Las Vegas Regional

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Field strength:  Mean: 2603 MP  Geomean: 1056 MP
(based on 120 players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Dana Hastings - Garey Hayden 67.46 16.66 Red
Alana Shapley - Robert Shapley 61.08 2.92 Red
Jane Ranney - Jerry Ranney 60.54 2.92 Red
Carol Emme - Harold Emme 59.62 2.04 Red
Frank Queen - Virginia Johnston 58.77 2.92 Red
Louise Price - Robert Donaldson 58.69 2.04 Red
Dian Petrov - Maya Alela 57.54 3.68 Red
Douglas Smith - Geoffrey Stokes 57.38 2.76 Red
Gerald Rozek - Mozelle Sopher 57.08 2.14 Red
George Drake - Helene Drake 56.92 1.02 Red
Kurt Tackett - Leon Smith 56.77 1.50 Red
Arlene Greengard - Stanley Greengard 56.69 1.50 Red
Lena Nichols - Robert Baker 56.62 1.07 Red
Doraine Ross - Richard Mallon 56.00 2.14 Red
Jack Longman - Kathy Longman 55.31 0.58 Red
Clayton Parker - Edith Parker 55.31 1.46 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
John Williams - Robert Williams 54.85 1.67 Red
Elizabeth Sachs - Mary Ose 53.69 1.25 Red
Beverly Bernhardt - Carol Schwerer 52.54 1.24 Red
Rick Stell - Steve Vaughn 52.54 1.57 Red
Miriam Pierce - Sally King 52.31 1.32 Red
Dennis Moore - Pat Moore 52.08 1.46 Red
Gabrielle Sherman - Michael Kamil 52.08 0.49 Red
Carol Warren - George Churchill 51.62 0.78 Red
Jean Seager - William Seager 51.38 1.50 Red
Caryn Villalon - Jim Wisemiller 50.46 1.07 Red
Kathleen Friesen - Philip Blackburn 50.23 0.87 Red
J. Jay Roll - Pamela Cole 50.08 0.49 Red
Mavis De Pass - Nancy Holley 49.54 1.24 Red
Karen Johnson - Orlano Johnson 46.69 0.92 Red
Arthur Carey - Tom Mehrhoff 45.92 0.87 Red
EVENT>Monday Aft Charity Pairs |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Q N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>June 17, 2013      |SANCTION>R1306013  | 06/17/2013 19:59|EVENT CODE>0101
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Las Vegas, NV   |RATING>Regional                     |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=12/C=6                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Jane Ahnger            Jackie Brickey           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    266.00  40.92          
 2 Lila Harding           Lee Harding              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    241.00  37.08          
 3 Michael Kamil          Gabrielle Sherman        A   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    338.50  52.08  0.49Red 
 4 Sally King             Miriam Pierce            C   .     .     .   |   5     3     1    340.00  52.31  1.32Red 
 5 Clayton Parker         Edith Parker             A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    359.50  55.31  1.46Red 
 6 Dian Petrov            Maya Alela               B   .     5     .   |   2     1     .    374.00  57.54  3.68Red 
 7 Robert Shapley         Alana Shapley            A   .     .     .   |   1     .     .    397.00  61.08  2.92Red 
 8 Pearl Franko           George Franko            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    275.50  42.38          
 9 Sue McElree            Billie Maynard           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    267.50  41.15          
10 Pam Michael            Bernard Frye             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    292.50  45.00          
11 Carol Warren           George Churchill         B   .     .     .   |   .     4     .    335.50  51.62  0.78Red 
12 Lale Broderson         Karen Sturgeon           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    266.00  40.92          
13 Steve Vaughn           Rick Stell               B   .     .     .   |   4     2     .    341.50  52.54  1.57Red 
14 Orlano Johnson         Karen Johnson            C   .     .     .   |   .     5     2    303.50  46.69  0.92Red 
15 Syd Blum               Ralph Aguado             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    277.00  42.62          
                                          Totals                                           4675.00       

EVENT>Monday Aft Charity Pairs |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Q E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=11/C=5                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Betty Liddicoat        Mary Van Tamelen         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    311.00  47.85          
 2 Rosemarie White        Betty Kniskern           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    329.50  50.69          
 3 Helene Drake           George Drake             A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    370.00  56.92  1.02Red 
 4 John Williams          Robert Williams          C   .     .     5   |   .     4     1    356.50  54.85  1.67Red 
 5 Frank Queen            Virginia Johnston        A   .     .     .   |   1     .     .    382.00  58.77  2.92Red 
 6 Stanley Greengard      Arlene Greengard         B   .     .     .   |   5     2     .    368.50  56.69  1.50Red 
 7 Robert Donaldson       Louise Price             A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    381.50  58.69  2.04Red 
 8 Faye Stanhope          Joan Willard             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    274.50  42.23          
 9 Charles Hilding        Ed Howard                A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    319.50  49.15          
10 Robert Baker           Lena Nichols             B   .     .     .   |   6     3     .    368.00  56.62  1.07Red 
11 Geoffrey Stokes        Douglas Smith            B   .     6     .   |   3     1     .    373.00  57.38  2.76Red 
12 Mary Ose               Elizabeth Sachs          C   .     .     6   |   .     .     2    349.00  53.69  1.25Red 
13 Miriam Futernick       Morris Futernick         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    327.00  50.31          
14 Aeson Velten           Roberta Marcus           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    266.00  40.92          
15 Mehdi Sadeghi          Sima Ghorashyzadeh       B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    313.50  48.23          
                                          Totals                                           5089.50       

EVENT>Monday Aft Charity Pairs |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> R N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=11/C=5                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Leon Smith             Kurt Tackett             B   .     .     .   |   4     2     .    369.00  56.77  1.50Red 
 2 Philip Blackburn       Kathleen Friesen         C   .     .     .   |   .     4     2    326.50  50.23  0.87Red 
 3 Garey Hayden           Dana Hastings            A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    438.50  67.46 16.66Red 
 4 Beverly Bernhardt      Carol Schwerer           C   .     .     .   |   6     3     1    341.50  52.54  1.24Red 
 5 Harold Emme            Carol Emme               A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    387.50  59.62  2.04Red 
 6 Martha Roth            Carl Brame               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    314.50  48.38          
 7 Kathy Longman          Jack Longman             A   .     .     .   |   5     .     .    359.50  55.31  0.58Red 
 8 Michael Innis          Gail Hanson              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    320.50  49.31          
 9 Joseph Kivel           Marilyn Kivel            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    332.00  51.08          
10 Rick Lepscier          Evelyn Dahl              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    313.50  48.23          
11 Mozelle Sopher         Gerald Rozek             B   .     .     .   |   3     1     .    371.00  57.08  2.14Red 
12 David Mack             Carole McLennan          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    311.00  47.85          
13 Derald Keetch          Sue Keetch               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    301.00  46.31          
14 Sonya Glasser          Barbara Woltz            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    270.00  41.54          
15 Pat Larin              Jim Windus               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    319.00  49.08          
                                          Totals                                           5075.00       

EVENT>Monday Aft Charity Pairs |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> R E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=11/C=5                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Caryn Villalon         Jim Wisemiller           B   .     .     .   |   5     3     .    328.00  50.46  1.07Red 
 2 Jane Pendley           Marian Solari            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    294.00  45.23          
 3 Mark Itabashi          Allen Golbert            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    281.50  43.31          
 4 Tom Mehrhoff           Arthur Carey             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     2    298.50  45.92  0.87Red 
 5 Pamela Cole            J. Jay Roll              A   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    325.50  50.08  0.49Red 
 6 Doraine Ross           Richard Mallon           B   .     .     .   |   2     1     .    364.00  56.00  2.14Red 
 7 Jerry Ranney           Jane Ranney              A   .     .     .   |   1     .     .    393.50  60.54  2.92Red 
 8 Louise Stevens         Reata House              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    259.00  39.85          
 9 Dennis Moore           Pat Moore                A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    338.50  52.08  1.46Red 
10 Lena Hoomani           Lillian Mazza            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    308.00  47.38          
11 Paula Olivares         Roshen Hadulla           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    267.00  41.08          
