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Pacific Southwest Regional - District 22 10:30 & 3:15 ♦ Compact Knockout Teams - Bkt 1 Tuesday, March 26, 2013 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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44 players with Masterpoints (31 with photos, 13 without photos)
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Darwin Afdahl 14.45 MP
Kay Afdahl 14.45 MP
Warren Cederborg 14.45 MP
Bunny Schmidt 10.12 MP
Pete Watt 10.12 MP
Robin Rodger 10.12 MP
David Oakley 6.50 MP
Freda Anderson 6.50 MP
Mary Huffaker 6.50 MP
Ronald Huffaker 6.50 MP
Marcie Musser 5.06 MP
Robert Todd 5.06 MP
Tom Breed 5.06 MP
Janice Joerger 1.35 MP
Lynne Newman 1.35 MP
Marilyn Kalabsa 1.35 MP
Randall Dougherty 1.35 MP
Brian Schoenfeld 1.08 MP
Bruce Wick 1.08 MP
Charlotte Blum 1.08 MP
Chris Moll 1.08 MP
Fumie Graves 1.08 MP
Jeremy Fields 1.08 MP
Lynn Wells 1.08 MP
Murray Goldman 1.08 MP
Ralph Baty 1.08 MP
Sally Ishihara 1.08 MP
Susan Stubinski 1.08 MP
Tammy Moll 1.08 MP
Yoko Davis 1.08 MP
Eddie Rose 0.54 MP