Jane Warach - Bridge Game Results
With Lorraine O'Donnell Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 159 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 380 - Las Cruces
All Partners
Ashley Erwin
Barbara Crews
Beatrice Cannarsa
Bernice Williams
Catherine Tompkins
Cindy Osborn
Dale Koenig
Dan Anthony
Debra Driscoll
Dixie Wicker
Ellen Eastman
Eugene Myers
Fernando Mabini,Jr
Gary Bingham
Gustavo Gonzalez
Herbert Woods Jr
Jack Neumann
Jerald Gershowitz
Joe Guthrie
Kismet Sozer
Lois Applebaum
Lorraine O'Donnell
Louise Guthrie
Lyn McKee
Mary Sue Erramouspe
Pat Lama
Patrick Haughey
Philip Anderson
Philip Dangel
Reggie Feuille
Robert Craig
Russell Johnson
Trish Adams
William Crews
16 games
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using BridgeResults.net.
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16 pair games