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Soledad Club
11:30 am ♦ Wednesday Morning Open Pairs Game
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery

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30 players with Masterpoints (22 with photos, 8 without photos)

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Bob Moore
68.27% - 1.30 MP

Freda Anderson
68.27% - 1.30 MP

Pat Chapman
65.87% - 0.91 MP

Scott Nelson
65.87% - 0.91 MP

Robin Rodger
58.49% - 0.91 MP

Sam Madison
58.49% - 0.91 MP

Bette Strauch
57.69% - 0.65 MP

John Strauch
57.69% - 0.65 MP

Jane Petering
56.09% - 0.65 MP

Julie Halliday
56.09% - 0.65 MP

George Bessinger
54.17% - 0.46 MP

Marc Matz
54.17% - 0.72 MP

Pat Sullivan
54.17% - 0.72 MP

William Grant
54.17% - 0.46 MP

Murray Warmath
54.01% - 0.50 MP

Charles O'Malley
52.88% - 0.32 MP

Marjorie O'Malley
52.88% - 0.32 MP

Jill Seagren
51.92% - 0.36 MP

Stephen Seagren
51.92% - 0.36 MP

Bruce Sherman
51.28% - 0.25 MP

Judd Halenza
45.67% - 0.32 MP

Ronald Ignelzi M.D.
41.99% - 0.22 MP


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