William Claymon - Bridge Game Results
With Edwin Kilburn Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 351 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 354 Sectionals and Events
Bridge On Shea
In Tempo Bridge Club
Mesa Roadrunner Senior Regional - District 17
All Partners
Art Hausman
Bruce Urben
Bud Ross
Carol Kasle
Carol Urben
Casey Stern
Clark Ransom
Dan Betts
David Divine
Dee Eilers
Dennis Kasle
Derbin Lindgren
Don Murray
Edwin Kilburn
Eugene Ross
Jack Rosenstock
Janet Matthews
Joe Greenberg
Judy Gordon
June Young
Kandi Osborne
Karen Lee
Kathy Wiggins
Leon Gildin
Lynda Strusiner
Lynne Schuster
Marc Freeman
Marvin Waxman
Maxeen Claymon
Myrna Crane
Neil Goldstein
Pamela Levy
Pat Sandler
Pati Chasnoff
Penni Brodey
Robbin Lieberman
Rod Houston
Ron Winicour
Stewart Metosky
Tony Kassler
7 games
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using BridgeResults.net.
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7 pair games