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Field strength:  Mean: 2793 MP  Geomean: 1861 MP
(based on 19 players, 1 non ACBL player ignored)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Rob Van Ekeren - Ron Francey 61.11 1st A 1.00
Meg O'Leary - Roy Falck 57.41 2nd A 0.70
Peggy Waller - Ron DeHarpporte 54.17 3rd A 0.50
Harold Zucconi - Paul Ritters 53.24 1st B 0.48
David Gose - Lonnie Ludeman 51.85 2nd B 0.34
Jack Medd - Larry Gioannini 42.59 1st C 0.24
EVENT>Open Pairs               |SESSION>Wednesday Aft|SECTION> A
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>January 15, 2025   |CLUB NO.>205328    | 01/15/2025 17:09
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Rob Van Ekeren  |RATING>Club Masterpoint (100%, 80%, 80% Open)|MOVEMENT>ONE WINNER
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   54.0 |TOP>   4 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/1000 |CLUB>Wednesday BC
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=6/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Larry Gioannini        Jack Medd                C    .     .     1     46.00  42.59  0.24(C) 
 2 Harold Zucconi         Paul Ritters             B    4     1     .     57.50  53.24  0.48(B) 
 3 Robert Francis         Julie Reiser             C    .     .     .     45.00  41.67          
 4 Hector Escarpita       Renee O'Donnell          C    .     .     .     39.00  36.11          
 5 Meg O'Leary            Roy Falck                A    2     .     .     62.00  57.41  0.70(A) 
 6 Ron Francey            Rob Van Ekeren           A    1     .     .     66.00  61.11  1.00(A) 
 7 David Gose             Lonnie Ludeman           B    .     2     .     56.00  51.85  0.34(B) 
 8 Barbara Houseknecht    Lois Applebaum           B    .     .     .     53.00  49.07          
 9 Ron DeHarpporte        Peggy Waller             A    3     .     .     58.50  54.17  0.50(A) 
10 Linda Spengler         Bill Carrell             A    .     .     .     57.00  52.78          
                                          Totals                         540.00       

1 Dlr: North
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        230    2.50   1.50 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
        230    2.50   1.50 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
        230    2.50   1.50 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 3-Francis-Reiser
        230    2.50   1.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
        450    0.00   4.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
2 Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  180          4.00   0.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
  120          2.00   2.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
  120          2.00   2.00 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
  120          2.00   2.00 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 3-Francis-Reiser
  110          0.00   4.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
3 Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        620    3.50   0.50 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
        620    3.50   0.50 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 3-Francis-Reiser
        650    1.00   3.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
        650    1.00   3.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
        650    1.00   3.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
4 Dlr: West
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        620    4.00   0.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
        650    2.50   1.50 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 3-Francis-Reiser
        650    2.50   1.50 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
        660    1.00   3.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        680    0.00   4.00 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
5 Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  670          4.00   0.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
  200          3.00   1.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        200    2.00   2.00 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
        300    0.50   3.50 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 3-Francis-Reiser
        300    0.50   3.50 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
6 Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  450          4.00   0.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
         50    2.50   1.50 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 3-Francis-Reiser
         50    2.50   1.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        100    1.00   3.00 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
        300    0.00   4.00 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
7 Dlr: South
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  130          4.00   0.00 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 3-Francis-Reiser
   90          3.00   1.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        140    2.00   2.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
        170    1.00   3.00 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
        620    0.00   4.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
8 Dlr: West
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  100          4.00   0.00 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
   50          3.00   1.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        100    2.00   2.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
        420    0.50   3.50 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 3-Francis-Reiser
        420    0.50   3.50 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
9 Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  940          3.50   0.50 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
  940          3.50   0.50 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
  920          2.00   2.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
  520          1.00   3.00 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 3-Francis-Reiser
  490          0.00   4.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
10 Dlr: East
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  630          3.50   0.50 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
  630          3.50   0.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
  200          2.00   2.00 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
  130          1.00   3.00 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
  110          0.00   4.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
11 Dlr: South
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  590          4.00   0.00 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
  140          3.00   1.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
   50          2.00   2.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
         50    1.00   3.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
         90    0.00   4.00 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
12 Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        100    4.00   0.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
        170    2.50   1.50 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
        170    2.50   1.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
        200    1.00   3.00 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
        450    0.00   4.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
13 Dlr: North
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  300          4.00   0.00 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
  150          3.00   1.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
  130          2.00   2.00 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        100    0.50   3.50 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
        100    0.50   3.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 3-Francis-Reiser
14 Dlr: East
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50          4.00   0.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 3-Francis-Reiser
         50    3.00   1.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
        100    2.00   2.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
        110    0.50   3.50 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        110    0.50   3.50 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
15 Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        420    3.50   0.50 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
        420    3.50   0.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 3-Francis-Reiser
        450    1.00   3.00 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        450    1.00   3.00 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        450    1.00   3.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
16 Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200          4.00   0.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
  170          2.50   1.50 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
  170          2.50   1.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
  140          1.00   3.00 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
  100          0.00   4.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
17 Dlr: North
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
   50          3.50   0.50 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
   50          3.50   0.50 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        120    1.00   3.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
        120    1.00   3.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
        120    1.00   3.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
18 Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        140    3.50   0.50 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
        140    3.50   0.50 3-Francis-Reiser vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
        170    1.00   3.00 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        170    1.00   3.00 9-DeHarpporte-Waller vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
        170    1.00   3.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
19 Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200          4.00   0.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
         90    2.50   1.50 3-Francis-Reiser vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
         90    2.50   1.50 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
        120    1.00   3.00 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        600    0.00   4.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
20 Dlr: West
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        650    3.50   0.50 3-Francis-Reiser vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
        650    3.50   0.50 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        680    1.50   2.50 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        680    1.50   2.50 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
       1430    0.00   4.00 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
21 Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  140          3.50   0.50 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
  140          3.50   0.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 5-O'Leary-Falck
  110          1.00   3.00 1-Gioannini-Medd vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
  110          1.00   3.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
  110          1.00   3.00 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
22 Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  200          4.00   0.00 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
  100          2.50   1.50 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
  100          2.50   1.50 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        630    0.50   3.50 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 3-Francis-Reiser
        630    0.50   3.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
23 Dlr: South
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  660          4.00   0.00 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
  630          3.00   1.00 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
  600          1.50   2.50 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
  600          1.50   2.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
        100    0.00   4.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 3-Francis-Reiser
24 Dlr: West
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  100          3.50   0.50 2-Zucconi-Ritters vs 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum
  100          3.50   0.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 6-Francey-Van Ekeren
   50          2.00   2.00 7-Gose-Ludeman vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
        110    1.00   3.00 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
        130    0.00   4.00 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell vs 3-Francis-Reiser
25 Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
        100    4.00   0.00 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
        130    3.00   1.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
        150    1.50   2.50 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
        150    1.50   2.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
        240    0.00   4.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
26 Dlr: East
Vul: Both
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  300          4.00   0.00 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
  140          2.50   1.50 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
  140          2.50   1.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
    PASS       1.00   3.00 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
        100    0.00   4.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller
27 Dlr: South
Vul: None
No hand record
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
  460          3.50   0.50 5-O'Leary-Falck vs 4-Escarpita-O'Donnell
  460          3.50   0.50 6-Francey-Van Ekeren vs 2-Zucconi-Ritters
  430          1.50   2.50 8-Houseknecht-Applebaum vs 1-Gioannini-Medd
  430          1.50   2.50 10-Spengler-Carrell vs 7-Gose-Ludeman
  180          0.00   4.00 3-Francis-Reiser vs 9-DeHarpporte-Waller