12 Mavis De Pass          Nancy Holley             C   .     .     .   |   .     4     1    322.00  49.54  1.24Red 
13 William Seager         Jean Seager              B   .     .     .   |   4     2     .    334.00  51.38  1.50Red 
14 Karen Carlsen          Nancy Rainwater          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    252.50  38.85          
15 Jim Johnsen            Lamya Agelidis           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    294.50  45.31          
                                          Totals                                           4660.50       

1 ♠AQ3
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1 2/1 1NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣5 ♦5 ♥5 NT5
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +100 2♠*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  3♠* E -2  Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  200         24.00   1.00  3♠ E -4   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  150         22.50   2.50  3♠ E -3   R1-Smith-Tackett vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  150         22.50   2.50  3♠ E -3   R6-Roth-Brame vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  120         21.00   4.00  2N N 2    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  110         19.50   5.50  2 S 2    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
  110         19.50   5.50  2 S 2    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
  100   150   16.50  23.00  3♠ E -2   Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  100         16.50   8.50  3♠ E -2   Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  100         16.50   8.50  3♠ E -2   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  100         16.50   8.50  3♠ E -2   R15-Larin-Windus vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
         50   10.50  14.50  2N N -1   R7-Longman-Longman vs R13-Seager-Seager
         50   10.50  14.50  2N N -1   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R2-Pendley-Solari
         50   10.50  14.50  3 S -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
         50   10.50  14.50  3 S -1   Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
         50   10.50  14.50  3 S -1   R5-Emme-Emme vs R9-Moore-Moore
         50   10.50  14.50  3 N -1   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
         50   10.50  14.50  3 S -1   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q4-Williams-Williams
         50   10.50  14.50  3♣ N -1   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        100    4.50  20.50  2N N -2   R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        100    4.50  20.50  3 S -2   Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        100    4.50  20.50  3 S -2   R12-Mack-McLennan vs R8-Stevens-House
        100    4.50  20.50  3♣ N -2   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
 -150  -100    2.00   8.50  2N N -3   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        200    0.50  24.50  3N N -4   Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        200    0.50  24.50  4 S -4   R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R12-De Pass-Holley
2 ♠KT9
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦4 ♥6 ♠2 NT3
EW: 2 1 4♠ 2NT  ♣6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -420 4♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    R6-Roth-Brame vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    R7-Longman-Longman vs R13-Seager-Seager
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R8-Stevens-House
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        420   19.00   6.00  4♠ E 4    R15-Larin-Windus vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R9-Moore-Moore
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        450    6.50  18.50  4♠ E 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        800    0.00  25.00  3* S -3  R8-Innis-Hanson vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
3 ♠54
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦6 ♥6 ♠2 NT2
EW: 5♣ 5♠ 4/5NT  ♦6 ♥6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -660 5NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        650   14.00  11.00  5♠ E 5    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    R6-Roth-Brame vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ W 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R13-Seager-Seager
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R8-Stevens-House
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    R7-Longman-Longman vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R5-Cole-Roll
        650   14.00  11.00  4♠ E 5    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R9-Moore-Moore
        680    1.00  24.00  4♠ W 6    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        680    1.00  24.00  4♠ W 6    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        680    1.00  24.00  4♠ E 6    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
4 ♠73
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 5 4♠ 1NT  ♦6
EW: 1  ♣4 ♥2 ♠3 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +650 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1130         25.00   0.00  3* N 5   R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
  680         24.00   1.00  4 S 6    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  650         22.50   2.50  4 S 5    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  650         22.50   2.50  4 S 5    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  620         21.00   4.00  4 S 4    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R9-Moore-Moore
  500         20.00   5.00  3* E -2  Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  300         19.00   6.00  4 E -3   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R5-Cole-Roll
  200         13.50  11.50  3♠ S 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R8-Stevens-House
  200         13.50  11.50  3 S 5    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  200         13.50  11.50  3 S 5    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
  200         13.50  11.50  3 S 5    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  200         13.50  11.50  3 S 5    R6-Roth-Brame vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  200         13.50  11.50  3 N 5    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  200         13.50  11.50  2 S 5    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  200         13.50  11.50  3 E -2   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  200         13.50  11.50  3 E -2   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  200         13.50  11.50  3 E -2   R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  170          5.50  19.50  3♠ S 4    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  170          5.50  19.50  3♠ S 4    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  170          5.50  19.50  3♠ S 4    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  170          5.50  19.50  3♠ S 4    R15-Larin-Windus vs R13-Seager-Seager
  170          5.50  19.50  3 N 4    R7-Longman-Longman vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  170          5.50  19.50  2 S 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  140          1.50  23.50  3♠ S 3    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  140          1.50  23.50  3 S 3    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
  100          0.00  25.00  3 E -1   Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
5 ♠T87632
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣1 ♦3 ♥1 ♠5/4 NT1
EW: 6♣ 4 6 2♠ 6NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        170   24.50   0.50  3♣ W 6    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        170   24.50   0.50  3♣ E 6    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R8-Stevens-House
        420   23.00   2.00  4 E 4    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        450   20.00   5.00  4 W 5    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        450   20.00   5.00  4 W 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        450   20.00   5.00  4 W 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        450   20.00   5.00  4 E 5    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        450   20.00   5.00  4 E 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        460   16.00   9.00  3N W 5    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        460   16.00   9.00  3N W 5    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        460   16.00   9.00  3N E 5    R7-Longman-Longman vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        480    9.00  16.00  5 W 6    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        480    9.00  16.00  5 W 6    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        480    9.00  16.00  4 W 6    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        480    9.00  16.00  4 W 6    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        480    9.00  16.00  4 W 6    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        480    9.00  16.00  4 W 6    R6-Roth-Brame vs R9-Moore-Moore
        480    9.00  16.00  4 E 6    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        480    9.00  16.00  4 E 6    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        480    9.00  16.00  4 E 6    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        480    9.00  16.00  4 E 6    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        480    9.00  16.00  4 E 6    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        490    1.50  23.50  3N W 6    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        490    1.50  23.50  3N E 6    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        490    1.50  23.50  3N E 6    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        490    1.50  23.50  3N E 6    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R13-Seager-Seager
