Las Vegas Regional

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Field strength:  Mean: 4987 MP  Geomean: 2774 MP
(based on 111 players, 1 non ACBL player ignored)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Bryan Storey - Nancy Passell 67.46 3.08 Gold
Philip Hiestand - Rai Osborne 63.69 3.08 Gold
David Waterman - Terry Waterman 62.77 2.16 Red
Jim Johnsen - Paul Darin 61.92 2.16 Red
Frank Wharton - Patricia Foutz 60.38 3.08 Gold
Stephen Goldstein - William Rogers 60.31 1.54 Red
Steven Love - Walter Schafer Jr 57.69 2.16 Red
Dave Glen - Joan Brooke 57.46 1.54 Red
Linda Hughes - Shelba Parmley 57.31 3.08 Gold
Haig Tchamitch - Joan Cremin 57.08 1.08 Red
Linda Gordon - Robb Gordon 56.85 2.16 Red
David Lim - William Lim 56.77 1.54 Red
Michael Mikyska - Steve Mager 55.62 1.54 Red
Jon Wittes - Joseph Kivel 55.00 1.08 Red
Brenda Keller - Eleanor Onstott 54.85 1.08 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Joseph Habeich - Mona Hubble 54.77 1.63 Gold
Gilbert Ramirez - Richard Scoggin 54.38 0.62 Red
Mike Cappelletti - Stephen Apodaca 54.31 0.51 Red
Fred Hamilton - Mark Itabashi 53.92 1.08 Red
Judy Elbogen - Patricia Menefee 52.31 0.62 Red
Ellis Feigenbaum - Suresh Mahajan 51.15 0.51 Red
Mitch Dunitz - Paul Maier 51.08 0.62 Red
Cynthia McWhinnie - Jim Wisemiller 50.85 1.43 Gold
Betty Jackson - Judith Jones 50.31 1.73 Gold
Cristal Nell - John Aslin 49.92 1.00 Red
Jane Dober - Laverne Marano 49.77 0.51 Red
Rebecca Kinsey - Sultan Murad 48.38 1.14 Red
Patricia Kittock - Vickki Shelley 47.38 1.21 Red
Janet Fidelman - Joyce Contarsy 44.08 0.87 Red

This is a multi-session event. These masterpoint awards are not final. You will receive at least the award shown. For example, if the award for your overall performance in a two session event is greater than your current award, you will receive that final award instead of (not in addition to) the award shown here.

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>June 20, 2013      |SANCTION>R1306013  | 06/20/2013 16:55|EVENT CODE>04AB
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Las Vegas, NV   |RATING>Regional                     |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500      |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=7                          ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Jim Johnsen            Paul Darin               A    2     .    402.50  61.92  2.16Red     Q - 1 - E-W
 2 Joyce Contarsy         Janet Fidelman           B    .     3    286.50  44.08  0.87Red     Q - 2 - E-W
 3 Mitch Dunitz           Paul Maier               A    5     .    332.00  51.08  0.62Red     Q - 3 - E-W
 4 Betty Jackson          Judith Jones             B    6     1    327.00  50.31  1.73Gold    Q - 4 - E-W
 5 Chris McNaughton       Judy McNaughton          A    .     .    289.00  44.46              Q - 5 - E-W
 6 Mike Florio            Mary Ann Florio          B    .     .    273.50  42.08              Q - 6 - E-W
 7 Philip Hiestand        Rai Osborne              A    1     .    414.00  63.69  3.08Gold    Q - 7 - E-W
 8 Ed Barad               Carol McCully            B    .     .    280.00  43.08              Q - 8 - E-W
 9 Stephen Goldstein      William Rogers           A    3     .    392.00  60.31  1.54Red     Q - 9 - E-W
10 Diane Graese           Eugene Chan              A    .     .    298.50  45.92              Q -10 - E-W
11 Haig Tchamitch         Joan Cremin              A    4     .    371.00  57.08  1.08Red     Q -11 - E-W
12 Vickki Shelley         Patricia Kittock         B    .     2    308.00  47.38  1.21Red     Q -12 - E-W
13 Alain Fleurot          Gayle Dennis             B    .     .    257.00  39.54              P -13 - N-S
14 Howard Sloan           Roberto Verthelyi        B    .     .    280.50  43.15              Q -14 - E-W
                                          Totals                  4511.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500      |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=5                          ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Jo Gowenlock           John Arbogast            A    .     .    298.50  45.92              P - 1 - N-S
 2 Bert Kulic             Judith Kulic             B    .     .    311.50  47.92              P - 2 - N-S
 3 Jon Wittes             Joseph Kivel             A    4     .    357.50  55.00  1.08Red     P - 3 - N-S
 4 David Lim              William Lim              B    3     2    369.00  56.77  1.54Red     P - 4 - N-S
 5 Jim Hoerlein           Charlie Anderson         A    .     .    302.00  46.46              P - 5 - N-S
 6 Polly Schoning         Dorothy Shorts           B    .     .    282.50  43.46              P - 6 - N-S
 7 Alana Shapley          Robert Shapley           A    .     .    316.50  48.69              P - 7 - N-S
 8 Jane Dober             Laverne Marano           A    6     .    323.50  49.77  0.51Red     P - 8 - N-S
 9 Walter Schafer Jr      Steven Love              A    2     .    375.00  57.69  2.16Red     P - 9 - N-S
10 Linda Gruber           Bob Gruber               A    .     .    317.00  48.77              P -10 - N-S
11 Jay Whipple III        Michael Kamil            A    .     .    286.00  44.00              P -11 - N-S
12 Subramania Krishnamurt Stephen Kennedy          B    .     .    303.50  46.69              P -12 - N-S
13 Richard Scoggin        Gilbert Ramirez          A    5     .    353.50  54.38  0.62Red     Q -13 - E-W
14 Patricia Foutz         Frank Wharton            B    1     1    392.50  60.38  3.08Gold    P -14 - N-S
                                          Totals                  4588.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500      |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=6                          ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Howard Simpson         Janice Simpson           A    .     .    292.50  45.00              Q - 1 - N-S
 2 Percy Wu               Zita McRobbie            B    .     .    224.00  34.46              P - 2 - E-W
 3 Mike Cappelletti       Stephen Apodaca          A    6     .    353.00  54.31  0.51Red     P - 3 - E-W
 4 Rebecca Kinsey         Sultan Murad             B    .     2    314.50  48.38  1.14Red     P - 4 - E-W
 5 David Waterman         Terry Waterman           A    2     .    408.00  62.77  2.16Red     P - 5 - E-W
 6 Mona Hubble            Joseph Habeich           B    5     1    356.00  54.77  1.63Gold    Q - 6 - N-S
 7 T P Goyal              Hy Chansky               A    .     .    319.00  49.08              P - 7 - E-W
 8 Neal Perlman           Marcie Perlman           B    .     .    306.00  47.08              P - 8 - E-W
 9 Brenda Keller          Eleanor Onstott          A    4     .    356.50  54.85  1.08Red     P - 9 - E-W
10 Dave Glen              Joan Brooke              A    3     .    373.50  57.46  1.54Red     Q -10 - N-S
11 Bryan Storey           Nancy Passell            A    1     .    438.50  67.46  3.08Gold    P -11 - E-W
12 Ralph Oxhandler        Janet Logan              B    .     .    284.50  43.77              P -12 - E-W
13 Robert Morris          Carolyn Labouliere       A    .     .    251.00  38.62              P -13 - E-W
14 Patrick Cardullo       Patsy Huckabay           B    .     .    311.50  47.92              Q -14 - N-S
                                          Totals                  4588.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2500      |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=14/B=4                          ,---,-------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Gregg Van Dyke         Tom Grue                 A    .     .    328.00  50.46              Q - 5 - N-S
 2 Cristal Nell           John Aslin               B    .     2    324.50  49.92  1.00Red     Q - 2 - N-S
 3 Mark Itabashi          Fred Hamilton            A    4     .    350.50  53.92  1.08Red     Q - 3 - N-S
 4 Kurt Fritz             Lillian Johannessen      B    .     .    294.50  45.31              Q - 4 - N-S
 5 Judy Elbogen           Patricia Menefee         A    5     .    340.00  52.31  0.62Red     P - 1 - E-W
 6 Maya Alela             Lynne Newman             A    .     .    249.00  38.31              P - 6 - E-W
 7 Diane Velick           Debbie Gailfus           A    .     .    318.50  49.00              Q - 7 - N-S
 8 Doraine Ross           Richard Mallon           B    .     .    265.00  40.77              Q - 8 - N-S
 9 Ellis Feigenbaum       Suresh Mahajan           A    6     .    332.50  51.15  0.51Red     Q - 9 - N-S
10 Linda Hughes           Shelba Parmley           A    1     .    372.50  57.31  3.08Gold    P -10 - E-W
11 Robb Gordon            Linda Gordon             A    2     .    369.50  56.85  2.16Red     Q -11 - N-S
12 Jim Wisemiller         Cynthia McWhinnie        B    .     1    330.50  50.85  1.43Gold    Q -12 - N-S
13 Steve Mager            Michael Mikyska          A    3     .    361.50  55.62  1.54Red     Q -13 - N-S
14 Allison Howard         Luz Ortega               A    .     .    275.00  42.31              P -14 - E-W
                                          Totals                  4511.50       

1 ♠J642
