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Field strength:  Mean: 3227 MP  Geomean: 1715 MP
(based on 112 players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Rank Masterpoints
Bette Strauch - John Strauch 62.23 1st OA 7.50 Silver
Budak Barkan - Phyllis Yates 61.23 2nd OA 5.63 Silver
Robert Rosenblum - Roger Doughman 60.92 3rd OA 4.22 Silver
Katherine Moyer - Lamya Agelidis 59.23 1st OB 4.05 Silver
Lynne Feldman - Steven Cooper 58.46 5th OA 2.37 Silver
Alana Shapley - Robert Shapley 58.38 6th OA 1.78 Silver
David Oakley - Ronald Huffaker 57.54 1st SA 2.00 Silver
Mac Busby - Suzanne Lebendig 57.31 4th SA 0.70 Silver
Jo Boyer - V Everett Boyer 57.08 2nd OB 3.04 Silver
Ronald Kay - William Grant 56.15 2nd SA 1.40 Silver
Edward Kunkel - Marian Zeldin 55.77 3rd OB 2.28 Silver
Bette Cornelius - Dan Dayani 55.62 3rd SA 1.00 Silver
Charles Ward - Ken Matson 55.31 1st OC 2.24 Silver
Mark Itabashi - Steven Love 54.92 4th SA 0.70 Silver
Rex Latus - Sheila Latus 54.77 5th SA 0.40 Silver
Alex Fowlie - Matthew Mallory 54.62 4th SA 0.70 Silver
Partnership Pct Rank Masterpoints
Alan Rowen - Ray Rowen 54.46 5th OB 1.28 Silver
Greg House - Patricia Bischoff 54.31 4th SA 0.70 Silver
Kathleen Byrne - Robert Mann 53.85 2nd OC 1.68 Silver
Francy Starr - Gail Dunham 53.54 1st SB 1.43 Silver
Cameron Cotton - Jon Wright 52.92 6th SA 0.33 Silver
John McCright - Tatsumi Mercer 52.85 2nd SB 0.95 Silver
Kent Hartman - Maritha Pottenger 52.69 6th SA 0.33 Silver
Fred Nimtz - Gregory Wetz 51.92 3rd OC 1.26 Silver
Lori Morrow - Richard Morrow 50.54 2nd SB 1.00 Silver
Ben Domurat - George Humphrey 49.31 3rd SB 0.72 Silver
Mark Crootof - Victoria Haines 49.00 4th OC 0.95 Silver
Larry Roberts - Patricia Wilkey 48.38 1st SC 0.87 Silver
Stephanie Rake - Vicki Creamer 47.85 4th SB 0.50 Silver
John Howard - Rj Petersen 46.00 2nd SC 0.61 Silver
Fani Hason - Wally Augustin 44.00 4th SB 0.50 Silver
Margery Farnsworth - Ralph Tribbey 43.85 1st SC 0.81 Silver
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>August 2, 2014     |SANCTION>S1408052  | 08/02/2014 23:33|EVENT CODE>0204
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> SAN DIEGO       |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>SAN DIEGO SUMMER SECT'L
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=9/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 George Humphrey        Ben Domurat              B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .    320.50  49.31  0.72(SB)
 2 Ralph Tribbey          Margery Farnsworth       C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1    285.00  43.85  0.81(SC)
 3 Bette Strauch          John Strauch             A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    404.50  62.23  7.50(OA)
 4 Marian Zeldin          Edward Kunkel            B   .     3     .   |   3     1     .    362.50  55.77  2.28(OB)
 5 Alex Fowlie            Matthew Mallory          A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    355.00  54.62  0.70(SA)
 6 Paul Taylor            Jeffrey Kuhlmann         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    221.00  34.00          
 7 Fani Hason             Wally Augustin           B   .     .     .   |   .     4     .    286.00  44.00  0.50(SB)
 8 Alan Rowen             Ray Rowen                B   .     5     .   |   5     2     .    354.00  54.46  1.28(OB)
 9 Budak Barkan           Phyllis Yates            A   2     .     .   |   2     .     .    398.00  61.23  5.63(OA)
10 Reginald Fujimoto      Loretta Rizer            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    241.50  37.15          
11 Eddie Rose             Ann Gillespie            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    297.00  45.69          
12 Sue Boyle              Robert Moore             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    279.00  42.92          
13 Kent Hartman           Maritha Pottenger        A   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    342.50  52.69  0.33(SA)
14 Marcia Schulman        Martha Roth              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    278.50  42.85          
                                          Totals                                           4425.00       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>SAN DIEGO SUMMER SECT'L
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=8/C=5                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Lawrence Sherman       Mike Munson              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    340.50  52.38          
 2 Victoria Haines        Mark Crootof             C   .     .     4   |   .     .     .    318.50  49.00  0.95(OC)
 3 Roger Doughman         Robert Rosenblum         A   3     .     .   |   1     .     .    396.00  60.92  4.22(OA)
 4 Robert Mann            Kathleen Byrne           C   .     6     2   |   5     3     2    350.00  53.85  1.68(OC)
 5 Greg House             Patricia Bischoff        A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    353.00  54.31  0.70(SA)
 6 Norma Huhn             Jacqueline Ives          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    283.50  43.62          
 7 Bernard Figueiredo     Wirt Gilliam             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    321.50  49.46          
 8 Jo Boyer               V Everett Boyer          B   .     2     .   |   2     1     .    371.00  57.08  3.04(OB)
 9 Cameron Cotton         Jon Wright               A   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    344.00  52.92  0.33(SA)
10 Ken Matson             Charles Ward             C   .     4     1   |   3     2     1    359.50  55.31  2.24(OC)
11 Scott Nelson           Andrew Loh               A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    318.50  49.00          
12 Nicholas Krall         M Ali Mahdavi            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    333.00  51.23          
13 Judy Rimer             Rick Kerbel              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    316.50  48.69          
14 Lucretia Locke         Eve Lonack               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    269.50  41.46          
                                          Totals                                           4675.00       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>SAN DIEGO SUMMER SECT'L
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=8/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Sudha Shah             Bharat Shah              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    330.50  50.85          
 2 Corazon Dulay          Wendy Sexton             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    272.50  41.92          
 3 Steven Cooper          Lynne Feldman            A   5     .     .   |   2     .     .    380.00  58.46  2.37(OA)
 4 Michael Farber         Myrna Blaufarb           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    324.00  49.85          
 5 Lynne Newman           Randall Dougherty        A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    295.00  45.38          
 6 Violet Breckenridge    Sharron Voorhees         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    302.50  46.54          
 7 Alice Lane             Hanan Deeby              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    295.50  45.46          
 8 Freda Anderson         Neil Chua                B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    301.00  46.31          
 9 Rex Latus              Sheila Latus             A   .     .     .   |   5     .     .    356.00  54.77  0.40(SA)
10 Gregory Wetz           Fred Nimtz               C   .     .     3   |   .     3     1    337.50  51.92  1.26(OC)
11 Robert Shapley         Alana Shapley            A   6     .     .   |   3     .     .    379.50  58.38  1.78(OA)
12 Lamya Agelidis         Katherine Moyer          B   4     1     .   |   1     1     .    385.00  59.23  4.05(OB)
13 Mac Busby              Suzanne Lebendig         A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    372.50  57.31  0.70(SA)
14 John McCright          Tatsumi Mercer           B   .     .     .   |   6     2     .    343.50  52.85  0.95(SB)
                                          Totals                                           4675.00       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>SAN DIEGO SUMMER SECT'L
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=9/C=4                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Larry Roberts          Patricia Wilkey          C   .     .     5   |   .     3     1    314.50  48.38  0.87(SC)
 2 Nancy Manchee          Michael Manchee          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    296.50  45.62          
 3 Mark Itabashi          Steven Love              A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    357.00  54.92  0.70(SA)
 4 Marty Bloomberg        Pamela Klosky            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    297.00  45.69          
 5 Dan Dayani             Bette Cornelius          A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    361.50  55.62  1.00(SA)
 6 Harriett Finger        Paul Finger              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    247.50  38.08          
 7 Francy Starr           Gail Dunham              B   .     .     .   |   5     1     .    348.00  53.54  1.43(SB)
 8 Vicki Creamer          Stephanie Rake           B   .     .     .   |   .     4     .    311.00  47.85  0.50(SB)
 9 Ronald Huffaker        David Oakley             A   .     .     .   |   1     .     .    374.00  57.54  2.00(SA)