6 ♠AKQT42
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠ 1/-NT
       ♣6/5 ♦5 ♥3 NT7/6
EW: 1♣ 2 4  ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -300 4♠*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         24.50   0.50  4♠* E -2  Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  500         24.50   0.50  5* E -2  R8-Innis-Hanson vs R13-Seager-Seager
  300         23.00   2.00  5 E -3   Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  200         20.00   5.00  5 E -2   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  200         20.00   5.00  5 E -2   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  200         20.00   5.00  5 E -2   Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  200         20.00   5.00  5 E -2   R7-Longman-Longman vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  200         20.00   5.00  5 E -2   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  100         16.50   8.50  4 E -1   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  100         16.50   8.50  4 E -1   R1-Smith-Tackett vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
         50   13.00  12.00  4♠ N -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q4-Williams-Williams
         50   13.00  12.00  4♠ N -1   Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
         50   13.00  12.00  4♠ N -1   R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
         50   13.00  12.00  3♠ N -1   R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R2-Pendley-Solari
         50   13.00  12.00  3♠ N -1   R12-Mack-McLennan vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        100    9.50  15.50  4♠* N -1  Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        100    9.50  15.50  4♠ N -2   R6-Roth-Brame vs R9-Moore-Moore
        150    7.00  18.00  5♠ N -3   Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        150    7.00  18.00  5♠ N -3   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R8-Stevens-House
        150    7.00  18.00  4♠ N -3   Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        300    5.00  20.00  4♠* N -2  Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        500    3.00  22.00  4♠* N -3  Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        500    3.00  22.00  4♠* N -3  R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        500    3.00  22.00  4♠* N -3  R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        730    1.00  24.00  3* E 3   R15-Larin-Windus vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        790    0.00  25.00  4* E 4   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
7 ♠AQT94
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 3♠  ♣4 ♥4 NT6
EW: 3♣ 3 -/1NT
       ♦4 ♠4 NT6/7
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         24.50   0.50  4 W -3   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  300         24.50   0.50  4 E -3   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  200         22.50   2.50  5 E -2   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
  200         22.50   2.50  4 E -2   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  140         21.00   4.00  3♠ N 3    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  100         18.00   7.00  4 W -1   Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  100         18.00   7.00  4 W -1   R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  100         18.00   7.00  4 E -1   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  100         18.00   7.00  3 W -1   R7-Longman-Longman vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  100         18.00   7.00  3♣ W -1   Q4-King-Pierce vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        100   15.00  10.00  3♠ N -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        130   14.00  11.00  4♣ E 4    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        140   11.50  13.50  3 W 3    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        140   11.50  13.50  3 W 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        140   11.50  13.50  3 E 3    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R5-Cole-Roll
        140   11.50  13.50  2 E 3    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        170    8.00  17.00  3♠ E 4    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        170    8.00  17.00  3 E 4    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        170    8.00  17.00  2 E 4    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        200    6.00  19.00  4♠ N -2   R15-Larin-Windus vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        300    5.00  20.00  3♠ N -3   R1-Smith-Tackett vs R13-Seager-Seager
        620    3.00  22.00  4 E 4    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        620    3.00  22.00  4 E 4    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        620    3.00  22.00  4 E 4    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R9-Moore-Moore
        630    1.00  24.00  3N W 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        650    0.00  25.00  4 W 5    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
8 ♠A2
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 5 1/-♠ 3NT  ♦6 ♠7/6
EW: 1  ♣5 ♥2 ♠6 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +450 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  450         15.00  10.00  4 S 5    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R13-Seager-Seager
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R7-Longman-Longman vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
  450         15.00  10.00  4 N 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  420          3.00  22.00  4 S 4    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
  420          3.00  22.00  4 N 4    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R5-Cole-Roll
  420          3.00  22.00  4 N 4    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R9-Moore-Moore
  200          0.50  24.50  3 N 5    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  200          0.50  24.50  3 N 5    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
9 ♠765
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1/2 4 -/1♠ 3NT
       ♣4 ♠6/7
EW: 3♣  ♦1/5 ♥1 ♠5/6 NT1
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: +420 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  510         22.50   2.50  4 S 7    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  510         22.50   2.50  4 S 7    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
  510         22.50   2.50  4 S 7    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  510         22.50   2.50  4 S 7    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  510         22.50   2.50  4 S 7    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  510         22.50   2.50  4 S 7    R5-Emme-Emme vs R5-Cole-Roll
  480         18.50   6.50  4 S 6    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  480         18.50   6.50  4 S 6    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  450         16.50   8.50  4 S 5    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  450         16.50   8.50  4 S 5    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  420         14.50  10.50  4 S 4    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  420         14.50  10.50  4 S 4    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  260         13.00  12.00  3 S 7    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  230         12.00  13.00  3 S 6    R15-Larin-Windus vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  200         11.00  14.00  3 S 5    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  170          8.50  16.50  3 S 4    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  170          8.50  16.50  3 S 4    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
  170          8.50  16.50  3 S 4    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  170          8.50  16.50  2 S 4    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  140          6.00  19.00  3 S 3    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R13-Seager-Seager
  100          5.00  20.00  4♣ E -1   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
         50    3.00  22.00  4 S -1   Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
         50    3.00  22.00  4 S -1   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
         50    3.00  22.00  3 S -1   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        130    1.00  24.00  4♣ W 4    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R8-Stevens-House
        710    0.00  25.00  4♣* W 4   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
10 ♠Q854
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦1 ♥0 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 6 7 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -2210 7-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        230   25.00   0.00  3 E 6    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        650   23.00   2.00  4 E 5    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        650   23.00   2.00  4 E 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R5-Cole-Roll
        650   23.00   2.00  4 E 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R8-Stevens-House
        660   21.00   4.00  3N E 5    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        680   19.50   5.50  5 E 6    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        680   19.50   5.50  4 E 6    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        690   17.50   7.50  3N E 6    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        690   17.50   7.50  3N E 6    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        710   14.00  11.00  5 E 7    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R13-Seager-Seager
