Las Vegas Regional - District 17

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Field strength:  Mean: 2289 MP  Geomean: 1106 MP
(based on 154 players, 1 non ACBL player ignored, missing masterpoint data for 1 ACBL player)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Karen Johnson - Orlano Johnson 63.26 2.68 Gold, 6.61 Red
Benjamin Kelley - Edward Kelley IV 63.11 2.68 Gold, 4.29 Red
Lynne Newman - Rick Lepscier 61.64 5.23 Red
Ken Gee - Robert Porter 61.59 3.92 Red
David Idleman - Jerry Keller 61.23 2.94 Red
George Vasilevsky - Philip Pearl 60.17 2.68 Gold
Anne Cline - Donald Cline 60.07 4.05 Red
Bernard Figueiredo - Hanan Deeby 59.31 2.68 Gold
Charles Hilding - Raymond Adams Jr 59.26 1.88 Red
Bert Kulic - Judith Kulic 59.26 3.04 Red
Cassandra Mani - G Kissel 58.60 2.28 Red
Frederick Upton - Tiger Li Li Williams 57.79 2.68 Gold
Danna Redford - Lynn Gunn 57.49 2.30 Red
Annabelle Hudmon - Jerry Helms 56.93 0.54 Red
Dennis Moore - Pat Moore 56.73 1.88 Red
Margot Hirsch - Pat Ramsey 56.68 1.34 Red
E. B. McGowan - Jeannine McGowan 56.58 0.68 Red
Gerry Piaget - Joan Piaget 56.28 1.34 Red
Claire Chatel - George Chatel 55.72 2.68 Gold
Randall Lake - Richard Wilburn 55.57 2.04 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Bradley Ward - Roshen Hadulla 54.71 0.94 Red
Diana Holt - Ed Schulte 54.50 0.94 Red
Emmy Haji - Joyce Penn 54.35 0.54 Red
David Gasper - Marlene Warren-Gasper 54.00 1.34 Red
Douglas Burke - Terry Terzian 53.74 1.43 Red
Franklin Kitchiner Jr - Temo Arjani 53.54 1.72 Red
Charles Kelley - Jo Anne Kelley 53.24 1.43 Red
Ivor Philips - Marilyn Philips 52.48 1.29 Red
Don Freeland - Guy Brackett 52.18 1.43 Red
David Ruoff - Susan Ruoff 51.57 1.02 Red
Dennis Duryea - Dianne Cox 51.47 1.36 Red
Beth Brown - Linda Nemmer 51.42 0.97 Red
Alexandra Starr - Roy Starr 51.37 0.97 Red
Carmen Duffek - Rod Southworth 51.32 0.71 Red
Arnold Silberstein - Nicole Abadi 50.00 1.00 Red
George Lewis Jr - Renee Hoffman 49.49 0.71 Red
Mark Johnson - Mark Steele 49.24 1.02 Red
Edith Somogyi - Paul Phua 49.14 1.07 Red
Barbara Amelkin - Stanley Amelkin 48.33 0.75 Red
Ingrid Fitzgerald - L John Postas 41.60 1.00 Red
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>June 26, 2015      |SANCTION>R1506011  | 06/26/2015 19:17|EVENT CODE>AFSS
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>LAS VEGAS, NV   |RATING>Regional                     |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=9/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Orlano Johnson         Karen Johnson            B   1     1     .   |   1     1     .    625.00  63.26  2.68*** 
 2 Nicole Abadi           Arnold Silberstein       C   .     .     6   |   .     4     1    494.00  50.00  1.00Red 
 3 Ken Gee                Robert Porter            A   4     .     .   |   2     .     .    608.50  61.59  3.92Red 
 4 Dwight Hildebrand      Martha Hyde              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    465.50  47.12          
 5 Jerry Keller           David Idleman            A   5     .     .   |   3     .     .    605.00  61.23  2.94Red 
 6 Nancy Porterfield      Sue Gehret               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    430.00  43.52          
 7 Ed Schulte             Diana Holt               A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    538.50  54.50  0.94Red 
 8 John Williams          Carol Williams           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    362.50  36.69          
 9 Robert Dale            Bob Dale                 A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    420.50  42.56          
10 Shirley Fox            Joyce Friedel            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    308.50  31.22          
11 Linda Nemmer           Beth Brown               B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .    508.00  51.42  0.97Red 
12 Annette Goldberg       Rosa Cupfender           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    428.00  43.32          
13 Dianne Cox             Dennis Duryea            B   .     .     .   |   5     2     .    508.50  51.47  1.36Red 
                                          Totals                                           6302.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=10/C=3                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Paul Glick             Michelle Steiner         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    378.00  38.26          
 2 Sharon Reback          Paul Reback              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    447.00  45.24          
 3 Jerry Ranney           Jane Ranney              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    512.00  51.82          
 4 Mitsuko Kodama         Lester Kodama            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    482.00  48.79          
 5 Charles Hilding        Raymond Adams Jr         A 9/10    .     .   |   2     .     .    585.50  59.26  1.88Red 
 6 Temo Arjani            Franklin Kitchiner Jr    C   .     .     3   |   5     3     1    529.00  53.54  1.72Red 
 7 G Kissel               Cassandra Mani           B   .     5     .   |   3     1     .    579.00  58.60  2.28Red 
 8 Douglas Burke          Terry Terzian            B   .     .     .   |   4     2     .    531.00  53.74  1.43Red 
 9 Bernard Figueiredo     Hanan Deeby              A   8     .     .   |   1     .     .    586.00  59.31  2.68*** 
10 Carol Dumford          Ardie Condon             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    420.00  42.51          
11 David Gambelin         Robert Baskett           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    485.00  49.09          
12 John McCaffrey         Judy McCaffrey           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    500.00  50.61          
13 Carmen Duffek          Rod Southworth           B   .     .     .   |   .     4     .    507.00  51.32  0.71Red 
                                          Totals                                           6541.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=10/C=4                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Edith Somogyi          Paul Phua                C   .     .     .   |   .     4     1    485.50  49.14  1.07Red 
 2 Stanley Amelkin        Barbara Amelkin          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     2    477.50  48.33  0.75Red 
 3 Dennis Moore           Pat Moore                A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    560.50  56.73  1.88Red 
 4 Charles Kelley         Jo Anne Kelley           B   .     .     .   |   4     2     .    526.00  53.24  1.43Red 
 5 Margot Hirsch          Pat Ramsey               A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    560.00  56.68  1.34Red 
 6 Douglas Smith          Gloria Dorrance          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    434.50  43.98          
 7 Michael Marcucci       Hansford Rowe            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    421.50  42.66          
 8 Mark Steele            Mark Johnson             B   .     .     .   |   5     3     .    486.50  49.24  1.02Red 
 9 Lilian Yee             Sik Tong Yee             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    456.00  46.15          
10 Sharon Nies            Mary Debree              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    426.50  43.17          
11 David Chinn            Mie Thiemmedh            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    445.50  45.09          
12 Frederick Upton        Tiger Li Li Williams     B   .     6     .   |   1     1     .    571.00  57.79  2.68*** 
13 Thomas Ryder           Suzy Ryder               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    378.00  38.26          
                                          Totals                                           6229.00       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=9/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Jeannine McGowan       E. B. McGowan            B   .     .     .   |   .     4     .    559.00  56.58  0.68Red 
 2 Nancy McCormick        Susan Dugas              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    474.50  48.03          
 3 John Grossmann         Bonnie Bagley            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    455.00  46.05          
 4 Anne Cline             Donald Cline             B   7     3     .   |   3     2     .    593.50  60.07  4.05Red 
 5 Joyce Denyven          David Denyven            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    398.50  40.33          
 6 Danna Redford          Lynn Gunn                C   .     7     2   |   4     3     .    568.00  57.49  2.30Red 
 7 Peggy Johnston         David Johnston           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    532.50  53.90          
 8 David Kennedy          James Tanner             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    385.50  39.02          
 9 Rick Lepscier          Lynne Newman             A   3     .     .   |   2     .     .    609.00  61.64  5.23Red 
10 Benjamin Kelley        Edward Kelley IV         C   2     2     1   |   1     1     1    623.50  63.11  2.68*** 
11 Clara Minch            Laura Smith              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    368.00  37.25          
12 Mel Fineberg           Janet Fidelman           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    485.50  49.14          
13 Jerry Helms            Annabelle Hudmon         A   .     .     .   |   5     .     .    562.50  56.93  0.54Red 
                                          Totals                                           6615.00       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Henriette Mufich       Nelson Orth              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    463.50  46.91          
 2 Alexandra Starr        Roy Starr                C   .     .     5   |   .     .     .    507.50  51.37  0.97Red 
 3 Joyce Penn             Emmy Haji                A   .     .     .   |   5     .     .    537.00  54.35  0.54Red 
 4 Judith Kulic           Bert Kulic               B 9/10    4     .   |   2     1     .    585.50  59.26  3.04Red 
 5 Bill Kertes            Carolyn Feldman          A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    532.50  53.90          
 6 Marilyn Philips        Ivor Philips             C   .     .     4   |   .     3     1    518.50  52.48  1.29Red 
 7 Alfred Lee             Gregory Vernon           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    530.00  53.64          
 8 Margaret Mataga        Gloria Balfour           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    457.50  46.31          
 9 Philip Pearl           George Vasilevsky        A   6     .     .   |   1     .     .    594.50  60.17  2.68*** 
10 Beverly Bernhardt      Ernest Hurtado           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    393.00  39.78          
11 Bradley Ward           Roshen Hadulla           A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    540.50  54.71  0.94Red 
12 John Kohler            Beverly Hartin           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    518.50  52.48          
13 Gerry Piaget           Joan Piaget              B   .     .     .   |   3     2     .    556.00  56.28  1.34Red 
                                          Totals                                           6734.50       

------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  494.0 |TOP>  38 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |TOURN>LAS VEGAS REGIONAL
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=10/C=3                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Kim Wang               Michael Lo               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    463.50  46.91          
 2 Louis Block            Sanford Jones            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    402.00  40.69          
 3 Richard Wilburn        Randall Lake             B   .     .     .   |   2     1     .    549.00  55.57  2.04Red 
 4 Patrick Kallaus        Barbara Kallaus          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    475.50  48.13          