10 John Howard            Rj Petersen              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     2    299.00  46.00  0.61(SC)
11 William Grant          Ronald Kay               A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    365.00  56.15  1.40(SA)
12 Lori Morrow            Richard Morrow           B   .     .     .   |   6     2     .    328.50  50.54  1.00(SB)
13 Samuel Jordan          Yoko Jordan              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    257.50  39.62          
14 Lyle Kalish            Manoochehr Bahmanian     B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    268.00  41.23          
                                          Totals                                           4425.00       

1 ♠AKJ65
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 5♠  ♣3 ♦3 NT6
EW: 4♣ 3  ♥2 ♠1 NT3
LoTT: 21 - 20 = +1
Par: +300 6♣*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  480         25.00   0.00  5♠ N 6    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    F1-Shah-Shah vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    F9-Latus-Latus vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
  450         15.50   9.50  5♠ N 5    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F11-Grant-Kay
  450         15.50   9.50  4♠ N 5    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  450         15.50   9.50  4♠ N 5    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  450         15.50   9.50  4♠ N 5    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  450         15.50   9.50  4♠ N 5    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  450         15.50   9.50  4♠ N 5    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  450         15.50   9.50  4♠ N 5    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  420          5.50  19.50  4♠ N 4    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  420          5.50  19.50  4♠ N 4    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E10-Matson-Ward
  300          4.00  21.00  6♣* E -2  F8-Anderson-Chua vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  100          2.50  22.50  6♣ E -2   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  100          2.50  22.50  5♣* E -1  F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F6-Finger-Finger
   50          0.50  24.50  5♣ E -1   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
   50          0.50  24.50  5♣ E -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E5-House-Bischoff
2 ♠Q63
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 4/3♠ 3/2NT  ♥6/5
EW: 1  ♣3 ♦4 ♠3 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +620 4♠-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         25.00   0.00  4* E -4  E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  630         22.50   2.50  3N N 4    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  630         22.50   2.50  3N N 4    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  630         22.50   2.50  3N N 4    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  630         22.50   2.50  3N N 4    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  600         18.00   7.00  3N N 3    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  600         18.00   7.00  3N N 3    F1-Shah-Shah vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  600         18.00   7.00  3N N 3    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F6-Finger-Finger
  600         18.00   7.00  3N N 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  600         18.00   7.00  3N N 3    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  500         15.00  10.00  4* E -3  F8-Anderson-Chua vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  300         13.00  12.00  4* E -2  E9-Barkan-Yates vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  300         13.00  12.00  4* E -2  F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  300         13.00  12.00  3* E -2  E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  150         10.50  14.50  1N N 3    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E5-House-Bischoff
  150         10.50  14.50  3♠ W -3   F9-Latus-Latus vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        100    7.50  17.50  4N N -1   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
        100    7.50  17.50  5♣ S -1   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        200    4.00  21.00  4N N -2   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        200    4.00  21.00  3N N -2   F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        200    4.00  21.00  3N N -2   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F11-Grant-Kay
        300    1.00  24.00  4N N -3   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        300    1.00  24.00  4♠ S -3   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E10-Matson-Ward
        300    1.00  24.00  5 S -3   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
3 ♠K2
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 2 1♠ 1NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦5 ♥5 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +110 2-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  180         24.50   0.50  2N S 4    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  180         24.50   0.50  2N N 4    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  150         19.50   5.50  2N N 3    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  150         19.50   5.50  2N N 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  150         19.50   5.50  2N N 3    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F6-Finger-Finger
  150         19.50   5.50  1N S 3    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  150         19.50   5.50  1N N 3    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  150         19.50   5.50  1N N 3    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E10-Matson-Ward
  150         19.50   5.50  1N N 3    F1-Shah-Shah vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  150         19.50   5.50  1N N 3    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F11-Grant-Kay
  120         10.00  15.00  2N N 2    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  120         10.00  15.00  2N N 2    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  120         10.00  15.00  2N N 2    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  120         10.00  15.00  2N N 2    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  120         10.00  15.00  2N N 2    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  120         10.00  15.00  1N S 2    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  120         10.00  15.00  1N S 2    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  120         10.00  15.00  1N N 2    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  120         10.00  15.00  1N N 2    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  120         10.00  15.00  1N N 2    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  120         10.00  15.00  1N N 2    F9-Latus-Latus vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
   90          3.50  21.50  1N S 1    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
   90          3.50  21.50  2 S 2    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E5-House-Bischoff
         50    1.50  23.50  3N S -1   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E2-Haines-Crootof
         50    1.50  23.50  2N N -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        100    0.00  25.00  3N N -2   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F7-Starr-Dunham
4 ♠AQT
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6/5♣ 6/5 6/2NT
       ♦6/5 ♠6/5
EW: 1♠  ♣0 ♦6 ♥0 NT0
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: +1440 6NT-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1460         25.00   0.00  6 N 7    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
 1430         22.50   2.50  6 N 6    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E1-Sherman-Munson
 1430         22.50   2.50  6 N 6    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F6-Finger-Finger
 1430         22.50   2.50  6 N 6    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F8-Creamer-Rake
 1430         22.50   2.50  6 N 6    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  710         13.00  12.00  5 N 7    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  710         13.00  12.00  5 N 7    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  710         13.00  12.00  5 N 7    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  710         13.00  12.00  5 N 7    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E5-House-Bischoff
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    F1-Shah-Shah vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F11-Grant-Kay
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    F9-Latus-Latus vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  710         13.00  12.00  4 N 7    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  690          4.50  20.50  4N S 6    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  690          4.50  20.50  3N S 6    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E10-Matson-Ward
  680          2.50  22.50  5 N 6    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  680          2.50  22.50  4 N 6    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  650          1.00  24.00  4 N 5    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  130          0.00  25.00  4♣ S 4    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
