Jean Hupka - Bridge Game Results
With Lisa Geiger Graph
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All Clubs
ACBL Unit 359 - Boulder Bridge
ACBL Unit 360 Sectionals - Colorado Springs
ACBL Unit 361 Sectionals - Denver
ACBL Unit 363 - Northern Colorado Bridge
Colorado Springs Regional - District 17
Denver Regional - District 17
Pacific Southwest Regional - District 22
All Partners
Alan Bell
Andrea Johnson
Barbara Yoshimura
Betsy Messerschmidt
Brian Knowles
Carol A Barkovsky
Carol Ward
Celeste Landry
Clark Clark
Clinton Heiple
David Corbin
Diane Mayer
Donna Plowman
Doris Niemann
Elizabeth Coulon
Ellen Freedman
Eve Davenport
Fran Vanecko
Gary Greene
Gary Steiner
Ida Noher
James Smith
Jane Drayer
Jane Martin
Jeanne Gray
Jeff Hyman
Jim Hoerlein
Jim Johnson
Joseph Pieper
Judith Hardie
Junlin Long
Kelly Wawrzynek
Laurie Simons
Leslie Haase
Lisa Geiger
Marsha Henry Calhoun
Marty Freedman
Merun Nasser
Michael Cooperman
Michael Hupka
Mindy Smith
Mitzi Moore
Nell Parnell
P Lynn Stuart
Paul Flanders
Peggy Ware
Peter Bihari
Pranav Barve
Raj Joshi
Reiko Raese
Robin Avery
Robin Elliott
Rosalyn Bianchi
Sally Ann Rhea
Sandra Johnson
Sandra-Leigh Serio
Sara Incognita
Scott Needham
Sharon Baumann
SonyA Rhodes
Suzanne Jones
Terry Galusha
Thad Smith
Tim Niebauer
Tom Lang
Wayne Leanza
William Brackett
Willis Johnson
Zetta Feder
1 games
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1 pair games