 5 Phyllis Allmacher      Judith Auer              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    467.00  47.27          
 6 Ingrid Fitzgerald      L John Postas            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1    411.00  41.60  1.00Red 
 7 Sylvia Wagner          Henry Zoellner           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    373.50  37.80          
 8 George Lewis Jr        Renee Hoffman            B   .     .     .   |   .     4     .    489.00  49.49  0.71Red 
 9 Marlene Warren-Gasper  David Gasper             A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    533.50  54.00  1.34Red 
10 Melinda Johnson        Marie Allison            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    370.00  37.45          
11 David Ruoff            Susan Ruoff              B   .     .     .   |   5     3     .    509.50  51.57  1.02Red 
12 Guy Brackett           Don Freeland             B   .     .     .   |   4     2     .    515.50  52.18  1.43Red 
13 George Chatel          Claire Chatel            A   .     .     .   |   1     .     .    550.50  55.72  2.68*** 
                                          Totals                                           6109.50       

1 ♠AQ2
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3♠  ♦3 ♥3 NT6
EW: 3 4 1NT  ♣2 ♠3
LoTT: 20 - 20 = 0
Par: -100 4♠*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  420         36.00   2.00  4♠ S 4    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  420         36.00   2.00  4♠ S 4    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  420         36.00   2.00  4♠ S 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  420         36.00   2.00  4♠ N 4    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H11-Minch-Smith
  420         36.00   2.00  4 N 4    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  400         33.00   5.00  5♣ S 5    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I2-Block-Jones
  250         32.00   6.00  3♣ W -5   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ S 4    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ S 4    H9-Yee-Yee vs H4-Cline-Cline
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ S 4    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ N 4    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G7-Kissel-Mani
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ N 4    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ N 4    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ N 4    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I1-Wang-Lo
  170         24.50  13.50  3♠ N 4    I2-Starr-Starr vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  170         24.50  13.50  2♠ S 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  170         24.50  13.50  2♠ N 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  170         24.50  13.50  2♠ N 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
  170         24.50  13.50  2♠ N 4    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
  170         24.50  13.50  2♠ N 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  170         24.50  13.50  2♠ N 4    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  150         17.00  21.00  3♣ N 5    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  140         15.50  22.50  3♠ N 3    G8-Williams-Williams vs G2-Reback-Reback
  140         15.50  22.50  2♠ N 3    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  130         13.50  24.50  4♣ N 4    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  130         13.50  24.50  3♣ N 4    G3-Gee-Porter vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  100         11.50  26.50  5* W -1  G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  100         11.50  26.50  5* E -1  G5-Keller-Idleman vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
   50         10.00  28.00  5 E -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        170    8.50  29.50  3 E 4    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        170    8.50  29.50  3 E 6    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        200    6.50  31.50  3 E 5    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        200    6.50  31.50  2 E 5    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        420    4.00  34.00  4 E 4    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        420    4.00  34.00  4 E 4    I6-Philips-Philips vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        420    4.00  34.00  4 E 4    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        450    1.50  36.50  5 E 5    G9-Dale-Dale vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        450    1.50  36.50  4 E 5    H10-Nies-Debree vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        690    0.00  38.00  4* E 5   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
2 ♠7543
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 3/2♠ 2NT  ♣4 ♦5/4
EW: 2♣ 2  ♥4 ♠4 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +140 3♠-N/3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         38.00   0.00  5* E -3  G5-Keller-Idleman vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
  170         35.00   3.00  3 N 4    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  170         35.00   3.00  3 N 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  170         35.00   3.00  2 S 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  170         35.00   3.00  2 N 4    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H11-Minch-Smith
  170         35.00   3.00  2 N 4    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    H3-Moore-Moore vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I1-Wang-Lo
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    I3-Penn-Haji vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    I6-Philips-Philips vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  140         24.00  14.00  3 N 3    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  140         24.00  14.00  2 S 3    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  140         24.00  14.00  2 S 3    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
  140         24.00  14.00  2 S 3    H9-Yee-Yee vs H4-Cline-Cline
  140         24.00  14.00  2 S 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  140         24.00  14.00  2 S 3    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  140         24.00  14.00  2 N 3    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  140         24.00  14.00  2 N 3    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  140         24.00  14.00  2 N 3    I2-Starr-Starr vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  140         24.00  14.00  2 N 3    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I10-Johnson-Allison
   50         15.00  23.00  4♣ E -1   G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G7-Kissel-Mani
         70   14.00  24.00  1 E 1    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
         90   13.00  25.00  1 E 2    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   G3-Gee-Porter vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   G9-Dale-Dale vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   H10-Nies-Debree vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I2-Block-Jones
        100    7.50  30.50  4 N -1   I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        100    7.50  30.50  3 N -1   G8-Williams-Williams vs G2-Reback-Reback
        130    1.50  36.50  4♣ E 4    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        130    1.50  36.50  3♣ E 4    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        200    0.00  38.00  4 N -2   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
3 ♠Q72
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2 2NT  ♦5 ♠6
EW: 1 1♠  ♣4 ♥5 NT5
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         34.50   3.50  3N S 3    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  400         34.50   3.50  3N N 3    G3-Gee-Porter vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  400         34.50   3.50  3N N 3    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  400         34.50   3.50  3N N 3    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
  400         34.50   3.50  3N N 3    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H11-Minch-Smith
  400         34.50   3.50  3N N 3    I3-Penn-Haji vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  400         34.50   3.50  3N N 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  400         34.50   3.50  3N N 3    I6-Philips-Philips vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  150         29.50   8.50  2N S 3    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
  150         29.50   8.50  1N S 3    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  130         25.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H4-Cline-Cline
  130         25.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  130         25.50  12.50  3♣ N 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
  130         25.50  12.50  2♣ S 4    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  130         25.50  12.50  2♣ S 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  130         25.50  12.50  2♣ S 4    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
  120         21.50  16.50  2N N 2    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  120         21.50  16.50  1N S 2    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  110         13.50  24.50  2 S 2    G9-Dale-Dale vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  110         13.50  24.50  2 S 2    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
  110         13.50  24.50  3♣ S 3    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  110         13.50  24.50  3♣ S 3    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  110         13.50  24.50  3♣ S 3    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  110         13.50  24.50  3♣ S 3    H9-Yee-Yee vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  110         13.50  24.50  3♣ S 3    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  110         13.50  24.50  3♣ N 3    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
  110         13.50  24.50  2♣ S 3    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  110         13.50  24.50  2♣ S 3    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  110         13.50  24.50  2♣ S 3    I2-Starr-Starr vs I2-Block-Jones
  110         13.50  24.50  2♣ S 3    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  110         13.50  24.50  2♣ S 3    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  110         13.50  24.50  2♣ N 3    H10-Nies-Debree vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
   90          6.00  32.00  2♣ S 2    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
         50    3.50  34.50  3 N -1   G8-Williams-Williams vs G1-Glick-Steiner
         50    3.50  34.50  3♣ S -1   G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G2-Reback-Reback
         50    3.50  34.50  3♣ S -1   G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G7-Kissel-Mani
         50    3.50  34.50  3♣ S -1   I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I1-Wang-Lo
        100    1.00  37.00  5♣ S -2   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        670    0.00  38.00  2♠* E 2   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
4 ♠K843
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1♠  ♦1 ♥5 NT4
EW: 6 2 3NT  ♣5 ♠6
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -1370 6-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         38.00   0.00  5 E -2   I6-Philips-Philips vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  100         35.50   2.50  3N W -1   G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  100         35.50   2.50  3N W -1   H12-Upton-Williams vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
