18.00  4♣ W 4    K1-Laut-Walker vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        130    5.00  18.00  3♣ W 4    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        130    5.00  18.00  3♣ W 4    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        130    5.00  18.00  3♣ W 4    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        130    5.00  18.00  2♣ W 4    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        150    2.00  21.00  4 S -3   L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        200    1.00  22.00  3N S -4   J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        510    0.00  23.00  4♣* W 4   K5-Coe-Coe vs K4-Smith-Smith
18 ♠K865
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 5 4 2♠ 5NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥3 ♠5 NT2
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: +660 5NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         21.50   1.50  3N S 4    K5-Coe-Coe vs K4-Smith-Smith
  630         21.50   1.50  3N S 4    L10-Way-Butler vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
  630         21.50   1.50  3N N 4    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J5-Porter-Brand
  630         21.50   1.50  3N N 4    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  600         19.00   4.00  5 S 5    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  210         18.00   5.00  1N N 5    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  180         17.00   6.00  1N S 4    K3-Rader-Miller vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  150         11.00  12.00  3♠ W -3   K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  150         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
  150         11.00  12.00  3 S 5    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J4-Smith-Smith
  150         11.00  12.00  3 S 5    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  150         11.00  12.00  3 S 5    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J1-Brown-Williams
  150         11.00  12.00  3 S 5    K1-Laut-Walker vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  150         11.00  12.00  3 S 5    K9-Doran-Doran vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
  150         11.00  12.00  3 S 5    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L8-Albright-Albright
  150         11.00  12.00  3 S 5    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  150         11.00  12.00  2 S 5    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  150         11.00  12.00  2 S 5    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  140          5.00  18.00  3 S 3    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  130          4.00  19.00  3 S 4    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        100    2.50  20.50  4 N -1   K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        100    2.50  20.50  5 S -1   K4-Rose-McNeill vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        200    1.00  22.00  4 S -2   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        300    0.00  23.00  4 N -3   L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
19 ♠AKQ
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5 4♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♦6
EW: 1  ♣6 ♥2 ♠2 NT2
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +450 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  460         22.50   0.50  3N N 5    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
  460         22.50   0.50  3N N 5    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  450         13.50   9.50  5 S 5    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  450         13.50   9.50  4 S 5    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  450         13.50   9.50  4 S 5    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
  450         13.50   9.50  4 S 5    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
  450         13.50   9.50  4 S 5    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  450         13.50   9.50  4 S 5    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L9-Crow-Stuart
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J4-Smith-Smith
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J5-Porter-Brand
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    K1-Laut-Walker vs K4-Smith-Smith
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    K3-Rader-Miller vs K9-Caplan-Squires
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    K5-Coe-Coe vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  450         13.50   9.50  4 N 5    L10-Way-Butler vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  430          5.00  18.00  3N N 4    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
  420          3.50  19.50  4 N 4    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J9-Patrick-Syed
  420          3.50  19.50  4 N 4    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  180          2.00  21.00  2N N 4    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
         50    1.00  22.00  5 S -1   L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        100    0.00  23.00  3N N -2   J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J1-Brown-Williams
20 ♠T3
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3  ♣6 ♥2 ♠5 NT6
EW: -/1♣ 4/5 2/1♠
       ♣6/7 ♦4 NT6
LoTT: 20 - 18 = +2
Par: -650 5-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         22.00   1.00  4 W -2   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  200         22.00   1.00  4 W -2   K3-Rader-Miller vs K9-Caplan-Squires
  200         22.00   1.00  4 W -2   L10-Way-Butler vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  100         18.00   5.00  3♠ E -1   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  100         18.00   5.00  4 W -1   J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J9-Patrick-Syed