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣5 ♦3 ♥3/4 NT6
EW: 2♣ 4 3  ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  120         25.00   0.00  2N N 2    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  110         24.00   1.00  2♠ S 2    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
   50         22.00   3.00  4 E -1   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P4-Lim-Lim
   50         22.00   3.00  4 E -1   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
   50         22.00   3.00  4♣ W -1   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
         50   18.00   7.00  2♠ S -1   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
         50   18.00   7.00  2♠ S -1   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
         50   18.00   7.00  2♠ S -1   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
         50   18.00   7.00  2♠ S -1   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
         50   18.00   7.00  2♠ N -1   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P8-Dober-Marano
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   P6-Florio-Florio vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   P8-Barad-McCully vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   P10-Graese-Chan vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ S -2   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        100   11.00  14.00  3♠ N -2   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        130    5.50  19.50  4 E 4    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        130    5.50  19.50  3 E 4    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        150    3.50  21.50  4♠ S -3   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        150    3.50  21.50  4♠ S -3   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        300    2.00  23.00  4♠* S -2  Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        500    0.50  24.50  4♠* S -3  Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        500    0.50  24.50  4♠* S -3  Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
2 ♠A72
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: -/1♣ 3♠ 1NT  ♣6/7 ♦6 ♥5
EW: 1 2/1  ♣6 ♠4 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1100         24.50   0.50  5♣* W -5  Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
 1100         24.50   0.50  5♣* W -5  Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
  800         23.00   2.00  5♣* W -4  Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  620         22.00   3.00  4♠ N 4    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  150         21.00   4.00  3♣ W -3   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
  140         17.50   7.50  2♠ S 3    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  140         17.50   7.50  2♠ S 3    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
  100         13.50  11.50  3 E -2   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  100         13.50  11.50  3♣ W -2   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P8-Dober-Marano
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   P6-Florio-Florio vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   P10-Graese-Chan vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        100    8.50  16.50  4♠ S -1   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        200    2.50  22.50  5♠ N -2   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P4-Lim-Lim
        200    2.50  22.50  4♠ S -2   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        200    2.50  22.50  4♠ S -2   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        200    2.50  22.50  4♠ S -2   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        400    0.00  25.00  4♠ S -4   P8-Barad-McCully vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
3 ♠AK
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣4 ♦6 ♠4 NT5
EW: 2/3♣ -/1 1/3♠
       ♦5/7 ♥4/5 NT4/5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  3♠* E -2  P4-Jackson-Jones vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  140         21.50   3.50  3 N 3    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  140         21.50   3.50  3 N 3    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  140         21.50   3.50  3 N 3    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  140         21.50   3.50  3 N 3    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  140         21.50   3.50  2 N 3    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  140         21.50   3.50  2 N 3    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  110         16.00   9.00  2 N 2    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  110         16.00   9.00  2 N 2    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  110         16.00   9.00  2 N 2    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  110         16.00   9.00  2 N 2    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
  110         16.00   9.00  2 N 2    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
         50    8.50  16.50  4 N -1   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   P6-Florio-Florio vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   P10-Graese-Chan vs P4-Lim-Lim
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P8-Dober-Marano
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
         50    8.50  16.50  3 N -1   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        100    2.00  23.00  4 N -2   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        100    2.00  23.00  4 N -2   P8-Barad-McCully vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        100    2.00  23.00  4 N -2   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        140    0.00  25.00  3♠ W 3    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
4 ♠K92
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 1 4 1♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦6 ♥3 ♠6/5 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +620 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         25.00   0.00  3N N 4    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  620         22.00   3.00  4 S 4    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
  620         22.00   3.00  4 S 4    P6-Florio-Florio vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
  620         22.00   3.00  4 S 4    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  620         22.00   3.00  4 S 4    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
  620         22.00   3.00  4 S 4    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  300         19.00   6.00  3♠ W -3   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  200         17.00   8.00  2♠ W -2   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P8-Dober-Marano
  200         17.00   8.00  2♠* W -1  Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  200         17.00   8.00  2♠* W -1  Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  180         15.00  10.00  2N N 4    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  170         12.50  12.50  3 S 4    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  170         12.50  12.50  3 S 4    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  170         12.50  12.50  2 S 4    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  170         12.50  12.50  2 S 4    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
  150         10.00  15.00  2N S 3    P10-Graese-Chan vs P4-Lim-Lim
  140          9.00  16.00  3 S 3    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  110          7.50  17.50  2 S 2    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  110          7.50  17.50  3♣ N 3    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  100          6.00  19.00  2♠ E -1   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        100    3.50  21.50  4 S -1   P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        100    3.50  21.50  4 S -1   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        100    3.50  21.50  4 S -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        100    3.50  21.50  4 S -1   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        200    0.50  24.50  3N N -2   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        200    0.50  24.50  4 S -2   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
5 ♠85
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 3 3♠  ♥4 NT4
EW: 3  ♣3 ♦1 ♠1 NT1
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +100 4*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         25.00   0.00  4♠ S 5    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ S 4    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ S 4    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ S 4    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ S 4    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ S 4    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ S 4    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ S 4    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ N 4    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
