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Robin Rodger

Robin Rodger - Profile

News Feed




Friends (18)

Alana Shapley

Alana Shapley

Belton Allen

Bette Strauch

Bette Strauch

David Abelow

David Abelow

Fani Hason

Fani Hason

Freda Anderson

Freda Anderson

Gary Mollenkopf

Gary Mollenkopf

Kathleen Byrne

Lamya Agelidis

Lamya Agelidis

Lane Campbell

Lane Campbell

Liliane Kirchhoff

Liliane Kirchhoff

Linda Gu

Patricia Loh

Patricia Loh

Paul Darin

Paul Darin

Peter Zari

Peter Zari

Sam Madison

Sam Madison

Wally Augustin

Wally Augustin

Wirt Gilliam

Wirt Gilliam


Robin Rodger   

City, State:

San Diego, CA

ACBL Unit:

539, District 22

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