5 ♠K4
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3/4♣ 5 5/4NT  ♥4 ♠6
EW: 2 1♠  ♣2 ♦2 NT2
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: +660 5NT-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1150         25.00   0.00  3N* N 5   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E5-House-Bischoff
  870         24.00   1.00  3* N 4   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  750         23.00   2.00  5* N 5   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  690         22.00   3.00  3N N 6    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  660         18.50   6.50  3N N 5    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  660         18.50   6.50  3N N 5    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  660         18.50   6.50  3N N 5    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  660         18.50   6.50  3N N 5    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  660         18.50   6.50  3N N 5    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  660         18.50   6.50  3N N 5    F9-Latus-Latus vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  630         13.50  11.50  3N S 4    F1-Shah-Shah vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  630         13.50  11.50  3N N 4    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E10-Matson-Ward
  630         13.50  11.50  3N N 4    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  630         13.50  11.50  3N N 4    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F11-Grant-Kay
  600         10.00  15.00  3N N 3    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
  600         10.00  15.00  5 N 5    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  600         10.00  15.00  5♣ S 5    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  500          8.00  17.00  4* W -3  F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F6-Finger-Finger
  300          7.00  18.00  4♠* E -2  F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  150          6.00  19.00  3 N 5    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  130          4.50  20.50  2 N 4    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  130          4.50  20.50  4♣ S 4    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  100          3.00  22.00  3* W -1  E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        100    2.00  23.00  5♣ S -1   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        200    0.50  24.50  5* N -1  E12-Boyle-Moore vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        200    0.50  24.50  5 N -2   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
6 ♠KJ2
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 4/3 5 2♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦3 ♥2 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +450 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  460         25.00   0.00  3N N 5    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  450         17.50   7.50  5 S 5    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  450         17.50   7.50  5 S 5    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  450         17.50   7.50  4 S 5    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  450         17.50   7.50  4 S 5    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  450         17.50   7.50  4 S 5    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  450         17.50   7.50  4 S 5    F9-Latus-Latus vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  450         17.50   7.50  4 S 5    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  450         17.50   7.50  4 S 5    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  450         17.50   7.50  4 N 5    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  450         17.50   7.50  4 N 5    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  450         17.50   7.50  4 N 5    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E10-Matson-Ward
  450         17.50   7.50  4 N 5    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  450         17.50   7.50  4 N 5    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
  450         17.50   7.50  4 N 5    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F11-Grant-Kay
  430          8.00  17.00  3N N 4    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  430          8.00  17.00  3N N 4    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  430          8.00  17.00  3N N 4    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E5-House-Bischoff
  430          8.00  17.00  3N N 4    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  430          8.00  17.00  3N N 4    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  420          4.50  20.50  4♠ S 4    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  420          4.50  20.50  4 N 4    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F10-Howard-Petersen
         50    1.50  23.50  6 S -1   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F6-Finger-Finger
         50    1.50  23.50  6 S -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F8-Creamer-Rake
         50    1.50  23.50  5 S -1   F1-Shah-Shah vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
         50    1.50  23.50  4 N -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E11-Nelson-Loh
7 ♠QT5
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1 2  ♠5 NT6
EW: 1♠ 1NT  ♣5 ♦6 ♥5
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +110 2-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         24.50   0.50  2 S 3    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  140         24.50   0.50  2 S 3    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  110         22.50   2.50  2 S 2    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
  110         22.50   2.50  2 N 2    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F6-Finger-Finger
  100         20.00   5.00  2♠ E -1   F1-Shah-Shah vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  100         20.00   5.00  2♠ E -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  100         20.00   5.00  2♠ E -1   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        100   14.00  11.00  2N N -1   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        100   14.00  11.00  1N N -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        100   14.00  11.00  4 S -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E10-Matson-Ward
        100   14.00  11.00  3 S -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        100   14.00  11.00  3 S -1   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        100   14.00  11.00  3 S -1   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        100   14.00  11.00  3 S -1   F9-Latus-Latus vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
        100   14.00  11.00  3 N -1   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        100   14.00  11.00  2 S -1   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        110    8.50  16.50  2♠ E 2    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        110    8.50  16.50  2♠ E 2    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
        200    4.00  21.00  2N N -2   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E11-Nelson-Loh
        200    4.00  21.00  4 S -2   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        200    4.00  21.00  4 S -2   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        200    4.00  21.00  4 S -2   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        200    4.00  21.00  3 S -2   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F11-Grant-Kay
        200    4.00  21.00  3 S -2   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        200    4.00  21.00  3 S -2   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        300    0.00  25.00  3N N -3   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E1-Sherman-Munson
8 ♠K7
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1  ♣4 ♠5 NT6
EW: 2/3♣ 1/2♠ -/1NT
       ♦5 ♥5/6 NT6/7
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -100 3*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  4♣* E -3  E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  110         23.50   1.50  2 N 2    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  110         23.50   1.50  2 N 2    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
   90         22.00   3.00  2 N 2    F1-Shah-Shah vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
   50         20.50   4.50  1N W -1   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
   50         20.50   4.50  3♣ E -1   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F10-Howard-Petersen
         50   16.00   9.00  2 N -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E1-Sherman-Munson
         50   16.00   9.00  2 N -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F7-Starr-Dunham
         50   16.00   9.00  2 N -1   F9-Latus-Latus vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
         50   16.00   9.00  2 N -1   F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F6-Finger-Finger
         50   16.00   9.00  3 N -1   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E11-Nelson-Loh
         50   16.00   9.00  3 N -1   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
