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Soledad Club 11:30 ♦ Open Game Monday, September 25, 2023 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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14 players with Masterpoints (10 with photos, 4 without photos)
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Freda Anderson 67.41% - 1.20 MP
Jeremy Fields 67.41% - 1.20 MP
Andrew Loh 63.33% - 0.84 MP
Suresh Mahajan 63.33% - 0.84 MP
Jon Wright 55.19% - 0.60 MP
Suzanne LeBendig 55.19% - 0.60 MP
Phyllis Yates 54.81% - 0.42 MP
Cameron Cotton 51.85% - 0.24 MP
Greg House 51.85% - 0.24 MP
Barbara Augustine 51.11% - 0.48 MP