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William Bartley

William Bartley - Profile

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Friends (26)


Alan Gailfus

Alan Gailfus

Avil Shuttes

Avril Shutts

Barbara Augustine

Barbara Augustine

Branko Obradavch

Branko Obradovic

Budak Barkan

Budak Barkan

Christine Denny

Christine Denny

David Abelow

David Abelow

Debbie Gailfus

Debbie Gailfus

Dorn Bishop

Dorn Bishop

Joel Hoersch

Joel Hoersch

John Coufal

John Coufal

Jon Wright

Jon Wright

Linda Willingham

Linda Willingham

Malcolm Jarvis

Maritha Pottenger

Maritha Pottenger

Marvin French

Marvin French

Paul Darin

Paul Darin

Phyllis Yates

Phyllis Yates

Rick Roeder

Rick Roeder

Robert Rosenblum

Robert Rosenblum

Roger Zellmer

Roger Zellmer

Timothy Flaherty

Timothy Flaherty

Wally Augustin

Wally Augustin


William Bartley   

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