  100         35.50   2.50  4 W -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  100         35.50   2.50  5 E -1   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        110   32.00   6.00  3 E 3    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G2-Reback-Reback
        110   32.00   6.00  3 E 3    H10-Nies-Debree vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        110   32.00   6.00  2 E 3    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        130   27.50  10.50  4 E 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        130   27.50  10.50  4 E 4    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        130   27.50  10.50  4 E 4    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        130   27.50  10.50  3 E 4    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        130   27.50  10.50  3 E 4    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        130   27.50  10.50  2 E 4    G8-Williams-Williams vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        150   23.50  14.50  3 E 5    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        150   23.50  14.50  3 E 5    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        170   20.00  18.00  3 E 6    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        170   20.00  18.00  3 E 6    I2-Starr-Starr vs I2-Block-Jones
        170   20.00  18.00  2 E 6    G9-Dale-Dale vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        170   20.00  18.00  2 E 6    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        170   20.00  18.00  2 E 6    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        200   17.00  21.00  3♠* S -1  I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        600   13.50  24.50  3N W 3    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        600   13.50  24.50  3N W 3    H9-Yee-Yee vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        600   13.50  24.50  3N W 3    I3-Penn-Haji vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        600   13.50  24.50  3N E 3    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        600   13.50  24.50  3N E 3    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        600   13.50  24.50  5 E 5    G3-Gee-Porter vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        620    8.00  30.00  4 W 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H4-Cline-Cline
        620    8.00  30.00  5 E 6    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        620    8.00  30.00  5 E 6    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        620    8.00  30.00  5 E 6    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        620    8.00  30.00  5 E 6    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        630    4.00  34.00  3N W 4    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I1-Wang-Lo
        630    4.00  34.00  3N E 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        630    4.00  34.00  3N E 4    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        660    2.00  36.00  3N W 5    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        750    1.00  37.00  5* E 5   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H11-Minch-Smith
       1270    0.00  38.00  3* E 6   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
5 ♠KJ432
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣6 ♦3 ♥4 NT4
EW: 1♣ 4 2 3NT  ♠5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -400 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         38.00   0.00  3♠ N 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  140         31.50   6.50  3♠ N 3    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  140         31.50   6.50  3♠ N 3    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  140         31.50   6.50  3♠ N 3    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  140         31.50   6.50  3♠ N 3    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  140         31.50   6.50  2♠ N 3    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  140         31.50   6.50  2♠ N 3    G3-Gee-Porter vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  140         31.50   6.50  2♠ N 3    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G7-Kissel-Mani
  140         31.50   6.50  2♠ N 3    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  140         31.50   6.50  2♠ N 3    H3-Moore-Moore vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  140         31.50   6.50  2♠ N 3    H12-Upton-Williams vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  140         31.50   6.50  2♠ N 3    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  140         31.50   6.50  3 N 3    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  110         22.50  15.50  2♠ N 2    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  110         22.50  15.50  2♠ N 2    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  110         22.50  15.50  2♠ N 2    H9-Yee-Yee vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
  110         22.50  15.50  2♠ N 2    I2-Starr-Starr vs I1-Wang-Lo
  110         22.50  15.50  2♠ N 2    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I2-Block-Jones
  110         22.50  15.50  2♠ N 2    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
   50         18.50  19.50  4 W -1   I3-Penn-Haji vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
   50         18.50  19.50  5 W -1   H10-Nies-Debree vs H4-Cline-Cline
         90   17.00  21.00  1N E 1    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        100   13.00  25.00  4♠ N -1   G8-Williams-Williams vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        100   13.00  25.00  3♠ N -1   G9-Dale-Dale vs G2-Reback-Reback
        100   13.00  25.00  3♠ N -1   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        100   13.00  25.00  3♠ N -1   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        100   13.00  25.00  3♠ N -1   I6-Philips-Philips vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        100   13.00  25.00  2♠ N -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        100   13.00  25.00  2♠ N -1   I1-Mufich-Orth vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        130    8.50  29.50  3 W 4    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        130    8.50  29.50  3 W 4    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        150    7.00  31.00  1N E 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        200    4.50  33.50  4♠ N -2   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H11-Minch-Smith
        200    4.50  33.50  4♠ N -2   I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        200    4.50  33.50  3♠* N -1  H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        200    4.50  33.50  2♠ N -2   H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        400    2.00  36.00  3N E 3    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        800    0.50  37.50  4♠* N -3  G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        800    0.50  37.50  4♠* N -3  H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
6 ♠J63
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦5 ♥2 ♠2 NT2
EW: 4♣ 1 5 5♠ 5NT
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: -660 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         38.00   0.00  4♠ E -2   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H11-Minch-Smith
  100         37.00   1.00  4♠ E -1   I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        140   36.00   2.00  3♠ E 3    H9-Yee-Yee vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        170   33.00   5.00  3♠ E 4    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        170   33.00   5.00  2♠ W 4    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        170   33.00   5.00  2♠ E 4    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        170   33.00   5.00  2 W 4    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        170   33.00   5.00  2 W 4    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        200   28.00  10.00  3♠ W 5    I3-Penn-Haji vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        200   28.00  10.00  3♠ W 5    I6-Philips-Philips vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        200   28.00  10.00  3♠ E 5    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        200   28.00  10.00  2♠ W 5    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        200   28.00  10.00  2♠ E 5    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I2-Block-Jones
        230   25.00  13.00  2♠ W 6    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        620   21.00  17.00  4♠ W 4    G3-Gee-Porter vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        620   21.00  17.00  4♠ W 4    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        620   21.00  17.00  4♠ E 4    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        620   21.00  17.00  4♠ E 4    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        620   21.00  17.00  4♠ E 4    H10-Nies-Debree vs H4-Cline-Cline
        620   21.00  17.00  4♠ E 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        620   21.00  17.00  4♠ E 4    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        630   16.50  21.50  4N E 4    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        630   16.50  21.50  3N W 4    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        650    8.50  29.50  5♠ W 5    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    G8-Williams-Williams vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    G9-Dale-Dale vs G2-Reback-Reback
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    H3-Moore-Moore vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ W 5    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ E 5    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ E 5    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ E 5    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ E 5    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        650    8.50  29.50  4♠ E 5    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        660    1.00  37.00  3N W 5    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
       1400    0.00  38.00  2♣* N -6  I2-Starr-Starr vs I1-Wang-Lo
7 ♠QT98
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1 5 1♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣4 ♦6 ♥2 ♠5 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +650 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  790         38.00   0.00  4* S 4   I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I1-Wang-Lo
  680         37.00   1.00  4 S 6    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  660         36.00   2.00  3N N 5    G3-Gee-Porter vs G2-Reback-Reback
  650         33.50   4.50  4 S 5    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  650         33.50   4.50  4 S 5    I6-Philips-Philips vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  650         33.50   4.50  4 S 5    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
  650         33.50   4.50  4 N 5    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    G9-Dale-Dale vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H4-Cline-Cline
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    H9-Yee-Yee vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I2-Block-Jones
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
  620         23.50  14.50  4 S 4    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  400         14.00  24.00  4♠ W -4   H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H11-Minch-Smith
  400         14.00  24.00  4♠ W -4   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  400         14.00  24.00  4 W -4   I7-Lee-Vernon vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  300         12.00  26.00  4 W -3   G8-Williams-Williams vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  200         10.00  28.00  3♠ W -2   I1-Mufich-Orth vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  200         10.00  28.00  3 S 5    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G7-Kissel-Mani