         50   16.00   9.00  2 N -1   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
         90   11.50  13.50  1N W 1    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E6-Huhn-Ives
         90   11.50  13.50  1N W 1    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        100    9.00  16.00  2* N -1  E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        100    9.00  16.00  2 N -2   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        100    9.00  16.00  3 N -2   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        120    6.00  19.00  1N W 2    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E10-Matson-Ward
        120    6.00  19.00  1N W 2    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        120    6.00  19.00  1N W 2    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F11-Grant-Kay
        140    4.00  21.00  2♠ W 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        150    2.00  23.00  3 S -3   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        150    2.00  23.00  3 N -3   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        150    2.00  23.00  3 N -3   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        300    0.00  25.00  3* S -2  E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
9 ♠KQ6
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 2 3NT  ♣4 ♠5
EW: 2♣ 2♠  ♦4 ♥4 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +400 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  4♠* W -2  F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  400         23.00   2.00  3N N 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  400         23.00   2.00  3N N 3    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  400         23.00   2.00  3N N 3    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  200         17.00   8.00  4♠ W -2   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  200         17.00   8.00  3♠* W -1  E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  200         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -2   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E5-House-Bischoff
  200         17.00   8.00  3♠* W -1  E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  200         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -2   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  200         17.00   8.00  3♠* W -1  F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  200         17.00   8.00  3♠* W -1  F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  200         17.00   8.00  2♠* W -1  F8-Anderson-Chua vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  200         17.00   8.00  3♣* W -1  E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  150         11.50  13.50  2N N 3    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E10-Matson-Ward
  150         11.50  13.50  2N N 3    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  130         10.00  15.00  3 S 4    F9-Latus-Latus vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  110          7.50  17.50  3 S 3    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  110          7.50  17.50  3 S 3    F1-Shah-Shah vs F11-Grant-Kay
  110          7.50  17.50  3 S 3    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  110          7.50  17.50  3 N 3    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
         50    4.50  20.50  3N N -1   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
         50    4.50  20.50  4 S -1   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        100    2.50  22.50  4♠* S -1  E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        100    2.50  22.50  4* S -1  F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
        300    1.00  24.00  4* S -2  F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
        670    0.00  25.00  2♠* W 2   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
10 ♠Q72
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2/1  ♥5 ♠4 NT5
EW: 1 1NT  ♣4/5 ♦5 ♠6
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +90 2-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  2* W -2  E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  400         24.00   1.00  2 W -4   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  300         22.50   2.50  3 W -3   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E5-House-Bischoff
  300         22.50   2.50  3 W -3   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  200         19.00   6.00  2♠ W -2   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  200         19.00   6.00  2♠ W -2   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  200         19.00   6.00  2 W -2   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  200         19.00   6.00  2 W -2   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  200         19.00   6.00  2 E -2   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  180         16.00   9.00  2* N 2   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E10-Matson-Ward
  110         15.00  10.00  2 N 3    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  100         12.50  12.50  2 W -1   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  100         12.50  12.50  2 W -1   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  100         12.50  12.50  2 W -1   F1-Shah-Shah vs F11-Grant-Kay
  100         12.50  12.50  2 W -1   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
         90   10.00  15.00  1N E 1    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        100    8.00  17.00  2N N -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        100    8.00  17.00  3 N -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
        100    8.00  17.00  3 N -1   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        110    5.00  20.00  2 W 2    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        110    5.00  20.00  2 W 2    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
        110    5.00  20.00  2 W 2    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        200    2.00  23.00  2N N -2   F9-Latus-Latus vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
        200    2.00  23.00  3 N -2   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        200    2.00  23.00  2 N -2   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        300    0.00  25.00  3 N -3   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E9-Cotton-Wright
11 ♠J64
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦6 ♥6 ♠4 NT5
EW: 3♣ 1 1 2♠ 1NT
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -110 2♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  4♠ W -3   F9-Latus-Latus vs F11-Grant-Kay
  100         23.00   2.00  3N W -2   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  100         23.00   2.00  2N W -2   F1-Shah-Shah vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  100         23.00   2.00  2N E -2   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E10-Matson-Ward
   50         18.50   6.50  2♠ W -1   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E9-Cotton-Wright
   50         18.50   6.50  2♠ E -1   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E11-Nelson-Loh
   50         18.50   6.50  2 E -1   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E2-Haines-Crootof
   50         18.50   6.50  2 E -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F6-Finger-Finger
   50         18.50   6.50  4♣ E -1   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E4-Mann-Byrne
   50         18.50   6.50  3♣ E -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E6-Huhn-Ives
         50   13.50  11.50  2 S -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
         50   13.50  11.50  2 S -1   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
         50   13.50  11.50  2 S -1   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
         50   13.50  11.50  2 S -1   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        100   11.00  14.00  3 S -2   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        110    6.00  19.00  2♠ W 2    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        110    6.00  19.00  3♣ E 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        110    6.00  19.00  3♣ E 3    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        110    6.00  19.00  3♣ E 3    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        110    6.00  19.00  3♣ E 3    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        110    6.00  19.00  3♣ E 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        110    6.00  19.00  3♣ E 3    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        110    6.00  19.00  3♣ E 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
        110    6.00  19.00  2♣ E 3    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E5-House-Bischoff
        200    1.00  24.00  3 N -4   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        300    0.00  25.00  3* S -2  E12-Boyle-Moore vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
12 ♠AJT743
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3♠  ♦3 ♥6 NT6
EW: 4  ♣5 ♥5 ♠3 NT5
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -130 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  5* E -3  E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  300         24.00   1.00  4* W -2  F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  200         23.00   2.00  3♠ N 5    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  170         20.50   4.50  2♠ N 4    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  170         20.50   4.50  2♠ N 4    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E5-House-Bischoff
