Las Vegas Regional - District 17

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Field strength:  Mean: 3011 MP  Geomean: 1645 MP
(based on 134 players, 2 non ACBL players ignored, missing masterpoint data for 4 ACBL players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Donna Blaschak - James Blaschak 63.97 2.57 Gold
Jim Johnsen - Lamya Agelidis 63.30 2.45 Gold
Joe Lewis - Steve Seiden 63.10 1.80 Red
Ahmed Rabie Soliman - Maria Tsoukalas 61.47 1.72 Red
Larry Smith - Laura Smith 59.89 2.57 Gold
JoAnne Lowe - Lesley Davis 59.47 2.57 Gold
Harold Lilie - Janis Lilie 58.48 2.45 Gold
Jim Woodside - Sheila Bleiman 58.23 2.57 Gold
Barbara Bivins - Richard Price 57.63 1.80 Red
R Smith - Sharlyn Marsh 56.75 1.29 Red
Emily Rankin - Jon Rankin 56.45 1.23 Red
Demeter Manning - Thomas Wood 56.24 1.80 Red
Gary Tomczyk - Jackie Dower 56.16 1.80 Red
Henry Williams - Rosemary Wade Williams 56.03 1.29 Red
Kathleen Owen - Mike Albert 55.30 0.90 Red
Deanna Kissell - Ted Kissell 55.26 1.84 Gold
Krzysztof Strykier - Mac Raczkiewicz 54.54 1.07 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Peggy Craig - Phillip Kielpinski 54.49 0.51 Red
Carol Ross - Tom Ross 54.34 1.72 Red
Bud Stowe - Kay Stowe 54.24 1.29 Red
Linda Tipton - V Jay Tipton 53.39 0.51 Red
Charlotte Sturm - Stephen Sturm 52.90 0.90 Red
Sachiko Veno - Yukiko Akayama 51.93 0.92 Red
Kenneth Lager - Valerie Lager 51.70 1.84 Gold
Arthur Carey - Tom Mehrhoff 51.55 0.51 Red
George Drake - Helene Drake 51.04 0.90 Red
Hank Sheehan - Jerome Dunst 50.03 1.73 Gold
M Hanefi Erten - William Ensley 49.95 1.29 Red
Brian Kanarek - Irene Barbach 48.79 1.07 Red
Barbara Lundy - Harold Farnsworth 48.52 0.86 Red
Patricia Updegraff - Roberta McGowan 47.95 1.21 Red
Pamela Cole - Richard Nelson 46.30 0.81 Red
L Catherine Wolff - Virginia Ptuyac 45.85 0.92 Red
James Kolson - Susan Kolson 43.90 1.07 Red

This is a multi-session event. These masterpoint awards are not final. You will receive at least the award shown. For example, if the award for your overall performance in a two session event is greater than your current award, you will receive that final award instead of (not in addition to) the award shown here.

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>January 21, 2014   |SANCTION>R1401015  | 01/21/2014 13:53|EVENT CODE>2101
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>LAS VEGAS, NV   |RATING>Regional                     |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  351.0 |TOP>  26 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=5                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Bruce Brownfield       Susan Ohman              B    .     .     .    273.17  38.91              F - 1 - E-W
 2 Virginia Ptuyac        L Catherine Wolff        C    .     3     2    321.90  45.85  0.92Red     F - 2 - E-W
 3 Jim Woodside           Sheila Bleiman           A    1     .     .    408.79  58.23  2.57Gold    C - 3 - N-S
 4 Bud Stowe              Kay Stowe                B    4     2     .    380.79  54.24  1.29Red     F - 4 - E-W
 5 Elizabeth Poplawsky    Judy Goldstein           A    .     .     .    365.04  52.00              C - 5 - N-S
 6 Mike McClain           Barbara Bovard           C    .     .     .    280.50  39.96              C - 6 - N-S
 7 Gary Tomczyk           Jackie Dower             A    2     .     .    394.25  56.16  1.80Red     C - 7 - N-S
 8 Art Linderman          Gerald Holland           C    .     .     .    279.25  39.78              F - 8 - E-W
 9 Linda Tipton           V Jay Tipton             A    5     .     .    374.79  53.39  0.51Red     F - 9 - E-W
10 Bill Lietzow           Marie Garin              C    .     .     .    314.08  44.74              F -10 - E-W
11 Ted Kissell            Deanna Kissell           C    3     1     1    387.92  55.26  1.84Gold    F -11 - E-W
12 Curtis Barbee          Pamela Barbee            B    .     .     .    321.23  45.76              C - 8 - N-S
                                          Totals                        4101.71       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  351.0 |TOP>  26 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=4                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Larry Smith            Laura Smith              B    1     1     .    420.46  59.89  2.57Gold    C - 1 - N-S
 2 Sharlyn Marsh          R Smith                  C    3     2     1    398.42  56.75  1.29Red     C - 2 - N-S
 3 Mike Albert            Kathleen Owen            A    4     .     .    388.21  55.30  0.90Red     F - 3 - E-W
 4 Yukiko Akayama         Sachiko Veno             B    .     3     .    364.58  51.93  0.92Red     C - 4 - N-S
 5 James Showalter        Christie Showalter       A    .     .     .    359.21  51.17              F - 5 - E-W
 6 Richard Nelson         Pamela Cole              C    .     .     2    325.02  46.30  0.81Red     F - 6 - E-W
 7 Peggy Craig            Phillip Kielpinski       A    5     .     .    382.50  54.49  0.51Red     F - 7 - E-W
 8 Marshall Kushner       Barbara Kushner          C    .     .     .    297.50  42.38              A -12 - N-S
 9 Richard Price          Barbara Bivins           A    2     .     .    404.58  57.63  1.80Red     C - 9 - N-S
10 Joanne Henrick         Barbara Rubin            C    .     .     .    324.75  46.26              C -10 - N-S
11 Joyce Nakasaki         Joseph Thomas            B    .     .     .    361.60  51.51              F - 9 - N-S
12 William Wood, Jr       Lorraine Hinds           B    .     .     .    295.46  42.09              F -12 - E-W
                                          Totals                        4322.29       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  351.0 |TOP>  26 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,------,--------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |        |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  | Adjust |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ -------- --------- -------------- 
 1 William Ensley         M Hanefi Erten           B    5     2     .    350.67  49.95          1.29Red     A - 1 - E-W
 2 Leila Huff             Brandy Lalouche          C    .     .     .    238.56  33.98                      F - 2 - N-S
 3 Roberta Epstein        Mark Epstein             A    .     .     .    346.67  49.38                      F - 3 - N-S
 4 Martha Hyde            Dwight Hildebrand        B    .     .     .    317.54  45.23                      F - 4 - N-S
 5 Demeter Manning        Thomas Wood              A    2     .     .    394.79  56.24          1.80Red     A - 5 - E-W
 6 Brian Kanarek          Irene Barbach            C    .     3     1    342.50  48.79          1.07Red     F - 6 - N-S
 7 JoAnne Lowe            Lesley Davis             A    1     .     .    417.50  59.47          2.57Gold    F - 7 - N-S
 8 Steve Shores           Phyllis Shores           B    .     .     .    324.75  46.26                      A - 8 - E-W
 9 Helene Drake           George Drake             A    4     .     .    358.27  51.04          0.90Red     A - 9 - E-W
10 Valerie Lager          Kenneth Lager            B    3     1     .    362.90  51.70          1.84Gold    A -10 - E-W
11 Shoko Nakanishi        Wakako Yachi             B    .     .     .    281.90  40.16  -26.00              A -11 - E-W
12 Gina Bengel            Paul Bengel              C    .     .     .    301.90  43.01                      A -12 - E-W
                                          Totals                        4037.95         -26.00

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  351.0 |TOP>  26 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,------,--------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |        |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  | Adjust |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ -------- --------- -------------- 
 1 Kathleen Larson        Marian Gilbert           B    .     .     .    339.83  48.41                      F - 1 - N-S
 2 James Blaschak         Donna Blaschak           C    1     1     1    449.10  63.97          2.57Gold    A - 2 - E-W
 3 Joan Ivey              Ernie Ivey               A    .     .     .    350.21  49.89                      A - 3 - E-W
 4 Henry Williams         Rosemary Wade Williams   B    3     3     .    393.32  56.03          1.29Red     A - 4 - E-W
 5 Donna Darvey           Jim Darvey               A    .     .     .    322.21  45.90                      F - 5 - N-S
 6 Tom Mehrhoff           Arthur Carey             C    5     .     .    361.85  51.55          0.51Red     A - 6 - E-W
 7 Les Fouks              Sid Segal                A    .     .     .    359.75  51.25                      A - 7 - E-W
 8 Lee Kulbitski          Gary Kulbitski           C    .     .     .    273.00  38.89                      F - 8 - N-S
 9 Stephen Sturm          Charlotte Sturm          A    4     .     .    371.33  52.90          0.90Red     C -11 - N-S
10 Jackie Stewart         Walter Thorpe            B    .     .     .    338.00  48.15                      F -10 - N-S
11 Judy Bredall           Brian Hegarty            B    .     .     .    358.44  51.06                      F -11 - N-S
12 Joe Lewis              Steve Seiden             B    2     2     .    442.98  63.10          1.80Red     F -12 - N-S
                                          Totals                        4360.02           0.00

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  351.0 |TOP>  26 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Michael Gladfelter     Mary Jane Gladfelter     B    .     .     .    324.67  46.25              C - 1 - E-W
 2 Abdol Samiian          Shapour Kajar            C    .     .     .    327.58  46.66              C - 2 - E-W
 3 Gerri Soffa Carlson    Steve Mager              A    .     .     .    380.29  54.17              C - 3 - E-W
 4 Jim Johnsen            Lamya Agelidis           B    1     1     .    444.40  63.30  2.45Gold    A - 4 - N-S
 5 Stephen Maltzman       Donna DePesa             A    .     .     .    359.79  51.25              C - 5 - E-W
 6 Linda Legare           Rolf Houtkooper          C    .     .     .    358.50  51.07              C - 6 - E-W
 7 Maria Tsoukalas        Ahmed Rabie Soliman      A    2     .     .    431.50  61.47  1.72Red     C - 7 - E-W
 8 Steven Adams           Sally Adams              B    .     .     .    335.40  47.78              C - 8 - E-W
 9 Chris McNaughton       Judy McNaughton          A    .     .     .    376.40  53.62              A - 9 - N-S
10 Emily Rankin           Jon Rankin               B    3     2     .    396.29  56.45  1.23Red     A -10 - N-S
11 Mac Raczkiewicz        Krzysztof Strykier       C    4     3     1    382.90  54.54  1.07Red     C -11 - E-W
                                          Totals                        4117.72       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  351.0 |TOP>  26 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Susan Kolson           James Kolson             C    .     3     1    308.21  43.90  1.07Red     A - 1 - N-S
 2 Pearl Howerton         Darlene Fraser           C    .     .     .    302.60  43.11              A - 2 - N-S
 3 Barbara Lundy          Harold Farnsworth        A    4     .     .    340.60  48.52  0.86Red     A - 3 - N-S
 4 Jerome Dunst           Hank Sheehan             B    3     1     .    351.21  50.03  1.73Gold    C - 4 - E-W
 5 Pam Michael            Terry Deering            A    .     .     .    319.21  45.47              A - 5 - N-S
 6 Ken Quinton            Jeri Quinton             C    .     .     .    261.60  37.26              A - 6 - N-S
 7 Carol Ross             Tom Ross                 A    2     .     .    381.50  54.34  1.72Red     A - 7 - N-S
 8 Samuel Orandle         Johnny Jigamian          B    .     .     .    307.83  43.85              A - 8 - N-S
 9 Janis Lilie            Harold Lilie             A    1     .     .    410.50  58.48  2.45Gold    C - 9 - E-W
10 Suzy Ryder             Thomas Ryder             B    .     .     .    284.42  40.52              C -10 - E-W
