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Cleveland Whist Club (ACBL Unit 125)--Sectionals 11:00am ♦ Stratified Swiss Teams--B/C/D Sunday, November 3, 2013 Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery
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88 players with Masterpoints (39 with photos, 49 without photos)
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Henry Essig 7.00 MP
Joseph Radvansky 7.00 MP
Lawrence Wills 5.25 MP
Robert Carroll 5.25 MP
Chang-Li Lu 3.94 MP
Keith Klafehn 3.36 MP
Robert Ryan 3.36 MP
Chantal Whitney 2.95 MP
Donna Largent 2.95 MP
Barbara Speer 2.52 MP
James Bell III 2.52 MP
Donald Southam 2.00 MP
Lawrence Boyd 1.89 MP
Ronald Lew 1.89 MP
Bonnie Goodman 1.75 MP
Marlene Zinamon 1.75 MP
Victor Vertes 1.75 MP
Earl Sharrow 1.49 MP
Audrey May 0.92 MP
Marilyn Doman 0.92 MP
Molly Fainer 0.92 MP
Rosemarie Sanscrainte 0.92 MP
Rosemary Kleis 0.92 MP
Wayne Ward 0.92 MP
Bill Hogsett 0.69 MP
Dennis Kelly 0.69 MP
George Lupone 0.69 MP
Georgia Laikos 0.69 MP
JoLee Nazworth 0.69 MP
Marian Heiser 0.69 MP
Peggy Friedman 0.69 MP
Karen O'Hara 0.58 MP
Katherine Ingalls 0.58 MP
Joan Barzilai 0.46 MP
Judy Saccogna 0.46 MP
Mady Kaiser 0.46 MP
Patti Perlmuter 0.46 MP
Rhona Jacobson 0.46 MP
Katie Hines 0.23 MP
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