  170         20.50   4.50  2♠ N 4    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  170         20.50   4.50  2♠ N 4    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F6-Finger-Finger
  150         18.00   7.00  5 E -3   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  140         15.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    F1-Shah-Shah vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  140         15.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  140         15.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  140         15.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F8-Creamer-Rake
   50         12.50  12.50  3 W -1   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E14-Locke-Lonack
   50         12.50  12.50  3 E -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
    PASS      11.00  14.00  Pass Out  F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
         90   10.00  15.00  1N W 1    F9-Latus-Latus vs F11-Grant-Kay
        110    8.00  17.00  3 W 3    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E10-Matson-Ward
        110    8.00  17.00  3 W 3    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        110    8.00  17.00  3 E 3    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        130    4.50  20.50  4 W 4    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        130    4.50  20.50  4 W 4    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        130    4.50  20.50  3 W 4    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        130    4.50  20.50  2 W 4    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        150    2.00  23.00  3 W 5    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        200    0.50  24.50  3♠ N -2   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        200    0.50  24.50  2♠ N -2   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
13 ♠Q9876
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦4 ♥4 ♠3 NT3
EW: 1/-♣ 3/2 2/1 4/3♠ 3NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -620 4♠-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  4♠* E -2  F14-McCright-Mercer vs F6-Finger-Finger
  400         24.00   1.00  3♣ W -4   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  200         20.00   5.00  3N W -2   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  200         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -2   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  200         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -2   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  200         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -2   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  200         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -2   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  200         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -2   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  200         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -2   F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E5-House-Bischoff
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E10-Matson-Ward
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  100         11.50  13.50  4♠ E -1   F9-Latus-Latus vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  100         11.50  13.50  3♠ E -1   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        170    6.00  19.00  3♠ E 4    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F11-Grant-Kay
        620    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 4    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        620    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 4    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        620    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 4    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        620    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 4    F1-Shah-Shah vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        620    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 4    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        790    0.00  25.00  4♠* E 4   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
14 ♠6542
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦3 ♥2 ♠4 NT3
EW: 2♣ 4 5 3♠ 4NT
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: -450 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        200   24.00   1.00  3 W 5    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
        200   24.00   1.00  3 W 5    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        200   24.00   1.00  2 W 5    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        420   21.00   4.00  4 W 4    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E5-House-Bischoff
        420   21.00   4.00  4 W 4    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        420   21.00   4.00  4 W 4    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        450   10.50  14.50  4♠ W 5    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E11-Nelson-Loh
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    F1-Shah-Shah vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F11-Grant-Kay
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        450   10.50  14.50  4 W 5    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        450   10.50  14.50  4 E 5    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E10-Matson-Ward
        450   10.50  14.50  4 E 5    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        480    0.50  24.50  4 W 6    F9-Latus-Latus vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        480    0.50  24.50  4 W 6    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F6-Finger-Finger
15 ♠97
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 2♠  ♣4 ♦5 NT5
EW: 1♣ 2 1NT  ♥4 ♠5
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E10-Matson-Ward
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  140         20.50   4.50  3 N 3    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  140         20.50   4.50  2 S 3    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  110         14.50  10.50  2♠ S 2    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  110         14.50  10.50  2 N 2    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        100    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E5-House-Bischoff
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   F1-Shah-Shah vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F6-Finger-Finger
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F11-Grant-Kay
        100    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        100    7.50  17.50  3 N -1   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        100    7.50  17.50  3 N -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E11-Nelson-Loh
        200    0.50  24.50  4 N -2   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        200    0.50  24.50  4 N -2   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F10-Howard-Petersen
16 ♠A963
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦5 ♥5 ♠5 NT5
EW: 3/2♣ 2/1 1 1♠ 2NT
LoTT: 14 - 16 = -2
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  3N* W -1  E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  100         23.50   1.50  3N W -1   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  100         23.50   1.50  3♣ E -1   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E6-Huhn-Ives
         50   22.00   3.00  2 N -1   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
         90   21.00   4.00  2♣ W 2    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        100   20.00   5.00  2 N -2   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F6-Finger-Finger
        110   15.00  10.00  3♣ E 3    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
        110   15.00  10.00  2♣ E 3    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        120    9.50  15.50  2N E 2    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        120    9.50  15.50  1N E 2    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        130    8.00  17.00  2♣ E 4    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        140    7.00  18.00  2♠ E 3    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        150    5.50  19.50  2N E 3    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E5-House-Bischoff
        150    5.50  19.50  1N E 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F11-Grant-Kay
        180    3.50  21.50  1N E 4    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E10-Matson-Ward
        180    3.50  21.50  1N E 4    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        300    2.00  23.00  2* N -2  E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E11-Nelson-Loh
        500    1.00  24.00  3* N -3  E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        630    0.00  25.00  3N E 4    F1-Shah-Shah vs F7-Starr-Dunham
17 ♠9743
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦2 ♥6 ♠3 NT2
EW: 4♣ 5 -/1 2/3♠ 1/3NT
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -400 3NT-E/5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  4 E -3   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  100         22.50   2.50  3N W -2   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  100         22.50   2.50  3N E -2   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  100         22.50   2.50  3N E -2   F1-Shah-Shah vs F6-Finger-Finger
