Bridge Results

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ACBL District 19 Regionals and Events
3:00 pm ♦ Fri-Sat Bracketed Knockout Teams (finals) - Bkt 1
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery

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28 players with Masterpoints (16 with photos, 12 without photos)

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Chris Moore
31.76 MP

Stan Christie
31.76 MP

Aidan Ballantyne
22.23 MP

Gerry McCully
22.23 MP

Katrin Litwin
22.23 MP

Rhonda Foster
22.23 MP

Cameron Doner
12.70 MP

Dave Glen
12.70 MP

G Gard Hays
12.70 MP

Kay Enfield
12.70 MP

Patrick Dunn
12.70 MP

Polly Dunn
12.70 MP

Randy Corn
12.70 MP

Edward Frymoyer
2.38 MP

Laurence Betts
2.38 MP

Michael Yuen
1.19 MP


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