Jeff Matthews - Bridge Game Results
With Katie Nutter Graph
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All Clubs
Bridge On Shea
In Tempo Bridge Club
All Partners
Alaka Kale
Alan Greenbaum
Antonietta Santopadre
Arleen Kaizer
Audrey Hollander
Barbara Mark
Barbara Mellman Davis
Barbara Pianin
Brenda Koblick
Bruce Urben
Carmel Robbins
Charles Smith
Claudette Raphael
Colin Ives
Dan Betts
David Meyer
Dick Abell
Don Murray
Dot Tideman
Elayne Zack
Eliza Katzin
Elizabeth Erling
Ellen Tryba
Esme Scanlin
Ginny Wexler
Jill Sandler
Jim Hansen
Jim Williams
Joan Salke
Joel Glassman
John Kelpfer
Judith Militello
Judith Passon
Judy Cecka
Julie Beckvall
Julieen Crane
June Young
Karen Greenberg
Karl Nicholas
Kathleen Ashby
Katie Nutter
Kazuko Kim
Kim Cohos
Kim Kovach
Lee Greif
Linda Hardy
Lois Hollander
Marion Alleman
Marnie Higgins
Mattie H Ohl
Mattie Ohl
Merri Davis
Myron Weintraub
Nannette Pearson
Neil Goldstein
Patrica Bogacz
Patricia Darling
Paul Vaccaro
Paula Nadell
Penny Keaton
Peter Mattingly
Ralph Segal
Robert Belton
Robert Galler
Rod Houston
Ronald Doubek
Samuel Robbins
Sandra Paley
Sandy Salomon
Shannon Healy
Shelly Migdal
Shirley Burns
Terry Brown
Trish Schulte
1 games
This list only includes the games played at the bridge clubs and tournaments using
If you want to see more games listed, contact your club management and ask them to signup for!
Katie Nutter
1 pair games