  620         20.00   5.00  4♠ N 4    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  P8-Barad-McCully vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  300         11.50  13.50  5* E -2  Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  100          6.50  18.50  5* E -1  P10-Graese-Chan vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  100          6.50  18.50  5 E -2   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
   50          3.50  21.50  4 E -1   P6-Florio-Florio vs P8-Dober-Marano
   50          3.50  21.50  4 E -1   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
   50          3.50  21.50  4 E -1   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
   50          3.50  21.50  4 E -1   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        100    1.00  24.00  5♠ S -1   Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        420    0.00  25.00  4 E 4    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
6 ♠AT95
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 1♠  ♣4 ♥5 NT6
EW: 3/2♣ 2 1NT  ♦5 ♠6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -110 3♣-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         24.50   0.50  2N W -1   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  100         24.50   0.50  3 E -1   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
         50   23.00   2.00  2 N -1   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
         90   20.00   5.00  1N E 1    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
         90   20.00   5.00  1N E 1    P8-Barad-McCully vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
         90   20.00   5.00  1N E 1    P10-Graese-Chan vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
         90   20.00   5.00  1N E 1    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
         90   20.00   5.00  1N E 1    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        100   16.00   9.00  3 S -2   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        100   16.00   9.00  3 S -2   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        100   16.00   9.00  2 S -2   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        110   14.00  11.00  2 E 2    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        120    9.00  16.00  2N W 2    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        120    9.00  16.00  2N E 2    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    P6-Florio-Florio vs P8-Dober-Marano
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        120    9.00  16.00  1N E 2    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        130    4.00  21.00  3♣ E 4    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        150    3.00  22.00  1N E 3    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        180    2.00  23.00  1N E 4    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        580    1.00  24.00  1N* E 3   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        630    0.00  25.00  3N W 4    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
7 ♠J864
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣3 ♥3 ♠1 NT4
EW: 4♣ 2 5♠  ♦6 NT6
LoTT: 18 - 16 = +2
Par: -650 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  4♠ W -2   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  100         24.00   1.00  5♠ E -1   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P4-Lim-Lim
        600   23.00   2.00  3N E 3    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ W 4    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    P6-Florio-Florio vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P8-Dober-Marano
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        620   17.00   8.00  4♠ E 4    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ W 5    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ W 5    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    P8-Barad-McCully vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    P10-Graese-Chan vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        650    6.00  19.00  4♠ E 5    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
       1100    0.00  25.00  5* S -4  Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
8 ♠J97
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2 -/1 1NT  ♥6/7 ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣5 ♦5 ♥6 NT5
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +90 1NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         24.00   1.00  2♠ W -3   P10-Graese-Chan vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  150         24.00   1.00  2♠ W -3   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  150         24.00   1.00  2♠ W -3   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
  110         20.00   5.00  3♣ S 3    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  110         20.00   5.00  3♣ S 3    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
  110         20.00   5.00  3♣ S 3    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  110         20.00   5.00  3♣ S 3    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
  110         20.00   5.00  3♣ S 3    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  100         14.00  11.00  2♠ W -2   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P4-Lim-Lim
  100         14.00  11.00  2♠ W -2   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
  100         14.00  11.00  2♠ W -2   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P8-Dober-Marano
  100         14.00  11.00  2♠ W -2   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  100         14.00  11.00  2♠ W -2   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  100         14.00  11.00  2♠ W -2   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  100         14.00  11.00  2♠ E -2   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
   50          8.00  17.00  2♠ W -1   P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
   50          8.00  17.00  2♠ W -1   P6-Florio-Florio vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
   50          8.00  17.00  2♠ W -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
   50          8.00  17.00  2♠ W -1   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
   50          8.00  17.00  2♠ W -1   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
         50    4.00  21.00  3♠ S -1   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
         50    4.00  21.00  3♣ S -1   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
         50    4.00  21.00  3♣ S -1   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        100    2.00  23.00  2N N -2   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        110    1.00  24.00  2♠ W 2    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        200    0.00  25.00  3 N -4   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
9 ♠52
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1  ♥6 ♠6 NT6
EW: 1  ♣6 ♦5 ♠6 NT6
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -80 1-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         24.50   0.50  3N E -3   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  300         24.50   0.50  3 E -3   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  200         23.00   2.00  3N E -2   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  100         18.00   7.00  1N E -1   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P8-Dober-Marano
  100         18.00   7.00  1N E -1   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P4-Lim-Lim
  100         18.00   7.00  2 W -1   P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
  100         18.00   7.00  2 E -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  100         18.00   7.00  2 E -1   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  100         18.00   7.00  2 E -1   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
  100         18.00   7.00  2 E -1   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  100         18.00   7.00  2 E -1   Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  100         18.00   7.00  2 E -1   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
   90         13.00  12.00  2♣ N 2    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        100   11.50  13.50  2N N -2   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        100   11.50  13.50  2 N -2   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        110    9.50  15.50  2 W 2    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        110    9.50  15.50  2 E 2    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        150    7.50  17.50  3 S -3   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        150    7.50  17.50  3 N -3   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        200    5.50  19.50  3 S -4   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        200    5.50  19.50  3 N -4   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        300    3.00  22.00  2* N -2  Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        300    3.00  22.00  3♣* S -2  Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        300    3.00  22.00  3♣* N -2  P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        380    1.00  24.00  2* W 3   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        500    0.00  25.00  3* S -3  P10-Graese-Chan vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
