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Desert Empire Regional - District 17
1:30 & 7:15 ♦ Barrel Knockout Teams - (Tue-Wed) - Bkt 1
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery

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41 players with Masterpoints (20 with photos, 21 without photos)

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Eddie Wold
35.55 MP

Joshua Donn
35.55 MP

Justin Lall
35.55 MP

Mike Passell
35.55 MP

David Rankin
24.89 MP

Curtis Cheek
14.22 MP

Daniel Korbel
14.22 MP

Dwight Bender
14.22 MP

Haig Tchamitch
14.22 MP

Huub Bertens
14.22 MP

Marc Jacobus
14.22 MP

Ellen Anten
3.56 MP

John Mohan
3.56 MP

Steve Scott
3.56 MP

Suzette Wynn
3.56 MP

David Abelow
1.78 MP

Felicity Moore
1.78 MP

Marilyn Kalabsa
1.78 MP

Martha Roth
1.78 MP

Paul Darin
1.78 MP

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