11 Patricia Updegraff     Roberta McGowan          B    .     2     .    336.60  47.95  1.21Red     A -11 - N-S
                                          Totals                        3604.28       

1 ♠T8
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1NT  ♣6 ♥5 ♠3
EW: 2 3♠  ♣6 ♦5 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  380         26.00   0.00  1N* S 3   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  180         24.00   2.00  1N* S 1   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C2-Marsh-Smith
  180         24.00   2.00  1N* S 1   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  180         24.00   2.00  1N* S 1   D9-Drake-Drake vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  150         21.00   5.00  1N S 3    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  150         21.00   5.00  1N S 3    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  150         21.00   5.00  2 W -3   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  120         19.00   7.00  1N S 2    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
   90         16.50   9.50  1N S 1    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
   90         16.50   9.50  1N S 1    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
   90         16.50   9.50  1N S 1    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
   90         16.50   9.50  1N S 1    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
   50         13.00  13.00  2♠ E -1   D5-Manning-Wood vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
   50         13.00  13.00  2 E -1   E8-Adams-Adams vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
   50         13.00  13.00  2♣ E -1   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C9-Price-Bivins
         50   11.00  15.00  1N S -1   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C1-Smith-Smith
        100   10.00  16.00  3 S -2   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        110    8.50  17.50  2 W 2    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        110    8.50  17.50  2 W 2    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        140    4.50  21.50  3♠ E 3    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        140    4.50  21.50  2♠ E 3    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        140    4.50  21.50  2♠ E 3    D8-Shores-Shores vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        140    4.50  21.50  2♠ E 3    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        140    4.50  21.50  2♠ E 3    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E7-Ross-Ross
        140    4.50  21.50  2 E 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        170    0.50  25.50  2♠ E 4    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        170    0.50  25.50  2♠ E 4    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
2 ♠KQJ63
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2♠  ♦2 ♥2 NT4
EW: 5 4 3NT  ♣5 ♠4
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -420 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         26.00   0.00  4 E -3   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  140         25.00   1.00  3♠ N 3    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
   50         24.00   2.00  4 E -1   D1-Ensley-Erten vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        170   22.00   4.00  3 W 4    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        170   22.00   4.00  3 W 4    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        170   22.00   4.00  3 E 4    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C9-Price-Bivins
        200   17.50   8.50  3♠* N -1  C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        200   17.50   8.50  3 W 5    D8-Shores-Shores vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        200   17.50   8.50  3 E 5    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        200   17.50   8.50  2 W 5    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        200   17.50   8.50  2 E 5    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        200   17.50   8.50  2 E 5    D5-Manning-Wood vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
        230   14.00  12.00  2 E 6    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        420    8.50  17.50  4 W 4    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        420    8.50  17.50  4 W 4    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        420    8.50  17.50  4 W 4    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        420    8.50  17.50  4 W 4    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E7-Ross-Ross
        420    8.50  17.50  4 E 4    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        420    8.50  17.50  4 E 4    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        420    8.50  17.50  4 E 4    D9-Drake-Drake vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        420    8.50  17.50  4 E 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        420    8.50  17.50  4 E 4    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        420    8.50  17.50  4 E 4    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        450    1.50  24.50  4 W 5    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        450    1.50  24.50  4 W 5    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        450    1.50  24.50  4 W 5    E8-Adams-Adams vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        450    1.50  24.50  4 E 5    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C1-Smith-Smith
3 ♠AQT97652
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2♠  ♦1 ♥3 NT1
EW: 5 3 6NT  ♣6 ♠4
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: -1100 7♠*-NS-5
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1100         26.00   0.00  6* E -4  D10-Lager-Lager vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  590         25.00   1.00  4♠* N 4   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  400         24.00   2.00  5 E -4   D5-Manning-Wood vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  300         22.50   3.50  5 E -3   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  300         22.50   3.50  5 E -3   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  200         21.00   5.00  5 E -2   E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  100         19.00   7.00  6 W -1   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  100         19.00   7.00  6 W -1   E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  100         19.00   7.00  6 W -1   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
         50   16.50   9.50  5♠ N -1   E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
         50   16.50   9.50  4♠ N -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        100   15.00  11.00  4♠* N -1  D1-Ensley-Erten vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        300   12.50  13.50  5♠* N -2  E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        300   12.50  13.50  4♠* N -2  C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        300   12.50  13.50  4♠* N -2  C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        300   12.50  13.50  4♠* N -2  C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C9-Price-Bivins
        500    9.00  17.00  5♠* N -3  E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E7-Ross-Ross
        500    9.00  17.00  4♠* N -3  D8-Shores-Shores vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        500    9.00  17.00  4♠* N -3  D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        600    5.50  20.50  5 W 5    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        600    5.50  20.50  5 W 5    D9-Drake-Drake vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        600    5.50  20.50  5 W 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        600    5.50  20.50  5 W 5    E8-Adams-Adams vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        620    3.00  23.00  4 E 4    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        660    2.00  24.00  4N W 5    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        800    0.50  25.50  6♠* N -4  C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C1-Smith-Smith
        800    0.50  25.50  6♠* N -4  C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
4 ♠JT73
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣  ♦2 ♥2 ♠6 NT5
EW: 4 4 2NT  ♣5 ♠6
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: -620 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         26.00   0.00  3N E -2   D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  100         25.00   1.00  4 W -1   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        130   22.00   4.00  4 E 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        130   22.00   4.00  4 E 4    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        130   22.00   4.00  3 W 4    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        130   22.00   4.00  3 E 4    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        130   22.00   4.00  3 E 4    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        150   18.50   7.50  4 E 5    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        150   18.50   7.50  3 E 5    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        200   16.50   9.50  3 W 5    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C3-Albert-Owen
        200   16.50   9.50  2 W 5    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C9-Price-Bivins
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C1-Smith-Smith
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    D8-Shores-Shores vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    D9-Drake-Drake vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    E8-Adams-Adams vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        620   11.00  15.00  4 W 4    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E7-Ross-Ross
        650    3.00  23.00  5 W 5    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E5-Michael-Deering
        650    3.00  23.00  4 W 5    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        650    3.00  23.00  4 W 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        650    3.00  23.00  4 W 5    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        650    3.00  23.00  4 W 5    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        650    3.00  23.00  4 W 5    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        650    3.00  23.00  4 W 5    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
5 ♠A9864
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5 4 4♠  ♣5 NT6
EW: 2♣  ♦2 ♥2 ♠2 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: +600 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         25.00   1.00  5♠ N 5    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  650         25.00   1.00  4♠ N 5    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  650         25.00   1.00  4♠ N 5    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E5-Michael-Deering
  620         22.50   3.50  4♠ S 4    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C1-Smith-Smith
  620         22.50   3.50  4♠ N 4    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E7-Ross-Ross
  300         21.00   5.00  4♣* E -2  E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  200         18.00   8.00  3♠ N 5    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  200         18.00   8.00  3♠ N 5    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  200         18.00   8.00  3♠ N 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  200         18.00   8.00  3♠ N 5    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  200         18.00   8.00  3 S 5    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  170         15.00  11.00  3 S 4    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  150         14.00  12.00  5♣ E -3   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  140         13.00  13.00  3♠ N 3    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  110         11.00  15.00  2♠ N 2    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C9-Price-Bivins
