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Soledad Club 11:30 ♦ Cotton-House Open Pairs Monday, July 1, 2024 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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22 players with Masterpoints (16 with photos, 6 without photos)
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Freda Anderson 64.81% - 1.10 MP
Jerry Miller 64.81% - 1.10 MP
Cameron Cotton 60.49% - 1.10 MP
Greg House 60.49% - 1.10 MP
Judy Rimer 59.88% - 0.77 MP
Norton Rimer 59.88% - 0.77 MP
Judy Laxer 58.10% - 0.55 MP
Wirt Gilliam 58.10% - 0.55 MP
Gregory Chaffee 54.73% - 0.77 MP
Lamya Agelidis 54.73% - 0.77 MP
Richard Gabriel 53.70% - 0.64 MP
Sharon Gabriel 53.70% - 0.64 MP
Patricia Wilkey 53.50% - 0.45 MP
Raghubir Mathur 51.85% - 0.45 MP
Ramey Farah 51.85% - 0.45 MP
Bridget Poizner 51.23% - 0.32 MP
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