10 ♠A8
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 2♠ 2NT  ♦5
EW: 2  ♣3 ♥4 ♠4 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         22.50   2.50  3N N 3    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
  600         22.50   2.50  3N N 3    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  600         22.50   2.50  3N N 3    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P8-Dober-Marano
  600         22.50   2.50  3N N 3    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
  600         22.50   2.50  3N N 3    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  600         22.50   2.50  3N N 3    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  200         18.00   7.00  2N E -2   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  200         18.00   7.00  4 E -2   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  200         18.00   7.00  3* E -1  P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  170         16.00   9.00  3 N 4    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  110         14.50  10.50  2♠ S 2    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  110         14.50  10.50  2♠ N 2    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  100         12.50  12.50  3 E -1   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  100         12.50  12.50  3 E -1   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
         90   10.50  14.50  2 W 2    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
         90   10.50  14.50  2 E 2    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        100    7.50  17.50  3N N -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        100    7.50  17.50  3♠ N -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        100    7.50  17.50  3♠ N -1   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        110    5.00  20.00  3 E 3    P10-Graese-Chan vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        200    2.50  22.50  3N N -2   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        200    2.50  22.50  3N N -2   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        200    2.50  22.50  3N N -2   Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        200    2.50  22.50  3♠ N -2   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P4-Lim-Lim
        300    0.00  25.00  3N N -3   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
11 ♠QJT872
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦1 ♥0 ♠4 NT1
EW: 2♣ 6 7/6 3♠ 5NT
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -1510 7-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         25.00   0.00  7 E -3   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
   50         23.50   1.50  6 E -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
   50         23.50   1.50  6 E -1   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        170   22.00   3.00  4 E 6    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        300   21.00   4.00  3♠* N -2  Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        420   20.00   5.00  4 E 4    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P8-Dober-Marano
        430   18.00   7.00  3N W 4    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        430   18.00   7.00  3N E 4    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        430   18.00   7.00  3N E 4    P6-Florio-Florio vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        450   14.50  10.50  4 E 5    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        450   14.50  10.50  4 E 5    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        450   14.50  10.50  4 E 5    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        450   14.50  10.50  4 E 5    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        460   11.50  13.50  3N E 5    P10-Graese-Chan vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        460   11.50  13.50  3N E 5    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        480   10.00  15.00  4 E 6    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        490    9.00  16.00  3N W 6    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P4-Lim-Lim
        510    6.50  18.50  4 E 7    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        510    6.50  18.50  4 E 7    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        510    6.50  18.50  4 E 7    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        510    6.50  18.50  4 E 7    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        520    4.00  21.00  3N W 7    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
       1010    1.50  23.50  6 E 7    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
       1010    1.50  23.50  6 E 7    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
       1010    1.50  23.50  6 E 7    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
       1010    1.50  23.50  6 E 7    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
12 ♠KJ982
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣3 ♦5 ♥4 NT4
EW: 4♣ 1 1 2NT  ♠6/5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -130 4♣-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         25.00   0.00  3♣ W -1   P6-Florio-Florio vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
         90   24.00   1.00  1N W 1    P10-Graese-Chan vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        100   22.50   2.50  3♠ N -1   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        100   22.50   2.50  2♠ N -1   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        110   20.50   4.50  3♣ W 3    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        110   20.50   4.50  3♣ E 3    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        120   17.50   7.50  2N W 2    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        120   17.50   7.50  1N W 2    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        120   17.50   7.50  1N E 2    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        120   17.50   7.50  1N E 2    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        130   13.50  11.50  3♣ W 4    P8-Barad-McCully vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        130   13.50  11.50  3♣ W 4    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        130   13.50  11.50  3♣ W 4    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        130   13.50  11.50  3♣ E 4    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        150    9.50  15.50  4♣ W 5    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        150    9.50  15.50  3♣ W 5    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        150    9.50  15.50  3♣ W 5    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        150    9.50  15.50  3♣ E 5    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        200    6.00  19.00  3♠ N -2   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        200    6.00  19.00  3♠ N -2   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P4-Lim-Lim
        200    6.00  19.00  3♠ N -2   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        300    4.00  21.00  3 S -3   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        460    3.00  22.00  3N E 5    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P8-Dober-Marano
        500    2.00  23.00  3 N -5   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        550    1.00  24.00  5♣* W 5   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        800    0.00  25.00  4♠* N -3  Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
13 ♠A52
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦5 ♥3/4 ♠6 NT6
EW: 4♣ 1 3 1NT  ♠6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         23.50   1.50  3N W -2   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  200         23.50   1.50  3N E -2   Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  200         23.50   1.50  4 E -2   P10-Graese-Chan vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  200         23.50   1.50  4 E -2   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
  100         21.00   4.00  5♣ W -1   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        130   18.00   7.00  3♣ W 4    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        130   18.00   7.00  3♣ W 4    P6-Florio-Florio vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        130   18.00   7.00  3♣ W 4    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        130   18.00   7.00  3♣ W 4    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        130   18.00   7.00  2♣ W 4    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        140   13.00  12.00  3 E 3    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        140   13.00  12.00  3 E 3    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        140   13.00  12.00  2 E 3    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        140   13.00  12.00  2 E 3    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P4-Lim-Lim