  110         11.00  15.00  3 S 3    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  110         11.00  15.00  3 S 3    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
   50          8.00  18.00  1N E -1   D10-Lager-Lager vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
   50          8.00  18.00  3♣ E -1   D1-Ensley-Erten vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
   50          8.00  18.00  3♣ E -1   D8-Shores-Shores vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
         90    6.00  20.00  1N W 1    D9-Drake-Drake vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        100    4.50  21.50  5♠ N -1   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        100    4.50  21.50  4♠ N -1   E8-Adams-Adams vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        110    3.00  23.00  3♣ E 3    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        180    2.00  24.00  1N* W 1   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        200    0.50  25.50  5♠ N -2   C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        200    0.50  25.50  5♠ N -2   C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C3-Albert-Owen
6 ♠J43
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣2 ♦1 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 6 6♠ 2NT  ♥5
LoTT: 20 - 20 = 0
Par: -1100 7*-NS-5
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         26.00   0.00  6♠ E -1   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        150   25.00   1.00  5 S -3   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        500   23.50   2.50  5* S -3  E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        500   23.50   2.50  4* S -3  D8-Shores-Shores vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        650   21.00   5.00  5♠ W 5    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
        650   21.00   5.00  5♠ E 5    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        650   21.00   5.00  4♠ E 5    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        680   13.50  12.50  5♠ E 6    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        680   13.50  12.50  5♠ E 6    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        680   13.50  12.50  5♠ E 6    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        680   13.50  12.50  5♠ E 6    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        680   13.50  12.50  5♠ E 6    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        680   13.50  12.50  5♠ E 6    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        680   13.50  12.50  5♠ E 6    E8-Adams-Adams vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        680   13.50  12.50  4♠ E 6    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        680   13.50  12.50  4♠ E 6    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C3-Albert-Owen
        680   13.50  12.50  4♠ E 6    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        680   13.50  12.50  4♠ E 6    D9-Drake-Drake vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        680   13.50  12.50  4♠ E 6    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E7-Ross-Ross
       1050    7.00  19.00  5♠* E 6   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
       1430    3.00  23.00  6♠ W 6    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C1-Smith-Smith
       1430    3.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C9-Price-Bivins
       1430    3.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
       1430    3.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C6-Nelson-Cole
       1430    3.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    D10-Lager-Lager vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
       1430    3.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E5-Michael-Deering
       1430    3.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
7 ♠Q763
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣5 ♥3/4 ♠3 NT3
EW: 2♣ 3 4/3♠ 4/3NT  ♦6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -630 4NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         26.00   0.00  3♠ E -2   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  100         25.00   1.00  3♠ E -1   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
         90   24.00   2.00  1N W 1    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        110   22.50   3.50  2♠ E 2    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        110   22.50   3.50  2♠ E 2    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        140   17.50   8.50  3♠ E 3    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        140   17.50   8.50  3♠ E 3    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        140   17.50   8.50  3♠ E 3    E8-Adams-Adams vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        140   17.50   8.50  3♠ E 3    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        140   17.50   8.50  2♠ E 3    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        140   17.50   8.50  2♠ E 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        140   17.50   8.50  2♠ E 3    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        140   17.50   8.50  2♠ E 3    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        150   13.00  13.00  1N W 3    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        170    8.50  17.50  3♠ E 4    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C3-Albert-Owen
        170    8.50  17.50  3♠ E 4    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        170    8.50  17.50  3♠ E 4    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        170    8.50  17.50  2♠ E 4    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C1-Smith-Smith
        170    8.50  17.50  2♠ E 4    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        170    8.50  17.50  2♠ E 4    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C9-Price-Bivins
        170    8.50  17.50  2♠ E 4    D9-Drake-Drake vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        170    8.50  17.50  2♠ E 4    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        180    4.00  22.00  1N E 4    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        200    2.50  23.50  2♠ E 5    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        200    2.50  23.50  2♠ E 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        210    1.00  25.00  1N W 5    D8-Shores-Shores vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        650    0.00  26.00  4♠ E 5    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
8 ♠J983
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦4 ♥1 ♠3 NT2
EW: 1♣ 3 5 4♠ 5NT
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -460 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        140   26.00   0.00  3♠ W 3    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        200   25.00   1.00  3 E 5    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        420   22.50   3.50  4 E 4    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        420   22.50   3.50  4 E 4    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        420   22.50   3.50  4 E 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        420   22.50   3.50  4 E 4    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C1-Smith-Smith
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C3-Albert-Owen
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C9-Price-Bivins
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    D8-Shores-Shores vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    D9-Drake-Drake vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    E8-Adams-Adams vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        450   12.00  14.00  4 E 5    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        480    2.00  24.00  4 E 6    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        480    2.00  24.00  4 E 6    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        480    2.00  24.00  4 E 6    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        800    0.00  26.00  5♣* S -4  C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C2-Marsh-Smith
9 ♠T5
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣5/6 ♥6 ♠6 NT5/6
EW: 1♣ 1 1♠ 1NT  ♦5
LoTT: 14 - 15 = -1
Par: -90 1NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         26.00   0.00  3* W -3  E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  500         25.00   1.00  2N* E -2  C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C3-Albert-Owen
  200         24.00   2.00  2 W -2   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  150         23.00   3.00  1N N 3    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  130         22.00   4.00  3 N 4    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  120         21.00   5.00  1N N 2    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  110         19.00   7.00  3 N 3    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C2-Marsh-Smith
  110         19.00   7.00  3 N 3    E8-Adams-Adams vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  110         19.00   7.00  2 N 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
   90         16.50   9.50  1N N 1    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
   90         16.50   9.50  1N N 1    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D7-Fouks-Segal
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C1-Smith-Smith
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C4-Akayama-Veno
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
    PASS      10.50  15.50  Pass Out  E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
         50    4.00  22.00  1N S -1   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
         50    4.00  22.00  1N N -1   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C9-Price-Bivins
         50    4.00  22.00  1N N -1   D8-Shores-Shores vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        100    2.00  24.00  1N N -2   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        150    1.00  25.00  3N S -3   D1-Ensley-Erten vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        300    0.00  26.00  1N* N -2  D9-Drake-Drake vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
10 ♠AKJ
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♥4 ♠4 NT4
EW: 3♣ 3 3♠ 3NT  ♦5/6
LoTT: 16 - 18 = -2
Par: -600 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         26.00   0.00  4♠* W -1  E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C2-Marsh-Smith
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C1-Smith-Smith
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C3-Albert-Owen
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   D8-Shores-Shores vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   D9-Drake-Drake vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   D10-Lager-Lager vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   E8-Adams-Adams vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ W -1   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E5-Michael-Deering
  100         13.50  12.50  4♠ E -1   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E7-Ross-Ross
        140    1.00  25.00  3♠ W 3    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        630    0.00  26.00  3N E 4    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
11 ♠932
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦6 ♥4 ♠3 NT4