  100         22.50   2.50  3N E -2   F9-Latus-Latus vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
   50         19.00   6.00  3N E -1   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F11-Grant-Kay
   50         19.00   6.00  3N E -1   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
   50         19.00   6.00  2♠ E -1   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
         90   17.00   8.00  1N W 1    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E5-House-Bischoff
        150   14.00  11.00  2N W 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E11-Nelson-Loh
        150   14.00  11.00  3 W 5    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        150   14.00  11.00  3 W 5    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        150   14.00  11.00  3 W 5    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        150   14.00  11.00  2 E 5    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        400    8.50  16.50  3N W 3    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        400    8.50  16.50  3N W 3    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        400    8.50  16.50  3N W 3    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        400    8.50  16.50  5 W 5    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        400    8.50  16.50  5 W 5    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        400    8.50  16.50  5 E 5    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        460    3.00  22.00  3N W 5    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        460    3.00  22.00  3N W 5    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        460    3.00  22.00  3N W 5    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        460    3.00  22.00  3N E 5    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
        460    3.00  22.00  3N E 5    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        800    0.00  25.00  4* S -4  F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
18 ♠QJT
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 4 3 4♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦3 ♥4 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 14 = +2
Par: +630 4NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         23.50   1.50  3N S 4    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  630         23.50   1.50  3N N 4    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  630         23.50   1.50  3N N 4    F9-Latus-Latus vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
  630         23.50   1.50  3N N 4    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  600         18.50   6.50  3N N 3    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  600         18.50   6.50  3N N 3    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  600         18.50   6.50  3N N 3    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  600         18.50   6.50  3N N 3    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F11-Grant-Kay
  600         18.50   6.50  3N N 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  600         18.50   6.50  3N N 3    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  150         14.00  11.00  2N N 3    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  150         14.00  11.00  2N N 3    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  150         14.00  11.00  2N N 3    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  120          8.50  16.50  2N S 2    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  120          8.50  16.50  2N N 2    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  120          8.50  16.50  2N N 2    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  120          8.50  16.50  2N N 2    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E5-House-Bischoff
  120          8.50  16.50  2N N 2    F1-Shah-Shah vs F6-Finger-Finger
  120          8.50  16.50  2N N 2    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  120          8.50  16.50  2N N 2    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  120          8.50  16.50  2N N 2    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        100    2.50  22.50  3N N -1   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        100    2.50  22.50  3N N -1   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        100    2.50  22.50  3N N -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        100    2.50  22.50  2N N -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        200    0.00  25.00  3N N -2   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
19 ♠T8
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 4 3 2♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦3 ♥4 ♠4 NT4
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  430         23.00   2.00  3N S 4    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  430         23.00   2.00  3N S 4    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  430         23.00   2.00  3N S 4    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E10-Matson-Ward
  430         23.00   2.00  3N S 4    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  430         23.00   2.00  3N S 4    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  400         19.00   6.00  3N S 3    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  400         19.00   6.00  3N S 3    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  400         19.00   6.00  3N S 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  140         16.00   9.00  3 S 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  140         16.00   9.00  3 N 3    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  140         16.00   9.00  2 N 3    F9-Latus-Latus vs F8-Creamer-Rake
         50    7.50  17.50  3N S -1   F1-Shah-Shah vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E5-House-Bischoff
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E14-Locke-Lonack
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E2-Haines-Crootof
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E4-Mann-Byrne
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E1-Sherman-Munson
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F7-Starr-Dunham
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F6-Finger-Finger
         50    7.50  17.50  4 S -1   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
         50    7.50  17.50  4 N -1   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        100    0.00  25.00  4 S -2   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F3-Itabashi-Love
20 ♠A84
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 2NT  ♣6 ♥5 ♠5
EW: 2 2♠  ♣6 ♦4 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  950         25.00   0.00  3N* S 4   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  600         21.00   4.00  3N S 3    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
  600         21.00   4.00  3N S 3    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F6-Finger-Finger
  600         21.00   4.00  3N S 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  600         21.00   4.00  3N N 3    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  600         21.00   4.00  3N N 3    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E1-Sherman-Munson
  600         21.00   4.00  3N N 3    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  600         21.00   4.00  3N N 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  500         17.00   8.00  2 E -5   F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  200         15.50   9.50  4♠ W -2   F1-Shah-Shah vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  200         15.50   9.50  3♠ W -2   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  150         14.00  11.00  3 N 5    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  130         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  110         11.00  14.00  3 N 3    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  110         11.00  14.00  3 N 3    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  110         11.00  14.00  3 N 3    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  100          8.50  16.50  3♠ W -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  100          8.50  16.50  3 W -1   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E5-House-Bischoff
        100    6.00  19.00  3N S -1   F9-Latus-Latus vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        100    6.00  19.00  5 N -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        100    6.00  19.00  4 N -1   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
        200    2.50  22.50  5 N -2   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        200    2.50  22.50  5 N -2   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E10-Matson-Ward
        200    2.50  22.50  5 N -2   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        200    2.50  22.50  5 N -2   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        300    0.00  25.00  3♣ N -3   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
21 ♠872
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2♠  ♣5 ♥6 NT5
EW: 1 1NT  ♣6 ♦5 ♠4
LoTT: 14 - 16 = -2