        710   14.00  11.00  4 E 7    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        710   14.00  11.00  4 E 7    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        710   14.00  11.00  4 E 7    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        710   14.00  11.00  4 E 7    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        720   11.00  14.00  3N W 7    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R2-Pendley-Solari
       1430    7.00  18.00  6 E 6    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
       1430    7.00  18.00  6 E 6    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
       1430    7.00  18.00  6 E 6    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q2-White-Kniskern
       1430    7.00  18.00  6 E 6    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
       1430    7.00  18.00  6 E 6    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
       1430    7.00  18.00  6 E 6    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R6-Ross-Mallon
       1430    7.00  18.00  6 E 6    R15-Larin-Windus vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
       1440    3.00  22.00  6N E 6    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
       1460    1.00  24.00  6 E 7    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q3-Drake-Drake
       1460    1.00  24.00  6 E 7    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
       1460    1.00  24.00  6 E 7    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
11 ♠42
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦2 ♥5 ♠3 NT5
EW: 4 1 3♠ 2NT  ♣6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         24.00   1.00  3N W -2   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  100         24.00   1.00  4♠* E -1  R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  100         24.00   1.00  3 W -2   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R2-Pendley-Solari
   90         22.00   3.00  2♣ S 2    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        100   21.00   4.00  2 N -2   Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        110   20.00   5.00  2♠ W 2    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        120   18.00   7.00  2N E 2    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        120   18.00   7.00  2N E 2    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        120   18.00   7.00  1N W 2    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        130   14.00  11.00  4 E 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        130   14.00  11.00  4 E 4    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        130   14.00  11.00  3 W 4    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        130   14.00  11.00  3 E 4    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        130   14.00  11.00  3 E 4    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R13-Seager-Seager
        140   11.00  14.00  3♠ E 3    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        150    6.50  18.50  4 W 5    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        150    6.50  18.50  4 W 5    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        150    6.50  18.50  4 W 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        150    6.50  18.50  4 E 5    R6-Roth-Brame vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        150    6.50  18.50  4 E 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R9-Moore-Moore
        150    6.50  18.50  3 W 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        150    6.50  18.50  2 W 5    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        150    6.50  18.50  2 E 5    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        170    2.00  23.00  3♠ E 4    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R5-Cole-Roll
        400    0.50  24.50  3N E 3    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        400    0.50  24.50  3N E 3    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
12 ♠A52
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦6 ♥6 ♠6 NT6
EW: 1♠ 1/-NT
       ♣6 ♦6 ♥6 NT7/6
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -90 1NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         23.50   1.50  2N W -1   R6-Roth-Brame vs R6-Ross-Mallon
   50         23.50   1.50  1N W -1   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
   50         23.50   1.50  1N W -1   R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R13-Seager-Seager
   50         23.50   1.50  1N W -1   R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
         80   20.50   4.50  1♠ W 1    R5-Emme-Emme vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
         80   20.50   4.50  1♠ W 1    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        110   15.00  10.00  2♠ W 2    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ W 2    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ W 2    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ W 2    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ W 2    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ W 2    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ W 2    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ W 2    R15-Larin-Windus vs R9-Moore-Moore
        110   15.00  10.00  1♠ E 2    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        120    9.50  15.50  2N E 2    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        120    9.50  15.50  1N W 2    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        140    6.00  19.00  2♠ W 3    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R5-Cole-Roll
        140    6.00  19.00  1♠ W 3    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        140    6.00  19.00  1♠ W 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        140    6.00  19.00  1♠ W 3    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        140    6.00  19.00  1♠ W 3    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        150    2.50  22.50  1N W 3    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        150    2.50  22.50  1N W 3    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        180    1.00  24.00  2N E 4    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        400    0.00  25.00  3N W 3    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
13 ♠AQ72
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 1♠ 2NT  ♥5
EW: 2/1  ♣3 ♦3 ♠4 NT4/3
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +130 4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  3 E -2   R1-Smith-Tackett vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  150         23.00   2.00  2N N 3    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  150         23.00   2.00  2N N 3    R5-Emme-Emme vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
  150         23.00   2.00  3♣ S 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R8-Stevens-House
  130         20.00   5.00  3 N 4    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
  130         20.00   5.00  3 N 4    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  130         20.00   5.00  3♣ S 4    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  120         18.00   7.00  2N N 2    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  110         15.50   9.50  3 N 3    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  110         15.50   9.50  3 N 3    R6-Roth-Brame vs R5-Cole-Roll
  110         15.50   9.50  3♣ S 3    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  110         15.50   9.50  3♣ S 3    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  100         12.50  12.50  3 E -1   Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  100         12.50  12.50  3 E -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        110    8.50  16.50  2 E 2    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        110    8.50  16.50  2 E 2    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        110    8.50  16.50  2 E 2    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        110    8.50  16.50  2 E 2    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        110    8.50  16.50  2 E 2    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        110    8.50  16.50  1 E 2    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        140    3.50  21.50  3 E 3    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        140    3.50  21.50  2 E 3    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        140    3.50  21.50  2 E 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        140    3.50  21.50  2 E 3    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R13-Seager-Seager
        300    0.50  24.50  2N N -3   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        300    0.50  24.50  4 N -3   R7-Longman-Longman vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
14 ♠J94
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 2 3♠ 2/3NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦3 ♥5 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +400 3NT-S
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         25.00   0.00  2♣* W -4  Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  500         24.00   1.00  3♣* W -3  Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
  430         23.00   2.00  3N S 4    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  300         22.00   3.00  3♣* E -2  R6-Roth-Brame vs R5-Cole-Roll
  200         21.00   4.00  2 W -4   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  180         19.00   6.00  1N S 4    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  180         19.00   6.00  1N S 4    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  180         19.00   6.00  1N S 4    R15-Larin-Windus vs R8-Stevens-House
  150         13.00  12.00  1N S 3    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  150         13.00  12.00  1N S 3    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  150         13.00  12.00  1N S 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
