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Janice Joerger

Janice Joerger - News Feed

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Friends (78)

Abe Gleiberman

Abe Gleiberman

Alex Fowlie

Alex Fowlie

Alice Lane

Alice Lane

Allan Palansky

Allan Palansky

Anthony Lubowe

Anthony Lubowe

Barbara Naschold

Barbara Naschold

Benita Nadler

Bob Friedman

Bob Friedman

Bridget Poizner

Bridget Poizner

Cameron Cotton

Cameron Cotton

Carol Abramowitz

Carol Abramowitz

Carol Frank

Carol Veit

Charles Gilman

Charles Gilman

Cheryl Rodzach

Cheryl Rodzach

Chrissy Fried

Chrissy Fried

Christine Denny

Christine Denny

Chuck Burns

Chuck Burns

Chuck Siggins

Deb Bowyer

Deborah Goldsmith

Deborah Goldsmith

Florence Cohen

Florence Cohen

Freda Anderson

Freda Anderson

Ginger Calvert

Ginger Calvert

Harriet Smith

Harriet Smith

Holly Wilson

J Spencer Emtage

J Spencer Emtage

Jan Gallagher

Jan Gallagher

Jane Petering

Jane Petering

Jerry Miller

Jerry Miller

Joan Kroener

Joan Kroener

Joe Monro

Joel Hoersch

Joel Hoersch

John Sack

John Sack

Joyce Pickersgill

Joyce Pickersgill

Judy Gruenberger

Judy Gruenberger

Judy Laxer

Judy Laxer

Judy Litman

Judy Litman

Lawrence Erickson

Lawrence Erickson

Lois Hausman

Lorraine Gordon

Lorraine Gordon

Marc Matz

Marc Matz

Maria Marshall

Marilyn Kalabsa

Marilyn Kalabsa

Marina Fomenkova

Marjorie Vandenberg

Marjorie Vandenberg

Meena Sethi

Meena Sethi

Melvyn Klein

Michael Farber

Mike Munson

Mike O'Leary

Mike Ullman

Murray Goldman

Murray Goldman

Nancy Klemens

Neill Currie

Nourit Chowaiki

Pat Larin

Pat Larin

Pat Matsumoto

Pat Matsumoto

Patricia Loh

Patricia Loh

Peter Clark

Peter Clark

Rhonda Monro

Richard Gold

Richard Katz

Roberto Verthelyi

Rosemary Hinkfuss

Rosie Zakarian

Rosie Zakarian

Ruth Aronsohn

Sandra Gagnon

Sandra Gagnon

Sue Kane

Sue Kane

Susan Fakhimi

Thomas White

Vic Dhooge

Vic Dhooge

Vicki Creamer

Vicki Creamer

Vilma Boettcher

Vivienne Whitworth

Wally Augustin

Wally Augustin

Wayne Sottosanti

Yvonne Gallagher

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Phyllis Yates Judy Laxer

24-Mar-25 Phyllis Yates and Judy Laxer

Phyllis Yates and Judy Laxer scored 0.23 masterpoints with a 51.85% game at Soledad Club. See full results of this game.

Judy Laxer Freda Anderson

23-Mar-25 Judy Laxer and Freda Anderson

Judy Laxer and Freda Anderson scored 3.35 masterpoints with a 60% game at ACBL Unit 526 - La Jolla. See full results of this game.

23-Mar-25 Sorena Fakhimi and Susan Fakhimi

Sorena Fakhimi and Susan Fakhimi scored 0.72 masterpoints with a 61.9% game at ACBL Unit 526 - La Jolla. See full results of this game.

Alice Lane Linda Willingham

17-Mar-25 Alice Lane and Linda Willingham

Alice Lane and Linda Willingham scored 0.35 masterpoints with a 52.78% game at Soledad Club. See full results of this game.

Janice Joerger Jerry Miller

16-Mar-25 Janice Joerger and Jerry Miller

Janice Joerger and Jerry Miller scored 0.54 masterpoints with a 47.32% game at ACBL Unit 539 - San Diego. See full results of this game.

Linda Atkinson Bridget Poizner

16-Mar-25 Linda Atkinson and Bridget Poizner

Linda Atkinson and Bridget Poizner scored 1.04 masterpoints with a 53.86% game at ACBL Unit 539 - San Diego. See full results of this game.

Jane Petering Julie Halliday

10-Mar-25 Jane Petering and Julie Halliday

Jane Petering and Julie Halliday scored 0.48 masterpoints with a 51.16% game at Soledad Club. See full results of this game.

9-Mar-25 Sorena Fakhimi and Susan Fakhimi

Sorena Fakhimi and Susan Fakhimi scored 1.36 masterpoints with a 65.18% game at ACBL Unit 526 - La Jolla. See full results of this game.

Barbara Augustine

3-Mar-25 Mike Ullman and Barbara Augustine

Michael Ullman and Barbara Augustine scored 0.22 masterpoints with a 42.8% game at Soledad Club. See full results of this game.

Freda Anderson Jerry Miller

3-Mar-25 Freda Anderson and Jerry Miller

Freda Anderson and Jerry Miller scored 0.43 masterpoints with a 56.79% game at Soledad Club. See full results of this game.

Abe Gleiberman Janice Joerger

3-Mar-25 Abe Gleiberman and Janice Joerger

Abe Gleiberman and Janice Joerger scored 0.28 masterpoints with a 49.38% game at Soledad Club. See full results of this game.

Freda Anderson Judy Laxer

2-Mar-25 Freda Anderson and Judy Laxer

Freda Anderson and Judy Laxer scored 1.48 masterpoints with a 56.17% game at ACBL Unit 539 - San Diego. See full results of this game.

Jane Petering

2-Mar-25 Jane Petering and Kathleen Byrne

Jane Petering and Kathleen Byrne scored 0.75 masterpoints with a 43.21% game at ACBL Unit 539 - San Diego. See full results of this game.

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