Bridge Results
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La Jolla Beach and Tennis Bridge Club 1:00 pm ♦ Open Pairs Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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18 players with Masterpoints (11 with photos, 7 without photos)
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Murray Warmath 65.66% - 0.80 MP
Stephen Seagren 65.66% - 0.80 MP
Bette Cornelius 59.83% - 0.56 MP
Joseph Pennario 59.83% - 0.56 MP
Mary Lowe 56.93% - 0.40 MP
Buster Mico 55.03% - 0.40 MP
Tinker Mico 55.03% - 0.40 MP
Rich Custard 50.55% - 0.28 MP
Toby Burke 50.30% - 0.48 MP
Carole Lee Schreiber 48.06% - 0.34 MP
Merrel Olesen 48.06% - 0.34 MP