EW: 1 3 3♠ 1NT  ♣6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-EW/3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         24.50   1.50  3N W -2   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  100         24.50   1.50  4 W -2   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  100         24.50   1.50  4 W -2   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  100         24.50   1.50  4 W -2   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
   50         18.50   7.50  3N W -1   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
   50         18.50   7.50  2N W -1   E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
   50         18.50   7.50  4 E -1   C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
   50         18.50   7.50  4 E -1   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C4-Akayama-Veno
   50         18.50   7.50  4 E -1   D1-Ensley-Erten vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
   50         18.50   7.50  4 E -1   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
   50         18.50   7.50  3 W -1   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C2-Marsh-Smith
   50         18.50   7.50  3 E -1   D8-Shores-Shores vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        110   13.00  13.00  2♠ E 2    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E7-Ross-Ross
        110   13.00  13.00  2 E 2    D9-Drake-Drake vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        110   13.00  13.00  2 E 2    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        140    8.00  18.00  3 W 3    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        140    8.00  18.00  3 W 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        140    8.00  18.00  3 E 3    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C1-Smith-Smith
        140    8.00  18.00  3 E 3    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        140    8.00  18.00  3 E 3    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        140    8.00  18.00  3 E 3    E8-Adams-Adams vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        140    8.00  18.00  2 E 3    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        150    4.00  22.00  1N E 3    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C3-Albert-Owen
        170    3.00  23.00  2 E 4    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        400    1.50  24.50  3N E 3    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        400    1.50  24.50  3N E 3    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E5-Michael-Deering
        420    0.00  26.00  4 E 4    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
12 ♠A73
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 2 1♠ 1NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦3 ♥4 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +110 2-NS/3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         26.00   0.00  4♠* E -4  C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  690         25.00   1.00  3N N 6    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C1-Smith-Smith
  200         23.50   2.50  4♠ E -4   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  200         23.50   2.50  3♠ E -4   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  150         22.00   4.00  4 N 5    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  140         21.00   5.00  3 S 3    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  130         18.00   8.00  4 N 4    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
  130         18.00   8.00  4 N 4    E8-Adams-Adams vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  130         18.00   8.00  4 N 4    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  130         18.00   8.00  3 N 4    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  130         18.00   8.00  2 N 4    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  110         14.50  11.50  3 N 3    D9-Drake-Drake vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  110         14.50  11.50  3 N 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        100   12.00  14.00  4 S -1   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        100   12.00  14.00  3 S -1   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        100   12.00  14.00  5 N -1   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        200    7.00  19.00  4 S -2   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        200    7.00  19.00  4 S -2   C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C3-Albert-Owen
        200    7.00  19.00  4 S -2   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E5-Michael-Deering
        200    7.00  19.00  4 N -2   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        200    7.00  19.00  3 S -2   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        200    7.00  19.00  3 S -2   D8-Shores-Shores vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        200    7.00  19.00  5 N -2   C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        300    2.00  24.00  3N N -3   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        300    2.00  24.00  3N N -3   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        300    2.00  24.00  4 S -3   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        400    0.00  26.00  4 N -4   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E7-Ross-Ross
13 ♠AQT872
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2 5♠ 4NT  ♣6/5
EW: 1♣  ♦6 ♥4 ♠2 NT3
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +650 5♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         23.00   3.00  4♠ S 5    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C3-Albert-Owen
  650         23.00   3.00  4♠ S 5    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E5-Michael-Deering
  650         23.00   3.00  4♠ N 5    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  650         23.00   3.00  4♠ N 5    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C1-Smith-Smith
  650         23.00   3.00  4♠ N 5    D5-Manning-Wood vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  650         23.00   3.00  4♠ N 5    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  650         23.00   3.00  4♠ N 5    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ S 4    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C9-Price-Bivins
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ S 4    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ S 4    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    E8-Adams-Adams vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  620         13.50  12.50  4♠ N 4    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  170          6.50  19.50  3♠ N 4    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  170          6.50  19.50  3♠ N 4    D9-Drake-Drake vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  140          4.50  21.50  3♠ N 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
  140          4.50  21.50  3♠ N 3    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  110          3.00  23.00  2 N 2    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        100    1.50  24.50  4♠ S -1   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        100    1.50  24.50  4♠ N -1   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        200    0.00  26.00  4♠ N -2   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C6-Nelson-Cole
14 ♠T85
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4/5 ♦3 ♠5/6 NT6
EW: 2♣ 4/3 1♠ 1NT  ♥6/5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -130 4-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  150         24.50   1.50  3N W -3   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  150         24.50   1.50  3N W -3   D9-Drake-Drake vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  150         24.50   1.50  2N E -3   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  150         24.50   1.50  2 W -3   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  100         21.00   5.00  3N W -2   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  100         21.00   5.00  3N W -2   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  100         21.00   5.00  5 E -2   D5-Manning-Wood vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
   50         19.00   7.00  1N W -1   D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
         50   18.00   8.00  3 N -1   C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
         90   15.00  11.00  1N W 1    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C2-Marsh-Smith
         90   15.00  11.00  1N W 1    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
         90   15.00  11.00  1N W 1    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
         90   15.00  11.00  1N W 1    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
         90   15.00  11.00  1N W 1    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        100   11.00  15.00  2♠ S -2   E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E5-Michael-Deering
        100   11.00  15.00  2 N -2   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C3-Albert-Owen
        100   11.00  15.00  2♣ N -2   E8-Adams-Adams vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        110    7.00  19.00  3 E 3    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        110    7.00  19.00  2 W 3    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        110    7.00  19.00  2 E 3    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        110    7.00  19.00  2 E 3    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        110    7.00  19.00  2 E 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        130    4.00  22.00  2 E 4    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        150    3.00  23.00  1N W 3    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        180    2.00  24.00  1N* W 1   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        200    1.00  25.00  4♠ S -4   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C9-Price-Bivins
        570    0.00  26.00  3* E 4   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C1-Smith-Smith
15 ♠-
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4  ♣6 ♦3 ♠2 NT3
EW: -/1♣ 2/3 4♠ 3NT
       ♣6/7 ♥2/3
LoTT: 20 - 20 = 0
Par: +100 4NT*-EW/4*-E-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  850         25.98   0.02  5* N 5   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C6-Nelson-Cole
   50         20.79   5.21  5♠ W -1   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C1-Smith-Smith
   50         20.79   5.21  5♠ W -1   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C3-Albert-Owen
   50         20.79   5.21  5♠ W -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
   50         20.79   5.21  5♠ W -1   C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
   50         20.79   5.21  4♠ W -1   D5-Manning-Wood vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
   50         20.79   5.21  4♠ W -1   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
   50         20.79   5.21  4♠ W -1   E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E5-Michael-Deering
   50         20.79   5.21  4♠ W -1   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
