Harry T. Johnson - Bridge Game Results
With Paul E. Gettys, II Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 159 Sectionals and Events
ACBL Unit 380 - Las Cruces
All Partners
Carole R Lister
Dan Anthony
David G Lynch
Dia Musante
Dick Bagby
Gary Mann
Gen Dillenbeck
Glenna Lowe
Hector Escarpita
James Denton
Jane Tomchik
Jeanne Zwiebel
Jerry Swaim
Julie Reiser
Kathy Clark
Katy Fitzgerald
L Allen
Linda Randall
Loretta Vigil
Margaret (Peg) M Kenny
Martin Poel
Mary Denise Zagariello
Mary Johnson
Mary Zawacki
Pat Allen
Paul E. Gettys, II
Philip Dangel
Phyllis Brantley
Ray Hendon
Rob Van Ekeren
Robert Francis
Robie Troesler
Sandra Miles
Selma Ryave
Stephanie Morgan
Sue Brown
Wayne Pribble
3 games
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3 pair games