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ACBL Unit 430 Sectionals and Events 10am, TBA ♦ Monday Open Swiss Teams Monday, May 18, 2015 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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154 players with Masterpoints (24 with photos, 130 without photos)
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Aidan Ballantyne 14.85 MP
John Hurdle 14.85 MP
Katrin Litwin 14.85 MP
Trudy Hurdle 14.85 MP
Gerry McCully 9.75 MP
James Wu 9.75 MP
Rhonda Foster 9.75 MP
Ron Beall 9.75 MP
Thomas Devine 9.75 MP
Laurence Betts 5.61 MP
Angela Fenton 4.91 MP
Mike Wilson 4.24 MP
Julie Smith 3.51 MP
Sheila Sache 2.97 MP
Edgar L'Heureux 2.31 MP
Dean Altschuler 1.37 MP
Bryan Maksymetz 1.20 MP
Cameron Doner 1.20 MP
Michael Yuen 1.20 MP
Samantha Nystrom 1.20 MP
Rock Shi Yan 0.90 MP
Sid Segal 0.90 MP
Larry Meyer 0.75 MP
Jennifer Ballantyne 0.60 MP