   50         20.79   5.21  5 W -1   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        200   15.08  10.92  5* N -1  C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        200   15.08  10.92  5* N -1  E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        420   10.40  15.60  4♠ W 4    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        420   10.40  15.60  4♠ W 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        420   10.40  15.60  4♠ W 4    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        420   10.40  15.60  4♠ W 4    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        420   10.40  15.60  4♠ W 4    E8-Adams-Adams vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        420   10.40  15.60  4♠ W 4    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        420   10.40  15.60  4♠ W 4    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        450    4.17  21.83  5♠ W 5    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        450    4.17  21.83  5♠ W 5    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        450    4.17  21.83  4♠ W 5    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C9-Price-Bivins
        450    4.17  21.83  4♠ W 5    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        450    4.17  21.83  4♠ W 5    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        500    1.06  24.94  5* S -2  D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        800    0.02  25.98  5* N -3  D9-Drake-Drake vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
16 ♠Q64
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1  ♥2 ♠2 NT2
EW: 5 3♠ 5/4NT  ♣4 ♦5
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -660 5NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         25.50   0.50  3N E -2   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C3-Albert-Owen
  200         25.50   0.50  6♠ W -2   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  100         22.50   3.50  5♠ W -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  100         22.50   3.50  4♠ W -1   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  100         22.50   3.50  4♠ W -1   E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  100         22.50   3.50  6 E -1   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    D5-Manning-Wood vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        620   13.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E5-Michael-Deering
        650    4.00  22.00  4♠ W 5    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        650    4.00  22.00  4♠ W 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        650    4.00  22.00  4♠ W 5    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        650    4.00  22.00  5 W 5    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        650    4.00  22.00  5 E 5    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C1-Smith-Smith
        680    1.00  25.00  4♠ W 6    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E7-Ross-Ross
        690    0.00  26.00  3N E 6    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
17 ♠652
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2/3♠  ♣3 ♥2 NT3
EW: 3♣ 5 4NT  ♦6 ♠4
LoTT: 20 - 20 = 0
Par: -300 5♠*-S-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.50   0.50  6* E -1  C6-McClain-Bovard vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  100         25.50   0.50  6* E -1  D1-Ensley-Erten vs D7-Fouks-Segal
   50         21.00   5.00  6 W -1   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E5-Michael-Deering
   50         21.00   5.00  6 E -1   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
   50         21.00   5.00  6 E -1   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C2-Marsh-Smith
   50         21.00   5.00  6 E -1   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
   50         21.00   5.00  6 E -1   E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
   50         21.00   5.00  6 E -1   E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
   50         21.00   5.00  6 E -1   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        100   16.50   9.50  4♠* S -1  C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        100   16.50   9.50  4♠* S -1  D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        300   15.00  11.00  5♠* S -2  D10-Lager-Lager vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C1-Smith-Smith
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C3-Albert-Owen
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        450    8.50  17.50  5 E 5    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        500    1.50  24.50  6♠* S -3  D5-Manning-Wood vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        500    1.50  24.50  6♠* S -3  E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E7-Ross-Ross
        650    0.00  26.00  5* E 5   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
18 ♠763
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦2 ♥2 ♠1 NT1
EW: 3♣ 5/4 5 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        450   24.50   1.50  5♠ E 5    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        450   24.50   1.50  4♠ E 5    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        450   24.50   1.50  4♠ E 5    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        450   24.50   1.50  4♠ E 5    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        480   15.50  10.50  5♠ E 6    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ W 6    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ W 6    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ W 6    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E5-Michael-Deering
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C1-Smith-Smith
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C3-Albert-Owen
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    D10-Lager-Lager vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E7-Ross-Ross
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        480   15.50  10.50  4♠ E 6    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        490    6.00  20.00  3N E 6    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        490    6.00  20.00  3N E 6    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        490    6.00  20.00  3N E 6    D5-Manning-Wood vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        490    6.00  20.00  3N E 6    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        490    6.00  20.00  3N E 6    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        980    2.00  24.00  6♠ E 6    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        980    2.00  24.00  6♠ E 6    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        980    2.00  24.00  6♠ E 6    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        990    0.00  26.00  6N E 6    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
19 ♠J6543
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 2♠  ♣5 ♥5 NT6
EW: 1/2♣ 2  ♦4 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         26.00   0.00  4♣* E -3  E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  200         25.00   1.00  4♣* E -1  C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  140         23.00   3.00  2♠ N 3    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  140         23.00   3.00  2♠ N 3    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  140         23.00   3.00  2♠ N 3    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  110         15.50  10.50  2♠ N 2    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  110         15.50  10.50  2♠ N 2    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  110         15.50  10.50  3 S 3    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
  110         15.50  10.50  3 S 3    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  110         15.50  10.50  2 S 3    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  110         15.50  10.50  2 S 3    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  110         15.50  10.50  2 S 3    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  110         15.50  10.50  2 S 3    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  110         15.50  10.50  2 S 3    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  110         15.50  10.50  2 S 3    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  110         15.50  10.50  2 S 3    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E7-Ross-Ross
  110         15.50  10.50  2 N 3    D5-Manning-Wood vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  100          9.00  17.00  3N W -1   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
   90          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C1-Smith-Smith
   90          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C3-Albert-Owen
   90          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
   90          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
         50    3.50  22.50  3♠ N -1   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C2-Marsh-Smith
         50    3.50  22.50  3♠ N -1   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        100    2.00  24.00  3♠* N -1  E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E5-Michael-Deering
        110    1.00  25.00  3♣ E 3    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
        150    0.00  26.00  1 S -3   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
20 ♠AT762
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: -/1 3♠ -/1NT
       ♣6 ♦5 ♥6/7 NT6/7
EW: 2/1  ♣5 ♥6/5 ♠4 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  620         25.50   0.50  4♠ N 4    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  620         25.50   0.50  4♠ N 4    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  170         22.00   4.00  3♠ N 4    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  170         22.00   4.00  2♠ N 4    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  170         22.00   4.00  2♠ N 4    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C2-Marsh-Smith
  170         22.00   4.00  2♠ N 4    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  170         22.00   4.00  2♠ N 4    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  140         16.50   9.50  3♠ N 3    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  140         16.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  140         16.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    D5-Manning-Wood vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  140         16.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  140         16.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  140         16.50   9.50  2♠ N 3    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E5-Michael-Deering
  110         12.50  13.50  2♠ N 2    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  110         12.50  13.50  2♠ N 2    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  100         11.00  15.00  3 W -1   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        100    7.50  18.50  4♠ N -1   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        100    7.50  18.50  4♠ N -1   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E7-Ross-Ross
        100    7.50  18.50  4♠ N -1   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        100    7.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
        100    7.50  18.50  3♠ N -1   D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        100    7.50  18.50  2♠ N -1   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        200    2.50  23.50  4♠ N -2   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        200    2.50  23.50  4♠ N -2   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C1-Smith-Smith
        200    2.50  23.50  4♠ N -2   D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        200    2.50  23.50  4♠ N -2   E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        300    0.00  26.00  3♠ N -3   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C3-Albert-Owen
21 ♠64
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 4/3 3NT  ♣6 ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣6 ♦3 ♥3 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: +500 4♠*-EW-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  620         24.00   2.00  4 S 4    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  620         24.00   2.00  4 S 4    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  620         24.00   2.00  4 S 4    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E5-Michael-Deering