        140   13.00  12.00  2 E 3    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        150    8.00  17.00  3♣ W 5    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        150    8.00  17.00  3♣ W 5    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        150    8.00  17.00  3♣ W 5    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        150    8.00  17.00  3♣ W 5    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        150    8.00  17.00  3♣ E 5    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        170    4.50  20.50  3 E 4    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        170    4.50  20.50  3♣ W 6    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        180    3.00  22.00  1N W 4    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        200    2.00  23.00  2♠ S -2   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        600    1.00  24.00  5♣ W 5    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        650    0.00  25.00  4 E 5    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
14 ♠742
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 7♣ 2 7 2♠ 7NT
EW:  ♣0 ♦5 ♥0 ♠5 NT0
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +1520 7NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1520         25.00   0.00  7N N 7    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
 1400         24.00   1.00  4♠* E -6  Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
 1020         23.00   2.00  6N S 7    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  990         22.00   3.00  6N S 6    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
  940         20.50   4.50  6♣ S 7    P10-Graese-Chan vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  940         20.50   4.50  6♣ N 7    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
  800         19.00   6.00  4♠* E -4  Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  520         16.00   9.00  3N S 7    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  520         16.00   9.00  3N S 7    P6-Florio-Florio vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  520         16.00   9.00  3N S 7    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  520         16.00   9.00  3N S 7    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  520         16.00   9.00  3N N 7    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
  510         12.50  12.50  4 S 7    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  510         12.50  12.50  4 N 7    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  490         10.00  15.00  3N S 6    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
  490         10.00  15.00  3N S 6    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  490         10.00  15.00  3N S 6    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  480          7.00  18.00  5 N 6    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
  480          7.00  18.00  4 S 6    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
  480          7.00  18.00  4 N 6    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  440          4.50  20.50  5♣ S 7    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P4-Lim-Lim
  440          4.50  20.50  5♣ N 7    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  430          3.00  22.00  3N S 4    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  420          1.00  24.00  4 N 4    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
  420          1.00  24.00  4 N 4    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  420          1.00  24.00  4 N 4    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
15 ♠Q95
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1♠  ♣4/5 ♥4 NT6
EW: 2♣ 3 1NT  ♦5 ♠6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         24.50   0.50  4 W -2   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  100         24.50   0.50  3 W -2   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
   50         18.00   7.00  4 W -1   P10-Graese-Chan vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
   50         18.00   7.00  4 W -1   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
   50         18.00   7.00  4 E -1   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
   50         18.00   7.00  4 E -1   Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
   50         18.00   7.00  3 W -1   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
   50         18.00   7.00  3 W -1   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
   50         18.00   7.00  3 W -1   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
   50         18.00   7.00  3 W -1   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
   50         18.00   7.00  3 W -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
   50         18.00   7.00  3 W -1   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
   50         18.00   7.00  3 E -1   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
         90   12.00  13.00  1N E 1    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        110   11.00  14.00  2 W 2    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        140    5.50  19.50  3 W 3    P6-Florio-Florio vs P4-Lim-Lim
        140    5.50  19.50  3 W 3    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        140    5.50  19.50  3 W 3    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        140    5.50  19.50  2 W 3    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        140    5.50  19.50  2 W 3    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        140    5.50  19.50  2 W 3    P8-Barad-McCully vs P8-Dober-Marano
        140    5.50  19.50  2 W 3    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        140    5.50  19.50  2 W 3    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        140    5.50  19.50  2 W 3    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        140    5.50  19.50  2 E 3    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        200    0.00  25.00  4 N -2   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
16 ♠JT96
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♠  ♣3 ♦3 ♥6 NT4
EW: 3♣ 4/3 2/1NT  ♥6 ♠4
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -100 4♠*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  6N E -3   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  200         20.00   5.00  3N E -2   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  200         20.00   5.00  5* E -1  Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  100         13.00  12.00  3N E -1   P10-Graese-Chan vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  100         13.00  12.00  3N E -1   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
  100         13.00  12.00  3N E -1   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  100         13.00  12.00  5 W -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  100         13.00  12.00  5♣ E -1   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
         50    9.50  15.50  4♠ S -1   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
         50    9.50  15.50  4♠ N -1   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠* N -1  P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠* N -1  Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠* N -1  Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        100    6.50  18.50  4♠* N -1  Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        130    3.50  21.50  4 W 4    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        130    3.50  21.50  4 W 4    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        600    2.00  23.00  3N E 3    P8-Barad-McCully vs P8-Dober-Marano
        630    0.50  24.50  3N E 4    P6-Florio-Florio vs P4-Lim-Lim
        630    0.50  24.50  3N E 4    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
17 ♠-
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4/3 4 2NT  ♠6/5
EW: 1♠  ♣4 ♦2/3 ♥3 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +420 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         24.00   1.00  4♠* W -3  P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  500         24.00   1.00  4♠* W -3  Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  500         24.00   1.00  4♠* E -3  P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  450         21.00   4.00  4 S 5    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  450         21.00   4.00  4 S 5    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  450         21.00   4.00  4 N 5    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  420         13.00  12.00  4 S 4    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P8-Dober-Marano