  100         18.00   5.00  4 W -1   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  100         18.00   5.00  4 W -1   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L9-Crow-Stuart
  100         18.00   5.00  3 W -1   J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        170   14.00   9.00  2♠ E 4    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        170   14.00   9.00  3 W 4    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        170   14.00   9.00  3 W 4    K1-Laut-Walker vs K4-Smith-Smith
        200   12.00  11.00  4 N -2   J1-Schaff-Roser vs J4-Smith-Smith
        620    8.00  15.00  4 W 4    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J1-Brown-Williams
        620    8.00  15.00  4 W 4    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        620    8.00  15.00  4 W 4    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        620    8.00  15.00  4 W 4    K5-Coe-Coe vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        620    8.00  15.00  4 W 4    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        620    8.00  15.00  4 W 4    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        620    8.00  15.00  4 W 4    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        650    2.50  20.50  4 W 5    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J5-Porter-Brand
        650    2.50  20.50  4 W 5    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        650    2.50  20.50  4 W 5    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        650    2.50  20.50  4 W 5    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
       1100    0.00  23.00  5* S -4  J7-Huber-Woodson vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
21 ♠653
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 2 2 3♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣4 ♦5 ♥5/4 ♠4 NT4/3
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +600 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         22.50   0.50  3N S 3    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
  600         22.50   0.50  3N S 3    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
  180         21.00   2.00  2N S 4    L10-Way-Butler vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  150         17.50   5.50  2N S 3    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  150         17.50   5.50  2N S 3    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  150         17.50   5.50  2N S 3    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L9-Crow-Stuart
  150         17.50   5.50  1N S 3    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
  150         17.50   5.50  1N S 3    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  150         17.50   5.50  2♠ W -3   L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  120         11.50  11.50  2N S 2    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
  120         11.50  11.50  2N S 2    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  120         11.50  11.50  2N S 2    K1-Laut-Walker vs K4-Smith-Smith
  120         11.50  11.50  2N S 2    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  120         11.50  11.50  2N S 2    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
  120         11.50  11.50  2N N 2    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J4-Smith-Smith
        100    5.00  18.00  3N S -1   J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        100    5.00  18.00  3N S -1   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        100    5.00  18.00  3N S -1   L7-Ward-Helfer vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        100    5.00  18.00  2N S -1   J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J5-Porter-Brand
        100    5.00  18.00  2N S -1   K5-Coe-Coe vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        100    5.00  18.00  2N S -1   K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        100    5.00  18.00  2♣ S -1   J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J1-Brown-Williams
        200    0.50  22.50  3N S -2   K3-Rader-Miller vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        200    0.50  22.50  3♣ S -2   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J6-Fackler-Coil
22 ♠AQ7654
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣5 ♦1 ♥2 NT2
EW: 2♣ 5 5 4NT  ♠5
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -500 5♠*-NS-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         23.00   0.00  6 E -1   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K4-Smith-Smith
        100   22.00   1.00  4♠ N -2   K4-Rose-McNeill vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        600   21.00   2.00  5 E 5    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        630   19.50   3.50  3N E 4    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        630   19.50   3.50  3N E 4    K8-Markman-Markman vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        650   10.50  12.50  5 E 5    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        650   10.50  12.50  5 E 5    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        650   10.50  12.50  5 E 5    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J5-Porter-Brand
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J4-Smith-Smith
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    K1-Laut-Walker vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    K3-Rader-Miller vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    K5-Coe-Coe vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        650   10.50  12.50  4 E 5    L8-Harris-Singh vs L8-Albright-Albright
        660    1.00  22.00  3N E 5    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        660    1.00  22.00  3N E 5    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J6-Fackler-Coil