  620         24.00   2.00  4 S 4    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  620         24.00   2.00  4 N 4    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C1-Smith-Smith
  600         21.00   5.00  3N S 3    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  500         20.00   6.00  2♣* E -3  E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  300         19.00   7.00  4♠* W -2  E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  140         17.00   9.00  3 S 3    D5-Manning-Wood vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  140         17.00   9.00  3 N 3    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  140         17.00   9.00  1 N 3    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        100   10.00  16.00  3N S -1   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E7-Ross-Ross
        100   10.00  16.00  4 S -1   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        100   10.00  16.00  4 S -1   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        100   10.00  16.00  4 S -1   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
        100   10.00  16.00  4 S -1   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        100   10.00  16.00  4 S -1   E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        100   10.00  16.00  4 N -1   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        100   10.00  16.00  4 N -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C3-Albert-Owen
        100   10.00  16.00  4 N -1   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        100   10.00  16.00  4 N -1   D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        100   10.00  16.00  4 N -1   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        200    2.00  24.00  3N N -2   D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        200    2.00  24.00  4 S -2   D7-Lowe-Davis vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        200    2.00  24.00  4 S -2   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        200    2.00  24.00  4 S -2   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        200    2.00  24.00  4 N -2   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
22 ♠Q842
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 7 7♠ 7NT  ♣6
EW: 1♣  ♦2 ♥0 ♠0 NT0
LoTT: 20 - 20 = 0
Par: +1520 7NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1510         24.00   2.00  7♠ S 7    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C6-Nelson-Cole
 1510         24.00   2.00  7♠ S 7    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
 1510         24.00   2.00  7♠ S 7    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
 1510         24.00   2.00  7♠ S 7    D8-Shores-Shores vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
 1510         24.00   2.00  7 N 7    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
 1020         21.00   5.00  6N N 7    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C2-Marsh-Smith
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    D5-Manning-Wood vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    E8-Adams-Adams vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
 1010         13.50  12.50  6♠ S 7    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
 1010         13.50  12.50  6 N 7    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
 1010         13.50  12.50  6 N 7    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C4-Akayama-Veno
 1010         13.50  12.50  6 N 7    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E7-Ross-Ross
  980          4.50  21.50  6♠ S 6    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  980          4.50  21.50  6 N 6    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C9-Price-Bivins
  980          4.50  21.50  6 N 6    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  980          4.50  21.50  6 N 6    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E5-Michael-Deering
  510          1.50  24.50  4♠ S 7    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C3-Albert-Owen
  510          1.50  24.50  4 N 7    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  480          0.00  26.00  5 N 6    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D7-Fouks-Segal
23 ♠652
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5 2 2NT  ♣6 ♠6
EW: 1♣ 1♠  ♦1 ♥4 NT3
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +600 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         26.00   0.00  5 N 5    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C2-Marsh-Smith
  300         25.00   1.00  3♠ E -3   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  200         21.50   4.50  3♠* E -1  D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  200         21.50   4.50  3♠ E -2   D7-Lowe-Davis vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  200         21.50   4.50  3♠ E -2   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E5-Michael-Deering
  200         21.50   4.50  3♠ E -2   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E7-Ross-Ross
  200         21.50   4.50  3♠ E -2   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  200         21.50   4.50  2♠* E -1  D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  170         16.50   9.50  4 N 6    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  170         16.50   9.50  3 N 6    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  170         16.50   9.50  3 N 6    D8-Shores-Shores vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  170         16.50   9.50  3 N 6    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  150         10.50  15.50  4 N 5    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  150         10.50  15.50  4 N 5    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  150         10.50  15.50  4 N 5    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  150         10.50  15.50  3 N 5    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  150         10.50  15.50  3 N 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  150         10.50  15.50  3 N 5    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  150         10.50  15.50  3 N 5    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  150         10.50  15.50  3 N 5    E8-Adams-Adams vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  130          4.50  21.50  4 N 4    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C3-Albert-Owen
  130          4.50  21.50  3 N 4    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C9-Price-Bivins
  130          4.50  21.50  3 N 4    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  130          4.50  21.50  3 N 4    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  100          2.00  24.00  2♠ E -1   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        110    1.00  25.00  2♠ E 2    D5-Manning-Wood vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        200    0.00  26.00  3N N -2   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
24 ♠2
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 2 5 1♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣0 ♦5 ♥2 ♠5 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +920 6♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  920         26.00   0.00  6♣ N 6    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  460         25.00   1.00  3N S 5    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  450         20.50   5.50  4♠ N 5    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  450         20.50   5.50  4 N 5    D5-Manning-Wood vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
  450         20.50   5.50  4 N 5    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  450         20.50   5.50  4 N 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  450         20.50   5.50  4 N 5    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E7-Ross-Ross
  450         20.50   5.50  4 N 5    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  450         20.50   5.50  4 N 5    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  450         20.50   5.50  4 N 5    E8-Adams-Adams vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  430         16.00  10.00  3N S 4    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  420         14.50  11.50  5♣ S 6    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  420         14.50  11.50  5♣ N 6    D8-Shores-Shores vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  400         13.00  13.00  5♣ S 5    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  300         12.00  14.00  1♠* E -2  E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E5-Michael-Deering
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C9-Price-Bivins
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C2-Marsh-Smith
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C3-Albert-Owen
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  200          6.00  20.00  3 N 5    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  170          0.00  26.00  2 N 4    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
25 ♠T643
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2 1NT  ♦5 ♠6
EW: 2 1♠  ♣5 ♥4 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +110 2-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         26.00   0.00  3♠ W -3   E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E5-Michael-Deering
  140         23.50   2.50  3 N 3    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  140         23.50   2.50  2 S 3    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  140         23.50   2.50  2 S 3    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C9-Price-Bivins
  140         23.50   2.50  2 S 3    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  110         19.50   6.50  2 S 2    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  110         19.50   6.50  2 S 2    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  110         19.50   6.50  2 S 2    D9-Drake-Drake vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  110         19.50   6.50  2 S 2    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  100         16.00  10.00  3♠ W -1   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  100         16.00  10.00  3 E -1   C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  100         16.00  10.00  2 E -1   D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
   90         14.00  12.00  1N N 1    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
         50    9.00  17.00  3 S -1   D5-Manning-Wood vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
         50    9.00  17.00  3 S -1   D7-Lowe-Davis vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
         50    9.00  17.00  3 S -1   E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
         50    9.00  17.00  3 N -1   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
         50    9.00  17.00  2 S -1   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C4-Akayama-Veno
         50    9.00  17.00  2 S -1   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
         50    9.00  17.00  2 S -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C1-Smith-Smith
         50    9.00  17.00  2 S -1   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
         50    9.00  17.00  2 N -1   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        100    3.50  22.50  3 S -2   E8-Adams-Adams vs E7-Ross-Ross
        100    3.50  22.50  2 S -2   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        110    1.50  24.50  2♠ W 2    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C3-Albert-Owen