  200         10.00  28.00  2 S 5    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  170          7.00  31.00  3 S 4    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  170          7.00  31.00  2 S 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  170          7.00  31.00  2 S 4    I2-Starr-Starr vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  140          5.00  33.00  2 S 3    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        100    2.00  36.00  4 S -1   G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        100    2.00  36.00  4 S -1   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        100    2.00  36.00  4 S -1   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        100    2.00  36.00  4 S -1   H10-Nies-Debree vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        100    2.00  36.00  4 S -1   I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
8 ♠72
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦5 ♥1 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 2 6 5/6♠ 5/6NT
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -990 6NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         38.00   0.00  6♠ W -1   G8-Williams-Williams vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        480   31.00   7.00  5 E 6    G3-Gee-Porter vs G2-Reback-Reback
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    G9-Dale-Dale vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H11-Minch-Smith
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I1-Wang-Lo
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        480   31.00   7.00  4 W 6    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        480   31.00   7.00  4 E 6    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        480   31.00   7.00  4 E 6    H3-Moore-Moore vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        480   31.00   7.00  4 E 6    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        490   24.00  14.00  3N E 6    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        510   22.50  15.50  4 W 7    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        510   22.50  15.50  4 W 7    I6-Philips-Philips vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        980   12.50  25.50  6♠ E 6    H12-Upton-Williams vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    H10-Nies-Debree vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        980   12.50  25.50  6 W 6    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        980   12.50  25.50  6 E 6    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        980   12.50  25.50  6 E 6    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        980   12.50  25.50  6 E 6    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        980   12.50  25.50  6 E 6    I3-Penn-Haji vs I2-Block-Jones
        980   12.50  25.50  6 E 6    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        980   12.50  25.50  6 E 6    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        980   12.50  25.50  6 E 6    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        990    2.00  36.00  6N W 6    H9-Yee-Yee vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        990    2.00  36.00  6N W 6    I2-Starr-Starr vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        990    2.00  36.00  6N E 6    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H4-Cline-Cline
       1510    0.00  38.00  7 E 7    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
9 ♠J962
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣5 ♥5 ♠5 NT6
EW: 2♣ 2 2♠ 1NT  ♦6
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -110 2♠-EW/2-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  110         38.00   0.00  2 N 3    G3-Gee-Porter vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  100         34.00   4.00  2N W -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  100         34.00   4.00  2N W -1   I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  100         34.00   4.00  1N E -1   I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  100         34.00   4.00  3♠ E -1   I3-Penn-Haji vs I1-Wang-Lo
  100         34.00   4.00  3♠ E -1   I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  100         34.00   4.00  2♠ E -1   H12-Upton-Williams vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  100         34.00   4.00  1♠ E -1   G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G10-Dumford-Condon
   90         28.00  10.00  1N N 1    H3-Moore-Moore vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
   90         28.00  10.00  1N N 1    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I2-Block-Jones
   90         28.00  10.00  2 N 2    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
   90         28.00  10.00  2 N 2    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
   90         28.00  10.00  2 N 2    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G8-Burke-Terzian
         50   23.50  14.50  3 S -1   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H11-Minch-Smith
         50   23.50  14.50  3 N -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
         50   23.50  14.50  2 N -1   G7-Schulte-Holt vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
         50   23.50  14.50  2 N -1   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
         90   16.50  21.50  1N W 1    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
         90   16.50  21.50  1N W 1    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H4-Cline-Cline
         90   16.50  21.50  1N E 1    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G2-Reback-Reback
         90   16.50  21.50  1N E 1    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
         90   16.50  21.50  1N E 1    H9-Yee-Yee vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
         90   16.50  21.50  1N E 1    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I10-Johnson-Allison
         90   16.50  21.50  1N E 1    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
         90   16.50  21.50  1N E 1    I6-Philips-Philips vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
         90   16.50  21.50  1N E 1    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
         90   16.50  21.50  2♣ E 2    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        100   10.50  27.50  3 S -2   G8-Williams-Williams vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        100   10.50  27.50  2 N -2   I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        110    8.50  29.50  2♠ E 2    G9-Dale-Dale vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        110    8.50  29.50  2♠ E 2    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        120    5.00  33.00  1N E 2    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        120    5.00  33.00  1N E 2    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        120    5.00  33.00  1N E 2    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        120    5.00  33.00  1N E 2    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        120    5.00  33.00  1N E 2    I2-Starr-Starr vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        140    2.00  36.00  1♠ E 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        150    0.50  37.50  1N E 3    H10-Nies-Debree vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        150    0.50  37.50  2 N -3   H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
10 ♠94
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦4 ♥3 ♠5 NT3
EW: 4♣ 3 4 2♠ 4NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -630 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         38.00   0.00  3N E -1   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H11-Minch-Smith
        600   26.00  12.00  3N W 3    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        600   26.00  12.00  3N W 3    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        600   26.00  12.00  3N W 3    H9-Yee-Yee vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        600   26.00  12.00  3N W 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        600   26.00  12.00  3N W 3    I6-Philips-Philips vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        600   26.00  12.00  3N W 3    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    G3-Gee-Porter vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G2-Reback-Reback
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H3-Moore-Moore vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H10-Nies-Debree vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H4-Cline-Cline
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H12-Upton-Williams vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    I2-Starr-Starr vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        600   26.00  12.00  3N E 3    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I2-Block-Jones
        620   14.00  24.00  4 W 4    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        630    7.00  31.00  3N W 4    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    G8-Williams-Williams vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    G9-Dale-Dale vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I1-Wang-Lo
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        630    7.00  31.00  3N E 4    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        660    0.00  38.00  3N E 5    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
11 ♠8543
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣3 ♦4 ♠4 NT4
EW: 4♣ 3 3♠ 1NT  ♥5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         38.00   0.00  5♣* E -2  I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  140         36.50   1.50  3 S 3    G8-Williams-Williams vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  140         36.50   1.50  3 S 3    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  110         34.00   4.00  2 S 2    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  110         34.00   4.00  2 S 2    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  110         34.00   4.00  2 S 2    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  100         30.00   8.00  3♠ E -2   G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G2-Reback-Reback
  100         30.00   8.00  5♣ W -2   H10-Nies-Debree vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  100         30.00   8.00  5♣* E -1  G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  100         30.00   8.00  5♣ E -2   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H11-Minch-Smith
  100         30.00   8.00  5♣ E -2   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H4-Cline-Cline
   50         26.00  12.00  3 W -1   I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I2-Block-Jones
   50         26.00  12.00  5♣ E -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
   50         26.00  12.00  3♣ E -1   H12-Upton-Williams vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
         50   21.50  16.50  1N S -1   I6-Philips-Philips vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
         50   21.50  16.50  3 S -1   G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
         50   21.50  16.50  3 S -1   G3-Gee-Porter vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
         50   21.50  16.50  3 S -1   H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
         50   21.50  16.50  3 S -1   H3-Moore-Moore vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