  150         13.00  12.00  1N S 3    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  150         13.00  12.00  1N S 3    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R13-Seager-Seager
  150         13.00  12.00  1N S 3    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R6-Ross-Mallon
  150         13.00  12.00  3 E -3   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  150         13.00  12.00  3♣ W -3   R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  150         13.00  12.00  2♣ W -3   Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  130          8.00  17.00  3 S 4    R5-Emme-Emme vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
  120          5.50  19.50  1N S 2    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  120          5.50  19.50  1N S 2    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  120          5.50  19.50  1N S 2    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  120          5.50  19.50  1N S 2    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
         50    2.00  23.00  3 S -1   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
         50    2.00  23.00  3 S -1   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
         50    2.00  23.00  3 S -1   R7-Longman-Longman vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        100    0.00  25.00  1N S -2   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
15 ♠Q75
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2♠ 2NT  ♦6 ♥5
EW: 1 2  ♣4 ♠5 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +100 3*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         25.00   0.00  3N N 3    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
  300         24.00   1.00  3* E -2  Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  150         22.50   2.50  2N N 3    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  150         22.50   2.50  1N N 3    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  120         21.00   4.00  1N N 2    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R9-Moore-Moore
  110         18.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  110         18.00   7.00  3♣ N 3    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  110         18.00   7.00  2♣ S 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  110         18.00   7.00  2♣ N 3    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  110         18.00   7.00  2♣ N 3    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R13-Seager-Seager
   90         15.00  10.00  2♣ N 2    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
   50         13.50  11.50  1♠ E -1   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
   50         13.50  11.50  2 W -1   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        100    9.50  15.50  2♠ S -1   R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        100    9.50  15.50  2♠ S -1   R6-Roth-Brame vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        100    9.50  15.50  2♠ S -1   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R8-Stevens-House
        100    9.50  15.50  2♠ N -1   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        100    9.50  15.50  3♣ N -1   Q4-King-Pierce vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        100    9.50  15.50  2♣ N -1   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        110    6.00  19.00  2 W 2    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R5-Cole-Roll
        200    3.00  22.00  2♠ S -2   Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        200    3.00  22.00  5♣ N -2   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        200    3.00  22.00  4♣ N -2   R5-Emme-Emme vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        200    3.00  22.00  3♣ N -2   R7-Longman-Longman vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        200    3.00  22.00  3♣ N -2   R15-Larin-Windus vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        800    0.00  25.00  5♣* N -3  R12-Mack-McLennan vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
16 ♠Q76
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣5/4 ♦2 ♥5/6 NT5
EW: 1/2♣ 5 1 2NT  ♠6
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -600 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  110         24.50   0.50  2♠ S 2    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  110         24.50   0.50  2♠ S 2    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R13-Seager-Seager
  100         21.00   4.00  3N E -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  100         21.00   4.00  2 E -1   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  100         21.00   4.00  4 W -1   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  100         21.00   4.00  4 E -1   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  100         21.00   4.00  3♣ W -1   Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        100   17.50   7.50  3♠ S -2   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        100   17.50   7.50  3♠ S -2   R15-Larin-Windus vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        110   15.50   9.50  3 E 3    R6-Roth-Brame vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        110   15.50   9.50  2 E 3    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        130   11.00  14.00  4 W 4    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        130   11.00  14.00  4 W 4    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R8-Stevens-House
        130   11.00  14.00  4 E 4    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        130   11.00  14.00  4 E 4    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R9-Moore-Moore
        130   11.00  14.00  4 E 4    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        130   11.00  14.00  3 E 4    R5-Emme-Emme vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        130   11.00  14.00  3 E 4    R7-Longman-Longman vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        150    5.50  19.50  3 E 5    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        150    5.50  19.50  3 E 5    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        150    5.50  19.50  3 E 5    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        150    5.50  19.50  2 E 5    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        300    2.50  22.50  3♠* S -2  Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        300    2.50  22.50  3♠* S -2  R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R5-Cole-Roll
        500    1.00  24.00  3♠* S -3  R12-Mack-McLennan vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
       1070    0.00  25.00  3* E 5   Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q4-Williams-Williams
17 ♠J3
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1♠  ♣5/4 ♥2 NT3
EW: 2/1♣ 4 4NT  ♦4 ♠5
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: -430 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  2♠ E -2   Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q2-White-Kniskern
   50         23.50   1.50  5 W -1   R1-Smith-Tackett vs R8-Stevens-House
   50         23.50   1.50  4 W -1   Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        140   22.00   3.00  2 W 3    R7-Longman-Longman vs R5-Cole-Roll
        150   20.50   4.50  1N W 3    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        150   20.50   4.50  5 S -3   R5-Emme-Emme vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        170   16.50   8.50  3 W 4    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        170   16.50   8.50  3 W 4    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        170   16.50   8.50  3 W 4    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        170   16.50   8.50  3 W 4    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        170   16.50   8.50  2 W 4    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        170   16.50   8.50  2 W 4    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        420    9.50  15.50  4 W 4    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        420    9.50  15.50  4 W 4    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        420    9.50  15.50  4 W 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        420    9.50  15.50  4 W 4    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        420    9.50  15.50  4 W 4    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        420    9.50  15.50  4 W 4    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        420    9.50  15.50  4 E 4    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        420    9.50  15.50  4 E 4    R6-Roth-Brame vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        450    4.00  21.00  4 W 5    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        450    4.00  21.00  4 W 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        450    4.00  21.00  4 W 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        500    2.00  23.00  4♠* S -3  Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        590    0.50  24.50  4* W 4   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        590    0.50  24.50  4* W 4   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R9-Moore-Moore
18 ♠Q987
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣3 ♥3 ♠5 NT5
EW: 4♣ 3 2♠ 2NT  ♦4
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         23.50   1.50  4 W -2   Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  100         23.50   1.50  4 W -2   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  100         23.50   1.50  4 W -2   R6-Roth-Brame vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
  100         23.50   1.50  4 W -2   R12-Mack-McLennan vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
   50         17.00   8.00  3N W -1   Q4-King-Pierce vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
