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Albuquerque Regional - District 17 9:00 ♦ Jicarilla Daylight Pairs - Session 1 Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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38 players with Masterpoints (10 with photos, 28 without photos)
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Darwin Afdahl 64.03% - 2.33 MP
Kay Afdahl 64.03% - 2.33 MP
Joe Jenkins 59.58% - 1.87 MP
Susan Krassy 59.58% - 1.87 MP
Judith La Crosse 58.89% - 2.33 MP
Paul La Crosse 58.89% - 2.33 MP
Jim Johnsen 56.67% - 1.63 MP
Paul Darin 56.67% - 1.63 MP
Greg Loran 54.72% - 1.63 MP
Marcus Evans 53.75% - 1.24 MP