         50   21.50  16.50  3 S -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        100   16.50  21.50  1N S -2   G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        100   16.50  21.50  4 S -2   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        100   16.50  21.50  3 S -2   H9-Yee-Yee vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        100   16.50  21.50  2 S -2   H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        110   14.00  24.00  3♣ E 3    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        130    9.00  29.00  4♣ E 4    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        130    9.00  29.00  4♣ E 4    G9-Dale-Dale vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        130    9.00  29.00  4♣ E 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        130    9.00  29.00  4♣ E 4    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        130    9.00  29.00  4♣ E 4    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        130    9.00  29.00  4♣ E 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        130    9.00  29.00  3♣ W 4    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        130    9.00  29.00  3♣ W 4    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        130    9.00  29.00  3♣ E 4    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        140    3.50  34.50  3♠ E 3    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        140    3.50  34.50  3♠ E 3    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        150    1.50  36.50  1N S -3   I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I1-Wang-Lo
        150    1.50  36.50  4♣ W 5    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        170    0.00  38.00  3♠ E 4    I2-Starr-Starr vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
12 ♠T93
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣5 ♥2 ♠1 NT3
EW: 1♣ 5 5♠ 3NT  ♦6
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -450 5♠-EW/5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        170   35.00   3.00  3 W 4    G8-Williams-Williams vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        170   35.00   3.00  3 W 4    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H11-Minch-Smith
        170   35.00   3.00  3 W 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        170   35.00   3.00  3 W 4    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        170   35.00   3.00  2 W 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        170   35.00   3.00  2 W 4    H10-Nies-Debree vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        170   35.00   3.00  1 W 4    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        200   21.50  16.50  3♠ E 5    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        200   21.50  16.50  3♠ E 5    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        200   21.50  16.50  3♠ E 5    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        200   21.50  16.50  3♠ E 5    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        200   21.50  16.50  3♠ E 5    I2-Starr-Starr vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        200   21.50  16.50  3♠ E 5    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I2-Block-Jones
        200   21.50  16.50  3♠ E 5    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        200   21.50  16.50  2♠ W 5    G3-Gee-Porter vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        200   21.50  16.50  2♠ W 5    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        200   21.50  16.50  2♠ W 5    I3-Penn-Haji vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        200   21.50  16.50  2♠ E 5    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        200   21.50  16.50  2♠ E 5    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        200   21.50  16.50  2♠ E 5    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I1-Wang-Lo
        200   21.50  16.50  3 W 5    H3-Moore-Moore vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        200   21.50  16.50  3 W 5    H12-Upton-Williams vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        200   21.50  16.50  3 W 5    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        200   21.50  16.50  3 W 5    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        200   21.50  16.50  2 W 5    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G2-Reback-Reback
        200   21.50  16.50  2 E 5    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        200   21.50  16.50  3 N -2   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        230    8.00  30.00  3♠ E 6    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        230    8.00  30.00  3♠ E 6    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        230    8.00  30.00  2♠ E 6    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        230    8.00  30.00  2♠ E 6    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        230    8.00  30.00  2♠ E 6    G9-Dale-Dale vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        230    8.00  30.00  2♠ E 6    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H4-Cline-Cline
        230    8.00  30.00  2♠ E 6    H9-Yee-Yee vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        450    2.50  35.50  4♠ E 5    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        450    2.50  35.50  4♠ E 5    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        450    2.50  35.50  4♠ E 5    I6-Philips-Philips vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        450    2.50  35.50  4♠ E 5    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        480    0.00  38.00  4♠ E 6    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
13 ♠852
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 4 2 4♠ 3/4NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦3 ♥5 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +630 4NT-S
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    G9-Dale-Dale vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  650         33.00   5.00  4♠ S 5    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  630         28.50   9.50  3N S 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  630         28.50   9.50  3N S 4    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  630         28.50   9.50  3N S 4    H9-Yee-Yee vs H11-Minch-Smith
  630         28.50   9.50  3N S 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
  630         28.50   9.50  3N S 4    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I1-Wang-Lo
  630         28.50   9.50  3N N 4    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  630         28.50   9.50  3N N 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G7-Kissel-Mani
  630         28.50   9.50  3N N 4    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I2-Block-Jones
  620         22.50  15.50  4♠ S 4    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G2-Reback-Reback
  620         22.50  15.50  4♠ S 4    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  620         22.50  15.50  4♠ S 4    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  620         22.50  15.50  4♠ S 4    I6-Philips-Philips vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  600         19.00  19.00  3N S 3    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  600         19.00  19.00  3N S 3    I2-Starr-Starr vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  600         19.00  19.00  3N S 3    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  200         17.00  21.00  3♠ S 5    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
  180         16.00  22.00  2N S 4    H10-Nies-Debree vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  170         13.00  25.00  3♠ S 4    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  170         13.00  25.00  3♠ S 4    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
  170         13.00  25.00  2♠ S 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  170         13.00  25.00  2♠ S 4    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
  170         13.00  25.00  2♠ S 4    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  140          8.00  30.00  3♠ S 3    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  140          8.00  30.00  3♠ S 3    H3-Moore-Moore vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  140          8.00  30.00  2♠ S 3    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  140          8.00  30.00  2♠ S 3    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  140          8.00  30.00  2♠ S 3    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        100    3.50  34.50  3N S -1   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        100    3.50  34.50  3N N -1   G3-Gee-Porter vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        100    3.50  34.50  4♠ S -1   G8-Williams-Williams vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        100    3.50  34.50  4♠ S -1   H12-Upton-Williams vs H4-Cline-Cline
        140    1.00  37.00  2♠ W 3    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        200    0.00  38.00  2N N -2   I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
14 ♠8532
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 4 3♠ 4NT  ♦6
EW: 1  ♣3/2 ♥3 ♠4 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +430 4NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  460         35.50   2.50  4N N 5    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  460         35.50   2.50  3N N 5    G3-Gee-Porter vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  460         35.50   2.50  3N N 5    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  460         35.50   2.50  3N N 5    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  460         35.50   2.50  3N N 5    H12-Upton-Williams vs H4-Cline-Cline
  460         35.50   2.50  3N N 5    I2-Starr-Starr vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  450         30.00   8.00  4 S 5    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  450         30.00   8.00  4 S 5    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  450         30.00   8.00  4 S 5    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  450         30.00   8.00  4 S 5    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
  450         30.00   8.00  4 N 5    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I2-Block-Jones
  430         26.50  11.50  3N N 4    G9-Dale-Dale vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  430         26.50  11.50  3N N 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  420         23.00  15.00  4♠ N 4    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G2-Reback-Reback
  420         23.00  15.00  4 S 4    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  420         23.00  15.00  4 S 4    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I1-Wang-Lo
  420         23.00  15.00  4 S 4    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  420         23.00  15.00  4 N 4    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  250         20.00  18.00  1N E -5   G5-Keller-Idleman vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  200         17.50  20.50  3 S 5    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  200         17.50  20.50  2 S 5    H9-Yee-Yee vs H11-Minch-Smith
  200         17.50  20.50  1 S 5    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  200         17.50  20.50  1 S 5    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
  170         14.50  23.50  2 S 4    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  170         14.50  23.50  2 S 4    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  150         13.00  25.00  2N S 3    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  140         11.00  27.00  3 S 3    I3-Penn-Haji vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
  140         11.00  27.00  2 S 3    H10-Nies-Debree vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  140         11.00  27.00  1 S 3    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  130          9.00  29.00  3♣ S 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G7-Kissel-Mani
         50    5.00  33.00  6N S -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
         50    5.00  33.00  3N N -1   I6-Philips-Philips vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
         50    5.00  33.00  4♠ N -1   G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G10-Dumford-Condon
         50    5.00  33.00  4♠ N -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H6-Redford-Gunn
         50    5.00  33.00  4 S -1   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
         50    5.00  33.00  4 N -1   G8-Williams-Williams vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