        660    1.00  22.00  3N E 5    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L10-Levy-Hecker
23 ♠K75
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 3 4 5♠ 5NT
EW:  ♣2 ♦4 ♥3 ♠2 NT2
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +660 5NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  660         21.50   1.50  3N N 5    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J5-Porter-Brand
  660         21.50   1.50  3N N 5    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  660         21.50   1.50  3N N 5    K8-Markman-Markman vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  660         21.50   1.50  3N N 5    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  630         16.00   7.00  3N S 4    K3-Rader-Miller vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  630         16.00   7.00  3N N 4    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
  630         16.00   7.00  3N N 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  630         16.00   7.00  3N N 4    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  630         16.00   7.00  3N N 4    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  630         16.00   7.00  3N N 4    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K4-Smith-Smith
  630         16.00   7.00  3N N 4    L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
  600          8.00  15.00  3N S 3    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L10-Levy-Hecker
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    K1-Laut-Walker vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    K5-Coe-Coe vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  600          8.00  15.00  3N N 3    L8-Harris-Singh vs L8-Albright-Albright
  210          3.00  20.00  2N N 5    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        100    2.00  21.00  3N N -1   K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        300    0.50  22.50  3N N -3   L2-Spiller-Pint vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        300    0.50  22.50  5 S -3   J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J4-Smith-Smith
24 ♠JT74
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦5 ♥2 ♠4 NT3/4
EW: 4♣ 1 5 2♠ 3NT
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: -450 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         23.00   0.00  6 W -2   L1-Hoaglund-Florida vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
   50         21.50   1.50  6 W -1   J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
   50         21.50   1.50  6 W -1   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        200   19.50   3.50  3 W 5    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J6-Fackler-Coil
        200   19.50   3.50  3 W 5    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        420   18.00   5.00  4 W 4    K8-Markman-Markman vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J5-Porter-Brand
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J4-Smith-Smith
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    K1-Laut-Walker vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    K3-Rader-Miller vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    K5-Coe-Coe vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K4-Smith-Smith
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        450    8.50  14.50  4 W 5    L8-Harris-Singh vs L8-Albright-Albright
        450    8.50  14.50  4 E 5    J1-Schaff-Roser vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
25 ♠K9763
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 1 2♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣4 ♦3 ♥6 ♠5 NT4
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +400 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         22.50   0.50  3N W -5   L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
  500         22.50   0.50  2♠* W -2  L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  400         21.00   2.00  3N S 3    K8-Markman-Markman vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  300         19.00   4.00  3♠ W -3   L2-Spiller-Pint vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  300         19.00   4.00  3 E -3   J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J4-Smith-Smith
  300         19.00   4.00  3 E -3   L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L9-Crow-Stuart
  200         15.50   7.50  3♠ W -2   J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  200         15.50   7.50  2♠ W -2   K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K4-Smith-Smith
  200         15.50   7.50  2♠ W -2   L7-Ward-Helfer vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  200         15.50   7.50  2 E -2   J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J1-Brown-Williams
  150         13.00  10.00  2N S 3    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
  130         11.50  11.50  3 S 4    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
  130         11.50  11.50  3 N 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J5-Porter-Brand
  110          9.00  14.00  3 S 3    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
  110          9.00  14.00  3 S 3    K9-Doran-Doran vs K9-Caplan-Squires
  110          9.00  14.00  3 N 3    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J9-Patrick-Syed
         50    5.50  17.50  3N S -1   J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
         50    5.50  17.50  3♠ N -1   L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L8-Albright-Albright
         50    5.50  17.50  2♠ N -1   L8-Harris-Singh vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
         50    5.50  17.50  3 N -1   K5-Coe-Coe vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        100    3.00  20.00  3N S -2   K4-Rose-McNeill vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        110    2.00  21.00  2 E 2    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