   50         17.00   8.00  3N W -1   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
   50         17.00   8.00  3N W -1   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R9-Moore-Moore
   50         17.00   8.00  3N W -1   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R2-Pendley-Solari
   50         17.00   8.00  4 W -1   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
   50         17.00   8.00  4 W -1   Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
   50         17.00   8.00  4 W -1   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
   50         17.00   8.00  4 W -1   R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
   50         17.00   8.00  4 W -1   R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        110   11.50  13.50  2 W 2    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        110   11.50  13.50  3♣ E 3    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        130    9.50  15.50  3♣ E 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        130    9.50  15.50  3♣ E 4    R5-Emme-Emme vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        400    6.50  18.50  3N W 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        400    6.50  18.50  3N W 3    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R8-Stevens-House
        400    6.50  18.50  3N W 3    R7-Longman-Longman vs R5-Cole-Roll
        400    6.50  18.50  3N W 3    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        420    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        420    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        420    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        420    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    R15-Larin-Windus vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        450    0.00  25.00  4 W 5    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
19 ♠973
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 2  ♣2 ♠2 NT6
EW: 4♣ 5♠  ♦4 ♥5 NT6
LoTT: 20 - 18 = +2
Par: -500 6*-NS-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         24.50   0.50  4♠ W -2   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R8-Stevens-House
  200         24.50   0.50  3♠ N 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  140         23.00   2.00  2 S 3    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  100         21.50   3.50  4♠ W -1   Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  100         21.50   3.50  3♠ W -1   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        100   20.00   5.00  5* N -1  R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        170   19.00   6.00  1♠ E 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        200   15.50   9.50  3♠ W 5    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        200   15.50   9.50  3♠ W 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        200   15.50   9.50  3♠ W 5    R7-Longman-Longman vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        200   15.50   9.50  3♠ E 5    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        200   15.50   9.50  3♠ E 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        200   15.50   9.50  2♠ E 5    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        500   12.00  13.00  4* S -3  R1-Smith-Tackett vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        620   10.00  15.00  4♠ W 4    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        620   10.00  15.00  4♠ W 4    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        620   10.00  15.00  4♠ W 4    R15-Larin-Windus vs R5-Cole-Roll
        650    4.00  21.00  5♠ W 5    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        650    4.00  21.00  5♠ E 5    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        650    4.00  21.00  4♠ W 5    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        650    4.00  21.00  4♠ W 5    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        650    4.00  21.00  4♠ W 5    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R9-Moore-Moore
        650    4.00  21.00  4♠ W 5    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R13-Seager-Seager
        650    4.00  21.00  4♠ W 5    R6-Roth-Brame vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        650    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 5    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        650    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 5    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
20 ♠KJ873
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 1 1♠  ♣6 NT6
EW: 1♣ -/1NT
       ♦5/6 ♥6 ♠6 NT6/7
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -90 1NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  3N E -3   Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  200         22.00   3.00  3N E -2   R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
  200         22.00   3.00  2N E -2   R1-Smith-Tackett vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
  200         22.00   3.00  2N E -2   R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R8-Stevens-House
  200         22.00   3.00  1♠ W -2   R7-Longman-Longman vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  200         22.00   3.00  2 E -2   R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  110         19.00   6.00  2♠ N 2    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  100         15.00  10.00  2N W -1   Q4-King-Pierce vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  100         15.00  10.00  2N E -1   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  100         15.00  10.00  2N E -1   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  100         15.00  10.00  2N E -1   R5-Emme-Emme vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  100         15.00  10.00  1N W -1   Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  100         15.00  10.00  2 E -1   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  100         15.00  10.00  2 E -1   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
         80   11.00  14.00  1♠ W 1    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R13-Seager-Seager
         90    9.50  15.50  1N E 1    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
         90    9.50  15.50  1N E 1    R15-Larin-Windus vs R5-Cole-Roll
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        100    7.50  17.50  2 N -1   R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R9-Moore-Moore
        120    5.50  19.50  2N E 2    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        120    5.50  19.50  2N E 2    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        150    3.50  21.50  2N E 3    R6-Roth-Brame vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        150    3.50  21.50  1N E 3    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        180    2.00  23.00  1N* E 1   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        200    1.00  24.00  2♣* S -1  Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        600    0.00  25.00  3N E 3    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
21 ♠4
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 5 2♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦4 ♥2 ♠5 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +650 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1400         24.50   0.50  4♠* E -6  R7-Longman-Longman vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
 1400         24.50   0.50  4♠* E -6  R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
 1100         23.00   2.00  4♠* E -5  R8-Innis-Hanson vs R5-Cole-Roll
  680         22.00   3.00  4 N 6    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
  650         12.00  13.00  5 S 5    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  650         12.00  13.00  5 S 5    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  650         12.00  13.00  5 S 5    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  650         12.00  13.00  5 S 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  650         12.00  13.00  5 S 5    R6-Roth-Brame vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R6-Ross-Mallon
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R8-Stevens-House
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R9-Moore-Moore
  650         12.00  13.00  4 S 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  620          2.00  23.00  4 S 4    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  210          1.00  24.00  1N S 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        100    0.00  25.00  6 S -1   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q4-Williams-Williams
22 ♠9543
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 3  ♣5 ♠4 NT4
EW: 2/1♣ 1♠ 3/2NT  ♦5 ♥4
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -100 4*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         20.50   4.50  5♠ E -3   R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ W -3   Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ W -3   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ W -3   R1-Smith-Tackett vs R6-Ross-Mallon
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ W -3   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ W -3   R15-Larin-Windus vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ E -3   Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ E -3   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ E -3   R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R9-Moore-Moore
  300         20.50   4.50  4♠ E -3   R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  200         14.50  10.50  5♠ E -2   Q4-King-Pierce vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  200         14.50  10.50  4♠ E -2   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R5-Cole-Roll