         50    5.00  33.00  4 N -1   H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        100    1.00  37.00  5♠ N -2   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        150    0.00  38.00  5♠ N -3   G13-Cox-Duryea vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
15 ♠K942
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦6 ♥1 ♠3 NT1
EW: 5♣ 1 6 4♠ 6NT
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         37.00   1.00  6N E -1   G9-Dale-Dale vs G10-Dumford-Condon
   50         37.00   1.00  6 W -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
   50         37.00   1.00  6 W -1   I6-Philips-Philips vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        420   35.00   3.00  4 W 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        450   28.00  10.00  5 W 5    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G2-Reback-Reback
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    H10-Nies-Debree vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I2-Block-Jones
        450   28.00  10.00  4 W 5    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        480   12.50  25.50  5 W 6    H12-Upton-Williams vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    G8-Williams-Williams vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    H3-Moore-Moore vs H11-Minch-Smith
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H4-Cline-Cline
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    I2-Starr-Starr vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        480   12.50  25.50  4 W 6    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        480   12.50  25.50  4 E 6    G3-Gee-Porter vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        480   12.50  25.50  4 E 6    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        480   12.50  25.50  4 E 6    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I1-Wang-Lo
        510    3.00  35.00  4 W 7    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        980    1.00  37.00  6 W 6    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        980    1.00  37.00  6 W 6    H9-Yee-Yee vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        980    1.00  37.00  6 W 6    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
16 ♠QT9764
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣4 ♦4 ♥4 NT5
EW: 3♣ 3 3 2NT  ♠6
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         38.00   0.00  4 E -4   G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  300         37.00   1.00  4 E -3   I7-Lee-Vernon vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  200         29.00   9.00  3N W -2   G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G7-Kissel-Mani
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   H10-Nies-Debree vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   I1-Mufich-Orth vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   I2-Starr-Starr vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I2-Block-Jones
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   I6-Philips-Philips vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  200         29.00   9.00  3N E -2   I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I1-Wang-Lo
  200         29.00   9.00  2N E -2   H3-Moore-Moore vs H11-Minch-Smith
  200         29.00   9.00  4 W -2   G3-Gee-Porter vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  200         29.00   9.00  5* W -1  H8-Steele-Johnson vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  100         15.00  23.00  3N W -1   H12-Upton-Williams vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  100         15.00  23.00  3N E -1   G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
  100         15.00  23.00  3N E -1   G9-Dale-Dale vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  100         15.00  23.00  3N E -1   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  100         15.00  23.00  3N E -1   H9-Yee-Yee vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  100         15.00  23.00  3N E -1   I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  100         15.00  23.00  3N E -1   I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  100         15.00  23.00  2N E -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  100         15.00  23.00  4 W -1   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  100         15.00  23.00  3 W -1   G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  100         15.00  23.00  3 W -1   G5-Keller-Idleman vs G2-Reback-Reback
  100         15.00  23.00  5♣ W -1   H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H4-Cline-Cline
  100         15.00  23.00  3♣ W -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
         50    8.00  30.00  2♠ N -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        100    7.00  31.00  3♠* N -1  I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        110    6.00  32.00  3♣ E 3    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        120    4.50  33.50  2N W 2    G8-Williams-Williams vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        120    4.50  33.50  2N E 2    I3-Penn-Haji vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        150    3.00  35.00  3♠ N -3   G7-Schulte-Holt vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        300    2.00  36.00  2♠* N -2  G13-Cox-Duryea vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        600    0.50  37.50  3N W 3    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        600    0.50  37.50  3N E 3    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
17 ♠42
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦3 ♥4 ♠5 NT5
EW: 2♣ 4 3 1♠ 2NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         38.00   0.00  3N W -1   I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I2-Block-Jones
         90   37.00   1.00  2 W 2    I2-Starr-Starr vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        100   36.00   2.00  2♠ S -2   I3-Penn-Haji vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        110   34.00   4.00  3 W 3    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        110   34.00   4.00  2 W 3    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        110   34.00   4.00  2 W 3    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        120   31.00   7.00  2N W 2    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        120   31.00   7.00  2N E 2    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        120   31.00   7.00  2N E 2    H12-Upton-Williams vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        130   28.00  10.00  3 W 4    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        130   28.00  10.00  3 E 4    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        130   28.00  10.00  2 W 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        150   19.00  19.00  2N W 3    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        150   19.00  19.00  2N W 3    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    G9-Dale-Dale vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    H9-Yee-Yee vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        150   19.00  19.00  2N E 3    I6-Philips-Philips vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        150   19.00  19.00  1N N -3   I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        150   19.00  19.00  1N E 3    G3-Gee-Porter vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        150   19.00  19.00  1N E 3    H10-Nies-Debree vs H11-Minch-Smith
        150   19.00  19.00  3♠ S -3   G7-Schulte-Holt vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        180   10.50  27.50  1N E 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        180   10.50  27.50  1N E 4    G8-Williams-Williams vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        250    9.00  29.00  3 N -5   I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        400    4.50  33.50  3N W 3    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G2-Reback-Reback
        400    4.50  33.50  3N W 3    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        400    4.50  33.50  3N W 3    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        400    4.50  33.50  3N E 3    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        400    4.50  33.50  3N E 3    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H4-Cline-Cline
        400    4.50  33.50  3N E 3    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I1-Wang-Lo
        400    4.50  33.50  3N E 3    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        400    4.50  33.50  3N E 3    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        430    0.00  38.00  3N W 4    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
18 ♠AK8
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2  ♦3 ♠3 NT3
EW: 3 3♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♥5
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         37.50   0.50  5♠ E -2   G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  100         37.50   0.50  4♠ E -2   G3-Gee-Porter vs G10-Dumford-Condon
   50         29.00   9.00  3N W -1   G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
   50         29.00   9.00  5♠ E -1   H3-Moore-Moore vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   G5-Keller-Idleman vs G1-Glick-Steiner
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   G7-Schulte-Holt vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   I1-Mufich-Orth vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   I3-Penn-Haji vs I10-Johnson-Allison
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I1-Wang-Lo
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   I7-Lee-Vernon vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
   50         29.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I2-Block-Jones
        140   21.00  17.00  3♠ E 3    I2-Starr-Starr vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        170   20.00  18.00  3♠ E 4    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ W 4    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G2-Reback-Reback
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H9-Yee-Yee vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H10-Nies-Debree vs H11-Minch-Smith
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H4-Cline-Cline
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    I6-Philips-Philips vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        420   11.50  26.50  4♠ E 4    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        450    1.50  36.50  4♠ E 5    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        450    1.50  36.50  4♠ E 5    G8-Williams-Williams vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        450    1.50  36.50  4♠ E 5    G9-Dale-Dale vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        450    1.50  36.50  4♠ E 5    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
19 ♠K3
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦6 ♥6 ♠4 NT6
EW: 1 1♠ 1NT  ♣6 ♥6
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -90 1NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         38.00   0.00  4 E -4   I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  300         36.50   1.50  3♠ E -3   G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G2-Reback-Reback
  300         36.50   1.50  2 W -3   H9-Yee-Yee vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  200         35.00   3.00  3N W -2   I2-Starr-Starr vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  100         25.00  13.00  3N W -1   I7-Lee-Vernon vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  100         25.00  13.00  3N W -1   I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   G5-Keller-Idleman vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   G7-Schulte-Holt vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H11-Minch-Smith
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   I1-Mufich-Orth vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  100         25.00  13.00  2N W -1   I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I1-Wang-Lo
