Shirley Rhodes - Bridge Game Results Graph
Date |
Location |
Game |
Partner |
Result |
Points |
1-May-19 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
10:00 ♦ Wednesday DDBC |
Ann Christensen |
52.88 |
0.40 |
30-Apr-19 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
12:30 ♦ open strat |
Judith Lee Hannaford |
45.71 |
26-Apr-19 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
1:00 ♦ Fri open Pairs |
Jane Meginnis |
40.60 |
24-Apr-19 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
10a ♦ Dixie DBC |
Judith Lee Hannaford |
47.22 |
23-Apr-19 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
12:30 ♦ open strat |
Judith Lee Hannaford |
34.26 |
18-Apr-19 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
1 pm ♦ Thu Strat Pairs |
Mary Kay Imdieke |
48.38 |
10-Apr-19 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
10:00 ♦ Wed AM DDBC |
Marjorie Bayle |
33.56 |
6-Mar-18 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
12:30 ♦ open strat |
Kay Besteman |
40.48 |
20-Feb-18 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
12:30 ♦ open strat |
Kay Besteman |
51.25 |
0.25 |
15-Feb-18 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
12:30 ♦ Thursday Strat Pairs |
Kay Besteman |
38.43 |
8-Feb-18 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
12:30 ♦ Thu Strat Pairs |
Kay Besteman |
53.47 |
0.50 |
30-Jan-18 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
12:30 ♦ open strat |
Kay Besteman |
55.71 |
0.35 |
24-Jan-18 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
1000 ♦ Open strat pairs |
Marjorie Bayle |
42.98 |
24-Jan-18 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
1000 ♦ Open strat pairs |
Marjorie Bayle |
43.27 |
17-Jan-18 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
1000 ♦ Open strat pairs |
Jack Smart |
46.99 |
10-Jan-18 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
1000 ♦ Open strat pairs |
Jack Smart |
46.63 |
7-Jan-18 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
12:00 ♦ Pro AM |
Bill Milligan |
45.00 |
29-Nov-17 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
10: 00 ♦ Open start pairs |
Suzun Abbott |
48.73 |
15-Nov-17 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
10: 00 ♦ Open start pairs |
Jack Smart |
51.08 |
0.25 |
8-Nov-17 |
Dixie DBC, St George, UT |
10:00 ♦ Open Strat pairs |
Jack Smart |
52.10 |
0.39 |
2-Aug-17 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
10:30a ♦ Dixie DBC strat pairs |
Marjorie Bayle |
40.28 |
26-Jul-17 |
St. George Bridge Clubs |
10:30 ♦ Dixie DBC |
Lorrie Broman |
50.74 |
11-May-15 |
ACBL Unit 354 Sectionals and Events |
12.30 pm ♦ Unit wide game Kiva |
Sherman Cohen |
48.88 |
46.02 |
2.14 |
23 games
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using BridgeResults.net.
If you want to see more games listed, contact your club management and ask them to signup for BridgeResults.net!
23 pair games