  100         12.50  12.50  3N E -1   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  100         12.50  12.50  4♠ E -1   Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        300   11.00  14.00  2♣* S -2  Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        600    9.50  15.50  3N E 3    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R8-Stevens-House
        600    9.50  15.50  3N E 3    R5-Emme-Emme vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ W 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    R6-Roth-Brame vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    R7-Longman-Longman vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        620    4.00  21.00  4♠ E 4    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
23 ♠KT86
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦2 ♥2 ♠5 NT2
EW: 5♣ 4 4 2♠ 4NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -630 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        130   24.50   0.50  3♣ E 4    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        130   24.50   0.50  2♣ E 4    R5-Emme-Emme vs R13-Seager-Seager
        150   22.50   2.50  4♣ E 5    R6-Roth-Brame vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        150   22.50   2.50  3♣ E 5    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        210   21.00   4.00  2N E 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        600   19.50   5.50  3N W 3    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R9-Moore-Moore
        600   19.50   5.50  5♣ E 5    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        630   15.00  10.00  3N W 4    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        630   15.00  10.00  3N W 4    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
        630   15.00  10.00  3N W 4    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R8-Stevens-House
        630   15.00  10.00  3N E 4    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        630   15.00  10.00  3N E 4    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        630   15.00  10.00  3N E 4    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        630   15.00  10.00  3N E 4    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        650   11.00  14.00  5 W 5    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        660    6.00  19.00  3N W 5    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        660    6.00  19.00  3N W 5    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        660    6.00  19.00  3N W 5    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        660    6.00  19.00  3N E 5    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        660    6.00  19.00  3N E 5    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        660    6.00  19.00  3N E 5    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        660    6.00  19.00  3N E 5    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        660    6.00  19.00  3N E 5    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R5-Cole-Roll
        660    6.00  19.00  3N E 5    R7-Longman-Longman vs R2-Pendley-Solari
        690    0.50  24.50  3N W 6    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        690    0.50  24.50  3N E 6    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
24 ♠AT5
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣6 ♥5 ♠4 NT6
EW: 1 3♠ 1NT  ♣6 ♦5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  110         25.00   0.00  3 S 3    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R5-Cole-Roll
  100         23.50   1.50  2N W -2   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  100         23.50   1.50  3♠ W -2   R7-Longman-Longman vs R2-Pendley-Solari
   90         21.00   4.00  2 S 2    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
   90         21.00   4.00  2 S 2    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
   90         21.00   4.00  2 S 2    R5-Emme-Emme vs R13-Seager-Seager
   50         17.00   8.00  1N W -1   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
   50         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -1   Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q2-White-Kniskern
   50         17.00   8.00  2 E -1   Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
   50         17.00   8.00  2 E -1   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
   50         17.00   8.00  2 E -1   R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R8-Stevens-House
         50   13.50  11.50  1N N -1   R12-Mack-McLennan vs R12-De Pass-Holley
         50   13.50  11.50  2♣ N -1   Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q4-Williams-Williams
         80   12.00  13.00  1♠ W 1    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R9-Moore-Moore
         90   10.50  14.50  1N W 1    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
         90   10.50  14.50  1N W 1    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        110    9.00  16.00  2♠ W 2    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        120    8.00  17.00  1N W 2    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        140    5.00  20.00  3♠ W 3    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        140    5.00  20.00  2♠ W 3    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        140    5.00  20.00  2♠ W 3    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        140    5.00  20.00  1♠ W 3    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        140    5.00  20.00  1♠ W 3    R15-Larin-Windus vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        150    1.50  23.50  3N N -3   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        150    1.50  23.50  3♣ N -3   R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        470    0.00  25.00  2♠* W 2   R6-Roth-Brame vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
25 ♠Q7643
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2♠ 1NT  ♣6/5 ♥5
EW: 1♣ 2  ♦5 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  2 S 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R8-Stevens-House
  140         21.50   3.50  3♠ N 3    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R6-Ross-Mallon
  140         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 3    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  140         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 3    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  140         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 3    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  140         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 3    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  140         21.50   3.50  2♠ N 3    R6-Roth-Brame vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  110         18.00   7.00  2♠ N 2    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  100         16.50   8.50  3 E -1   R7-Longman-Longman vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
  100         16.50   8.50  2 E -1   R8-Innis-Hanson vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
         50   13.00  12.00  3♠ N -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
         50   13.00  12.00  2♠ N -1   Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
         50   13.00  12.00  2♠ N -1   R5-Emme-Emme vs R12-De Pass-Holley
         50   13.00  12.00  2♠ N -1   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R9-Moore-Moore
         50   13.00  12.00  3 S -1   R12-Mack-McLennan vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        100    9.00  16.00  2N N -2   Q4-King-Pierce vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        100    9.00  16.00  3♠ N -2   Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        100    9.00  16.00  3 S -2   Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        110    4.50  20.50  2 E 2    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        110    4.50  20.50  2 E 2    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        110    4.50  20.50  2 E 2    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        110    4.50  20.50  2 E 2    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        110    4.50  20.50  2 E 2    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R5-Cole-Roll
        110    4.50  20.50  2 E 2    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        140    1.00  24.00  2 E 3    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        150    0.00  25.00  3 N -3   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R13-Seager-Seager
26 ♠53
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦2 ♥3 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 5/4 4 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -1440 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         24.50   0.50  6♠ E -2   Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  200         24.50   0.50  5♣ E -2   R5-Emme-Emme vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        650   22.00   3.00  4♠ E 5    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        650   22.00   3.00  4♠ E 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R8-Stevens-House
        650   22.00   3.00  4♠ E 5    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        680   18.00   7.00  4♠ E 6    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        680   18.00   7.00  4♠ E 6    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        680   18.00   7.00  4♠ E 6    R6-Roth-Brame vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        680   18.00   7.00  4♠ E 6    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R9-Moore-Moore
        680   18.00   7.00  4♠ E 6    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R13-Seager-Seager
        690   14.50  10.50  4N W 6    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        690   14.50  10.50  3N E 6    Q1-Ahnger-Brickey vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        710   12.00  13.00  4♠ W 7    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        710   12.00  13.00  4♠ E 7    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        710   12.00  13.00  4♠ E 7    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R6-Ross-Mallon