  100         25.00  13.00  2♠ E -1   G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  100         25.00  13.00  2♠ E -1   G3-Gee-Porter vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
  100         25.00  13.00  2♠ E -1   G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  100         25.00  13.00  2♠ E -1   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
  100         25.00  13.00  3 W -1   I6-Philips-Philips vs I2-Block-Jones
  100         25.00  13.00  2 E -1   I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
         50   15.00  23.00  2 W -1   G13-Cox-Duryea vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
         90   12.50  25.50  1N W 1    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
         90   12.50  25.50  1N W 1    H3-Moore-Moore vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
         90   12.50  25.50  1N W 1    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
         90   12.50  25.50  1N W 1    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        110    9.50  28.50  2♠ E 2    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        110    9.50  28.50  2♠ E 2    I3-Penn-Haji vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        120    7.00  31.00  2N W 2    G8-Williams-Williams vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        120    7.00  31.00  2N W 2    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        120    7.00  31.00  2N W 2    H12-Upton-Williams vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        140    3.50  34.50  2♠ E 3    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        140    3.50  34.50  2♠ E 3    G9-Dale-Dale vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        140    3.50  34.50  2♠ E 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        140    3.50  34.50  2♠ E 3    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        150    1.00  37.00  2N W 3    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H4-Cline-Cline
        620    0.00  38.00  4 E 4    H10-Nies-Debree vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
20 ♠5
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 3NT  ♣3 ♥6 ♠5/4
EW: 4♣ 2♠  ♦3 ♥6 NT3
LoTT: 20 - 19 = +1
Par: +500 4♠*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H11-Minch-Smith
  660         36.00   2.00  3N S 5    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  660         36.00   2.00  3N N 5    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  630         32.50   5.50  3N N 4    G9-Dale-Dale vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  630         32.50   5.50  3N N 4    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  600         27.50  10.50  3N S 3    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  600         27.50  10.50  3N S 3    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  600         27.50  10.50  3N S 3    I2-Starr-Starr vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  600         27.50  10.50  3N N 3    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  600         27.50  10.50  3N N 3    G8-Williams-Williams vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  600         27.50  10.50  3N N 3    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  600         27.50  10.50  3N N 3    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I1-Wang-Lo
  600         27.50  10.50  5 N 5    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G7-Kissel-Mani
  300         23.00  15.00  3♠ W -3   I7-Lee-Vernon vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  150         20.50  17.50  4 N 5    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  150         20.50  17.50  4 N 5    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  150         20.50  17.50  3 N 5    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  150         20.50  17.50  3 N 5    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  130         17.50  20.50  4 N 4    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  130         17.50  20.50  3 N 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        100    9.00  29.00  3N S -1   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        100    9.00  29.00  6 N -1   I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   G3-Gee-Porter vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G2-Reback-Reback
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   G10-Fox-Friedel vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   G13-Cox-Duryea vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H4-Cline-Cline
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   H9-Yee-Yee vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   H10-Nies-Debree vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        100    9.00  29.00  5 N -1   I6-Philips-Philips vs I2-Block-Jones
        200    0.50  37.50  6 N -2   H3-Moore-Moore vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        200    0.50  37.50  6 N -2   I3-Penn-Haji vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
21 ♠AQT7
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣6 ♦3 ♥3/1 NT3
EW: 1♣ 4 4 2NT  ♠6
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -420 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         38.00   0.00  3N W -2   I2-Starr-Starr vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
   50         37.00   1.00  3 W -1   I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
         90   36.00   2.00  1N W 1    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        110   35.00   3.00  3 E 3    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        120   33.50   4.50  1N W 2    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        120   33.50   4.50  1N W 2    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        130   32.00   6.00  1 E 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        140   28.00  10.00  3 W 3    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        140   28.00  10.00  3 W 3    G9-Dale-Dale vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        140   28.00  10.00  3 W 3    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G2-Reback-Reback
        140   28.00  10.00  3 W 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        140   28.00  10.00  2 W 3    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        140   28.00  10.00  2 W 3    H3-Moore-Moore vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        140   28.00  10.00  2 W 3    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        170   21.50  16.50  3 W 4    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        170   21.50  16.50  3 W 4    H9-Yee-Yee vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        170   21.50  16.50  2 W 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        170   21.50  16.50  2 W 4    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        170   21.50  16.50  2 W 4    H10-Nies-Debree vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        170   21.50  16.50  2 W 4    H12-Upton-Williams vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        200   17.00  21.00  2 W 5    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        200   17.00  21.00  2 W 5    I6-Philips-Philips vs I1-Wang-Lo
        200   17.00  21.00  2 W 5    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        230    9.00  29.00  3 W 6    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    G8-Williams-Williams vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H4-Cline-Cline
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H11-Minch-Smith
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    I3-Penn-Haji vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        230    9.00  29.00  2 W 6    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        230    9.00  29.00  2 E 6    G3-Gee-Porter vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        420    1.00  37.00  4 E 4    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        420    1.00  37.00  4 E 4    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        420    1.00  37.00  4 E 4    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I2-Block-Jones
22 ♠76543
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 2♠  ♦2 ♥2 NT6
EW: 5 4 1NT  ♣4 ♠4
LoTT: 20 - 19 = +1
Par: -500 5♠*-NS-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  590         38.00   0.00  4♠* N 4   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  500         36.50   1.50  5* W -2  G7-Schulte-Holt vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  500         36.50   1.50  5* W -2  H3-Moore-Moore vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  420         34.50   3.50  4♠ N 4    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  420         34.50   3.50  4♠ N 4    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  200         31.50   6.50  5 W -2   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  200         31.50   6.50  5 W -2   I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I2-Block-Jones
  200         31.50   6.50  5 E -2   G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  200         31.50   6.50  5* E -1  G3-Gee-Porter vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  140         27.00  11.00  3♠ N 3    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  140         27.00  11.00  3♠ N 3    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  140         27.00  11.00  3♠ N 3    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G2-Reback-Reback
  140         27.00  11.00  3♠ N 3    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H4-Cline-Cline
  140         27.00  11.00  3♠ N 3    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  100         23.00  15.00  5 W -1   G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  100         23.00  15.00  4 W -1   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H11-Minch-Smith
  100         23.00  15.00  4 W -1   I2-Starr-Starr vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
         50   17.50  20.50  4♠ N -1   G9-Dale-Dale vs G7-Kissel-Mani
         50   17.50  20.50  4♠ N -1   H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
         50   17.50  20.50  4♠ N -1   I3-Penn-Haji vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
         50   17.50  20.50  4♠ N -1   I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
         50   17.50  20.50  5♣ N -1   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
         50   17.50  20.50  4♣ S -1   G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G10-Dumford-Condon
         50   17.50  20.50  4♣ S -1   H10-Nies-Debree vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
         50   17.50  20.50  4♣ S -1   I7-Lee-Vernon vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        100   11.00  27.00  5♠ N -2   I1-Mufich-Orth vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        100   11.00  27.00  5♣ S -2   H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        100   11.00  27.00  5♣ S -2   I6-Philips-Philips vs I1-Wang-Lo
        100   11.00  27.00  5♣ N -2   H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        100   11.00  27.00  5♣ N -2   H12-Upton-Williams vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        200    8.00  30.00  3 W 5    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        300    5.00  33.00  3♠* N -2  I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        300    5.00  33.00  5♣* S -2  G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        300    5.00  33.00  5♣* S -2  H9-Yee-Yee vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        300    5.00  33.00  5♣* S -2  I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        300    5.00  33.00  5♣* N -2  I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        500    2.00  36.00  4♠* N -3  I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        620    0.50  37.50  4 W 4    G8-Williams-Williams vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        620    0.50  37.50  4 W 4    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
23 ♠T2
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2  ♥3 ♠2 NT4
