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Mesa Roadrunner Senior Regional - District 17 3:00 ♦ Stratified Swiss Teams Friday, April 1, 2016 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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68 players with Masterpoints (14 with photos, 54 without photos)
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John Jeffrey 4.18 MP
Marjorie Michelin 4.18 MP
Chris Champion 2.35 MP
Mary Olson 2.35 MP
Richard Olson 2.35 MP
Wendy Turk 2.35 MP
Clifford Hudson 2.09 MP
Joel Datloff 1.76 MP
Jon Bartlett 1.76 MP
Roger McNay 1.76 MP
Shay Kinney 1.03 MP
Hannah Moon 0.40 MP
Linda Smith 0.20 MP
William Carrell 0.20 MP