        250    0.50  22.50  2♠ N -5   K3-Rader-Miller vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        250    0.50  22.50  5 N -5   K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
26 ♠K43
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2  ♣5 ♠6 NT6
EW: 2♣ 1♠  ♦6 ♥4 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: +110 2-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         19.50   3.50  3 N 3    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  140         19.50   3.50  3 N 3    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J9-Patrick-Syed
  140         19.50   3.50  3 N 3    K8-Markman-Markman vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  140         19.50   3.50  3 N 3    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  140         19.50   3.50  2 N 3    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  140         19.50   3.50  2 N 3    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J1-Brown-Williams
  140         19.50   3.50  2 N 3    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
  140         19.50   3.50  2 N 3    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  110         13.00  10.00  2 N 2    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J4-Smith-Smith
  110         13.00  10.00  2 N 2    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
  110         13.00  10.00  2 N 2    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K4-Smith-Smith
  110         13.00  10.00  2 N 2    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  110         13.00  10.00  2 N 2    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
        100    6.00  17.00  4 N -1   J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
        100    6.00  17.00  4 N -1   J7-Huber-Woodson vs J5-Porter-Brand
        100    6.00  17.00  4 N -1   K9-Doran-Doran vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        100    6.00  17.00  4 N -1   L8-Harris-Singh vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
        100    6.00  17.00  3 N -1   K3-Rader-Miller vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        100    6.00  17.00  3 N -1   K4-Rose-McNeill vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
        100    6.00  17.00  3 N -1   L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L8-Albright-Albright
        100    6.00  17.00  3 N -1   L7-Ward-Helfer vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        100    6.00  17.00  3 N -1   L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        200    0.50  22.50  4 N -2   K5-Coe-Coe vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
        200    0.50  22.50  4 N -2   L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
27 ♠AK63
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 7 5 7♠ 7NT
EW:  ♣1 ♦0 ♥2 ♠0 NT0
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +1520 7NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1520         21.50   1.50  7N N 7    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J1-Brown-Williams
 1520         21.50   1.50  7N N 7    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J3-Grant-Klesinger
 1520         21.50   1.50  7N N 7    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J9-Patrick-Syed
 1520         21.50   1.50  7N N 7    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L1-Blackburn-Wiseman
 1510         17.50   5.50  7♠ N 7    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
 1510         17.50   5.50  7♠ N 7    K2-La Crosse-Wallick vs K4-Smith-Smith
 1510         17.50   5.50  7♠ N 7    K5-Coe-Coe vs K1-Wilhelmi-Allen
 1510         17.50   5.50  7♠ N 7    K9-Doran-Doran vs K9-Caplan-Squires
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    J2-Bauer-Bauer vs J4-Smith-Smith
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J5-Porter-Brand
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K3-Reeves-Hoovler
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    K8-Markman-Markman vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    L2-Spiller-Pint vs L4-Perich-Teehan
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L6-Storrs-Willson
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L8-Albright-Albright
 1020         11.50  11.50  6N N 7    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
 1010          4.00  19.00  6♠ S 7    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
 1010          4.00  19.00  6♠ N 7    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J6-Fackler-Coil
 1010          4.00  19.00  6♠ N 7    K3-Rader-Miller vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
 1010          4.00  19.00  6♠ N 7    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
 1010          4.00  19.00  6♠ N 7    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L3-Hunt-Bengel
 1010          4.00  19.00  6♠ N 7    L8-Harris-Singh vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
 1010          4.00  19.00  6♠ N 7    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L9-Crow-Stuart
  520          0.00  23.00  5N N 7    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
28 ♠AJ83
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ -/1 3 2/3NT
       ♦6/7 ♠6
EW:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥3 ♠6 NT4
LoTT: 15 - 17 = -2
Par: +600 3NT-S
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         22.00   1.00  4 S 5    K3-Rader-Miller vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  650         22.00   1.00  4 S 5    K9-Doran-Doran vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  650         22.00   1.00  4 S 5    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  620         14.50   8.50  4♠ S 4    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J9-Patrick-Syed
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J4-Smith-Smith
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    K5-Coe-Coe vs K9-Caplan-Squires
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K4-Smith-Smith