  420         13.00  12.00  4 S 4    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  420         13.00  12.00  4 S 4    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  420         13.00  12.00  4 S 4    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    P8-Barad-McCully vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  420         13.00  12.00  4 N 4    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  300          6.00  19.00  4♠* W -2  P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P4-Lim-Lim
  170          4.50  20.50  3 S 4    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  170          4.50  20.50  3 N 4    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
  130          3.00  22.00  2 N 4    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
  110          2.00  23.00  3 N 3    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  100          1.00  24.00  2♠* W -1  P6-Florio-Florio vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
         50    0.00  25.00  3 S -1   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
18 ♠4
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣6 ♥0/1 ♠0 NT0/5
EW: 1♣ 6 7♠ 2NT  ♦5
LoTT: 21 - 20 = +1
Par: -1510 7♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         25.00   0.00  7 E -1   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        480   22.50   2.50  4♠ E 6    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P8-Dober-Marano
        480   22.50   2.50  4♠ E 6    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        480   22.50   2.50  4 W 6    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        480   22.50   2.50  4 W 6    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        510   18.00   7.00  5♠ E 7    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        510   18.00   7.00  4♠ W 7    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        510   18.00   7.00  4♠ E 7    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        510   18.00   7.00  4 W 7    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        510   18.00   7.00  4 W 7    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        890   15.00  10.00  4* W 7   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        980   13.50  11.50  6♠ E 6    P8-Barad-McCully vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        980   13.50  11.50  6♠ E 6    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
       1010    9.50  15.50  6♠ E 7    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
       1010    9.50  15.50  6♠ E 7    P6-Florio-Florio vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
       1010    9.50  15.50  6♠ E 7    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
       1010    9.50  15.50  6♠ E 7    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
       1010    9.50  15.50  6♠ E 7    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P4-Lim-Lim
       1010    9.50  15.50  6♠ E 7    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
       1310    6.00  19.00  6* W 7   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
       1510    2.50  22.50  7♠ E 7    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
       1510    2.50  22.50  7♠ E 7    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
       1510    2.50  22.50  7♠ E 7    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
       1510    2.50  22.50  7♠ E 7    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
       1510    2.50  22.50  7♠ E 7    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
       1510    2.50  22.50  7♠ E 7    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
19 ♠T7
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 3  ♣2 ♠2/3 NT2
EW: 5♣ 3♠ 2NT  ♦4 ♥4
LoTT: 20 - 19 = +1
Par: -300 5*-NS/5*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         25.00   0.00  3 N 4    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  140         24.00   1.00  3 N 3    P10-Graese-Chan vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  130         23.00   2.00  3 S 4    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  100         21.00   4.00  3♠ W -1   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  100         21.00   4.00  4♣ E -1   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P8-Dober-Marano
  100         21.00   4.00  4♣ E -1   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
         50   18.50   6.50  4 N -1   P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
         50   18.50   6.50  4 N -1   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        100   17.00   8.00  5 S -2   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        130   15.50   9.50  4♣ E 4    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        130   15.50   9.50  3♣ E 4    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        150   12.00  13.00  4♣ E 5    P6-Florio-Florio vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        150   12.00  13.00  4♣ E 5    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        150   12.00  13.00  4♣ E 5    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        150   12.00  13.00  4♣ E 5    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        150   12.00  13.00  3♣ E 5    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        170    9.00  16.00  3♠ W 4    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        200    8.00  17.00  3♠ W 5    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P4-Lim-Lim
        250    7.00  18.00  2N S -5   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        600    5.00  20.00  5♣ W 5    P8-Barad-McCully vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        600    5.00  20.00  5♣ E 5    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        600    5.00  20.00  5♣ E 5    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        630    3.00  22.00  3N W 4    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        660    1.00  24.00  3N W 5    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        660    1.00  24.00  3N W 5    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        660    1.00  24.00  3N W 5    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
20 ♠K872
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣  ♦5 ♥2 ♠6 NT4
EW: 2 5 1♠ 3NT  ♣5
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: -650 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        200   25.00   0.00  3 W 5    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        650   14.00  11.00  4 W 5    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P4-Lim-Lim
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P8-Barad-McCully vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P8-Dober-Marano
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P10-Graese-Chan vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        650   14.00  11.00  4 E 5    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        680    1.50  23.50  4 E 6    P6-Florio-Florio vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        680    1.50  23.50  4 E 6    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        680    1.50  23.50  4 E 6    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        680    1.50  23.50  4 E 6    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
21 ♠542
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣1 ♦5 ♥2 ♠2 NT2
EW: 6♣ 2 5 5♠ 5NT
LoTT: 17 - 15 = +2
Par: -920 6♣-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  3N E -2   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
   50         24.00   1.00  5 W -1   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        200   23.00   2.00  3♠ E 5    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        400   21.00   4.00  3N W 3    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P4-Lim-Lim
        400   21.00   4.00  3N W 3    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
        400   21.00   4.00  3N W 3    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        430   17.00   8.00  3N W 4    P8-Barad-McCully vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        430   17.00   8.00  3N W 4    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        430   17.00   8.00  3N W 4    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        430   17.00   8.00  3N W 4    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        430   17.00   8.00  3N W 4    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
        460    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        460    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        460    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
        460    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        460    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        460    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        460    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        460    8.50  16.50  3N E 5    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        460    8.50  16.50  3N E 5    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P8-Dober-Marano
