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ACBL Unit 361 Sectionals - Denver 2:00 ♦ Stratified Open Pairs - All Sessions Overall Saturday, March 12, 2016 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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142 players with Masterpoints (37 with photos, 105 without photos)
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Cal Newlin Jr 62.46% - 26.61 MP
Flo Newlin 62.46% - 26.61 MP
Chuck Henke 58.95% - 11.23 MP
Donald Vancil 58.95% - 11.23 MP
Judy Hummel 58.00% - 7.60 MP
Skip Carson 58.00% - 7.60 MP
Joseph Pieper 57.99% - 6.65 MP
En Hay 57.81% - 5.91 MP
Robert Vetter 57.02% - 5.32 MP
Linda Sundbye 56.67% - 4.44 MP
Bruce Cobb 56.55% - 4.09 MP
Andrea Johnson 56.47% - 5.15 MP
Brian Rink 56.47% - 5.15 MP
Sally Adams 56.21% - 3.86 MP
Steven Adams 56.21% - 3.86 MP
Gary Morrison 56.10% - 3.33 MP
Jonathan Hellman 56.10% - 3.33 MP
Chuck Goudey 55.25% - 3.13 MP
Dom Di Felice 55.18% - 2.96 MP
Sheryl Siegel 55.07% - 3.11 MP
Anita Heitler 54.52% - 2.73 MP
Don Heitler 54.52% - 2.73 MP
James McRae 54.12% - 2.94 MP
John Gallagher 54.12% - 2.94 MP
Joe Jenkins 53.42% - 0.88 MP
William Curtis 53.23% - 1.76 MP
Marcia Christopher 52.70% - 1.83 MP
Roger Pennell 52.14% - 0.92 MP
Carol Bertz 51.63% - 1.85 MP
Eva Johnson 51.62% - 2.52 MP
John Dukellis 49.74% - 0.94 MP
Thomas Thomas 47.59% - 0.59 MP
Eleanor Larson 46.27% - 0.84 MP
Shirley Baldaccini 45.04% - 0.64 MP
Stuart Davis 45.04% - 0.64 MP
Brian Hegarty 44.78% - 1.76 MP
Judy Bredall 44.78% - 1.76 MP