Val Brown - Bridge Game Results
With Fernando Mabini,Jr Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 159 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 380 - Las Cruces
Albuquerque Regional - District 17
All Partners
Ashley Erwin
Ashok Bhakta
Barbara Crews
Barbara Harrid
Beatrice Cannarsa
Betty Banta
Beverly Thrasher
Carli Metheny
Cindy Osborn
Dayna Curlin
Dixie Wicker
Donald Klenke
Edgar Flores
Estella Levy
Eugene Myers
Fernando Mabini,Jr
Florence Senkowsky
Gerald Sullivan
Gloria Lavis
Gustavo Gonzalez
Herbert Woods Jr
Jack Neumann
Jenny Ayer
Jerald Gershowitz
John Moore
Joseph Anderson
Joyce Canavan
Kay Searcy
Leigh Broadway
Marcia Pickens
Marian Paton
Mary Railey
Nancy Lealos
Pamela Vandertulip
Pat Hotaling
Pat Lama
Peter Peca, Jr
Philip Anderson
R Liguori
Robert Craig
Russell Johnson
Ruth Pepe
Selina Whitworth
Sharon Benedict
Sharon Butterworth
Sheila Goebel
Sis Hardie
Stanley Marcus
Stephen Nordberg
Susan Hjalmquist
Teresa Peevey
Tom Wicker
Trish Adams
William Crews
1 games
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1 pair games