        460    8.50  16.50  3N E 5    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        460    8.50  16.50  3N E 5    P10-Graese-Chan vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        460    8.50  16.50  3N E 5    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        490    1.50  23.50  3N E 6    P6-Florio-Florio vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        490    1.50  23.50  3N E 6    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        990    0.00  25.00  6N E 6    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
22 ♠AT97
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2♠  ♦5 ♥4/5 NT5
EW: 2 2 1NT  ♣5 ♠4
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         25.00   0.00  3♠ S 4    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
  140         24.00   1.00  3♠ N 3    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P8-Dober-Marano
  110         21.00   4.00  2♠ S 2    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  110         21.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  110         21.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  110         21.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  110         21.00   4.00  2♣ S 3    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  100         16.00   9.00  1N W -1   P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  100         16.00   9.00  4 W -1   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  100         16.00   9.00  3 W -1   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  100         16.00   9.00  3 W -1   Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  100         16.00   9.00  2 W -1   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
         50   12.50  12.50  4♠ S -1   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
         50   12.50  12.50  2♠ N -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
         90   11.00  14.00  1N W 1    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        100    9.50  15.50  3♠ S -2   P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P4-Lim-Lim
        100    9.50  15.50  3♠ N -2   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        110    7.50  17.50  2 W 2    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        110    7.50  17.50  1 W 2    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        120    5.00  20.00  1N W 2    P8-Barad-McCully vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        120    5.00  20.00  1N W 2    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        120    5.00  20.00  1N W 2    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        140    2.00  23.00  3 W 3    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        140    2.00  23.00  1 W 3    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        140    2.00  23.00  1 E 3    P6-Florio-Florio vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        150    0.00  25.00  1N W 3    P10-Graese-Chan vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
23 ♠J52
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 3 2NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣4 ♦2 ♥2 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         25.00   0.00  3N S 4    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  600         24.00   1.00  3N N 3    Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  300         23.00   2.00  3♠ W -3   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  200         21.50   3.50  2♠ W -2   Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  200         21.50   3.50  2♠* W -1  Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  130         17.50   7.50  3 S 4    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
  130         17.50   7.50  3 S 4    P6-Florio-Florio vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
  130         17.50   7.50  3 S 4    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  130         17.50   7.50  3 S 4    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  130         17.50   7.50  3 S 4    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
  130         17.50   7.50  3 N 4    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  110         13.00  12.00  3 S 3    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  110         13.00  12.00  3 S 3    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  110         13.00  12.00  3 N 3    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  100          9.50  15.50  3♠ W -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  100          9.50  15.50  2♠ W -1   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  100          9.50  15.50  2♠ W -1   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  100          9.50  15.50  2♠ E -1   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        100    6.00  19.00  2N N -1   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        100    6.00  19.00  3 S -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P4-Lim-Lim
        100    6.00  19.00  3 S -1   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        110    3.50  21.50  2♠ W 2    P10-Graese-Chan vs P8-Dober-Marano
        110    3.50  21.50  2♠ W 2    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        400    2.00  23.00  3N N -4   Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        670    0.50  24.50  2♠* W 2   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        670    0.50  24.50  2♠* W 2   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
24 ♠KQ984
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 1♠  ♣2 ♦5 NT4
EW: 4♣ 2  ♥3 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 20 - 20 = 0
Par: +100 5♣*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  590         25.00   0.00  4* S 4   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
  420         24.00   1.00  4 S 4    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  170         23.00   2.00  3 S 4    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  150         20.50   4.50  5♣ W -3   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  150         20.50   4.50  5♣ W -3   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  150         20.50   4.50  5♣ W -3   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  150         20.50   4.50  5♣ E -3   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  100         16.50   8.50  5♣ W -2   P8-Barad-McCully vs P4-Lim-Lim
  100         16.50   8.50  5♣ W -2   Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
  100         16.50   8.50  5♣ W -2   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  100         16.50   8.50  5♣ E -2   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
   50         13.00  12.00  6♣ W -1   Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
   50         13.00  12.00  5♣ W -1   P6-Florio-Florio vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
   50         13.00  12.00  5♣ W -1   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
         50   10.00  15.00  5 S -1   P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
         50   10.00  15.00  5 S -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
         50   10.00  15.00  5 S -1   Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        100    8.00  17.00  5* S -1  Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
        130    7.00  18.00  4♣ W 4    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        150    6.00  19.00  4♣ W 5    P10-Graese-Chan vs P8-Dober-Marano
        400    3.00  22.00  5♣ W 5    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        400    3.00  22.00  5♣ W 5    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        400    3.00  22.00  5♣ W 5    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        400    3.00  22.00  5♣ W 5    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        400    3.00  22.00  5♣ W 5    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        550    0.00  25.00  5♣* E 5   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
25 ♠KQJ97
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 2♠  ♥4 NT5
EW: 3 1NT  ♣5 ♦5 ♠5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -100 3♠*-NS/3*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.00   0.00  1♠ N 5    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  170         23.50   1.50  2♠ N 4    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  170         23.50   1.50  1♠ N 4    P6-Florio-Florio vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  140         22.00   3.00  2♠ N 3    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  110         20.00   5.00  3 S 3    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
