Bridge Results

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Request a New Account for your Bridge Club or Tournament

For a "player account" to see your personal results, go to the Login Page and fill the bottom section. The form on this page is to request a "club account" to be able to publish game results.

This account will give you access to the administration tools to create your custom calendar of bridge games, and upload the results for each game. The ACBLmerge program runs automatically for you on the uploaded result files. The advanced detailed results can be published within minutes of finishing the game, with only a few clicks, and with no programming skill required.

The yearly fee to access the administration tools is $120 per year for an unlimited number of games, or $90 per year if you only have one weekly game (maximum of 6 games in any given month). You can have a 1-month free trial period to test these tools. Fill the form below to request an account. After validation you will receive an email with instructions to create your account.

Type of Account:

ACBL District:

ACBL Unit:

Bridge Club
or Tournament Name:

Contact Name:

Contact Email: