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ACBL Unit 539 - San Diego 1:00 ♦ San Diego Unit 999er Pairs Sunday, November 16, 2014 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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12 players with Masterpoints (8 with photos, 4 without photos)
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Cynthia Kohn 62.08% - 1.69 MP
Michael Kohn 62.08% - 1.69 MP
Virginia Wofford 54.17% - 0.95 MP
Craig Caldwell 53.75% - 1.12 MP
Gigette Caldwell 53.75% - 1.12 MP
Charles O'Malley 51.67% - 0.84 MP
Pam Nuccio 47.92% - 0.51 MP
Pat Sullivan 47.92% - 0.51 MP