  110         20.00   5.00  2 S 3    Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  110         20.00   5.00  2 S 3    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  100         16.00   9.00  4 W -1   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  100         16.00   9.00  4 W -1   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  100         16.00   9.00  4 W -1   Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  100         16.00   9.00  4 E -1   P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  100         16.00   9.00  3 E -1   Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
   80         13.00  12.00  1♠ N 1    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
         50   11.00  14.00  3♠ N -1   Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
         50   11.00  14.00  2♠ N -1   P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
         50   11.00  14.00  3 S -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
         90    9.00  16.00  1N E 1    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P8-Dober-Marano
        100    8.00  17.00  3♠ N -2   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        140    3.50  21.50  3 W 3    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
        140    3.50  21.50  3 W 3    P10-Graese-Chan vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
        140    3.50  21.50  3 W 3    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
        140    3.50  21.50  3 W 3    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        140    3.50  21.50  3 W 3    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        140    3.50  21.50  3 E 3    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P4-Lim-Lim
        140    3.50  21.50  3 E 3    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        140    3.50  21.50  3 E 3    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
26 ♠AT
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 6/5 3♠ 1NT  ♦4
EW: 3  ♣2 ♥2/1 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 21 - 19 = +2
Par: +1100 7*-EW-4
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1400         25.00   0.00  5* E -5  Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
  680         23.50   1.50  4 N 6    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
  680         23.50   1.50  4 N 6    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
  650         19.00   6.00  5 N 5    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
  650         19.00   6.00  5 N 5    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
  650         19.00   6.00  4 S 5    P1-Johnsen-Darin vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
  650         19.00   6.00  4 N 5    P4-Jackson-Jones vs P8-Dober-Marano
  650         19.00   6.00  4 N 5    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
  650         19.00   6.00  4 N 5    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q1-Van Dyke-Grue
  650         19.00   6.00  4 N 5    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  620         14.00  11.00  4 S 4    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P4-Lim-Lim
  620         14.00  11.00  4 S 4    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
  620         14.00  11.00  4 N 4    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
  500         10.00  15.00  5* E -2  P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P1-Gowenlock-Arbogast
  500         10.00  15.00  5* E -2  P10-Graese-Chan vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
  500         10.00  15.00  5* E -2  Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q6-Alela-Newman
  500         10.00  15.00  5* E -2  Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
  500         10.00  15.00  5♣* E -2  Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
  200          5.50  19.50  3 S 5    P6-Florio-Florio vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
  200          5.50  19.50  3 N 5    P8-Barad-McCully vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
  200          5.50  19.50  2 S 5    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
  200          5.50  19.50  4* E -1  Q1-Simpson-Simpson vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
  100          3.00  22.00  4 W -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        100    1.00  24.00  5 N -1   Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        100    1.00  24.00  4 S -1   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        100    1.00  24.00  4 S -1   P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
27 ♠QJ8764
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣5 ♦5 ♥4 NT4
EW: 2♣ 2 3 3NT  ♠5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -300 4♠*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         24.50   0.50  3♠ N 3    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
  140         24.50   0.50  3♠ N 3    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P7-Shapley-Shapley
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   P8-Barad-McCully vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P4-Lim-Lim
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P8-Dober-Marano
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
   50         19.50   5.50  4 E -1   Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        100   15.00  10.00  3♠* N -1  Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        140   13.50  11.50  3 E 3    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        140   13.50  11.50  3 E 3    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
        170   12.00  13.00  3 E 4    P10-Graese-Chan vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        200   11.00  14.00  3 E 5    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        400    9.00  16.00  3N W 3    P6-Florio-Florio vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        400    9.00  16.00  3N W 3    Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        400    9.00  16.00  3N W 3    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        420    5.50  19.50  4 E 4    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        420    5.50  19.50  4 E 4    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
        420    5.50  19.50  4 E 4    Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        420    5.50  19.50  4 E 4    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        430    2.50  22.50  3N W 4    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        430    2.50  22.50  3N W 4    Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        460    0.50  24.50  3N W 5    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        460    0.50  24.50  3N W 5    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
28 ♠QJT5
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♦5 ♠5 NT5
EW: 3♣ 2 2♠ 2NT  ♥6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
         90   22.00   3.00  1N E 1    P7-Hiestand-Osborne vs P13-Scoggin-Ramirez
         90   22.00   3.00  1N E 1    P8-Barad-McCully vs P2-Kulic-Kulic
         90   22.00   3.00  1N E 1    P12-Shelley-Kittock vs P10-Gruber-Gruber
         90   22.00   3.00  1N E 1    Q4-Kinsey-Murad vs Q7-Velick-Gailfus
         90   22.00   3.00  1N E 1    Q5-Waterman-Waterman vs Q9-Feigenbaum-Mahajan
         90   22.00   3.00  1N E 1    Q9-Keller-Onstott vs Q4-Fritz-Johannessen
         90   22.00   3.00  1N E 1    Q11-Storey-Passell vs Q8-Ross-Mallon
        100   16.50   8.50  3♠ S -1   Q14-Cardullo-Huckabay vs Q14-Howard-Ortega
        100   16.50   8.50  2 S -1   Q3-Cappelletti-Apodaca vs Q5-Elbogen-Menefee
        100   16.50   8.50  2 S -1   Q6-Hubble-Habeich vs Q11-Gordon-Gordon
        100   16.50   8.50  2 S -1   Q12-Oxhandler-Logan vs Q10-Hughes-Parmley
        110   13.50  11.50  3♣ E 3    P9-Goldstein-Rogers vs P4-Lim-Lim
        110   13.50  11.50  1♣ E 3    Q7-Goyal-Chansky vs Q13-Mager-Mikyska
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    P2-Contarsy-Fidelman vs P3-Wittes-Kivel
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    P3-Dunitz-Maier vs P5-Hoerlein-Anderson
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    P5-McNaughton-McNaughton vs P9-Schafer Jr-Love
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    P6-Florio-Florio vs P11-Whipple III-Kamil
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    P10-Graese-Chan vs P6-Schoning-Shorts
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    P11-Tchamitch-Cremin vs P8-Dober-Marano
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    P13-Fleurot-Dennis vs P12-Krishnamurthi-Kennedy
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    Q2-Wu-McRobbie vs Q3-Itabashi-Hamilton
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    Q8-Perlman-Perlman vs Q2-Nell-Aslin
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    Q10-Glen-Brooke vs Q6-Alela-Newman
        120    7.00  18.00  1N E 2    Q13-Morris-Labouliere vs Q12-Wisemiller-McWhinnie
        150    1.00  24.00  1N E 3    P14-Sloan-Verthelyi vs P14-Foutz-Wharton
        200    0.00  25.00  2 S -2   P4-Jackson-Jones vs P7-Shapley-Shapley