Kathy Schenk - Bridge Game Results
With Sonja Shiner Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 351 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 354 Sectionals and Events
Bridge On Shea
Desert Empire Regional - District 17
In Tempo Bridge Club
Mesa Roadrunner Senior Regional - District 17
Palm Springs Regional - District 22
All Partners
Andy Neugarten
Anne Marie Harrington
Barbara Rothman
Barbara Steiner
Barry Goulding
Bernie Fromm
Bernie Katchen
Bud Marsh
Carol Kasle
Casey Stern
Chris McNaughton
David Ochiai
Deborah Russell
Dena Goldston
Dennis Kasle
Donna Johnson
Donna Katz
Fran Bernstein
Gary Dubro
Jackie Haugen
Janet Newman
Jill Grundland
Jim Ritts
Joan Cremin
John Anthony
John Babb
John Urciuoli
Judy McNaughton
Judy Silberman
Katherine Smith
Kathy Litterman
Ken Batko
Ken Holtzman
Kenneth Klein
Kim Corbin
Lawrence Marcus
Lawrence Teitel
Leonard Marks
Linda Mitchell
Linda Wiener
Macrae Kennedy
Madeline Bloom
Marc Bernstein
Marc Raphael
Marianne Spanier
Marilynne Hartstein
Mark Gross
Mark Litterman
Mark Neils
Marvin Schenk
Mary Bernstein
Maxine Sanders
Mecha Mattson
Merle Arlen
Oris Mowry
Page Tomkinson
Pat Sandler
Patricia Potter
Patricia Turberg
Patti Ensminger
Paul Harris
Paula Cohen
Phil Hodes
Renay Danto Weiner
Sallie Dillian
Sharon Teitel
Sharon Wallack
Shelley Housley
Si Wasserstrom
Sonja Shiner
Steve Scott
Suzette Wynn
Thomas Windler
14 games
Points in grey are non-final awards of multi-session events. The final awards are shown in black for the last session
and include awards from all sessions. Therefore the grey numbers are not added to the total.
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using BridgeResults.net.
If you want to see more games listed, contact your club management and ask them to signup for BridgeResults.net!
14 pair games