Par: +100 2NT*-EW/2*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         25.00   0.00  2♠ S 4    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  140         21.00   4.00  3♠ S 3    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  140         21.00   4.00  3♠ N 3    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  140         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  140         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 3    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  140         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 3    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  140         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 3    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F3-Itabashi-Love
  140         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 3    F9-Latus-Latus vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  110         16.00   9.00  2♠ S 2    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E10-Matson-Ward
  110         16.00   9.00  2♠ S 2    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  110         16.00   9.00  2♠ S 2    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F11-Grant-Kay
   90         13.50  11.50  1N N 1    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
   90         13.50  11.50  2 N 2    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        100   11.00  14.00  1N N -1   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        100   11.00  14.00  1N N -1   F1-Shah-Shah vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        100   11.00  14.00  1N N -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F6-Finger-Finger
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        200    5.50  19.50  1N N -2   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        200    5.50  19.50  1N N -2   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        200    5.50  19.50  1N N -2   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        200    5.50  19.50  1N N -2   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        200    5.50  19.50  1N N -2   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        200    5.50  19.50  1N N -2   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        300    2.00  23.00  1N N -3   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E5-House-Bischoff
        400    1.00  24.00  2N N -4   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        500    0.00  25.00  1N* N -2  E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E9-Cotton-Wright
22 ♠Q62
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥6 ♠4 NT5
EW: 1♣ 1 1 2♠ 1NT
LoTT: 14 - 15 = -1
Par: -110 2♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         23.00   2.00  4♠ E -2   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  200         23.00   2.00  4♠ E -2   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  200         23.00   2.00  4♠ E -2   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  200         23.00   2.00  4♠ E -2   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  200         23.00   2.00  3♠ E -2   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  100         17.00   8.00  4♠ E -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  100         17.00   8.00  4♠ E -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E2-Haines-Crootof
  100         17.00   8.00  4♠ E -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ E -1   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ E -1   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ E -1   F9-Latus-Latus vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  100         17.00   8.00  3♠ E -1   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
    PASS      11.00  14.00  Pass Out  E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E11-Nelson-Loh
    PASS      11.00  14.00  Pass Out  F1-Shah-Shah vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
    PASS      11.00  14.00  Pass Out  F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F6-Finger-Finger
    PASS      11.00  14.00  Pass Out  F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F8-Creamer-Rake
    PASS      11.00  14.00  Pass Out  F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        110    8.00  17.00  2♠ E 2    E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E10-Matson-Ward
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E5-House-Bischoff
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        170    1.00  24.00  3♠ E 4    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F11-Grant-Kay
        500    0.00  25.00  1N* N -3  F14-McCright-Mercer vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
23 ♠AQ73
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣6 ♦4 ♥4/5 NT5
EW: 2 2 1/2NT  ♣6 ♠4
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -120 2NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  1N W -2   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  110         23.50   1.50  2♠ N 2    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  110         23.50   1.50  2♠ N 2    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F7-Starr-Dunham
  100         20.00   5.00  1N W -1   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  100         20.00   5.00  1N W -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  100         20.00   5.00  1N W -1   F9-Latus-Latus vs F6-Finger-Finger
  100         20.00   5.00  1N W -1   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  100         20.00   5.00  1N E -1   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
         90   15.00  10.00  1N W 1    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
         90   15.00  10.00  1N W 1    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E11-Nelson-Loh
         90   15.00  10.00  1N W 1    F1-Shah-Shah vs F3-Itabashi-Love
         90   15.00  10.00  1N W 1    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
         90   15.00  10.00  1N W 1    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E5-House-Bischoff
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E10-Matson-Ward
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F11-Grant-Kay
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        120    7.50  17.50  1N W 2    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
        150    1.50  23.50  1N W 3    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        150    1.50  23.50  1N E 3    E9-Barkan-Yates vs E6-Huhn-Ives
        180    0.00  25.00  1N W 4    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E1-Sherman-Munson
24 ♠742
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣5 ♥6 ♠2 NT5
EW: 2♣ 1 4/3♠ 1/-NT
       ♦6 NT7/6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -420 4♠-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  250         25.00   0.00  3N E -5   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  150         23.50   1.50  3N E -3   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  150         23.50   1.50  3N E -3   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  100         21.50   3.50  4♠ W -2   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  100         21.50   3.50  3♣ E -2   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
   50         13.50  11.50  3N E -1   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E2-Haines-Crootof
   50         13.50  11.50  3N E -1   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ W -1   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ W -1   E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E11-Nelson-Loh
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ W -1   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E4-Mann-Byrne
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ W -1   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ W -1   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F11-Grant-Kay
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ W -1   F9-Latus-Latus vs F6-Finger-Finger
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ W -1   F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ E -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ E -1   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
   50         13.50  11.50  4♠ E -1   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
   50         13.50  11.50  3♣ E -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E14-Locke-Lonack
   50         13.50  11.50  3♣ E -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        420    3.50  21.50  4♠ W 4    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E5-House-Bischoff
        420    3.50  21.50  4♠ W 4    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        420    3.50  21.50  4♠ W 4    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        420    3.50  21.50  4♠ W 4    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E10-Matson-Ward
        420    3.50  21.50  4♠ W 4    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
        420    3.50  21.50  4♠ E 4    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        450    0.00  25.00  4♠ W 5    F1-Shah-Shah vs F3-Itabashi-Love
25 ♠T83
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1/-♣ 1/- 2/1 2♠ 2NT
       ♣7/6 ♦7/6
EW:  ♣6 ♦6 ♥5 ♠4 NT5
LoTT: 14 - 15 = -1
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  2♣* W -2  F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F6-Finger-Finger
