Bridge Results
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Las Vegas Regional - District 17 7:00 ♦ Mon-Tue Knockout Teams - Final - Bkt 2 Monday, June 18, 2012 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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42 players with Masterpoints (21 with photos, 21 without photos)
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Brian Hingerty 25.37 MP
Janine Bibb 25.37 MP
Peter Petruzzellis 25.37 MP
Anita Heitler 14.50 MP
Cal Newlin Jr 14.50 MP
Don Heitler 14.50 MP
Flo Newlin 14.50 MP
Carol Emme 2.72 MP
Harold Emme 2.72 MP
Kevin Dwyer 2.72 MP
Michael Kamil 2.72 MP
Anam Tebha 1.36 MP
Ellis Feigenbaum 1.36 MP
Jay Whipple III 1.36 MP
Jerry Ranney 1.36 MP
Marjorie Michelin 1.36 MP
Steve Smolen 1.36 MP
Carolyn Newcomb 0.68 MP
Dolores Brenner 0.68 MP
Jerry Newcomb 0.68 MP
Kay Enfield 0.68 MP