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ACBL District 19 Regionals and Events 10:00 am, TBA ♦ Sunday A/X Swiss Teams (two sessions) Sunday, October 20, 2013 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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93 players with Masterpoints (12 with photos, 81 without photos)
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Chris Moore 8.47 MP
Marty McCune 5.02 MP
G Gard Hays 4.30 MP
John Cox 2.97 MP
Dudley Brown 2.24 MP
Dave Grubbs 1.40 MP
Patrick Dunn 1.40 MP
Polly Dunn 1.40 MP
Stephen Hosch 1.40 MP
Thomas Cheng 1.12 MP
Chuck Burns 0.84 MP
Richard Mallon 0.56 MP