  400         24.00   1.00  3N N 3    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  150         23.00   2.00  1N N 3    E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  140         21.00   4.00  3♠ S 3    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  140         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 3    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E10-Matson-Ward
  140         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 3    F1-Shah-Shah vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  110         19.00   6.00  2♠ S 2    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E9-Cotton-Wright
         50   15.00  10.00  3N S -1   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
         50   15.00  10.00  3N N -1   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E6-Huhn-Ives
         50   15.00  10.00  3N N -1   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E5-House-Bischoff
         50   15.00  10.00  4♠ S -1   E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E2-Haines-Crootof
         50   15.00  10.00  4♠ S -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
         50   15.00  10.00  3♠ S -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
         50   15.00  10.00  3♠ S -1   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
        100    6.50  18.50  3N S -2   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        100    6.50  18.50  3N S -2   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E11-Nelson-Loh
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   F9-Latus-Latus vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ S -2   F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F11-Grant-Kay
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠ N -2   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        150    0.50  24.50  3N S -3   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        150    0.50  24.50  4♠ S -3   F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
26 ♠K
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣5 ♦4 ♠4 NT5
EW: 1♣ 2 2♠ 1NT  ♥6
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -110 2♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  4♠ W -3   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
  200         22.00   3.00  3N W -2   F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F6-Finger-Finger
  200         22.00   3.00  4♠ W -2   E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E6-Huhn-Ives
  200         22.00   3.00  4♠ W -2   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  200         22.00   3.00  4♠ W -2   F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F11-Grant-Kay
  200         22.00   3.00  4♠ E -2   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E5-House-Bischoff
  100         16.00   9.00  3N W -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  100         16.00   9.00  3N E -1   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F1-Roberts-Wilkey
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ W -1   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ W -1   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E11-Nelson-Loh
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ W -1   F1-Shah-Shah vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ W -1   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F10-Howard-Petersen
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ W -1   F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        110   12.00  13.00  2♠ W 2    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        120   11.00  14.00  2N W 2    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E10-Matson-Ward
        130   10.00  15.00  3 W 4    F9-Latus-Latus vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        140    8.00  17.00  3♠ W 3    E1-Humphrey-Domurat vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        140    8.00  17.00  3♠ W 3    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
        140    8.00  17.00  3♠ W 3    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        150    6.00  19.00  2N W 3    F8-Anderson-Chua vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        170    4.50  20.50  3♠ W 4    E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        170    4.50  20.50  2♠ W 4    E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        210    3.00  22.00  2N W 5    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E1-Sherman-Munson
        600    1.50  23.50  3N W 3    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        600    1.50  23.50  3N W 3    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        620    0.00  25.00  4♠ W 4    E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
27 ♠J964
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2/1♠  ♣4/3 ♦3 ♥6 NT5
EW: 3♣ 4 1  ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 18 - 16 = +2
Par: -130 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  2N S 3    E14-Schulman-Roth vs E14-Locke-Lonack
  120         24.00   1.00  1N S 2    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F8-Creamer-Rake
  110         21.50   3.50  2♠ S 2    F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F6-Finger-Finger
  110         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 2    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
  110         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 2    F9-Latus-Latus vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
  110         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 2    F14-McCright-Mercer vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
  100         17.50   7.50  3 W -2   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  100         17.50   7.50  2* E -1  E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E9-Cotton-Wright
  100         17.50   7.50  2* E -1  E9-Barkan-Yates vs E4-Mann-Byrne
  100         17.50   7.50  4♣* E -1  E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E2-Haines-Crootof
   50         13.50  11.50  3 W -1   F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F3-Itabashi-Love
   50         13.50  11.50  3 W -1   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
   50         13.50  11.50  2 W -1   E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E11-Nelson-Loh
   50         13.50  11.50  2 W -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E6-Huhn-Ives
         50   11.00  14.00  2♠ S -1   E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
        110    7.50  17.50  2 W 2    E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
        110    7.50  17.50  2 W 2    F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
        110    7.50  17.50  3♣ E 3    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        110    7.50  17.50  2♣ W 3    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E5-House-Bischoff
        110    7.50  17.50  2♣ W 3    E7-Hason-Augustin vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
        110    7.50  17.50  2♣ W 3    F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F7-Starr-Dunham
        130    2.00  23.00  3 W 4    E12-Boyle-Moore vs E10-Matson-Ward
        130    2.00  23.00  2 E 4    F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        130    2.00  23.00  3♣ E 4    F7-Lane-Deeby vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
        130    2.00  23.00  2♣ W 4    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F11-Grant-Kay
        130    2.00  23.00  2♣ E 4    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
28 ♠832
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣3 ♦6 ♥6 NT4/5
EW: 3♣  ♦6 ♥6 ♠3 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -110 3♣-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  3N* W -3  E13-Hartman-Pottenger vs E12-Krall-Mahdavi
  250         24.00   1.00  3N E -5   F13-Busby-Lebendig vs F12-Morrow-Morrow
  200         23.00   2.00  3N W -4   E7-Hason-Augustin vs E13-Rimer-Kerbel
  170         21.50   3.50  3♠ S 4    E2-Tribbey-Farnsworth vs E3-Doughman-Rosenblum
  170         21.50   3.50  3♠ S 4    E3-Strauch-Strauch vs E5-House-Bischoff
  150         19.00   6.00  3N W -3   E4-Zeldin-Kunkel vs E7-Figueiredo-Gilliam
  150         19.00   6.00  3N W -3   E11-Rose-Gillespie vs E8-Boyer-Boyer
  150         19.00   6.00  3N W -3   F8-Anderson-Chua vs F2-Manchee-Manchee
  100         16.50   8.50  3N W -2   F10-Wetz-Nimtz vs F6-Finger-Finger
  100         16.50   8.50  5♣ E -2   F4-Farber-Blaufarb vs F7-Starr-Dunham
   50         13.50  11.50  2N W -1   F14-McCright-Mercer vs F14-Kalish-Bahmanian
   50         13.50  11.50  4 E -1   F7-Lane-Deeby vs F13-Jordan-Jordan
   50         13.50  11.50  5♣ E -1   E12-Boyle-Moore vs E10-Matson-Ward
   50         13.50  11.50  4♣ E -1   E10-Fujimoto-Rizer vs E6-Huhn-Ives
         90   11.00  14.00  1N W 1    F2-Dulay-Sexton vs F3-Itabashi-Love
        100    8.50  16.50  3♠ S -1   E8-Rowen-Rowen vs E2-Haines-Crootof
        100    8.50  16.50  3♠ S -1   E14-Schulman-Roth vs E14-Locke-Lonack
        100    8.50  16.50  3♠ S -1   F5-Newman-Dougherty vs F9-Huffaker-Oakley
        100    8.50  16.50  3♠ N -1   E9-Barkan-Yates vs E4-Mann-Byrne
        110    4.50  20.50  3♣ E 3    E5-Fowlie-Mallory vs E9-Cotton-Wright
        110    4.50  20.50  3♣ E 3    F9-Latus-Latus vs F4-Bloomberg-Klosky
        110    4.50  20.50  3♣ E 3    F11-Shapley-Shapley vs F8-Creamer-Rake
        110    4.50  20.50  3♣ E 3    F12-Agelidis-Moyer vs F10-Howard-Petersen
        130    1.50  23.50  4♣ E 4    F3-Cooper-Feldman vs F5-Dayani-Cornelius
        130    1.50  23.50  2♣ E 4    F6-Breckenridge-Voorhees vs F11-Grant-Kay
        200    0.00  25.00  3♠* S -1  E6-Taylor-Kuhlmann vs E11-Nelson-Loh