EW: 2 4/5♠ 3NT  ♣5 ♦5
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: -650 5♠-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        200   36.00   2.00  3♠ E 5    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        200   36.00   2.00  3♠ E 5    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
        200   36.00   2.00  3♠ E 5    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        200   36.00   2.00  2♠ W 5    G3-Gee-Porter vs G7-Kissel-Mani
        200   36.00   2.00  2♠ E 5    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I1-Wang-Lo
        500   33.00   5.00  4 N -5   G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        600   32.00   6.00  3N W 3    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
        620   30.50   7.50  4♠ E 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
        620   30.50   7.50  4♠ E 4    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ W 5    G9-Dale-Dale vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ W 5    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ W 5    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ W 5    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G2-Reback-Reback
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G8-Williams-Williams vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G1-Glick-Steiner
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H3-Moore-Moore vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H11-Minch-Smith
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H4-Cline-Cline
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H9-Yee-Yee vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H10-Nies-Debree vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H12-Upton-Williams vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    I2-Starr-Starr vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    I6-Philips-Philips vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I2-Block-Jones
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        650   14.50  23.50  4♠ E 5    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        650   14.50  23.50  4 W 5    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
24 ♠AQJ
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♥3 ♠6 NT4
EW: 3♣ 4 1♠ 3NT  ♦6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -420 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         37.00   1.00  6 W -2   I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I1-Wang-Lo
  100         37.00   1.00  5 W -2   G13-Cox-Duryea vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  100         37.00   1.00  4 W -2   I3-Penn-Haji vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   G3-Gee-Porter vs G7-Kissel-Mani
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   G5-Keller-Idleman vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H11-Minch-Smith
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   H10-Nies-Debree vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   H12-Upton-Williams vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   I6-Philips-Philips vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
   50         31.00   7.00  4 W -1   I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
   50         31.00   7.00  4 E -1   I2-Starr-Starr vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
        140   26.00  12.00  3 W 3    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I2-Block-Jones
        150   25.00  13.00  2N E 3    G8-Williams-Williams vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
        170   23.50  14.50  3 W 4    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        170   23.50  14.50  3 W 4    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G2-Reback-Reback
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    G9-Dale-Dale vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G10-Dumford-Condon
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H4-Cline-Cline
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
        420   13.00  25.00  4 W 4    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        420   13.00  25.00  4 E 4    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I10-Johnson-Allison
        450    1.50  36.50  4 W 5    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G8-Burke-Terzian
        450    1.50  36.50  4 W 5    H9-Yee-Yee vs H6-Redford-Gunn
        450    1.50  36.50  4 W 5    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
        450    1.50  36.50  4 E 5    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
25 ♠Q3
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 3 1♠ -/3NT
       ♣5 NT6/9
EW: 2♣  ♦2 ♥4 ♠5 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +400 3NT-S
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  650         38.00   0.00  3N* S 4   I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  470         37.00   1.00  2* N 2   I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
  400         36.00   2.00  3N S 3    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  300         35.00   3.00  2♠ W -3   H8-Steele-Johnson vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  200         33.50   4.50  2N E -2   G5-Keller-Idleman vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  200         33.50   4.50  4♣ W -2   G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
  180         32.00   6.00  2N S 4    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  150         29.50   8.50  1N S 3    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  150         29.50   8.50  4 N 5    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  150         29.50   8.50  4 N 5    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  150         29.50   8.50  3 S 5    G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G2-Reback-Reback
  130         24.50  13.50  4 N 4    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  130         24.50  13.50  4 N 4    H9-Yee-Yee vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  130         24.50  13.50  4 N 4    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  130         24.50  13.50  3 N 4    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I1-Wang-Lo
  130         24.50  13.50  3 N 4    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  130         24.50  13.50  2 N 4    H3-Moore-Moore vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  120         21.00  17.00  2N S 2    I6-Philips-Philips vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N 2    H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N 2    H12-Upton-Williams vs H11-Minch-Smith
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N 2    I3-Penn-Haji vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  110         18.50  19.50  2 N 2    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
   90         16.00  22.00  2 N 2    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G7-Kissel-Mani
         50   10.00  28.00  3N S -1   G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
         50   10.00  28.00  3N S -1   H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
         50   10.00  28.00  3N S -1   H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
         50   10.00  28.00  3N S -1   I1-Mufich-Orth vs I2-Block-Jones
         50   10.00  28.00  3N S -1   I2-Starr-Starr vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
         50   10.00  28.00  4 N -1   G3-Gee-Porter vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
         50   10.00  28.00  4 N -1   H10-Nies-Debree vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
         50   10.00  28.00  3 N -1   H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
         50   10.00  28.00  3 N -1   I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I10-Johnson-Allison
         50   10.00  28.00  2 N -1   H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
         50   10.00  28.00  5 N -1   G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
         90    4.00  34.00  2♣ W 2    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
        100    2.50  35.50  3N S -2   H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H4-Cline-Cline
        100    2.50  35.50  2N S -2   G8-Williams-Williams vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
        150    1.00  37.00  4 N -3   G9-Dale-Dale vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
        800    0.00  38.00  3N* S -4  I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
26 ♠6
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 4 2NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣5 ♦4 ♥3 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: +620 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         38.00   0.00  4♠* E -3  G1-Johnson-Johnson vs G2-Reback-Reback
  680         36.00   2.00  4 N 6    H4-Kelley-Kelley vs H8-Kennedy-Tanner
  680         36.00   2.00  4 N 6    H6-Smith-Dorrance vs H12-Fineberg-Fidelman
  680         36.00   2.00  4 N 6    I5-Kertes-Feldman vs I10-Johnson-Allison
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G2-Abadi-Silberstein vs G4-Kodama-Kodama
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G3-Gee-Porter vs G6-Arjani-Kitchiner Jr
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G4-Hildebrand-Hyde vs G8-Burke-Terzian
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G7-Schulte-Holt vs G1-Glick-Steiner
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G8-Williams-Williams vs G3-Ranney-Ranney
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G9-Dale-Dale vs G5-Hilding-Adams Jr
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G11-Nemmer-Brown vs G9-Figueiredo-Deeby
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    G12-Goldberg-Cupfender vs G11-Gambelin-Baskett
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    H3-Moore-Moore vs H6-Redford-Gunn
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    H8-Steele-Johnson vs H3-Grossmann-Bagley
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    H9-Yee-Yee vs H5-Denyven-Denyven
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    H12-Upton-Williams vs H11-Minch-Smith
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    H13-Ryder-Ryder vs H13-Helms-Hudmon
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    I1-Mufich-Orth vs I2-Block-Jones
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    I4-Kulic-Kulic vs I8-Lewis Jr-Hoffman
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    I8-Mataga-Balfour vs I3-Wilburn-Lake
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    I9-Pearl-Vasilevsky vs I5-Allmacher-Auer
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    I11-Ward-Hadulla vs I9-Warren-Gasper-Gasper
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    I12-Kohler-Hartin vs I11-Ruoff-Ruoff
  650         24.50  13.50  4 N 5    I13-Piaget-Piaget vs I13-Chatel-Chatel
  620          8.50  29.50  4 S 4    G6-Porterfield-Gehret vs G12-McCaffrey-McCaffrey
  620          8.50  29.50  4 S 4    H7-Marcucci-Rowe vs H1-McGowan-McGowan
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    G5-Keller-Idleman vs G10-Dumford-Condon
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    G13-Cox-Duryea vs G13-Duffek-Southworth
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    H1-Somogyi-Phua vs H2-McCormick-Dugas
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    H2-Amelkin-Amelkin vs H4-Cline-Cline
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    H10-Nies-Debree vs H7-Johnston-Johnston
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    H11-Chinn-Thiemmedh vs H9-Lepscier-Newman
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    I2-Starr-Starr vs I4-Kallaus-Kallaus
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    I3-Penn-Haji vs I6-Fitzgerald-Postas
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    I7-Lee-Vernon vs I1-Wang-Lo
  620          8.50  29.50  4 N 4    I10-Bernhardt-Hurtado vs I7-Wagner-Zoellner
  200          2.00  36.00  3 N 5    I6-Philips-Philips vs I12-Brackett-Freeland
        100    1.00  37.00  5 N -1   H5-Hirsch-Ramsey vs H10-Kelley-Kelley IV
        110    0.00  38.00  2♠ E 2    G10-Fox-Friedel vs G7-Kissel-Mani