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    K8-Markman-Markman vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    L8-Harris-Singh vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L8-Albright-Albright
  620         14.50   8.50  4 S 4    L10-Way-Butler vs L10-Levy-Hecker
  200          7.50  15.50  3 S 5    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  200          7.50  15.50  3 S 5    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
  170          5.00  18.00  3 S 4    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  170          5.00  18.00  3 S 4    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  170          5.00  18.00  3 N 4    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J5-Porter-Brand
  100          3.00  20.00  3♠* E -1  L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        100    2.00  21.00  4 S -1   J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        110    1.00  22.00  2♠ E 2    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
        200    0.00  23.00  4 S -2   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
29 ♠QT
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4/5 ♦3 ♥5 ♠2 NT2
EW: 2♣ 3/4 1 4♠ 5NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -660 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         23.00   0.00  3 W -3   K9-Doran-Doran vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  100         21.50   1.50  3N E -1   K4-Rose-McNeill vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  100         21.50   1.50  3♠ W -1   K8-Markman-Markman vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
        110   19.00   4.00  2♠ W 2    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J5-Porter-Brand
        110   19.00   4.00  2♠ W 2    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J2-Cole-Pincus
        110   19.00   4.00  2♠ W 2    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
        140   15.50   7.50  3♠ W 3    K5-Coe-Coe vs K9-Caplan-Squires
        140   15.50   7.50  2♠ W 3    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J6-Fackler-Coil
        140   15.50   7.50  2♠ W 3    K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K2-Lehman-Cooper
        140   15.50   7.50  2♠ W 3    L8-Harris-Singh vs L6-Storrs-Willson
        150   11.50  11.50  2N W 3    L10-Way-Butler vs L10-Levy-Hecker
        150   11.50  11.50  2N E 3    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L9-Crow-Stuart
        150   11.50  11.50  2N E 3    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L8-Albright-Albright
        150   11.50  11.50  1N E 3    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
        200    9.00  14.00  3♣ N -2   L7-Ward-Helfer vs L4-Perich-Teehan
        300    8.00  15.00  3 N -3   J7-Huber-Woodson vs J4-Smith-Smith
        400    6.50  16.50  3 N -4   L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
        400    6.50  16.50  3 S -4   L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
        500    5.00  18.00  3 S -5   K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K4-Smith-Smith
        600    3.50  19.50  3N W 3    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J10-Morter-Hearne
        600    3.50  19.50  3N E 3    K3-Rader-Miller vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
        630    1.00  22.00  3N E 4    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        630    1.00  22.00  3N E 4    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J9-Patrick-Syed
        630    1.00  22.00  3N E 4    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
30 ♠JT7
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3/4♣ 4 3 2♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦3 ♥4 ♠5 NT3
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: +430 4NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    J6-Lilly-Tegtman vs J2-Cole-Pincus
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    J10-Smith-Wertz vs J10-Morter-Hearne
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    K5-Coe-Coe vs K9-Caplan-Squires
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    K8-Markman-Markman vs K6-Sevald-Sevald
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    K10-Renbarger-Renbarger vs K10-Boyd-Johnson
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    L5-Pearcy-Pierre vs L9-Crow-Stuart
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    L9-Collopy-Collopy vs L8-Albright-Albright
  460         19.50   3.50  3N S 5    L10-Way-Butler vs L10-Levy-Hecker
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    J3-Davis-Forsythe vs J5-Porter-Brand
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    J5-Brooks-Brooks vs J9-Patrick-Syed
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    J7-Huber-Woodson vs J4-Smith-Smith
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    J8-Getsie-Shinn vs J6-Fackler-Coil
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    J9-Christensen-Darcy vs J8-Wallace-Lemon
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    K3-Rader-Miller vs K5-Crittenden-Gruidel
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    K7-Cashatt-Coelho vs K4-Smith-Smith
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    K9-Doran-Doran vs K8-Hobbs-Leweling
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    L3-Meng-Kleinhans vs L5-Woodward-McCleery
  430         10.50  12.50  3N S 4    L8-Harris-Singh vs L6-Storrs-Willson
  400          4.00  19.00  3N S 3    L4-Craft-Sinopole vs L7-Harder-Van Zevern
  400          4.00  19.00  3N S 3    L6-Scimeca-Scimeca vs L2-Boucher-Boucher
  400          4.00  19.00  3N N 3    K4-Rose-McNeill vs K7-Hendrick-Jeffers
  150          2.00  21.00  3 N 5    L7-Ward-Helfer vs L4-Perich-Teehan
  110          1.00  22.00  2♣ S 3    J4-Hempel-Hempel vs J7-Bybee-Culhane
        100    0.00  23.00  6 S -2   K6-Dorton-Dorton vs K2-Lehman-Cooper