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Soledad Club
11:30 am ♦ Wednesday Morning Open Pairs Game
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery

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22 players with Masterpoints (20 with photos, 2 without photos)

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Bette Strauch
68.27% - 1.30 MP

John Strauch
68.27% - 1.30 MP

Jill Seagren
58.65% - 1.30 MP

Marianne Klayman
58.65% - 1.30 MP

M Ali Mahdavi
58.49% - 0.91 MP

Nicholas Krall
58.49% - 0.91 MP

Roger Doughman
58.01% - 0.91 MP

Suzanne LeBendig
58.01% - 0.91 MP

Alan Rowen
57.69% - 0.65 MP

Murray Warmath
57.69% - 0.65 MP

Fani Hason
57.53% - 0.46 MP

Wally Augustin
57.53% - 0.46 MP

Chris Hastie
57.21% - 0.65 MP

Debra Sherman
57.21% - 0.65 MP

David Oakley
56.57% - 0.46 MP

Mac Busby
56.57% - 0.46 MP

Gail Dunham
56.25% - 0.32 MP

Jeremy Fields
56.25% - 0.32 MP

Sharon Gabriel
52.40% - 0.40 MP

Nikki Gilberg
49.84% - 0.28 MP

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