Frederick Berry - Bridge Game Results
With Sharon Teitel Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 351 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 354 Sectionals and Events
Bridge On Shea
Desert Empire Regional - District 17
In Tempo Bridge Club
Mesa Roadrunner Senior Regional - District 17
All Partners
Alan Salem
Allen Silberman
Antoni Baranski
Arlene Karel
Barbara Paton
Barbara Recht
Barry Smolkin
Bert Nelson
Bunita Bullard
Carron Landau
Casey Stern
Daniel Coughenour
Daniel Lavine
Daniel Nelson
Debbie Reichow
Dee Horwitz
Dena Goldston
Dennis Mitchell
Don Simon
Elaine Sarko
Eliot Minsker
Ellen Gross
Ernie Olness
Fran Bernstein
Frank Leonard
Fred Nachman
Garrison Singer
Gerald Viedrah
Harry Weindruch
Honey Klein
James Rowland
Jean Joseph
Jeffrey Arenson
Jennifer O Neill
Jerry Gaer
Jill Grundland
Joan Cremin
Judith Blass Washor
Kandi Osborne
Kerry Brothers
Lawrence Teitel
Leon Gildin
Linda Tucker
Liselotte Pouh
Marcello Gambacort
Marcia Dalton
Mark Gross
Marvin Schenk
Mary Fisher
Mary Hirschfeld
Mary shapiro
Mecha Mattson
Merle Arlen
Mike Copeland
Murali Nair
Norma Arlen
Page Tomkinson
Phebe Packer
Rhoda Lindzon
Richard Diogo
Richard Hunt
Richard Peress
Robert Kreutzer
Robyn Amis
Ronald Grantz
Sally Buckwalder
Sandy Belfer
Scott Donaldson
Sharon Teitel
Sonja Shiner
Tad Hofkin
William Ahern
1 games
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using
If you want to see more games listed, contact your club management and ask them to signup for!
1 pair games