        110    1.50  24.50  2♠ W 2    D8-Shores-Shores vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        140    0.00  26.00  3♠ W 3    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
26 ♠84
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 5 3♠ 4/3NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦5 ♥2 ♠4/3 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +650 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         24.50   1.50  4 S 5    D5-Manning-Wood vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  650         24.50   1.50  4 S 5    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  650         24.50   1.50  4 S 5    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  650         24.50   1.50  4 S 5    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E5-Michael-Deering
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C1-Smith-Smith
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    D9-Drake-Drake vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  620         15.00  11.00  4 S 4    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  620         15.00  11.00  4 N 4    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  620         15.00  11.00  4 N 4    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C9-Price-Bivins
  620         15.00  11.00  4 N 4    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  620         15.00  11.00  4 N 4    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  620         15.00  11.00  4 N 4    E8-Adams-Adams vs E7-Ross-Ross
  180          7.00  19.00  2N S 4    D8-Shores-Shores vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  170          6.00  20.00  2 N 4    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  140          5.00  21.00  2 N 3    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        100    2.00  24.00  4 S -1   C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        100    2.00  24.00  4 S -1   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C3-Albert-Owen
        100    2.00  24.00  4 S -1   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        100    2.00  24.00  4 S -1   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        100    2.00  24.00  4 N -1   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
27 ♠KQ92
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦5 ♥5/6 ♠4 NT5
EW: -/1♣ 1/2 1/2 3♠ 1/2NT
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         26.00   0.00  3N* W -2  E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E5-Michael-Deering
  200         25.00   1.00  4♠ W -4   D5-Manning-Wood vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  100         23.00   3.00  2N W -2   D7-Lowe-Davis vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  100         23.00   3.00  2♠ W -2   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  100         23.00   3.00  2 E -2   E8-Adams-Adams vs E7-Ross-Ross
   50         19.00   7.00  2N W -1   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
   50         19.00   7.00  3♠ W -1   C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C6-Nelson-Cole
   50         19.00   7.00  2♠ W -1   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C3-Albert-Owen
   50         19.00   7.00  2 E -1   D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
   50         19.00   7.00  3 W -1   E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        100   15.50  10.50  3♣ S -2   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
        100   15.50  10.50  3♣ N -2   E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        110   11.50  14.50  2♠ W 2    C1-Brownfield-Ohman vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        110   11.50  14.50  2♠ W 2    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        110   11.50  14.50  2♠ W 2    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        110   11.50  14.50  2 E 2    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C1-Smith-Smith
        110   11.50  14.50  2 E 2    D1-Ensley-Erten vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        110   11.50  14.50  2 E 2    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        140    7.50  18.50  2♠ W 3    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C9-Price-Bivins
        140    7.50  18.50  2♠ W 3    D9-Drake-Drake vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        150    5.00  21.00  2N W 3    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        150    5.00  21.00  4♣ S -3   E1-Gladfelter-Gladfelter vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        150    5.00  21.00  3♣ N -3   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        200    3.00  23.00  3♣ N -4   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        250    2.00  24.00  3N N -5   D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        300    0.50  25.50  1N* N -2  D8-Shores-Shores vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        300    0.50  25.50  1N* N -2  E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
28 ♠JT3
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1  ♣5 ♠5/6 NT6
EW: 2♣ 1♠ 1NT  ♦4 ♥6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +90 2-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  380         26.00   0.00  2* S 3   C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  110         24.50   1.50  3 S 3    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  110         24.50   1.50  3 S 3    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  100         22.00   4.00  3N E -2   D8-Shores-Shores vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  100         22.00   4.00  3N E -2   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  100         22.00   4.00  3♣ W -2   D7-Lowe-Davis vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
   90         19.50   6.50  2 S 2    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E7-Ross-Ross
   90         19.50   6.50  2 S 2    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
   50         18.00   8.00  2♣ E -1   E8-Adams-Adams vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C2-Marsh-Smith
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C4-Akayama-Veno
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    D5-Manning-Wood vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    D9-Drake-Drake vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E5-Michael-Deering
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
         90   12.00  14.00  1N E 1    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
         90   12.00  14.00  2♣ E 2    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        100    6.00  20.00  3 S -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        110    5.00  21.00  3♣ E 3    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        120    2.50  23.50  1N E 2    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C9-Price-Bivins
        120    2.50  23.50  1N E 2    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        120    2.50  23.50  1N E 2    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        120    2.50  23.50  1N E 2    D10-Lager-Lager vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        200    0.00  26.00  2N N -2   C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
29 ♠983
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2/1♣ 5 4 3♠ 4/3NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦2 ♥3 ♠4 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +630 4NT-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C9-Price-Bivins
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    D5-Manning-Wood vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    D9-Drake-Drake vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E7-Ross-Ross
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
  630         19.50   6.50  3N S 4    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  630         19.50   6.50  3N N 4    E8-Adams-Adams vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  600          9.00  17.00  3N S 3    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  600          9.00  17.00  3N S 3    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C4-Akayama-Veno
  600          9.00  17.00  3N S 3    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  600          9.00  17.00  3N S 3    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  600          9.00  17.00  3N S 3    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  600          9.00  17.00  3N S 3    D8-Shores-Shores vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  600          9.00  17.00  3N S 3    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  170          5.00  21.00  2 S 4    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  150          4.00  22.00  1N S 3    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  140          2.50  23.50  3 N 3    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  140          2.50  23.50  2 N 3    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E5-Michael-Deering
  130          1.00  25.00  3 S 4    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        200    0.00  26.00  4 S -2   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C2-Marsh-Smith
30 ♠T9
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣2/1 ♥6 ♠1 NT1
EW: 5♣ 6♠ 6NT  ♦6 ♥6
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        450   23.00   3.00  5♠ E 5    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        450   23.00   3.00  4♠ W 5    C2-Ptuyac-Wolff vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        450   23.00   3.00  4♠ W 5    D8-Shores-Shores vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        450   23.00   3.00  4♠ W 5    D9-Drake-Drake vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
        450   23.00   3.00  4♠ W 5    E2-Samiian-Kajar vs E5-Michael-Deering
        450   23.00   3.00  4♠ W 5    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        450   23.00   3.00  4♠ W 5    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        480    9.50  16.50  5♠ W 6    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        480    9.50  16.50  5♠ W 6    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D7-Fouks-Segal
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C9-Price-Bivins
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C2-Marsh-Smith
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    D2-Huff-Lalouche vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    D5-Manning-Wood vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D2-Blaschak-Blaschak
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    D10-Lager-Lager vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E7-Ross-Ross
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E2-Howerton-Fraser
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E4-Dunst-Sheehan
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    E8-Adams-Adams vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
        480    9.50  16.50  4♠ W 6    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
31 ♠Q62
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1/2 2/3 1♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥4 ♠6 NT4
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +600 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         25.00   1.00  3N N 3    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C3-Albert-Owen
  600         25.00   1.00  3N N 3    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  600         25.00   1.00  3N N 3    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  300         23.00   3.00  2♠* E -2  C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  180         22.00   4.00  2N N 4    D8-Shores-Shores vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  170         19.50   6.50  3 S 4    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  170         19.50   6.50  2 S 4    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  170         19.50   6.50  2 S 4    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C9-Price-Bivins
