Kay - Bridge Game Results
With Fernando Mabini,Jr Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 159 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 380 - Las Cruces
Albuquerque Regional - District 17
All Partners
Ashley Erwin
Ashok Bhakta
Barbara Crews
Barbara Harrid
Barbara Smith
Betty Banta
Beverly Thrasher
Christy Horton
Cindy Osborn
Cynthia Milazzo
Dan Anthony
Dayna Curlin
Dixie Wicker
Eleanor Mueller
Ella Duncan
Ellen Eastman
Ellen Saad
Fernando Mabini,Jr
Gerald Sullivan
Gordon Bunge
Herbert Woods Jr
Jane Beatty
Jeff Harry
Jerald Gershowitz
Joanne Gnauck
John Mann
Joseph Anderson
Judy Crumley
Karl Swartz
Kismet Sozer
Leigh D'Antonio
Liz Ashby
Lorena Moore
Lorraine O'Donnell
Marcia Pickens
Marsha Chanoux
Maurrissa Smookler
Mike Coopersmith
Nancy Marcus
Nancy Stockton
Nathan Black
Pat Lama
Patricia Handly
Patricia Smith
Patrick Haughey
Patty Nickerson
Paul Ritters
Peter Peca, Jr
Philip Anderson
Phyllis Saltzstein
Reggie Feuille
Renee O'Donnell
Robert Craig
Robert Esch
Russell Johnson
Sam Lawless
Sandra Myers
Sara Blaugrund
Sharon Benedict
Sheila Goebel
Sis Hardie
Sondy Lillebo
Susan Hjalmquist
Teresa Peevey
Val Brown
Wayne Evans
William Crews
4 games
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using BridgeResults.net.
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4 pair games