Paul Harris - Bridge Game Results
With Linda Thieken Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 351 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 354 Sectionals and Events
Bridge On Shea
Desert Empire Regional - District 17
In Tempo Bridge Club
Las Vegas Regional - District 17
Mesa Roadrunner Senior Regional - District 17
Palm Springs Regional - District 22
All Partners
Ali Raza
Alice Bendheim
Andrew De Leon
Andy Neugarten
Anne Marie Harrington
Barbara Sacks
Bruce Yee
Bud Marsh
Buzz Farnes
Carol Johns
Carole Feingold
Chris McNaughton
Daniel Lavine
Daniel Nelson
Deborah Russell
Deborah Weiss
Dena Goldston
Don Simon
Donald Housley
Elizabeth Erling
Evan Lancaster
Fred Batko
Heather Cook
Henry Tate
James Lenertz
Janet Newman
Jean McCullough
Jeanne Wiley
Jeff Chasan
Jessie Brunswig
Jill Grundland
Joan Beuchel
John Babb
John Urciuoli
Judith Blass Washor
Judy Brew
Julee Landau
Karla Reynolds
Kathern Plenge
Kathy Litterman
Kathy Schenk
Kaye Kulesh
Leonard Marks
Linda Thieken
Linda Wiener
Madeline Bloom
Mario Vazquez
Mark Litterman
Mary Giza
Mecha Mattson
Pat Linville
Pat Sandler
Patricia Turberg
Paula Cohen
Richard Gitter
Robert Dyer
Ronald Feingold
Shelley Housley
Sheryl Martin
Vinda Gross
Vivian Nicholas
1 games
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using
If you want to see more games listed, contact your club management and ask them to signup for!
1 pair games