  170         19.50   6.50  2 S 4    D5-Manning-Wood vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  150         16.50   9.50  2N N 3    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  150         16.50   9.50  3♣ E -3   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
  140         13.50  12.50  3 S 3    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  140         13.50  12.50  2 S 3    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  140         13.50  12.50  2 S 3    D9-Drake-Drake vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  140         13.50  12.50  2 S 3    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  120         10.50  15.50  2N N 2    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  120         10.50  15.50  2N N 2    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  110          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
  110          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  110          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  110          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  110          6.50  19.50  2 S 2    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E7-Ross-Ross
  110          6.50  19.50  2 N 3    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  100          3.00  23.00  2♠ W -2   D10-Lager-Lager vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        100    1.50  24.50  3 S -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        100    1.50  24.50  3 S -1   E8-Adams-Adams vs E5-Michael-Deering
        200    0.00  26.00  4 N -2   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
32 ♠A8
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦3 ♥4 ♠5 NT3
EW: 5♣ 3/4 3 2♠ 3/4NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -630 4NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  130         26.00   0.00  3♣ N 4    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C3-Albert-Owen
  100         23.00   3.00  3N W -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  100         23.00   3.00  3N W -1   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
  100         23.00   3.00  3N W -1   D9-Drake-Drake vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  100         23.00   3.00  3N W -1   E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  100         23.00   3.00  3♣ W -1   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        110   19.50   6.50  3♣ W 3    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
        110   19.50   6.50  2♣ W 3    D10-Lager-Lager vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        130   17.50   8.50  3♣ W 4    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
        130   17.50   8.50  2♣ W 4    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        150   16.00  10.00  2♣ W 5    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C9-Price-Bivins
        180   15.00  11.00  1N W 4    E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E7-Ross-Ross
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    D5-Manning-Wood vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
        600    8.00  18.00  3N W 3    E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        600    8.00  18.00  3N E 3    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
        600    8.00  18.00  3N E 3    D8-Shores-Shores vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
        600    8.00  18.00  3N E 3    E8-Adams-Adams vs E5-Michael-Deering
        630    0.50  25.50  3N W 4    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        630    0.50  25.50  3N W 4    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
33 ♠QJ6
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 1 1♠ 2/1NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦4 ♥6 ♠5/6 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +130 4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  490         26.00   0.00  2N* S 2   D9-Drake-Drake vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  470         25.00   1.00  3♣* N 3   D7-Lowe-Davis vs D3-Ivey-Ivey
  400         24.00   2.00  5♣ N 5    D8-Shores-Shores vs D5-Darvey-Darvey
  200         23.00   3.00  4♠ E -4   C3-Woodside-Bleiman vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  150         21.00   5.00  1N W -3   E6-Legare-Houtkooper vs E1-Kolson-Kolson
  150         21.00   5.00  3♠ E -3   D5-Manning-Wood vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  150         21.00   5.00  3♠ E -3   E8-Adams-Adams vs E5-Michael-Deering
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ S 4    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ S 4    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C9-Price-Bivins
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ S 4    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ S 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ S 4    E7-Tsoukalas-Soliman vs E3-Lundy-Farnsworth
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ N 4    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ N 4    E3-Soffa Carlson-Mager vs E6-Quinton-Quinton
  130         14.50  11.50  3♣ N 4    E5-Maltzman-DePesa vs E10-Ryder-Ryder
  130         14.50  11.50  2♣ S 4    E4-Johnsen-Agelidis vs E8-Orandle-Jigamian
  130         14.50  11.50  2♣ N 4    E11-Raczkiewicz-Strykier vs E11-Updegraff-McGowan
  110          9.00  17.00  3♣ S 3    D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  100          7.00  19.00  3N* E -1  D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  100          7.00  19.00  1N W -2   E9-McNaughton-McNaughton vs E7-Ross-Ross
  100          7.00  19.00  4 E -2   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C3-Albert-Owen
   80          5.00  21.00  1 S 1    D3-Epstein-Epstein vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
   50          4.00  22.00  1N W -1   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
         50    2.50  23.50  5♣ N -1   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
         50    2.50  23.50  3♣ S -1   E10-Rankin-Rankin vs E9-Lilie-Lilie
        100    1.00  25.00  5♣* S -1  C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        180    0.00  26.00  1N* W 1   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C5-Showalter-Showalter
34 ♠AKQT5432
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♠  ♣2/1 ♦1 ♥4 NT3
EW: 5♣ 5 3  ♠2 NT4
LoTT: 22 - 21 = +1
Par: +100 6*-EW/6♣*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  990         25.00   1.00  4♠* N 5   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
  990         25.00   1.00  4♠* N 5   C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
  850         22.00   4.00  5♠* N 5   D9-Drake-Drake vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
  850         22.00   4.00  5♠* N 5   D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
  680         19.75   6.25  4♠ N 6    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C6-Nelson-Cole
  650         13.00  13.00  5♠ N 5    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
  650         13.00  13.00  5♠ N 5    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C1-Smith-Smith
  650         13.00  13.00  5♠ N 5    D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  650         13.00  13.00  5♠ N 5    D10-Lager-Lager vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  650         13.00  13.00  4♠ N 5    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C9-Price-Bivins
  650         13.00  13.00  4♠ N 5    C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
  650         13.00  13.00  4♠ N 5    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
  650         13.00  13.00  4♠ N 5    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
  300          6.25  19.75  7* E -2  D5-Manning-Wood vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
  100          4.75  21.25  6 W -2   D8-Shores-Shores vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
   50          3.25  22.75  5 W -1   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        100    1.75  24.25  6♠ N -1   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
       1090    0.25  25.75  6* W 6   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D7-Fouks-Segal
35 ♠QJ85
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2♠  ♣3 ♥5 NT5
EW: 3♣ 2 2NT  ♦5 ♠5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -100 3♠*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         25.75   0.25  3♠ S 4    D10-Lager-Lager vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  100         23.50   2.50  4♣ W -1   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  100         23.50   2.50  4♣ W -1   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
         50   15.25  10.75  4♠ S -1   C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
         50   15.25  10.75  3♠ S -1   C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C6-Nelson-Cole
         50   15.25  10.75  3♠ S -1   D7-Lowe-Davis vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
         50   15.25  10.75  3♠ N -1   C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
         50   15.25  10.75  3♠ N -1   D9-Drake-Drake vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey
         50   15.25  10.75  3 S -1   C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C9-Price-Bivins
         50   15.25  10.75  3 S -1   C8-Linderman-Holland vs C4-Akayama-Veno
         50   15.25  10.75  3 S -1   C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
         50   15.25  10.75  3 N -1   D8-Shores-Shores vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        100    7.75  18.25  4♠ N -2   D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        130    5.50  20.50  4♣ W 4    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        130    5.50  20.50  4♣ W 4    D5-Manning-Wood vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        150    3.25  22.75  3♠ N -3   C6-McClain-Bovard vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        200    1.75  24.25  5 S -4   D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        250    0.25  25.75  1N S -5   C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C1-Smith-Smith
36 ♠T8
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣1 ♦6 ♥5 ♠1 NT1
EW: 5♣ 2 5♠ 3NT  ♦6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -650 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   1.00  3N W -3   D4-Hyde-Hildebrand vs D7-Fouks-Segal
  300         25.00   1.00  3N W -3   D6-Kanarek-Barbach vs D11-Bredall-Hegarty
  200         22.75   3.25  3N W -2   D10-Lager-Lager vs D8-Kulbitski-Kulbitski
  100         21.25   4.75  3N W -1   C10-Lietzow-Garin vs C8-Kushner-Kushner
         90   19.75   6.25  1N E 1    D11-Nakanishi-Yachi vs D10-Stewart-Thorpe
        120   18.25   7.75  1N E 2    C11-Kissell-Kissell vs C10-Henrick-Rubin
        130   16.75   9.25  3♣ E 4    C6-McClain-Bovard vs C11-Nakasaki-Thomas
        170   15.25  10.75  3♣ W 6    D12-Bengel-Bengel vs D12-Lewis-Seiden
        210   10.75  15.25  1N E 5    C4-Stowe-Stowe vs C7-Craig-Kielpinski
        210   10.75  15.25  1N E 5    C8-Linderman-Holland vs C4-Akayama-Veno
        210   10.75  15.25  1N E 5    C12-Barbee-Barbee vs C12-Wood, Jr-Hinds
        210   10.75  15.25  1N E 5    D5-Manning-Wood vs D9-Sturm-Sturm
        210   10.75  15.25  1N E 5    D7-Lowe-Davis vs D1-Larson-Gilbert
        240    5.50  20.50  1N E 6    C5-Poplawsky-Goldstein vs C9-Price-Bivins
        240    5.50  20.50  1N E 6    C9-Tipton-Tipton vs C6-Nelson-Cole
        600    3.25  22.75  3N E 3    D8-Shores-Shores vs D4-Williams-Wade Williams
        690    1.00  25.00  3N W 6    C7-Tomczyk-Dower vs C1-Smith-Smith
        690    1.00  25.00  3N W 6    D9-Drake-Drake vs D6-Mehrhoff-Carey