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q3-Drake-Drake
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    R1-Smith-Tackett vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    R7-Longman-Longman vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
       1430    6.50  18.50  6♠ E 6    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R5-Cole-Roll
       1460    1.00  24.00  6♠ E 7    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
       1460    1.00  24.00  6♠ E 7    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
       1460    1.00  24.00  6♠ E 7    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
27 ♠AK3
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 1 4♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥6 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +430 4NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1100         25.00   0.00  3* W -5  R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
  450         24.00   1.00  4♠ S 5    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  430         23.00   2.00  3N N 4    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q2-White-Kniskern
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R5-Cole-Roll
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R9-Moore-Moore
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    R7-Longman-Longman vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  420         17.00   8.00  4♠ S 4    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R8-Stevens-House
  400         11.00  14.00  3N S 3    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
  200          9.50  15.50  2♠ S 5    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
  200          9.50  15.50  2♠ S 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
  170          4.50  20.50  3♠ S 4    R5-Emme-Emme vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  170          4.50  20.50  3♠ S 4    R6-Roth-Brame vs R13-Seager-Seager
  170          4.50  20.50  3♠ N 4    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  170          4.50  20.50  2♠ S 4    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  170          4.50  20.50  2♠ S 4    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q4-Williams-Williams
  170          4.50  20.50  2♠ S 4    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
  170          4.50  20.50  2♠ S 4    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  170          4.50  20.50  2♠ S 4    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R6-Ross-Mallon
  140          0.00  25.00  3♠ S 3    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
28 ♠K32
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 3♠  ♦4 ♥4 NT6
EW: 3 2 1NT  ♣3 ♠4
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +100 4*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  790         25.00   0.00  4♠* N 4   R7-Longman-Longman vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  500         24.00   1.00  5* E -3  R8-Innis-Hanson vs R2-Pendley-Solari
  300         22.50   2.50  5* E -2  R5-Emme-Emme vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
  300         22.50   2.50  5* E -2  R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R9-Moore-Moore
  140         15.00  10.00  3♠ S 3    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
  140         15.00  10.00  3♠ S 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
  140         15.00  10.00  3♠ S 3    R2-Blackburn-Friesen vs R5-Cole-Roll
  140         15.00  10.00  3♠ N 3    Q2-Harding-Harding vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
  140         15.00  10.00  3♠ N 3    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
  140         15.00  10.00  3♠ N 3    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R4-Mehrhoff-Carey
  140         15.00  10.00  2♠ S 3    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
  140         15.00  10.00  2♠ S 3    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
  140         15.00  10.00  2♠ S 3    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
  140         15.00  10.00  2♠ N 3    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
  140         15.00  10.00  2♠ N 3    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R6-Ross-Mallon
  140         15.00  10.00  2♠ N 3    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R12-De Pass-Holley
  140         15.00  10.00  2♠ N 3    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
   50          7.50  17.50  4 E -1   R12-Mack-McLennan vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
   50          7.50  17.50  4 W -1   Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        100    3.50  21.50  4♠ S -1   Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        100    3.50  21.50  4♠ S -1   Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q2-White-Kniskern
        100    3.50  21.50  4♠ S -1   Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q4-Williams-Williams
        100    3.50  21.50  4♠ N -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        100    3.50  21.50  4♠ N -1   R6-Roth-Brame vs R13-Seager-Seager
        100    3.50  21.50  4♠ N -1   R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R8-Stevens-House
        170    0.00  25.00  3 E 4    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
29 ♠K95
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦1 ♥3 ♠1 NT1
EW: 3♣ 6 4 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -1440 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         24.50   0.50  6♠ W -1   Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q3-Drake-Drake
  100         24.50   0.50  6♠ W -1   Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        620   22.00   3.00  4♠ W 4    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        620   22.00   3.00  4♠ W 4    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        620   22.00   3.00  4♠ W 4    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
        630   19.50   5.50  3N W 4    R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
        630   19.50   5.50  3N E 4    R7-Longman-Longman vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    Q4-King-Pierce vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R5-Cole-Roll
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R9-Moore-Moore
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R13-Seager-Seager
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ W 5    R15-Larin-Windus vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
        650   12.50  12.50  4♠ E 5    R5-Emme-Emme vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        660    5.50  19.50  3N W 5    R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R6-Ross-Mallon
        660    5.50  19.50  3N W 5    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        680    2.50  22.50  4♠ W 6    Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
        680    2.50  22.50  4♠ W 6    Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
        680    2.50  22.50  4♠ W 6    R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R8-Stevens-House
        680    2.50  22.50  4♠ W 6    R6-Roth-Brame vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        690    0.00  25.00  3N W 6    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
30 ♠AT964
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦4 ♥3 ♠5 NT3
EW: 2♣ 2 3 2♠ 3NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -400 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  430         25.00   0.00  3N S 4    R9-Kivel-Kivel vs R3-Itabashi-Golbert
  150         24.00   1.00  3N E -3   Q4-King-Pierce vs Q8-Stanhope-Willard
  100         22.00   3.00  3N W -2   R15-Larin-Windus vs R15-Johnsen-Agelidis
  100         22.00   3.00  3N E -2   R3-Hayden-Hastings vs R6-Ross-Mallon
  100         22.00   3.00  3N E -2   R4-Bernhardt-Schwerer vs R8-Stevens-House
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   Q3-Kamil-Sherman vs Q6-Greengard-Greengard
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   Q5-Parker-Parker vs Q10-Baker-Nichols
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   Q6-Petrov-Alela vs Q12-Ose-Sachs
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   Q8-Franko-Franko vs Q1-Liddicoat-Van Tamelen
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   Q10-Michael-Frye vs Q5-Queen-Johnston
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   Q15-Blum-Aguado vs Q15-Sadeghi-Ghorashyzadeh
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   R7-Longman-Longman vs R14-Carlsen-Rainwater
   50         16.50   8.50  3N E -1   R13-Keetch-Keetch vs R11-Olivares-Hadulla
         50   12.00  13.00  3N N -1   R5-Emme-Emme vs R10-Hoomani-Mazza
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    Q7-Shapley-Shapley vs Q14-Velten-Marcus
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    Q9-McElree-Maynard vs Q3-Drake-Drake
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    Q11-Warren-Churchill vs Q7-Donaldson-Price
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    Q12-Broderson-Sturgeon vs Q9-Hilding-Howard
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    Q13-Vaughn-Stell vs Q11-Stokes-Smith
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    Q14-Johnson-Johnson vs Q13-Futernick-Futernick
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    R6-Roth-Brame vs R12-De Pass-Holley
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    R8-Innis-Hanson vs R1-Villalon-Wisemiller
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    R10-Lepscier-Dahl vs R5-Cole-Roll
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    R11-Sopher-Rozek vs R7-Ranney-Ranney
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    R12-Mack-McLennan vs R9-Moore-Moore
        400    5.50  19.50  3N E 3    R14-Glasser-Woltz vs R13-Seager-Seager